Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// rotates to right.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Angle">angle.</param>
        /// <param name="Duration">duration in millisecond.</param>
        /// <param name="KeepCenter">if is true, the <see cref="Camera.Anchor"/> is fix.</param>
        /// <returns>OglAnimator</returns>
        public OglAnimator LookRight(float Angle, long Duration, bool KeepCenter)
            if (Duration < 1)
                LineType L = new LineType();
                if (KeepCenter)
                    L = new LineType(Center, Base.BaseY);
                    L = new LineType(Position, Base.BaseY);

                Device.ProjectionMatrix = Device.ProjectionMatrix * Matrix.Rotation(L, Angle);
                SetAnimator(LeftRight, 0, Angle, Duration, KeepCenter);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This method calculates the distance to an other line only if the distance is
        /// smaller than MaxDist, otherwise Utils.big will be returned.
        /// Imagine a cylinder with radius MaxDist around the line. If now a line passes the
        /// cylinder, a reasonable result for the lenght of the distance will be returned.
        /// If CheckP is true, additional to the Cylinder a halfsphere with center P and radius Maxdist is
        /// considered and analogusly for CheckQ.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="L">The other line which will be tested</param>
        /// <param name="MaxDist">The maximal distance at which a reasonable result is returned.</param>
        /// <param name="CheckP">If CheckP is true:  a line, which has to point P a distance less than Maxdist, a result will be returned. </param>
        /// <param name="CheckQ">If CheckQ is true: a line, which has to point Q a distance less than Maxdist, a result will be returned. </param>
        /// <param name="Lam">The param Lam can be taken to calculate the nearest point on the line by Value(Lam)</param>
        /// <returns>In case the distance of the line is smaller than Maxdist, the distance is returned otherwise. <see cref="Utils.big"/>
        /// </returns>
        public double __Distance(LineType L, double MaxDist, bool CheckP, bool CheckQ, out double Lam)
            double DummyLam = -1;

            return(Distance(L, MaxDist, out DummyLam, out Lam));
Beispiel #3
 /// <summary>
 /// makes a rotation of the scene.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="L">the rotation axis. See also <see cref="LineType"/></param>
 /// <param name="Angle">the rotation angle.</param>
 public void Rotate(LineType L, double Angle)
     MulMatrix(Matrix.Rotation(L, Angle));
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// This method calculates the distance to an other line only if the distance is
        /// smaller than MaxDist, otherwise Utils.big will be returned.
        /// Imagine a cylinder with radius MaxDist around the line. If now a line passes the
        /// cylinder, a reasonable result for the lenght of the distance will be returned.
        /// If CheckP is true, additional to the Cylinder a halfsphere with center P and radius Maxdist is
        /// considered and analogusly for CheckQ.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="L">The other line which will be tested</param>
        /// <param name="MaxDist">The maximal distance at which a reasonable result is returned.</param>
        /// <param name="CheckP">If CheckP is true:  a line, which has to point P a distance less than Maxdist, a result will be returned. </param>
        /// <param name="CheckQ">If CheckQ is true: a line, which has to point Q a distance less than Maxdist, a result will be returned. </param>
        /// <param name="Lam">The param Lam can be taken to calculate the nearest point on the line by Value(Lam)</param>
        /// <param name="LineLam">The param relative to the other Line. The nearest point on the line by L.Value(LineLam)</param>
        /// <returns>In case the distance of the line is smaller than Maxdist, the distance is returned otherwise. <see cref="Utils.big"/>
        /// </returns>
        public double __Distance(LineType L, double MaxDist, bool CheckP, bool CheckQ, out double Lam, out double LineLam)
            double dil = Utils.big;
            double dia = Utils.big;
            double dib = Utils.big, Lam1, Lam2;
            double result = Utils.big;
            xyz    dummy, xyz2;

            //CheckP = false;
            //CheckQ = false;

            Lam     = -1;
            LineLam = -1;
            double di = Distance(L, out Lam1, out Lam2, out dummy, out xyz2);
            xyz    NN = Value(Lam1);

            if (Utils.Equals(di, Utils.big))

            if (!Utils.Less(MaxDist, di) && !Utils.Less(Lam2, 0) && !Utils.Less(1, Lam2))
                dil = di;
            if ((!CheckP) && (!CheckQ))
                if (di < MaxDist)
                    Lam     = Lam2;
                    LineLam = Lam1;
            double LL = -1;

            if (CheckP)
                dia = Distance(L.P, out LL, out dummy);
            if (CheckQ)
                dib = Distance(L.Q, out LL, out dummy);

            if (!Utils.Less(MaxDist, dia) && !Utils.Less(dil, dia) && !Utils.Less(dib, dia))
                Lam = 0; LineLam = Lam1; result = dia;
            if (!Utils.Less(MaxDist, dib) && !Utils.Less(dil, dib) && !Utils.Less(dia, dib))
                Lam = 1; LineLam = Lam1; result = dib;
            if (!Utils.Less(MaxDist, dil) && Utils.Less(dil, dia) && Utils.Less(dil, dib))
                Lam = Lam2; LineLam = Lam1; result = dil;
Beispiel #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a rotationmatrix with the linetype L and the rotationangle Angle
 /// Of course L doesn`t have to contain the origin
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="L">Rotationaxis</param>
 /// <param name="Angle">Rotationangle rad</param>
 /// <returns>Rotationmatrix</returns>
 static public Matrix Rotation(LineType L, double Angle)
     return(Matrix.Rotation(L.P, L.Direction, Angle));