public void HandlePipeMessage(string arg)
            if (arg != string.Empty)
                Uri            uri            = new Uri(arg);
                Nexus.NexusUrl nexusUrl       = new Nexus.NexusUrl(uri);
                int            correctedIndex = -1;
                Dispatcher.Invoke(() => correctedIndex = gamePicker.SelectedIndex);
                if (nexusUrl.GameName != _currGame.Name_Nexus)
                    var games = _db.GetCollection <Game>("games").FindAll().ToList();
                    correctedIndex = games.FindIndex(x => x.Name_Nexus == nexusUrl.GameName);

                if (correctedIndex >= 0)
                    Task.Run(() =>
                        Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(async() =>
                            gamePicker.SelectedIndex = correctedIndex;
                            await _modManager.CreateMod(_currGame, nexusUrl);
                        }), DispatcherPriority.ApplicationIdle);
                    MessageBox.Show("Error: You are trying to install a mod for a game you don't have on your machine or isn't configured");

            //Thread t = new Thread(_modManager.CreateMod);
        public MainWindow(Mutex mutex, DatabaseContext_Main db, Service_JsonParser jsonParser,
                          NamedPipeManager npm, List <DatabaseContext_Profile> profiles, ProfilesManager profMngr, Nexus.NexusUrl modUri = null)

            _mutex            = mutex;
            _jsonParser       = jsonParser;
            _db               = db;
            _dbProfiles       = profiles;
            _currProfileDb    = _dbProfiles.FirstOrDefault(x => _currGame.Id == x.GameId);
            _namedPipeManager = npm;
            _profilesManager  = profMngr;
            _mulConverter     = new MultiplicationMathConverter();
            _addConverter     = new AdditionMathConverter();


            mainGrid.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() =>
                _accountHandler = new AccountHandler(WhenLogsIn);
                _modManager = new ModManager(_currProfileDb, ModList_View, Downloads_View, _accountHandler);
                profilePicker.SelectionChanged += profilePicker_SelectionChanged;

                if (modUri != null)
                    _modManager.CreateMod(_currGame, modUri).GetAwaiter();
                _db.UpdateCurrentGame(_currGame, SetGame);

            if (!_namedPipeManager.IsRunning)
                Task.Run(async() => await _namedPipeManager.Listen_NamedPipe(Dispatcher));