/// <summary>
        /// Main program entry point. The database to document is supplied as a command line argument
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">The full path of the database file is provided here</param>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Check whether a parameter has been supplied and whether this parameter is a valid file
            const string logFile      = "Migration-Log.txt";
            const bool   includeData  = true;
            string       databaseFile = "";
            string       databasePath = "";

            #region Process the command line arguments and set up logging data
            // Check whether a command line argument has been provided
            if (args.Length == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("No database path provided as a command line argument. Terminating... ");
            // Check that the specified file exists
            else if (!File.Exists(args[0]))
                Console.WriteLine("The specified file cannot be located. Please chack and re-run. Parameter entered:");
            // Set the database file and path used for the log file
                databaseFile = args[0];
                databasePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(databaseFile);

            // Set the reference to the log file
            string logFilename = "";
            if (databasePath.Length != 0)
                logFilename += databasePath;
            logFilename += "\\" + logFile;
            if (File.Exists(logFilename))

            #region Process the database file and create the schema dictionary
            // Initialise a class to connect to the database and variables to retrieve the schema data
            DatabaseConnector connection = new DatabaseConnector(databaseFile);

            // Process and log the metadata for the Microsoft Access database file
            SchemaDocumentor.GetMetadata(connection, logFilename);

            // Log the table data and retrieve a list of tables
            List <string> tableNames = SchemaDocumentor.GetTableNames(connection, logFilename);

            // Log the column data by table and create the schema dictionary
            Dictionary <string, List <SchemaColumn> > schema = SchemaDocumentor.GetColumnNames(connection, tableNames, logFilename);

            // Log the index data by table and update the schema dictionary
            schema = SchemaDocumentor.GetIndexColumns(connection, schema, logFilename);

            // Log the views data - this is not used in the schema creation
            SchemaDocumentor.GetViewData(connection, logFilename);


            #region SQL script creation routine
            // Now run the SQL script creation methods
            string outputFilename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(databaseFile);
            outputFilename = databasePath + "\\" + outputFilename + ".sql";
            ScriptCreator.CreateSQL(connection, schema, outputFilename, includeData);


            // Message this this is complete and wait for user confirmation
            Console.WriteLine("\nExecution complete. Press enter to exit...");