Beispiel #1
        // Initialize everything on the UI thread, and report+die for any problems or SwitchContext from SplashForm to EDDiscoveryForm.
        private void MainEngineStart(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var tim = (Timer)sender;


            var launchArg = ((EDDFormLaunchArgs)tim?.Tag)?.Clone() ?? new EDDFormLaunchArgs();


                EDDMainForm = new EDDiscoveryForm();
                SetLoadingMsg("Starting EDD");

                EDDiscoveryController.Initialize(SetLoadingMsg);   // this loads up the options

                EDDOptions.Instance.NoWindowReposition |= launchArg.PositionReset;
                EDDOptions.Instance.NoTheme            |= launchArg.ThemeReset;
                EDDOptions.Instance.TabsReset          |= launchArg.TabsReset;
                EDDOptions.Instance.ResetLanguage      |= launchArg.ResetLang;

                EDDMainForm.Init(SetLoadingMsg);    // call the init function, which will initialize the eddiscovery form

                SetLoadingMsg("Starting Program");
                SwitchContext(EDDMainForm);         // Ignition, and liftoff!
            catch (Exception ex)
            {   // There's so many ways that things could go wrong during init; let's fail for everything!
                BaseUtils.ExceptionForm.ShowException(ex, "A fatal exception was encountered while initializing EDDiscovery.", Properties.Resources.URLProjectFeedback, isFatal: true, parent: MainForm);
Beispiel #2
        // Initialize everything on the UI thread, and report+die for any problems or SwitchContext from SplashForm to EDDiscoveryForm.
        private void MainEngineStart(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var tim = (Timer)sender;


            var launchArg = ((EDDFormLaunchArgs)tim?.Tag)?.Clone() ?? new EDDFormLaunchArgs();


                EDDMainForm = new EDDiscoveryForm();
                SetLoadingMsg("Checking Ship Systems");

                EDDiscoveryController.Initialize(SetLoadingMsg);   // this loads up the options

                EDDOptions.Instance.NoWindowReposition |= launchArg.PositionReset;
                EDDOptions.Instance.NoTheme            |= launchArg.ThemeReset;

                EDDMainForm.Init(SetLoadingMsg);    // call the init function, which will initialize the eddiscovery form

                SetLoadingMsg("Establishing Telepresence");
                SwitchContext(EDDMainForm);         // Ignition, and liftoff!
            catch (Exception ex)
            {   // There's so many ways that things could go wrong during init; let's fail for everything!
                FatalExceptionForm.ShowAndDie(MainForm, "Initializing", Properties.Resources.URLProjectFeedback, ex);
        // event handlers

        // Initialize everything on the UI thread soon after the `Application` has been `.Run()`, and transfer context (MainForm) from the SplashForm to the EDDiscoveryForm.
        private void initTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)

                EDDMainForm = new EDDiscoveryForm();
                SetLoadingMsg("Checking Ship Systems");
                EDDiscoveryController.Initialize(Control.ModifierKeys.HasFlag(Keys.Shift), Control.ModifierKeys.HasFlag(Keys.Control), SetLoadingMsg);
                EDDMainForm.Init(SetLoadingMsg);     // call the init function, which will initialize the eddiscovery form

                SetLoadingMsg("Establishing Telepresence");
            catch (Exception ex)
            {   // There's so many ways that things could go wrong during init; let's fail for everything!
                FatalExceptionForm.ShowAndDie(MainForm, "Initializing", Properties.Resources.URLProjectFeedback, ex);

            var splashForm = MainForm;

            MainForm = EDDMainForm; // Switch context
            splashForm.Close();     // and cleanup
Beispiel #4
        // Initialize everything on the UI thread, and report+die for any problems or SwitchContext from SplashForm to EDDiscoveryForm.
        private void MainEngineStart(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var tim = (Timer)sender;


            var launchArg = ((EDDFormLaunchArgs)tim?.Tag)?.Clone() ?? new EDDFormLaunchArgs();


            EDDiscoveryForm EDDMainForm = null;

                EDDMainForm = new EDDiscoveryForm();
                SetLoadingMsg("Starting EDD");

                EDDiscoveryController.Initialize(SetLoadingMsg);   // this loads up the options

                EDDOptions.Instance.NoWindowReposition |= launchArg.PositionReset;
                EDDOptions.Instance.NoTheme            |= launchArg.ThemeReset;
                EDDOptions.Instance.TabsReset          |= launchArg.TabsReset;
                EDDOptions.Instance.ResetLanguage      |= launchArg.ResetLang;

                EDDMainForm.Init(SetLoadingMsg);    // call the init function, which will initialize the eddiscovery form

                if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT)
                    NativeMethods.STARTUPINFO_I si = new NativeMethods.STARTUPINFO_I();
                    UnsafeNativeMethods.GetStartupInfo(si);        // duplicate of form.cs WmCreate check of code.

                    if ((si.dwFlags & NativeMethods.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW) != 0)
                        if (si.wShowWindow == NativeMethods.SW_MINIMIZE || si.wShowWindow == NativeMethods.SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE)
                            EDDOptions.Instance.MinimiseOnOpen = true;
                        else if (si.wShowWindow == NativeMethods.SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED || si.wShowWindow == NativeMethods.SW_MAXIMIZE)
                            EDDOptions.Instance.MaximiseOnOpen = true;

                SetLoadingMsg("Starting Program");
                SwitchContext(EDDMainForm);         // Ignition, and liftoff!
            catch (Exception ex)
            {   // There's so many ways that things could go wrong during init; let's fail for everything!
                BaseUtils.ExceptionForm.ShowException(ex, "A fatal exception was encountered while initializing EDDiscovery.", Properties.Resources.URLProjectFeedback, isFatal: true, parent: MainForm);
        // Initialize everything on the UI thread, and report+die for any problems or SwitchContext from SplashForm to EDDiscoveryForm.
        private void InitialiseEDD(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var tim = (Timer)sender;


            var launchArg = ((EDDFormLaunchArgs)tim?.Tag)?.Clone() ?? new EDDFormLaunchArgs();


            EDDiscoveryForm EDDMainForm = null;

                System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "EDD Main Thread";

                EDDMainForm = new EDDiscoveryForm();

                SetLoadingMsg("Initialising Databases");

                UserDatabase.Instance.Name          = "UserDB";
                UserDatabase.Instance.MinThreads    = 1;
                UserDatabase.Instance.MaxThreads    = 2;
                UserDatabase.Instance.MultiThreaded = true;     // starts up the threads

                SystemsDatabase.Instance.Name          = "SystemDB";
                SystemsDatabase.Instance.MinThreads    = 1;
                SystemsDatabase.Instance.MaxThreads    = 8;
                SystemsDatabase.Instance.MultiThreaded = true;  // starts up the threads

                catch (Exception ex)
                    EliteDangerousCore.DB.UserDatabase.Instance.ClearDown();     // need everything closed down

                    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Error: User DB is corrupt at " + EliteDangerousCore.EliteConfigInstance.InstanceOptions.UserDatabasePath + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                                         "Database is unusable. Use safe mode to remove it and start again. All user settings will be lost" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                                         "User DB corrupt", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK);
                    SwitchContext(new SafeModeForm(false));

                catch (Exception ex)
                    EliteDangerousCore.DB.UserDatabase.Instance.ClearDown();     // need everything closed down

                    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Error: System DB is corrupt at " + EliteDangerousCore.EliteConfigInstance.InstanceOptions.SystemDatabasePath + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                                         "Database is unusable. Use safe mode to remove it and start again. User settings will be retained" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                                         "System DB corrupt", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK);
                    SwitchContext(new SafeModeForm(false));

                EDDOptions.Instance.NoWindowReposition |= launchArg.PositionReset;
                EDDOptions.Instance.NoTheme            |= launchArg.ThemeReset;
                EDDOptions.Instance.TabsReset          |= launchArg.TabsReset;
                EDDOptions.Instance.ResetLanguage      |= launchArg.ResetLang;

                SetLoadingMsg("Starting EDD");

                EDDMainForm.Init(SetLoadingMsg);    // call the init function, which will initialize the eddiscovery system

                if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT)
                    NativeMethods.STARTUPINFO_I si = new NativeMethods.STARTUPINFO_I();
                    UnsafeNativeMethods.GetStartupInfo(si);        // duplicate of form.cs WmCreate check of code.

                    if ((si.dwFlags & NativeMethods.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW) != 0)
                        if (si.wShowWindow == NativeMethods.SW_MINIMIZE || si.wShowWindow == NativeMethods.SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE)
                            EDDOptions.Instance.MinimiseOnOpen = true;
                        else if (si.wShowWindow == NativeMethods.SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED || si.wShowWindow == NativeMethods.SW_MAXIMIZE)
                            EDDOptions.Instance.MaximiseOnOpen = true;

                SetLoadingMsg("Starting Program");
                SwitchContext(EDDMainForm);         // Ignition, and liftoff!
            catch (Exception ex)
            {   // There's so many ways that things could go wrong during init; let's fail for everything!
                BaseUtils.ExceptionForm.ShowException(ex, "A fatal exception was encountered while initializing EDDiscovery.", Properties.Resources.URLProjectFeedback, isFatal: true, parent: MainForm);