/// <summary>
        /// If the request was approved, also need to update transfer history
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="barcode"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task<ActionResult> Approve(string barcode)
            if (barcode == null)
                return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
            Transfer transfer = await db.Transfers.FindAsync(barcode);
            if (transfer == null)
                return HttpNotFound();
            // remove from pending list
            // update transfer status and save to all time requests
            transfer.Status = 1;
            db.AllTimeRequests.Add(new AllTimeRequest(transfer));

            Item item = await db.Items.FindAsync(barcode);
            if (item == null)
                return HttpNotFound();
            // update the custodian
            item.Custodian = transfer.Receiver;

            // get a new history with new custodian (item was updated)
            History record = new History(item);
            record.Time = transfer.Time;

            // update existing entry in item table
            var itemEntry = db.Entry(item);
            itemEntry.Property(e => e.Custodian).IsModified = true;
            // save the new record to history

            // save all changes

            return RedirectToAction("Index");
        // handler for uploading the spreadsheet
        public ActionResult Upload()
            // check for user input
            if (Request.Files == null || Request.Files.Count == 0) return RedirectToAction("Index");
            if (Request.Files[0].FileName == "") return RedirectToAction("Index");
            var file = Request.Files[0];
            var fileName = file.FileName;
            if (Path.GetExtension(fileName) != ".xlsx") return RedirectToAction("FileFormatError");
            // save the file
            // save to local for now. Need to add permissions to access the file
            string savedFileName = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/"), fileName);
            // access the file
            var excel = new ExcelQueryFactory(savedFileName);
            var updates = from r in excel.Worksheet<Item>("Item")
                          select r;
            // add new items or update existing items
            foreach (var r in updates)
                if (r.Ptag == null || r.Ptag == "") continue;
                History record = new History(r);
                int unixTimestamp = (int)(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalSeconds;
                record.Time = unixTimestamp.ToString();
                // update
                if (db.Items.Any(item => item.Ptag == r.Ptag))
                    var entry = db.Entry(r);
                    entry.Property(e => e.Custodian).IsModified = true;
                    entry.Property(e => e.Room).IsModified = true;
                    entry.Property(e => e.Bldg).IsModified = true;
                    entry.Property(e => e.SortRoom).IsModified = true;
                {   // add new item
                // add new history record
            {   // update the database
            catch (DbEntityValidationException ex)
                // Retrieve the error messages as a list of strings.
                var errorMessages = ex.EntityValidationErrors
                        .SelectMany(x => x.ValidationErrors)
                        .Select(x => x.ErrorMessage);

                // Join the list to a single string.
                var fullErrorMessage = string.Join("; ", errorMessages);

                // Combine the original exception message with the new one.
                var exceptionMessage = string.Concat(ex.Message, " The validation errors are: ", fullErrorMessage);

                // Throw a new DbEntityValidationException with the improved exception message.
                throw new DbEntityValidationException(exceptionMessage, ex.EntityValidationErrors);

            return RedirectToAction("Result", new { s = "Inventory was updated!" });