/// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="owner"></param>
        /// <param name="externalRow"></param>
        private void ImportIntoOwner(DataRow externalRow, DataItemCollection owner)
            // If we have an owner and we're exporting an external row, set our row as a new row of the owner's table
            if (owner != null)
                _owner = owner;
                _row   = _owner.InnerTable.NewRow();

            // Set matching fields, check against the stand-alone item's fields
            for (int i = 0; i < this.InnerTable.Columns.Count; i++)
                // Get the name of the field
                string fieldName = this.InnerTable.Columns[i].ColumnName;

                // Get the index of the field for this item's row, can be different from the stand-alone version we're checking against
                int currentRowIndex = _row.Table != this.InnerTable ? _row.Table.Columns.IndexOf(fieldName) : i;

                // Get the index of the field in the external row
                int externalRowIndex = externalRow.Table.Columns.IndexOf(fieldName);

                if (currentRowIndex > -1 && externalRowIndex > -1)
                    // Apply the data to the collection row only if both the internal row and the external row have field
                    _row[currentRowIndex] = externalRow[externalRowIndex];
                else if (externalRowIndex > -1)
                    // Apply the data to the retrieved field row since we already have it
                    if (_retrievedFieldRow == null)
                        // Create it if it's missing
                        _retrievedFieldRow = this.InnerTable.NewRow();
                    _retrievedFieldRow[i] = externalRow[externalRowIndex];
                    // Otherwise mark it is as missing for RetrieveMissing to collect later on if necessary

            // This is a new addition June 3 2007
            if (owner != null)
        internal void SetParentCollection(DataItemCollection owner)
            if (owner == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("owner");

            // Don't allow if item is already in collection-owned mode
            if (_owner != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot change the parent collection of an item that already belongs to a different collection.");

            // Import our own row as an external row specifying an owner
            ImportIntoOwner(this.Row, owner);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes an item with existing row data, either collection-based on independent mode.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="externalRow">
        ///	The row containing the item's data.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="owner">
        /// The collection that is creating the item. If null, the item is created as an independent item.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="copyLocal">
        /// If false, data is not copied into the internal table even if there is no owner specified.
        /// </param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        /// If externalRow does not belong to the owner's InnerTable, the data will be imported into
        /// the owner's table as a new row (or imported into the item's independent table if no owner is specified).
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// Fields that exist in the independent version of the item but do not exist in the external row will be
        /// marked as "missing" so that if they are referenced in code their value will be retrieved on-demand.
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        protected internal DataItem(DataRow externalRow, DataItemCollection owner, bool copyLocal) : this()
            // If no external row is specified, use a new empty row from the owner or the inner table
            if (externalRow == null)
                externalRow = owner != null?owner.InnerTable.NewRow() : InnerTable.NewRow();

            // Collect missing column names
            _missingFields = new ArrayList();

            // Row data needs to be imported since we're not attaching to a collection
            if (copyLocal && (owner == null || externalRow.Table != owner.InnerTable))
                ImportIntoOwner(externalRow, owner);
                _row   = externalRow;
                _owner = owner;

                // Look for missing fields
                foreach (DataColumn column in _table.Columns)
                    if (_row.Table.Columns.IndexOf(column.ColumnName) < 0)

            if (!copyLocal || _owner != null)
                // We don't need the table any more since we have an owner collection
                _table = null;
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="externalRow"></param>
 /// <param name="owner"></param>
 protected internal DataItem(DataRow externalRow, DataItemCollection owner) : this(externalRow, owner, true)