Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Callers of this method create an instance of AsyncTask derived 
        /// class and call this method to schedule the task for execution.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="asyncTask">The task to execute asynchronously.</param>
        internal void ScheduleForExecution(AsyncTask asyncTask)
            // When an AsyncTask is scheduled for execution during a test, it 
            // executes on the context of the thread that runs the unit test 
            // case (in a regular headless test case this is the unit test 
            // background thread; in a recorded test this is the main ui thread).
            if (DynamoModel.IsTestMode)

            lock (taskQueue)
                taskQueue.Add(asyncTask); // Append new task to the end
                asyncTask.MarkTaskAsScheduled(); // Update internal time-stamp.

                // Mark the queue as being updated. This causes the next call
                // to "ProcessNextTask" method to post process the task queue.
                taskQueueUpdated = true;

                // Signal task availability so scheduler picks it up.
        private void NotifyTaskStateChanged(AsyncTask task, TaskState state)
            var stateChangedHandler = TaskStateChanged;
            if (stateChangedHandler == null)
                return; // No event handler, bail.

            var e = new TaskStateChangedEventArgs(task, state);
            stateChangedHandler(this, e);
 private static void ProcessTaskInternal(AsyncTask asyncTask)
         asyncTask.Execute(); // Internally sets the ExecutionStartTime
         asyncTask.HandleTaskCompletion(null); // Completed successfully.
     catch (Exception exception)
         // HandleTaskCompletion internally sets the ExecutionEndTime time,
         // it also invokes the registered callback Action if there is one.
        private void ProcessTaskInternal(AsyncTask asyncTask)
            NotifyTaskStateChanged(asyncTask, TaskState.ExecutionStarting);

            var executionState = asyncTask.Execute()
                ? TaskState.ExecutionCompleted
                : TaskState.ExecutionFailed;

            NotifyTaskStateChanged(asyncTask, executionState);
            NotifyTaskStateChanged(asyncTask, TaskState.CompletionHandled);
Beispiel #5
 private void OnPreviewGraphCompleted(AsyncTask asyncTask)
     var updateTask = asyncTask as PreviewGraphAsyncTask;
     if (updateTask != null)
         var nodeGuids = updateTask.previewGraphData;
         var deltaComputeStateArgs = new DeltaComputeStateEventArgs(nodeGuids,graphExecuted);
        protected override AsyncTask.TaskMergeInstruction CanMergeWithCore(AsyncTask otherTask)
            var theOtherTask = otherTask as UpdateGraphAsyncTask;
            if (theOtherTask == null)
                return base.CanMergeWithCore(otherTask);

            // Comparing to another UpdateGraphAsyncTask, verify 
            // that they are updating a similar set of nodes.

            if ((graphSyncData != null && 
                graphSyncData.DeletedSubtrees != null && 
                graphSyncData.DeletedSubtrees.Any()) ||
                (theOtherTask.graphSyncData != null &&
                 theOtherTask.graphSyncData.DeletedSubtrees != null && 
                return TaskMergeInstruction.KeepBoth;

            // Other node is either equal or a superset of this task
            if (ModifiedNodes.All(x => theOtherTask.ModifiedNodes.Contains(x)))
                return TaskMergeInstruction.KeepOther;

            // This node is a superset of the other
            if (theOtherTask.ModifiedNodes.All(x => ModifiedNodes.Contains(x)))
                return TaskMergeInstruction.KeepThis;

            // They're different, keep both
            return TaskMergeInstruction.KeepBoth;
Beispiel #7
        private void OnNodeValueQueried(AsyncTask asyncTask)
            lock (cachedMirrorDataMutex)
                var task = asyncTask as QueryMirrorDataAsyncTask;
                cachedMirrorData = task.MirrorData;

        protected override TaskMergeInstruction CanMergeWithCore(AsyncTask otherTask)
            var theOtherTask = otherTask as UpdateRenderPackageAsyncTask;
            if (theOtherTask == null)
                return base.CanMergeWithCore(otherTask);

            // If the two UpdateRenderPackageAsyncTask are for different nodes,
            // then there is no comparison to be made, keep both the tasks.
            if (nodeGuid != theOtherTask.nodeGuid)
                return TaskMergeInstruction.KeepBoth;

            // Comparing to another NotifyRenderPackagesReadyAsyncTask, the one 
            // that gets scheduled more recently stay, while the earlier one 
            // gets dropped. If this task has a higher tick count, keep this.
            if (ScheduledTime.TickCount > theOtherTask.ScheduledTime.TickCount)
                return TaskMergeInstruction.KeepThis;

            return TaskMergeInstruction.KeepOther; // Otherwise, keep the other.
Beispiel #9
 internal TaskStateChangedEventArgs(AsyncTask task, State state)
     Task         = task;
     CurrentState = state;
Beispiel #10
 protected virtual int CompareCore(AsyncTask otherTask)
     return(0); // Having the same priority by default.
Beispiel #11
        protected override int CompareCore(AsyncTask otherTask)
            // PrioritizedAsyncTask always come before InconsequentialAsyncTask.
            if (otherTask is InconsequentialAsyncTask)
                return -1;

            // It is not compared with another PrioritizedAsyncTask, fall back.
            var task = otherTask as PrioritizedAsyncTask;
            if (task == null)
                return base.CompareCore(otherTask);

            // Priority 1 tasks always come before priority 2 tasks.
            return CurrPriority - task.CurrPriority;
        protected override AsyncTask.TaskMergeInstruction CanMergeWithCore(AsyncTask otherTask)
            var theOtherTask = otherTask as UpdateGraphAsyncTask;
            if (theOtherTask == null)
                return base.CanMergeWithCore(otherTask);

            if (theOtherTask.Contains(this))
                return TaskMergeInstruction.KeepOther;
            else if (this.Contains(theOtherTask)) 
                return TaskMergeInstruction.KeepThis;
                return TaskMergeInstruction.KeepBoth;
Beispiel #13
        protected override AsyncTask.TaskMergeInstruction CanMergeWithCore(AsyncTask otherTask)
            var theOtherTask = otherTask as UpdateGraphAsyncTask;
            if (theOtherTask == null)
                return TaskMergeInstruction.KeepBoth;

            return TaskMergeInstruction.KeepOther;
Beispiel #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Call this method to determine the relative priority of two AsyncTask
 /// objects. DynamoScheduler makes use of this method to determine the
 /// order in which AsyncTask objects are sorted in its internal task queue.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="otherTask">A task to compare this task with.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns -1 if this AsyncTask object should be processed
 /// before the other AsyncTask; returns 1 if this AsyncTask object should
 /// be processed after the other AsyncTask; or 0 if both AsyncTask objects
 /// have the same priority and can be processed in the current order.
 /// </returns>
 internal int Compare(AsyncTask otherTask)
     return(ReferenceEquals(this, otherTask) ? 0 : CompareCore(otherTask));
Beispiel #15
 /// <summary>
 /// This method is called by DynamoScheduler when it compacts the task
 /// queue. The result of this call indicates if either of the tasks in
 /// comparison should be dropped from the task queue, or both should be
 /// kept. Tasks that are discarded during this phase will not be executed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="otherTask">Another task to compare with.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns the comparison result. See Comparison enumeration
 /// for details of the possible values.</returns>
 internal TaskMergeInstruction CanMergeWith(AsyncTask otherTask)
     return(ReferenceEquals(this, otherTask)
         ? TaskMergeInstruction.KeepBoth
         : CanMergeWithCore(otherTask));
Beispiel #16
 /// <summary>
 ///     Upon completion of the task, invoke the specified action
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>An IDisposable representing the event subscription</returns>
 internal static IDisposable Then(this AsyncTask task, AsyncTaskCompletedHandler action)
     task.Completed += action;
     return(Disposable.Create(() => task.Completed -= action));
Beispiel #17
 protected virtual TaskMergeInstruction CanMergeWithCore(AsyncTask otherTask)
     return(TaskMergeInstruction.KeepBoth); // Keeping both tasks by default.
Beispiel #18
        protected override TaskMergeInstruction CanMergeWithCore(AsyncTask otherTask)
            var task = otherTask as InconsequentialAsyncTask;
            if (task == null)
                return base.CanMergeWithCore(otherTask);

            // The comparison only keeps the task that carries a bigger punch.
            if (Punch > task.Punch)
                return TaskMergeInstruction.KeepThis;

            return TaskMergeInstruction.KeepOther;
Beispiel #19
        /// <summary>
        /// An ISchedulerThread implementation calls this method so scheduler
        /// starts to process the next task in the queue, if there is any. Note
        /// that this method is meant to process only one task in queue. The
        /// implementation of ISchedulerThread is free to call this method again
        /// in a fashion that matches its task fetching behavior.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="waitIfTaskQueueIsEmpty">This parameter is only used if
        /// the task queue is empty at the time this method is invoked. When the
        /// task queue becomes empty, setting this to true will cause this call
        /// to block until either the next task becomes available, or when the
        /// scheduler is requested to shutdown.</param>
        /// <returns>This method returns true if the task queue is not empty, or
        /// false otherwise. Note that this method returns false when scheduler
        /// begins to shutdown, even when the task queue is not empty.</returns>
        public bool ProcessNextTask(bool waitIfTaskQueueIsEmpty)
            AsyncTask nextTask = null;
            IEnumerable <AsyncTask> droppedTasks = null;

            lock (taskQueue)
                if (taskQueueUpdated)
                    // The task queue has been updated since the last time
                    // a task was processed, it might need compacting.
                    droppedTasks = CompactTaskQueue();

                    taskQueueUpdated = false;

                if (taskQueue.Count > 0)
                    nextTask = taskQueue[0];
                    // No more task in queue, reset wait handle.

            if (droppedTasks != null)
                // Only notify listeners of dropping tasks here instead of
                // within CompactTaskQueue method. This way the lock on task
                // queue will not be held up for a prolonged period of time.
                foreach (var droppedTask in droppedTasks)
                    NotifyTaskStateChanged(droppedTask, TaskState.Discarded);

            if (nextTask != null)
                return(true); // This method should be called again.

            // If there's no more task and wait is not desired...
            if (!waitIfTaskQueueIsEmpty)
                return(false); // The task queue is now empty.
            // Block here if ISchedulerThread requests to wait.
            // ReSharper disable once CoVariantArrayConversion
            int index = WaitHandle.WaitAny(waitHandles);

            // If a task becomes available, this method returns true to indicate
            // that an immediate call may be required (subjected to the decision
            // of the ISchedulerThread's implementation). In the event that the
            // scheduler is shutting down, then this method returns false.
            return(index == ((int)EventIndex.TaskAvailable));
Beispiel #20
        protected override int CompareCore(AsyncTask otherTask)
            // PrioritizedAsyncTask always come before InconsequentialAsyncTask.
            if (otherTask is PrioritizedAsyncTask)
                return 1;

            // InconsequentialAsyncTask are always treated equal.
            return base.CompareCore(otherTask);
Beispiel #21
        /// <summary>
        /// This callback method is invoked in the context of ISchedulerThread 
        /// when UpdateGraphAsyncTask is completed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task">The original UpdateGraphAsyncTask instance.</param>
        private static void OnUpdateGraphCompleted(AsyncTask task)
            var updateTask = task as UpdateGraphAsyncTask;
            var messages = new Dictionary<Guid, string>();

            // Runtime warnings take precedence over build warnings.
            foreach (var warning in updateTask.RuntimeWarnings)
                var message = string.Join("\n", warning.Value);
                messages.Add(warning.Key, message);

            foreach (var warning in updateTask.BuildWarnings)
                // If there is already runtime warnings for 
                // this node, then ignore the build warnings.
                if (messages.ContainsKey(warning.Key))

                var message = string.Join("\n", warning.Value);
                messages.Add(warning.Key, message);

            var workspace = updateTask.TargetedWorkspace;
            foreach (var message in messages)
                var guid = message.Key;
                var node = workspace.Nodes.FirstOrDefault(n => n.GUID == guid);
                if (node == null)

                node.Warning(message.Value); // Update node warning message.
Beispiel #22
 internal void WriteExecutionLog(AsyncTask asyncTask)
     var name = asyncTask.GetType().Name;
     Results.Add(string.Format("{0}: {1}", name, serialNumber));
Beispiel #23
        /// <summary>
        /// This callback method is invoked in the context of ISchedulerThread 
        /// when UpdateGraphAsyncTask is completed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task">The original UpdateGraphAsyncTask instance.</param>
        private void OnUpdateGraphCompleted(AsyncTask task)
            var updateTask = task as UpdateGraphAsyncTask;
            var messages = new Dictionary<Guid, string>();

            // Runtime warnings take precedence over build warnings.
            foreach (var warning in updateTask.RuntimeWarnings)
                var message = string.Join("\n", warning.Value.Select(w => w.Message));
                messages.Add(warning.Key, message);

            foreach (var warning in updateTask.BuildWarnings)
                // If there is already runtime warnings for 
                // this node, then ignore the build warnings.
                if (messages.ContainsKey(warning.Key))

                var message = string.Join("\n", warning.Value.Select(w => w.Message));
                messages.Add(warning.Key, message);

            var workspace = updateTask.TargetedWorkspace;
            foreach (var message in messages)
                var guid = message.Key;
                var node = workspace.Nodes.FirstOrDefault(n => n.GUID == guid);
                if (node == null)

                node.Warning(message.Value); // Update node warning message.

            // This method is guaranteed to be called in the context of 
            // ISchedulerThread (for Revit's case, it is the idle thread).
            // Dispatch the failure message display for execution on UI thread.
            if (task.Exception != null && (DynamoModel.IsTestMode == false))
                Action showFailureMessage = () => 
                    Utils.DisplayEngineFailureMessage(this, task.Exception);


            // Notify listeners (optional) of completion.
            OnEvaluationCompleted(this, EventArgs.Empty);
Beispiel #24
        public void TestTaskQueuePreProcessing05()
            var schedulerThread = new SampleSchedulerThread();
            var scheduler = new DynamoScheduler(schedulerThread, false);

            // Start scheduling a bunch of tasks.
            var asyncTasks = new AsyncTask[]
                new PrioritizedAsyncTask(scheduler, 1), 
                new InconsequentialAsyncTask(scheduler, 100),

            var results = new List<string>();
            foreach (SampleAsyncTask asyncTask in asyncTasks)


            // Drops all InconsequentialAsyncTask and leave behind one.
            // Kept all PrioritizedAsyncTask instances and sorted them.
            Assert.AreEqual(2, results.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("PrioritizedAsyncTask: 1", results[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual("InconsequentialAsyncTask: 100", results[1]);
Beispiel #25
 /// <summary>
 /// This event handler is invoked when UpdateRenderPackageAsyncTask is 
 /// completed, at which point the render packages (specific to this node) 
 /// become available. Since this handler is called off the UI thread, the 
 /// '_renderPackages' must be guarded against concurrent access.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="asyncTask">The instance of UpdateRenderPackageAsyncTask
 /// that was responsible of generating the render packages.</param>
 private void OnRenderPackageUpdateCompleted(AsyncTask asyncTask)
     lock (RenderPackagesMutex)
         var task = asyncTask as UpdateRenderPackageAsyncTask;
         HasRenderPackages = renderPackages.Any();
Beispiel #26
        public void TestTaskStateChangedEventHandling()
            var observer = new TaskEventObserver();
            var schedulerThread = new SampleSchedulerThread();
            var scheduler = new DynamoScheduler(schedulerThread, false);
            scheduler.TaskStateChanged += observer.OnTaskStateChanged;

            // Start scheduling a bunch of tasks.
            var asyncTasks = new AsyncTask[]
                new ErrorProneAsyncTask(scheduler, 7), 
                new InconsequentialAsyncTask(scheduler, 100),
                new PrioritizedAsyncTask(scheduler, 1),
                new PrioritizedAsyncTask(scheduler, 5),
                new ErrorProneAsyncTask(scheduler, 3), 
                new InconsequentialAsyncTask(scheduler, 500),
                new InconsequentialAsyncTask(scheduler, 300),
                new PrioritizedAsyncTask(scheduler, 3), 
                new ErrorProneAsyncTask(scheduler, 5), 

            foreach (SampleAsyncTask asyncTask in asyncTasks)


            // Drops all InconsequentialAsyncTask and leave behind one.
            // Kept all PrioritizedAsyncTask instances and sorted them.
            var expected = new List<string>
                // Scheduling notifications...

                "Scheduled: ErrorProneAsyncTask: 7",
                "Scheduled: InconsequentialAsyncTask: 100",
                "Scheduled: PrioritizedAsyncTask: 1",
                "Scheduled: PrioritizedAsyncTask: 5",
                "Scheduled: ErrorProneAsyncTask: 3",
                "Scheduled: InconsequentialAsyncTask: 500",
                "Scheduled: InconsequentialAsyncTask: 300",
                "Scheduled: PrioritizedAsyncTask: 3",
                "Scheduled: ErrorProneAsyncTask: 5",

                // Task discarded notifications...

                "Discarded: InconsequentialAsyncTask: 100",
                "Discarded: InconsequentialAsyncTask: 300",

                // Execution of remaining tasks...

                "ExecutionStarting: ErrorProneAsyncTask: 7",
                "ExecutionFailed: ErrorProneAsyncTask: 7",
                "CompletionHandled: ErrorProneAsyncTask: 7",

                "ExecutionStarting: PrioritizedAsyncTask: 1",
                "ExecutionCompleted: PrioritizedAsyncTask: 1",
                "CompletionHandled: PrioritizedAsyncTask: 1",

                "ExecutionStarting: PrioritizedAsyncTask: 5",
                "ExecutionCompleted: PrioritizedAsyncTask: 5",
                "CompletionHandled: PrioritizedAsyncTask: 5",

                "ExecutionStarting: ErrorProneAsyncTask: 3",
                "ExecutionFailed: ErrorProneAsyncTask: 3",
                "CompletionHandled: ErrorProneAsyncTask: 3",

                "ExecutionStarting: PrioritizedAsyncTask: 3",
                "ExecutionCompleted: PrioritizedAsyncTask: 3",
                "CompletionHandled: PrioritizedAsyncTask: 3",

                "ExecutionStarting: ErrorProneAsyncTask: 5",
                "ExecutionFailed: ErrorProneAsyncTask: 5",
                "CompletionHandled: ErrorProneAsyncTask: 5",

                // Execution of InconsequentialAsyncTask last...

                "ExecutionStarting: InconsequentialAsyncTask: 500",
                "ExecutionCompleted: InconsequentialAsyncTask: 500",
                "CompletionHandled: InconsequentialAsyncTask: 500"

            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Count, observer.Results.Count());

            int index = 0;
            foreach (var actual in observer.Results)
                Assert.AreEqual(expected[index++], actual);
Beispiel #27
        /// <summary>
        /// This callback method is invoked in the context of ISchedulerThread 
        /// when UpdateGraphAsyncTask is completed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task">The original UpdateGraphAsyncTask instance.</param>
        private void OnUpdateGraphCompleted(AsyncTask task)
            var updateTask = (UpdateGraphAsyncTask)task;
            var messages = new Dictionary<Guid, string>();

            // Runtime warnings take precedence over build warnings.
            foreach (var warning in updateTask.RuntimeWarnings)
                var message = string.Join("\n", warning.Value.Select(w => w.Message));
                messages.Add(warning.Key, message);

            foreach (var warning in updateTask.BuildWarnings)
                // If there is already runtime warnings for 
                // this node, then ignore the build warnings.
                if (messages.ContainsKey(warning.Key))

                var message = string.Join("\n", warning.Value.Select(w => w.Message));
                messages.Add(warning.Key, message);

            var workspace = updateTask.TargetedWorkspace;
            foreach (var message in messages)
                var guid = message.Key;
                var node = workspace.Nodes.FirstOrDefault(n => n.GUID == guid);
                if (node == null)

                node.Warning(message.Value); // Update node warning message.

            // Notify listeners (optional) of completion.
            RunSettings.RunEnabled = true; // Re-enable 'Run' button.

            //set the node execution preview to false;
            OnSetNodeDeltaState(new DeltaComputeStateEventArgs(new List<Guid>(), graphExecuted));

            // This method is guaranteed to be called in the context of 
            // ISchedulerThread (for Revit's case, it is the idle thread).
            // Dispatch the failure message display for execution on UI thread.
            EvaluationCompletedEventArgs e = task.Exception == null || IsTestMode
                ? new EvaluationCompletedEventArgs(true)
                : new EvaluationCompletedEventArgs(true, task.Exception);

            EvaluationCount ++;


            if (EngineController.IsDisposed) return;


            // Refresh values of nodes that took part in update.
            foreach (var modifiedNode in updateTask.ModifiedNodes)
                modifiedNode.RequestValueUpdateAsync(scheduler, EngineController);

            scheduler.Tasks.AllComplete(_ =>
Beispiel #28
        private void OnRenderPackageAggregationCompleted(AsyncTask asyncTask)
            var task = asyncTask as AggregateRenderPackageAsyncTask;
            var rps = new List<RenderPackage>();

            Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Render aggregation complete for {0}", task.NodeId));

            var e = new VisualizationEventArgs(rps, task.NodeId, -1);
            OnResultsReadyToVisualize(this, e);
Beispiel #29
 internal TaskStateChangedEventArgs(AsyncTask task, State state)
     Task = task;
     CurrentState = state;
        private void OnNodeModelRenderPackagesReady(AsyncTask asyncTask)
            // By design the following method is invoked on the context of 
            // ISchedulerThread, if access to any UI element is desired within
            // the method, dispatch those actions on UI dispatcher *inside* the
            // method, *do not* dispatch the following call here as derived 
            // handler may need it to remain on the ISchedulerThread's context.

            // Fire event to tell render targets to request their visuals

            // Call overridden method on visualization manager to
            // process whatever internal logic there is around
            // drawing a visualization.
        private void OnRenderPackageAggregationCompleted(AsyncTask asyncTask)
            var task = asyncTask as AggregateRenderPackageAsyncTask;

            var e = new VisualizationEventArgs(task.NormalRenderPackages, task.SelectedRenderPackages, task.NodeId);
        protected override TaskMergeInstruction CanMergeWithCore(AsyncTask otherTask)
            var theOtherTask = otherTask as AggregateRenderPackageAsyncTask;
            if (theOtherTask == null)
                return base.CanMergeWithCore(otherTask);

            if (NodeId != theOtherTask.NodeId)
                return TaskMergeInstruction.KeepBoth;

            //// Comparing to another AggregateRenderPackageAsyncTask, the one 
            //// that gets scheduled more recently stay, while the earlier one 
            //// gets dropped. If this task has a higher tick count, keep this.
            if (ScheduledTime.TickCount > theOtherTask.ScheduledTime.TickCount)
                return TaskMergeInstruction.KeepThis;

            return TaskMergeInstruction.KeepOther; // Otherwise, keep the other.