Beispiel #1

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>By default, the combo box will display all columns in its data source without row or column
        /// headers, all columns will be auto-sized to the longest item within each column, and auto-completion
        /// is enabled.</remarks>
        public MultiColumnComboBox()
            this.MouseTracking = true;

            ddsDropDownFormat = new DropDownTableStyle();
            ddsDropDownFormat.GridColumnStyles.CollectionChanged += GridColumnStyles_CollectionChanged;
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>By default, the combo box will display all columns in its data source without row or column
        /// headers, all columns will be auto-sized to the longest item within each column, and auto-completion
        /// is enabled.</remarks>
        public MultiColumnComboBox()
            this.MouseTracking = true;

            ddsDropDownFormat = new DropDownTableStyle();
            ddsDropDownFormat.GridColumnStyles.CollectionChanged += GridColumnStyles_CollectionChanged;
        /// <summary>
        /// This is used to initialize the drop-down styles and data source
        /// </summary>
        private void InitDropDown()
            DropDownTableStyle ddts = owner.DropDownFormat;

            int rowCount, rowHeight, headerHeight = 0, idx = 0, totalSize = 0, rowHeaderWidth = ddts.RowHeaderWidth;

            // Must check this before we set the data source otherwise, columns are added by default
            bool autoSize = (ddts.GridColumnStyles.Count == 0);

            dgDropDown.Font        = owner.DropDownFont;
            dgDropDown.RightToLeft = owner.RightToLeft;
            this.BackColor         = dgDropDown.BackgroundColor = owner.DropDownBackColor;
            this.Cursor            = owner.Cursor;

            // Set the data source and apply style settings.  If there is a data source, use it.
            ddts.MappingName      = owner.MappingName;
            dgDropDown.DataMember = owner.BindingPath;

            if (owner.DataSource != null)
                // If bound to a relationship, use the object collection
                if (ddts.MappingName == dgDropDown.DataMember && ddts.MappingName.IndexOf('.') != -1)
                    ddts.MappingName = "ObjectCollection";
                    dgDropDown.DataSource = owner.Items;
                    dgDropDown.DataSource = owner.DataSource;
            if (ddts.MappingName == "ValueType" || ddts.MappingName == "String")
                // Value and string types require a wrapper or they don't show up correctly
                ValueItem[] viArray = new ValueItem[owner.Items.Count];

                for (int collIdx = 0; collIdx < owner.Items.Count; collIdx++)
                    viArray[collIdx] = new ValueItem(owner.Items[collIdx]);

                ddts.MappingName = "ValueItem[]";
                dgDropDown.DataSource = viArray;
            else        // It must be an object collection
                dgDropDown.DataSource = owner.Items;

            // Filter the columns if necessary and clear the headers if auto-sizing and they aren't visible.
            // Clearing the header text is necessary so that we get an accurate size.
            StringCollection filter = owner.ColumnFilter;

            if (filter.Count != 0 || (autoSize && !ddts.ColumnHeadersVisible))
                for (idx = 0; idx < ddts.GridColumnStyles.Count; idx++)
                    if (filter.Count != 0 && !filter.Contains(ddts.GridColumnStyles[idx].MappingName))
                    if (autoSize && !ddts.ColumnHeadersVisible)
                        ddts.GridColumnStyles[idx].HeaderText = String.Empty;

            // Row Header Width and Column Headers Visible seem to get overridden so restore them
            ddts.RowHeaderWidth             = rowHeaderWidth;
            dgDropDown.ColumnHeadersVisible = ddts.ColumnHeadersVisible;

            // Only auto-size if the user didn't specify any columns
            if (autoSize)

            // Sum the width of the columns and take the opportunity to auto-size columns with a width of zero.
            // This only happens if the user specified column definitions.
            idx = 0;

            foreach (DataGridColumnStyle col in ddts.GridColumnStyles)
                // Replace default null text where needed
                if (col.NullText == "(null)")
                    col.NullText = ddts.DefaultNullText;

                if (col.Width == 0)
                    DataGridHelper.AutoSizeColumn(dgDropDown, idx);

                totalSize += col.Width;

            // Use the specified width or figure out the initial width
            if (owner.DropDownWidth != 0)
                totalSize = owner.DropDownWidth;
                if (ddts.RowHeadersVisible)
                    totalSize += rowHeaderWidth;

                if (idx != 0 && totalSize < owner.Width - 2)
                    // Stretch the last column to fit the width
                    ddts.GridColumnStyles[idx - 1].Width += owner.Width - totalSize - 2;
                    totalSize = owner.Width;
                if (idx == 0)
                    totalSize = owner.Width;
                    totalSize += 2;

            // Enforce a minimum width
            if (totalSize < 30)
                totalSize = 30;

            this.Width = totalSize;

            // Set default height
            rowCount = DataGridHelper.RowCount(dgDropDown);

            if (rowCount != 0 && ddts.GridColumnStyles.Count > 0)
                rowHeight = dgDropDown.GetCellBounds(0, 0).Height + 1;
                rowHeight = dgDropDown.PreferredRowHeight;

            // Figure out column header height if visible.  This is a little ugly but it works.
            if (ddts.ColumnHeadersVisible)
                while (dgDropDown.HitTest(rowHeaderWidth + 2, headerHeight).Type == DataGrid.HitTestType.ColumnHeader)

            if (rowCount > owner.MaxDropDownItems)
                rowHeight = (rowHeight * owner.MaxDropDownItems) + headerHeight;

                // Adjust width to account for the scrollbar
                this.Width += MultiColumnComboBox.DropDownButtonWidth;
                rowHeight = (rowHeight * rowCount) + headerHeight;

            this.Height    = rowHeight + this.Height - dgDropDown.Height;
            hasInitialized = true;