/// <summary>
        /// Checks parameters provided by the GUI and delegates values to database which saves them.
        /// </summary>
        public void Create(ProjektTable pj)
            // check data once again
            IRule lnhsv = new LettersNumbersHyphenSpaceValidator();
            IRule posintv = new PositiveIntValidator();
            IRule slv = new StringLength150Validator();
            IRule dv = new DateValidator();

            // call eval methods

            // check for errors
            if (lnhsv.HasErrors || slv.HasErrors || posintv.HasErrors || dv.HasErrors)
                throw new InvalidInputException("Invalid values provided by GUI");

            // reformat data string
            pj.Projektstart = GlobalActions.ParseToSQLiteDateString(pj.Projektstart);

            // send values to database
            catch (SQLiteException ex)
                this.logger.Log(Logger.Level.Error, ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);
                throw new DataBaseException(ex.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Projekt
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The sending object</param>
        /// <param name="e">The event args</param>
        private void CreateProjekt(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // hide label
            this.projektNeuMsgLabel.Text = string.Empty;

            // define Rules
            IRule lnhsv = new LettersNumbersHyphenSpaceValidator();
            IRule slv = new StringLength150Validator();

            ProjektTable projekt = new ProjektTable();

            // bind values
            projekt.Projektname = DataBindingFramework.BindFromString(this.projektNeuProjekttitelTextbox.Text, "Projekttitel", this.projektNeuMsgLabel, false, lnhsv, slv);

            if (lnhsv.HasErrors || slv.HasErrors)
            { this.projektNeuMsgLabel.Text = "Projektname ungültig!"; }

            // no Angebot chosen or first element chosen (which is empty) -> show error label
            if (this.projektErstellenAngebotCombobox.SelectedIndex <= 0)
                this.projektNeuMsgLabel.Text += "\nKein Angebot ausgewählt";
                this.projektNeuMsgLabel.ForeColor = Color.Red;
            // Angebot chosen - get ID out of ComboBox
                string s_angebotID = this.projektErstellenAngebotCombobox.SelectedItem.ToString();
                s_angebotID = s_angebotID.Substring(0, s_angebotID.IndexOf(':'));

                IRule posint = new PositiveIntValidator();
                IRule datev = new DateValidator();

                projekt.AngebotID = DataBindingFramework.BindFromInt(s_angebotID, "AngebotID", this.projektNeuMsgLabel, false, posint);
                projekt.Projektstart = DataBindingFramework.BindFromString(this.projektNeuStartdatumDatepicker.Value.ToShortDateString(), "Startdatum", projektNeuMsgLabel, false, datev);

                // Check for errors while databinding
                if (this.projektNeuMsgLabel.Visible)
                    this.logger.Log(Logger.Level.Error, projekt.AngebotID + " is an invalid Angebot ID or invalid date chosen or invalid project name.");

                // get Kunde table out of Database
                AngebotManager loader = new AngebotManager();
                List<AngebotTable> results = loader.Load(projekt.AngebotID, new DateTime(1900, 1, 1), new DateTime(2100, 1, 1), this.projektNeuMsgLabel, true);

                // there must be exactly one result, for ID is unique!
                if (results.Count != 1)
                    this.logger.Log(Logger.Level.Error, "More than one Angebot returned - impossible, because ID is unique!");
                    this.projektNeuMsgLabel.Text = "Error: Datenbank inkonsistent!";
                    this.projektNeuMsgLabel.Visible = true;

                // everything went fine
                ProjektManager saver = new ProjektManager();

                    //logger.Log(Logger.Level.Info, "uebergabe von projekttab: " + projekt.AngebotID+ " " + projekt.Projektstart);
                catch (InvalidInputException ex)
                    this.logger.Log(Logger.Level.Error, "Input was invalid, although checked." + ex.Message);
                catch (DataBaseException ex)
                    this.logger.Log(Logger.Level.Error, "Some serious problem with the database occured!" + ex.Message);

        /// <summary>
        /// Loads existing Projekte out of the SQLite database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="from">Start searching date in format DD.MM.YYYY</param>
        /// <param name="until">End searching date in format DD.MM.YYYY</param>
        /// <param name="kundenID">The ID of the related kundenID. -1, if any.</param>
        /// <returns>A resultlist of the found matching Projekte</returns>
        public List<ProjektTable> LoadProjekte(string from, string until, int kundenID)
            string sql;
            if (kundenID >= 0)
                sql = "SELECT t0.ID, t0.AngebotID, t0.Projektname, t0.Projektstart FROM Projekt t0 JOIN Angebot t1 on t0.AngebotID = t1.ID WHERE t1.KundenID = ? AND t0.Projektstart BETWEEN ? AND ?";
                sql = "SELECT * FROM Projekt WHERE Projektstart BETWEEN ? AND ?";

            List<ProjektTable> results = new List<ProjektTable>();

            // open connection and get requested Projekt(e) out of database
            SQLiteConnection con = null;
            SQLiteTransaction tra = null;
            SQLiteCommand cmd = null;
            SQLiteDataReader reader = null;

                // initialise connection
                con = new SQLiteConnection(ConfigFileManager.ConnectionString);

                // initialise transaction
                tra = con.BeginTransaction();
                cmd = new SQLiteCommand(sql, con);

                if (kundenID != -1)
                    SQLiteParameter p_ID = new SQLiteParameter();
                    p_ID.Value = kundenID;

                // bind from
                SQLiteParameter p_from = new SQLiteParameter();
                p_from.Value = from;

                // bind to
                SQLiteParameter p_until = new SQLiteParameter();
                p_until.Value = until;

                // execute and get results
                reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                while (reader.Read())
                    ProjektTable result = new ProjektTable();
                    result.ID = reader.GetInt32(0);
                    result.AngebotID = reader.GetInt32(1);
                    result.Projektname = reader.GetString(2);
                    result.Projektstart = reader.GetString(3);

                return results;
            catch (SQLiteException)
                if (reader != null) { reader.Dispose(); }
                if (tra != null) { tra.Dispose(); }
                if (cmd != null) { cmd.Dispose(); }
                if (con != null) { con.Dispose(); }
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Projekt with the provided parameters and stores it in the SQLite database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="projektname">The projekt which shall be saved</param>
        public void CreateProjekt(ProjektTable pj)
            string sql = "INSERT INTO Projekt (AngebotID, Projektname, Projektstart) VALUES (?, ?, ?)";

                this.SendStatementToDatabase(sql, -1, pj.AngebotID, pj.Projektname, pj.Projektstart);
                logger.Log(Logger.Level.Info, pj.AngebotID + " " + pj.Projektname + " " + pj.Projektstart);
            catch (SQLiteException)

            // success logging
            this.logger.Log(Logger.Level.Info, "New Projekt " +pj.Projektname+ " has been stored in the SQLite database.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Projekt with the provided parameters and stores it in the mock database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="projektname">The projekt which shall be saved</param>
        public void CreateProjekt(ProjektTable pj)
            pj.ID = MockDataBaseManager.ProjektID;

            this.logger.Log(Logger.Level.Info, "A new Projekt has been stored within the SQLite database");