Beispiel #1
        public Cell Select(CellGrid grid)
            int index = m_random.Next(grid.Count);

Beispiel #2
        public static Grid <Tile> Generate(int cellsX, int cellsY, int cellSize = 5)
            var random = new Randomizer(1);

            // 1. Divide the map into a grid of evenly sized cells.
            var cells = new CellGrid(cellsX, cellsY);

            // 2. Pick a random cell as the current cell and mark it as connected.
            var current = random.Select(cells);

            current.Connected = true;

            // 3. While the current cell has unconnected neighbor cells:
            while (true)
                var unconnected = cells.GetNeighborCells(current).Where(x => !x.Connected).ToList();
                if (unconnected.Count == 0)

                // 3a. Connect to one of them.
                var neighbor = random.Select(unconnected);

                // 3b. Make that cell the current cell.
                current = neighbor;

            // 4. While there are unconnected cells:
            while (cells.Count(x => !x.Connected) > 0)
                // 4a. Pick a random connected cell with unconnected neighbors and connect to one of them.
                var candidates = new List <Tuple <Cell, List <Cell> > >();
                foreach (var cell in cells.Where(x => x.Connected))
                    var unconnectedNeighbors = cells.GetNeighborCells(cell).Where(x => !x.Connected).ToList();
                    if (unconnectedNeighbors.Count == 0)
                    candidates.Add(new Tuple <Cell, List <Cell> >(cell, unconnectedNeighbors));
                var pair     = random.Select(candidates);
                var neighbor = random.Select(pair.Item2);

            // TODO: 5. Pick zero or more pairs of adjacent cells that are not connected and connect them.

            // 6. Within each cell, create a room of random shape.
            foreach (var cell in cells)
                var room = new Room
                    Width  = random.Next(3, cellSize - 2),
                    Height = random.Next(3, cellSize - 2)
                room.X    = (cell.X * cellSize) + random.Next(1, cellSize - room.Width - 1);
                room.Y    = (cell.Y * cellSize) + random.Next(1, cellSize - room.Height - 1);
                cell.Room = room;

            // 7. For each connection between two cells:
            var corridors = new List <IRoom>();

            foreach (var connection in cells.GetCellConnections())
                // 7a. Create a random corridor between the rooms in each cell.
                var floors1 = connection.Item1.Room.GetFloorTiles().ToList();
                var floors2 = connection.Item2.Room.GetFloorTiles().ToList();

                var start = random.Select(floors1);
                var end   = random.Select(floors2);

                // basic line drawing algorithm
                var corridor = new List <Coordinate>();
                var i        = new Coordinate(start);
                while (i != end)
                    var dx = Math.Abs(i.X - end.X);
                    var dy = Math.Abs(i.Y - end.Y);

                    if (dx > dy)
                        if (i.X < end.X)
                        if (i.Y < end.Y)
                    corridor.Add(new Coordinate(i));

                // only use tiles that are not already used by any of the two rooms
                corridors.Add(new Corridor(
                                  corridor.Where(x => !floors1.Contains(x) && !floors2.Contains(x)).ToList()));
            // 8. Place staircases in the cell picked in step 2 and the lest cell visited in step 3ii.)

            var tiles = new TileGrid(cellsX * cellSize, cellsY * cellSize);

            foreach (var floor in cells
                     .Select(x => x.Room)
                     .Where(room => room != null)
                     .SelectMany(room => room.GetFloorTiles()))
                tiles[floor.X, floor.Y] = Tile.Floor;
            foreach (var floor in corridors.SelectMany(corridor => corridor.GetFloorTiles()))
                tiles[floor.X, floor.Y] = Tile.Floor;

            // turn every empty tile adjacent to a floor into a wall
            for (int x = 0; x < tiles.SizeX; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < tiles.SizeY; y++)
                    if (tiles[x, y] != Tile.Empty)

                    if (tiles.GetAdjacentEightWay(x, y).Contains(Tile.Floor))
                        tiles[x, y] = Tile.Wall;

            // TODO would be useful to return Cell collection as well