Beispiel #1
        private UpdateFlag ReadHeader(ref uint id, Bitstream stream)
            var value = stream.ReadBits(6);

            if ((value & 0x30) > 0)
                var a = (value >> 4) & 3;
                var b = (uint) ((a == 3) ? 16 : 0);

                value = (stream.ReadBits((byte) (4*a + b)) << 4) | (value & 0xF);

            id = unchecked(id + value + 1);

            var flags = UpdateFlag.None;

            if (!stream.ReadBool())
                if (stream.ReadBool())
                    flags |= UpdateFlag.EnterPvs;
                flags |= UpdateFlag.LeavePvs;

                if (stream.ReadBool())
                    flags |= UpdateFlag.Delete;

            return flags;
Beispiel #2
        private void ReadChunkHeader(Bitstream stream)
            header = new ChunkedHeader();

            header.IsFile = stream.ReadBool();
            if (header.IsFile)
                var filenameLength = stream.ReadUInt32();
                var filename = new byte[filenameLength + 1]; // semantically wrong. should be
                // 0x104
                stream.Read(filename, 0, (int) filenameLength); // and then read to end of string
                filename[filenameLength] = 0; // whatever 
                header.Filename = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(filename);
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            header.IsCompressed = stream.ReadBool();
            if (header.IsCompressed)
                header.DecompressedLength = stream.ReadBits(26);

            header.ByteLength = stream.ReadBits(26);
            header.ChunkCount =
                (header.ByteLength + DotaGameConnection.BYTES_PER_CHUNK - 1)/

            Receiving = true;
            dataIn = new byte[header.ByteLength];
            dataReceived = new bool[header.ChunkCount];
            countReceived = 0;
Beispiel #3
        private string ReadKeyIfIncluded(Bitstream stream, List<string> keyHistory)
            var has_key = stream.ReadBool();

            if (!has_key)
                return null;

            var is_substring = stream.ReadBool();

            string key;

            if (!is_substring)
                key = stream.ReadString();
                var fromIndex = (int) stream.ReadBits(5);
                var fromLength = (int) stream.ReadBits(5);
                key = keyHistory[fromIndex].Substring(0, fromLength);

                key += stream.ReadString();

            if (keyHistory.Count == KEY_HISTORY_SIZE)


            return key;
Beispiel #4
        private Message? ReadChunk(Bitstream stream)
            var offset = stream.ReadBits(18);
            var count = stream.ReadBits(3);

            if (offset == 0)

            var byteOffset = offset*DotaGameConnection.BYTES_PER_CHUNK;

            uint byteCount;
            if (offset + count < header.ChunkCount)
                byteCount = count*DotaGameConnection.BYTES_PER_CHUNK;
                byteCount = header.ByteLength - byteOffset;

            stream.Read(dataIn, (int) byteOffset, (int) byteCount);

            for (var i = offset;
                i < offset + count;
                if (!dataReceived[i])
                    dataReceived[i] = true;

            if (countReceived == header.ChunkCount)
                Receiving = false;
                return new Message
                    IsCompressed = header.IsCompressed,
                    DecompressedLength = header.DecompressedLength,
                    Data = dataIn
            return null;
Beispiel #5
        public void Update(Bitstream stream, uint baseline, bool updateBaseline, uint updated, bool isDelta)
            var id = uint.MaxValue;
            uint found = 0;

            while (found < updated)
                var flags = ReadHeader(ref id, stream);

                if (flags.HasFlag(UpdateFlag.EnterPvs))
                    ReadEnterPvs(id, baseline, updateBaseline, stream);
                else if (flags.HasFlag(UpdateFlag.LeavePvs))
                    if (flags.HasFlag(UpdateFlag.Delete))
                    ReadUpdate(id, stream);


            if (isDelta)
                while (stream.ReadBool())
                    id = stream.ReadBits(11);
        public uint UnpackInt(PropertyInfo info, Bitstream stream)
            var flags = info.Flags;

            if (flags.HasFlag(PropertyInfo.MultiFlag.EncodedAgainstTickcount))
                if (flags.HasFlag(PropertyInfo.MultiFlag.Unsigned))
                    return stream.ReadVarUInt();
                var value = stream.ReadVarUInt();
                return unchecked((uint) ((-(value & 1)) ^ (value >> 1)));

            var numBits = info.NumBits;

            var isUnsigned = Convert.ToUInt32(flags.HasFlag(PropertyInfo.MultiFlag.Unsigned));
            var signer = (0x80000000 >> (32 - numBits)) & unchecked((isUnsigned - 1));

                var value = stream.ReadBits(numBits) ^ signer;
                return value - signer;
        public float UnpackFloat(PropertyInfo info, Bitstream stream)
            var flags = info.Flags;

            if (flags.HasFlag(PropertyInfo.MultiFlag.Coord))
                return UnpackFloatCoord(stream);
            if (flags.HasFlag(PropertyInfo.MultiFlag.CoordMp))
                return UnpackFloatCoordMp(stream, FloatType.None);
            if (flags.HasFlag(PropertyInfo.MultiFlag.CoordMpLowPrecision))
                return UnpackFloatCoordMp(stream, FloatType.LowPrecision);
            if (flags.HasFlag(PropertyInfo.MultiFlag.CoordMpIntegral))
                return UnpackFloatCoordMp(stream, FloatType.Integral);
            if (flags.HasFlag(PropertyInfo.MultiFlag.NoScale))
                return UnpackFloatNoScale(stream);
            if (flags.HasFlag(PropertyInfo.MultiFlag.Normal))
                return UnpackFloatNormal(stream);
            if (flags.HasFlag(PropertyInfo.MultiFlag.CellCoord))
                return UnpackFloatCellCoord(info, stream, FloatType.None);
            if (flags.HasFlag(PropertyInfo.MultiFlag.CellCoordLowPrecision))
                return UnpackFloatCellCoord(info, stream, FloatType.LowPrecision);
            if (flags.HasFlag(PropertyInfo.MultiFlag.CellCoordIntegral))
                return UnpackFloatCellCoord(info, stream, FloatType.Integral);
            var dividend = stream.ReadBits(info.NumBits);
            var divisor = (uint) (1 << info.NumBits) - 1;

            var f = ((float) dividend)/divisor;
            var range = info.HighValue - info.LowValue;

            return f*range + info.LowValue;
        public ulong UnpackInt64(PropertyInfo info, Bitstream stream)
            if (info.Flags.HasFlag(PropertyInfo.MultiFlag.EncodedAgainstTickcount))
                return stream.ReadVarUInt();
            var negate = false;
            var secondBits = (byte) (info.NumBits - 32);

            if (!info.Flags.HasFlag(PropertyInfo.MultiFlag.Unsigned))

                if (stream.ReadBool())
                    negate = true;

            ulong a = stream.ReadBits(32);
            ulong b = stream.ReadBits(secondBits);
            var value = (b << 32) | a;

            if (negate)
                value = unchecked((ulong) ((long) value*-1));

            return value;
        public void UnpackArray(uint tick, List<Property> elements, PropertyInfo info, Bitstream stream)
            var countBits = MiscMath.Log2(info.NumElements + 1);
            var count = stream.ReadBits(countBits);

            if (elements.Count > count)
                elements.RemoveRange(0, elements.Count - (int) count);
                while (elements.Count < count)

            foreach (var element in elements)
                element.Update(tick, this, stream);
        public string UnpackString(PropertyInfo info, Bitstream stream)
            var length = stream.ReadBits(9);

            var buffer = new byte[length];
            stream.Read(buffer, 0, (int) length);

            return new string((from byte b in buffer select (char) b).ToArray<char>());
        private float UnpackFloatCellCoord(PropertyInfo info, Bitstream stream, FloatType type)
            var value = stream.ReadBits(info.NumBits);
            float f = value;

            if ((value >> 31) > 0)
                f *= -1;

            if (type == FloatType.None)
                var fraction = stream.ReadBits(5);

                return f + 0.03125f*fraction;
            if (type == FloatType.LowPrecision)
                var fraction = stream.ReadBits(3);

                return f + 0.125f*fraction;
            if (type == FloatType.Integral)
                return f;
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown float type");
        private float UnpackFloatNormal(Bitstream stream)
            var sign = stream.ReadBool();
            var value = stream.ReadBits(NORMAL_FRACTIONAL_BITS);

            var f = (float) (value*NORMAL_RESOLUTION);

            if (sign)
                f *= -1;

            return f;
        private float UnpackFloatCoord(Bitstream stream)
            var hasInteger = stream.ReadBool();
            var hasFraction = stream.ReadBool();

            if (hasInteger || hasFraction)
                var sign = stream.ReadBool();

                uint integer = 0;
                if (hasInteger)
                    integer = stream.ReadBits(COORD_INTEGER_BITS) + 1;

                uint fraction = 0;
                if (hasFraction)
                    fraction = stream.ReadBits(COORD_FRACTIONAL_BITS);

                var f = (float) (integer + fraction*COORD_RESOLUTION);

                if (sign)
                    f *= -1;

                return f;
            return 0;
Beispiel #14
        private Message ReadSingle(Bitstream stream)
            var isCompressed = stream.ReadBool();

            if (isCompressed)
                var uncompressed_length = stream.ReadBits(26);
                var length = stream.ReadBits(18);

                var data = new byte[length];
                stream.Read(data, 0, (int) length);

                return new Message
                    IsCompressed = false,
                    Data = new SnappyDecompressor().Decompress(data, 0, data.Length)
                var length = stream.ReadBits(18);

                var data = new byte[length];
                stream.Read(data, 0, (int) length);

                return new Message
                    IsCompressed = false,
                    Data = data
Beispiel #15
        private void ReadEnterPvs(uint id, uint baseline, bool update_baseline, Bitstream stream)
            var clazz = state.Classes[(int) stream.ReadBits(ClassBitLength)];
            var serial = stream.ReadBits(10);

            Create(id, clazz, baseline);
            ReadAndUnpackFields(state.Slots[id].Entity, stream);

            if (update_baseline)
                state.Slots[id].Baselines[1 - baseline] = state.Slots[id].Entity.Copy();
Beispiel #16
        private byte[] ReadValueIfIncluded(Bitstream stream, bool userDataFixedSize,
            uint userDataSizeBits)
            var has_value = stream.ReadBool();

            if (!has_value)
                return null;

            uint length;
            uint bitLength;

            if (userDataFixedSize)
                length = (userDataSizeBits + 7)/8;
                bitLength = userDataSizeBits;
                length = stream.ReadBits(14);
                bitLength = 8*length;

            return stream.ReadManyBits(bitLength);