private void Identify(IEnumerable<ILayer> layers, Extent strict, Extent tolerant)
            foreach (IMapLayer layer in layers)
                IGroup grp = layer as IGroup;
                if (grp != null)
                    Identify(grp, strict, tolerant);
                    var gfl = layer as IMapFeatureLayer;
                    if (gfl != null)
                        if (gfl.DataSet.FeatureType == FeatureType.Polygon)
                            _frmFeatureIdentifier.Add(gfl, strict);
                            _frmFeatureIdentifier.Add(gfl, tolerant);

                    var rl = layer as IMapRasterLayer;
                    if (rl != null)
                        _frmFeatureIdentifier.Add(rl, strict);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This function creates the HDR of Gridfile
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inExtents"> Extension of grid</param>
        /// <param name="cellSize">Size cell of the grid</param>
        /// <param name="projection">Projection (the same that shapefile)</param>
        /// <param name="noDataValue">No value definition</param>
        /// <param name="outGridPath">Path of the output</param>
        /// <param name="outGrid">Name of the output grid</param>
        public static void CreateGridFromExtents(
            Extent inExtents, double cellSize, ProjectionInfo projection, double noDataValue, string outGridPath, out IRaster outGrid)

            double height = Math.Abs(inExtents.MaxY - inExtents.MinY);
            double width = Math.Abs(inExtents.MaxX - inExtents.MinX);
            int numberRows = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(height / cellSize)) + 1;
            int numberCols = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(width / cellSize)) + 1;

            // outGrid = Raster.CreateRaster(@outGridPath, null, demRaster.NumColumns, demRaster.NumRows, 1, demRaster.DataType, rasterOptions);
            outGrid = Raster.CreateRaster(@outGridPath, null, numberCols, numberRows, 1, typeof(float), new String[] { });
            outGrid.NoDataValue = noDataValue;
            outGrid.Projection = projection;
            outGrid.CellHeight = cellSize;
            outGrid.CellWidth = cellSize;
            //if (inExtents.MinX < 0)
            //    outGrid.Xllcenter = inExtents.MinX + (cellSize / 2.0);
            outGrid.Xllcenter = inExtents.MinX;// -(cellSize / 2.0);

            //if (inExtents.MinY < 0)
            //    outGrid.Yllcenter = inExtents.MinY + (cellSize / 2.0);
            outGrid.Yllcenter = inExtents.MinY;// -(cellSize / 2.0);
Beispiel #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new raster bounds that is georeferenced to the specified envelope.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="numRows">The number of rows</param>
 /// <param name="numColumns">The number of columns</param>
 /// <param name="bounds">The bounding envelope</param>
 public RasterBounds(int numRows, int numColumns, Extent bounds)
     _affine = new double[6];
     _numRows = numRows;
     _numColumns = numColumns;
     Extent = bounds;
Beispiel #4
static double[] ToSequence(Extent extent)
    const int horizontal = 72;
    const int vertical = 36;
    var res = new double[horizontal * vertical * 2];

    var dx = extent.Width / (horizontal - 1);
    var dy = extent.Height / (vertical - 1);

    var minY = extent.MinY;
    var k = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < vertical; i++)
        var minX = extent.MinX;
        for (var j = 0; j < horizontal; j++)
            res[k++] = minX;
            res[k++] = minY;
            minX += dx;
        minY += dy;

    return res;
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an instance of this class using some tile source configuration.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configuration">The tile source configuration. If the configuration
        /// hasn't been initialized yet, <see cref="IConfiguration.Initialize"/> will
        /// be called.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown when <paramref name="configuration"/>
        /// is <c>null</c>.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="CannotFindTileSourceException">Thrown when <paramref name="configuration"/>
        /// is not initialized and during initialization no tile source can be found.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="CannotCreateTileCacheException">Thrown when <paramref name="configuration"/>
        /// is not initialized and during initialization a critical error prevents the creation
        ///  of the persistent tile cache.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="CannotReceiveTilesException">Thrown when <paramref name="configuration"/>
        /// is not initialized and during initialization no tiles can be received from the tile source.</exception>
        public BruTileLayer(IConfiguration configuration)
            if (configuration == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(configuration));

            if (!configuration.Initialized)

            this.configuration = configuration;

            ITileSchema tileSchema = configuration.TileSchema;

            sourceProjection = GetTileSourceProjectionInfo(tileSchema.Srs);

            Projection = sourceProjection;
            BruTileExtent extent = tileSchema.Extent;

            MyExtent = new DotSpatialExtent(extent.MinX, extent.MinY, extent.MaxX, extent.MaxY);

            IsVisible = true;

            tileFetcher = configuration.TileFetcher;
            tileFetcher.TileReceived += HandleTileReceived;
            tileFetcher.QueueEmpty   += HandleQueueEmpty;

            // Set the wrap mode
            imageAttributes = new ImageAttributes();
Beispiel #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of an Extent Param with the specified name
 /// and the specified projection as the default projection that will
 /// appear if no changes are made.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name"></param>
 /// <param name="defaultExtent"></param>
 public ExtentParam(string name, Extent defaultExtent)
     Name = name;
     Value = defaultExtent;
     ParamVisible = ShowParamInModel.No;
     ParamType = "DotSpatial Extent Param";
     DefaultSpecified = true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts a single geographic envelope into an equivalent Rectangle
 /// as it would be drawn on the screen.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="env">The geographic IEnvelope</param>
 /// <returns>A Rectangle</returns>
 public static Rectangle ProjToPixel(this IBasicMap map, Extent env)
     var mapFrame = map.MapFrame as MapFrame;
     if (mapFrame != null) 
         return mapFrame.ProjToPixel(env);
         return Rectangle.Empty;
Beispiel #8
 /// <summary>
 /// The constructor for the ToolDialog
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tool">The ITool to create the dialog box for</param>
 /// <param name="dataSets">The list of available DataSets available</param>
 /// <param name="mapExtent">Creates a new instance of the tool dialog with map extent.</param>
 public ToolDialog(ITool tool, List<DataSetArray> dataSets, Extent mapExtent)
     // Required by the designer
     DataSets = dataSets;
     _extent = mapExtent;
Beispiel #9
static Extent Reproject(Extent extent, ProjectionInfo source, ProjectionInfo target, int depth = 0)
    var xy = ToSequence(extent);
    DotSpatial.Projections.Reproject.ReprojectPoints(xy, null, source, target, 0, xy.Length / 2);
    var res = ToExtent(xy);

    return res;
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an instanc of this class using the given <paramref name="configuration"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configuration">The configuration</param>
        public BruTileLayer(IConfiguration configuration)
            if (configuration == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("configuration");

            var data = base.ContextMenuItems.Find(m => m.Name == "Data");

            if (data != null)

             * data = base.ContextMenuItems.Find(m => m.Name.StartsWith("Attrib"));
             * if (data != null) base.ContextMenuItems.Remove(data);

            // Initialize the configuration prior to usage

            _configuration = configuration;
            var tileSource = configuration.TileSource;

            _projectionInfo = AuthorityCodeHandler.Instance[tileSource.Schema.Srs];
            if (_projectionInfo == null)
                _projectionInfo = AuthorityCodeHandler.Instance["EPSG:3857"];

            // WebMercator: set datum to WGS1984 for better accuracy
            if (tileSource.Schema.Srs == "EPSG:3857")
                _projectionInfo.GeographicInfo.Datum = KnownCoordinateSystems.Geographic.World.WGS1984.GeographicInfo.Datum;

            Projection = _projection;
            var extent = tileSource.Schema.Extent;

            MyExtent = new Extent(extent.MinX, extent.MinY, extent.MaxX, extent.MaxY);

            base.LegendText        = configuration.LegendText;
            base.LegendItemVisible = true;
            base.IsVisible         = base.Checked = true;

            base.LegendSymbolMode = SymbolMode.Symbol;
            LegendType            = LegendType.Custom;

            _tileFetcher = configuration.TileFetcher;
            _tileFetcher.TileReceived += HandleTileReceived;
            _tileFetcher.QueueEmpty   += HandleQueueEmpty;

            //Set the wrap mode
            _imageAttributes = new ImageAttributes();
Beispiel #11
 public void SetAreaRectangle(Extent extent, ProjectionInfo rectangleProjection)
     var xMin = extent.MinX;
     var yMin = extent.MinY;
     var xMax = extent.MaxX;
     var yMax = extent.MaxY;
     var box = new Box(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax);
     SetAreaRectangle(box, rectangleProjection);
Beispiel #12
        public LiDARDataSet(string filename)
            //here read the maxX, maxY from the las file header
            //and change the Extent property
            LasReader Reader = new LasReader(filename);
            ulong PointNum = Reader.getNumPoints();
            int ArrayLength = (int)PointNum;
            //Range_double range = Reader.getBounds();
            //Bounds_double ll = Reader.getBounds();
            Schema schema = Reader.getSchema();
            PointBuffer data = new PointBuffer(schema, (uint)PointNum);

            // get the dimensions (fields) of the point record for the X, Y, and Z values
            int offsetX = schema.getDimensionIndex(DimensionId.Id.X_i32);
            int offsetY = schema.getDimensionIndex(DimensionId.Id.Y_i32);
            int offsetZ = schema.getDimensionIndex(DimensionId.Id.Z_i32);
            Dimension dimensionX = schema.getDimension((uint)offsetX);
            Dimension dimensionY = schema.getDimension((uint)offsetY);
            Dimension dimensionZ = schema.getDimension((uint)offsetZ);

            // make the iterator to read from the file
            StageSequentialIterator iter = Reader.createSequentialIterator();
            uint numRead =;

            int xraw = data.getField_Int32(0, offsetX);
            int yraw = data.getField_Int32(0, offsetY);

            // LAS stores the data in scaled integer form: undo the scaling
            // so we can see the real values as doubles
            double MinX, MaxX, MinY, MaxY;
            MinX = MaxX = dimensionX.applyScaling_Int32(xraw);
            MinY = MaxY = dimensionY.applyScaling_Int32(yraw);

            for (int i = 1; i < ArrayLength; i++)
                xraw = data.getField_Int32((uint)i, offsetX);
                yraw = data.getField_Int32((uint)i, offsetY);

                // LAS stores the data in scaled integer form: undo the scaling
                // so we can see the real values as doubles
                double x = dimensionX.applyScaling_Int32(xraw);
                double y = dimensionY.applyScaling_Int32(yraw);

                if (x < MinX) MinX = x;
                if (x > MaxX) MaxX = x;
                if (y < MinY) MinY = y;
                if (y > MaxY) MaxY = y;
            setupExtent = new Extent(MinX, MinY, MaxX, MaxY);
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// The geographic envelope gives the region that the image should be created for.
        /// The window gives the corresponding pixel dimensions for the image, so that
        /// images matching the resolution of the screen can be used.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="envelope">
        /// The geographic extents to retrieve data for
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="window">
        /// The rectangle that defines the size of the drawing area in pixels
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A bitmap captured from the main image
        /// </returns>
        public Bitmap GetBitmap(Extent envelope, Rectangle window)
            if (window.Width == 0 || window.Height == 0)
                return null;

            if (Bounds == null || Bounds.Extent == null || Bounds.Extent.IsEmpty())
                return null;

            // Gets the scaling factor for converting from geographic to pixel coordinates
            double dx = (window.Width / envelope.Width);
            double dy = (window.Height / envelope.Height);

            double[] a = Bounds.AffineCoefficients;

            // gets the affine scaling factors.
            float m11 = Convert.ToSingle(a[1] * dx);
            float m22 = Convert.ToSingle(a[5] * -dy);
            float m21 = Convert.ToSingle(a[2] * dx);
            float m12 = Convert.ToSingle(a[4] * -dy);
            float l = (float)(a[0] - .5 * (a[1] + a[2])); // Left of top left pixel
            float t = (float)(a[3] - .5 * (a[4] + a[5])); // top of top left pixel
            float xShift = (float)((l - envelope.MinX) * dx);
            float yShift = (float)((envelope.MaxY - t) * dy);

            Bitmap tempResult = null;
            Bitmap result = null;
            Graphics g = null;
                tempResult = new Bitmap(window.Width, window.Height);
                g = Graphics.FromImage(tempResult);
                g.Transform = new Matrix(m11, m12, m21, m22, xShift, yShift);
                g.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.Half;
                if (m11 > 1 || m22 > 1)
                    g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor;
                if (!g.VisibleClipBounds.IsEmpty)
                    g.DrawImage(_myImage, new PointF(0, 0));
                result = tempResult;
                tempResult = null;
            catch (OverflowException) { } //Raised by g.DrawImage if the new images extent is to small
                if (tempResult != null) tempResult.Dispose();
                if (g != null) g.Dispose();
            return result;
Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// This method simulates loading the array of points from the LAS file.
        /// Right now it is generating random points that are within the 
        /// view extent.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="boundingBox">the view extent</param>
        /// <returns>array of the points in [x y x y ... order]</returns>
        public double[] GetPointArray(Extent boundingBox)
            double[] pointArray = new double[1000];
            Random rnd = new Random();
            double xMin = boundingBox.MinX;
            double yMin = boundingBox.MinY;

            for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                double randomX = xMin + rnd.NextDouble() * boundingBox.Width;
                double randomY = yMin + rnd.NextDouble() * boundingBox.Height;
                pointArray[i] = randomX;
                i = i + 1;
                pointArray[i] = randomY;
            return pointArray;
Beispiel #15
        public SearchResult GetSeriesCatalogInPolygon(IList<IFeature> polygons, string[] keywords, double tileWidth, double tileHeight,
            DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, WebServiceNode[] serviceIDs, BusinessObjects.Models.IProgressHandler bgWorker)
            if (polygons == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("polygons");
            if (bgWorker == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("bgWorker");
            if (polygons.Count == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("The number of polygons must be greater than zero.");

            if (keywords == null || keywords.Length == 0)
                keywords = new[] { String.Empty };

            var fullSeriesList = new List<BusinessObjects.Models.SeriesDataCartModel.SeriesDataCart>();
            for (int index = 0; index < polygons.Count; index++)
                if (polygons.Count > 1)
                    bgWorker.ReportMessage(string.Format("Processing polygons: {0} of {1}", index + 1, polygons.Count));

                var polygon = polygons[index];
                var extentBox = new Extent(polygon.Envelope);
                var seriesForPolygon = GetSeriesListForExtent(extentBox, keywords, tileWidth, tileHeight, startDate,
                                                              serviceIDs, bgWorker,
                                                              item => polygon.Intersects(new Coordinate(item.Longitude, item.Latitude)));

            SearchResult resultFs = null;
            if (fullSeriesList.Count > 0)
                bgWorker.ReportMessage("Calculating Points...");
                resultFs = SearchHelper.ToFeatureSetsByDataSource(fullSeriesList);

            var message = string.Format("{0} Series found.", totalSeriesCount);
            bgWorker.ReportProgress(100, "Search Finished. " + message);
            return resultFs;
        /// <summary>
        /// Clears form and search-generated objects, resets UI to prepare for search.
        /// </summary>
        public void ResetInterface()
            #region Reset Map and Map-affiliated parameters
            SpatialTemporalCommitted = false;
            // map1.ZoomToMaxExtent();
            // map1.ClearSelection();
            SrchExt = new DotSpatial.Data.Extent();

            #region Reset default DateTime values
            // BeginTimePicker.Value = DateTime.Parse("1/1/1911 1:00 AM");
            // EndTimePicker.Value = DateTime.Now;

            #region Clear and Disable Faceted Search interface
Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the bitmap for the specified geographic envelope scaled to fit on a bitmap of the specified size in pixels.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="envelope"></param>
        /// <param name="pixelSize"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual Bitmap GetBitmap(Extent envelope, Size pixelSize)
            Bitmap result = new Bitmap(pixelSize.Width, pixelSize.Height);
            Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(result);
            foreach (ImageData image in _images)
                Extent bounds = envelope.Intersection(image.Extent);

                Size ps = new Size((int)(pixelSize.Width * bounds.Width / envelope.Width),
                                   (int)(pixelSize.Height * bounds.Height / envelope.Height));
                int x = pixelSize.Width * (int)((bounds.X - envelope.X) / envelope.Width);
                int y = pixelSize.Height * (int)((envelope.Y - bounds.Y) / envelope.Height);
                if (ps.Width > 0 && ps.Height > 0)
                    Bitmap tile = image.GetBitmap(bounds, ps);
                    g.DrawImageUnscaled(tile, x, y);
            return result;
Beispiel #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Divides the search bounding box into several 'tiles' to prevent
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bigBoundingBox">the original bounding box</param>
        /// <param name="tileWidth">The tile width in decimal degrees</param>
        /// <param name="tileHeight">The tile height (south-north) in decimal degrees</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List<Extent> CreateTiles(Extent bigBoundingBox, double tileWidth, double tileHeight)
            var tiles = new List<Extent>();
            double fullWidth = Math.Abs(bigBoundingBox.MaxX - bigBoundingBox.MinX);
            double fullHeight = Math.Abs(bigBoundingBox.MaxY - bigBoundingBox.MinY);

            if (fullWidth < tileWidth || fullHeight < tileHeight)
                return tiles;

            double yll = bigBoundingBox.MinY; //y-coordinate of the tile's lower left corner
            var numColumns = (int)(Math.Ceiling(fullWidth / tileWidth));
            var numRows = (int)(Math.Ceiling(fullHeight / tileHeight));
            var lastTileWidth = fullWidth - ((numColumns - 1) * tileWidth);
            var lastTileHeight = fullHeight - ((numRows - 1) * tileHeight);
            int r;

            for (r = 0; r < numRows; r++)
                double xll = bigBoundingBox.MinX; //x-coordinate of the tile's lower left corner

                if (r == numRows - 1)
                    tileHeight = lastTileHeight;

                int c;
                for (c = 0; c < numColumns; c++)
                    var newTile = c == (numColumns - 1) ? new Extent(xll, yll, xll + lastTileWidth, yll + tileHeight) :
                                                          new Extent(xll, yll, xll + tileWidth, yll + tileHeight);
                    xll = xll + tileWidth;
                yll = yll + tileHeight;
            return tiles;
Beispiel #19
        public void GetNoDataCellCountTest()
            string path = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + @"\..\..\..\Data\GetNoDataCellCountTest.BGD";

            const double xllcorner = 3267132.224761;
            const double yllcorner = 5326939.203029;
            const int ncols = 512;
            const int nrows = 128;
            const int frequencyOfNoValue = 5;

            const double cellsize = 500;
            double x2 = xllcorner + (cellsize * ncols);
            double y2 = yllcorner + (cellsize * nrows);
            Extent myExtent = new Extent(xllcorner, yllcorner, x2, y2);
            Raster target;
            target = Raster.Create(path, String.Empty, ncols, nrows, 1, typeof(double), new[] { String.Empty }) as Raster;
            target.Bounds = new RasterBounds(nrows, ncols, myExtent);
            target.NoDataValue = -9999;
            int mRow = target.Bounds.NumRows;
            int mCol = target.Bounds.NumColumns;

            for (int row = 0; row < mRow; row++)
                for (int col = 0; col < mCol; col++)
                    if (row % frequencyOfNoValue == 0)
                        target.Value[row, col] = -9999d;
                        target.Value[row, col] = 2d;

            long expected = (nrows / frequencyOfNoValue) * ncols + ncols;
            long actual;
            actual = target.GetNoDataCellCount();
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

        public KriggingSimulator(Map map, IFeatureSet selectedDataset, Extent extent,
            Clip clip, string field, string layerName, string pixel)
            this._field = field;
            this._map = map;
            this._selectedDataset = selectedDataset;
            this._layerName = layerName;
            this._extent = extent;
            this._clip = clip;
            this._pixel = pixel;

            this._prefixPath = this._field + "-" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            this._folder = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "TempFiles");

            zedGraphControl1 = new ZedGraphControl();
            theoreticalModelControl1 = new TheoreticalModelControl();
            uxSearchNeighborhoodControl1 = new SearchNeighborhoodControl();
            uxOutputRaster1 = new OutputRaster();
            zedGraphControl2 = new ZedGraphControl();

            kriggingResult = new KriggingResult();
Beispiel #21
        public void RasterMath_OutputHasSameBounds()
            // Prepare input raster
            const double xllcorner = 3267132.224761;
            const double yllcorner = 5326939.203029;
            const int ncols = 39;
            const int nrows = 57;
            const double cellsize = 500;
            const double x2 = xllcorner + (cellsize * ncols);
            const double y2 = yllcorner + (cellsize * nrows);
            var myExtent = new Extent(xllcorner, yllcorner, x2, y2);
            var source = new Raster<int>(nrows, ncols)
                Bounds = new RasterBounds(nrows, ncols, myExtent),
                NoDataValue = -9999
            var mRow = source.Bounds.NumRows;
            var mCol = source.Bounds.NumColumns;

            var i = 0;
            for (var row = 0; row < mRow; row++)
                for (var col = 0; col < mCol; col++)
                    source.Value[row, col] = i++;

            var target = new RasterMultiply();
            IRaster outRaster = new Raster {Filename = FileTools.GetTempFileName(".bgd")};
            target.Execute(source, source, outRaster, new MockProgressHandler());
            outRaster = Raster.Open(outRaster.Filename);

            Assert.AreEqual(source.NumColumns, outRaster.NumColumns);
            Assert.AreEqual(source.NumRows, outRaster.NumRows);
            Assert.AreEqual(source.Bounds.Extent, outRaster.Bounds.Extent);
Beispiel #22
        /// <summary>
        /// The geographic envelope gives the region that the image should be created for.
        /// The window gives the corresponding pixel dimensions for the image, so that
        /// images matching the resolution of the screen can be used.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="envelope">
        /// The geographic extents to retrieve data for
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="window">
        /// The rectangle that defines the size of the drawing area in pixels
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A bitmap captured from the main image
        /// </returns>
        public Bitmap GetBitmap(Extent envelope, Rectangle window)
            if (window.Width == 0 || window.Height == 0)
                return null;

            Bitmap result = new Bitmap(window.Width, window.Height);
            Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(result);


            // Gets the scaling factor for converting from geographic to pixel coordinates
            double dx = (window.Width / envelope.Width);
            double dy = (window.Height / envelope.Height);

            double[] a = Bounds.AffineCoefficients;

            // gets the affine scaling factors.
            float m11 = Convert.ToSingle(a[1] * dx);
            float m22 = Convert.ToSingle(a[5] * -dy);
            float m21 = Convert.ToSingle(a[2] * dx);
            float m12 = Convert.ToSingle(a[4] * -dy);
            float l = (float)(a[0] - .5 * (a[1] + a[2])); // Left of top left pixel
            float t = (float)(a[3] - .5 * (a[4] + a[5])); // top of top left pixel
            float xShift = (float)((l - envelope.MinX) * dx);
            float yShift = (float)((envelope.MaxY - t) * dy);
            g.Transform = new Matrix(m11, m12, m21, m22, xShift, yShift);
            g.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.Half;
            if (m11 > 1 || m22 > 1)
                g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor;

            g.DrawImage(_myImage, new PointF(0, 0));
            return result;
Beispiel #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of the ImageGraphics class for assisting with drawing.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="inExtent"></param>
 /// <param name="inDestRectangle"></param>
 public ImageProjection(Extent inExtent, Rectangle inDestRectangle)
     _extents = inExtent;
     _destRectangle = inDestRectangle;
Beispiel #24
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the ProjectionHelper class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="geographicExtents">The geographic extents to project to and from.</param>
 /// <param name="viewRectangle">The view rectangle in pixels to transform with.</param>
 public ProjectionHelper(Extent geographicExtents, Rectangle viewRectangle)
     GeographicExtents = geographicExtents;
     ImageRectangle    = viewRectangle;
Beispiel #25
        /// <summary>
        /// The geographic envelope gives the region that the image should be created for.
        /// The window gives the corresponding pixel dimensions for the image, so that
        /// images matching the resolution of the screen can be used.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="envelope">
        /// The geographic extents to retrieve data for.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="window">
        /// The rectangle that defines the size of the drawing area in pixels.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A bitmap captured from the main image.
        /// </returns>
        public Bitmap GetBitmap(Extent envelope, Rectangle window)
            if (window.Width == 0 || window.Height == 0)

            if (Bounds == null || Bounds.Extent == null || Bounds.Extent.IsEmpty())

            // Gets the scaling factor for converting from geographic to pixel coordinates
            double dx = window.Width / envelope.Width;
            double dy = window.Height / envelope.Height;

            double[] a = Bounds.AffineCoefficients;

            // gets the affine scaling factors.
            float  m11    = Convert.ToSingle(a[1] * dx);
            float  m22    = Convert.ToSingle(a[5] * -dy);
            float  m21    = Convert.ToSingle(a[2] * dx);
            float  m12    = Convert.ToSingle(a[4] * -dy);
            double l      = a[0] - (.5 * (a[1] + a[2])); // Left of top left pixel
            double t      = a[3] - (.5 * (a[4] + a[5])); // top of top left pixel
            float  xShift = (float)((l - envelope.MinX) * dx);
            float  yShift = (float)((envelope.MaxY - t) * dy);

            Bitmap   tempResult = null;
            Bitmap   result     = null;
            Graphics g          = null;

                tempResult        = new Bitmap(window.Width, window.Height);
                g                 = Graphics.FromImage(tempResult);
                g.Transform       = new Matrix(m11, m12, m21, m22, xShift, yShift);
                g.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.Half;
                if (m11 > 1 || m22 > 1)
                    g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor;
                if (!g.VisibleClipBounds.IsEmpty)
                    g.DrawImage(_myImage, new PointF(0, 0));
                result     = tempResult;
                tempResult = null;
            catch (OverflowException)
                // Raised by g.DrawImage if the new images extent is to small

Beispiel #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Notifies the layer that the next time an area that intersects with this region
 /// is specified, it must first re-draw content to the image buffer.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="region">The envelope where content has become invalidated.</param>
 public void Invalidate(Extent region)
Beispiel #27
 /// <summary>
 /// Given a geographic extent, this tests the "IsVisible", "UseDynamicVisibility",
 /// "DynamicVisibilityMode" and "DynamicVisibilityWidth"
 /// In order to determine if this layer is visible.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="geographicExtent">The geographic extent, where the width will be tested.</param>
 /// <returns>Boolean, true if this layer should be visible for this extent.</returns>
 public bool VisibleAtExtent(Extent geographicExtent)
 /// <summary>
 /// Takes spatial temporal constraints from main form
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="SearchRegion"></param>
 /// <param name="sTime"></param>
 /// <param name="eTime"></param>
 public void SetSearchParameters(Extent SearchRegion, DateTime sTime, DateTime eTime)
     SrchExt       = SearchRegion;
     BeginDateTime = sTime;
     EndDateTime   = eTime;
Beispiel #29
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public Bitmap GetBitmap(Extent envelope, Rectangle window)
     return(GetBitmap(envelope, new Size(window.Width, window.Height)));
Beispiel #30
        /// <summary>
        /// For each coordinate in the other part, if it falls in the extent of this polygon, a
        /// ray crossing test is used for point in polygon testing.  If it is not in the extent,
        /// it is skipped.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="polygonShape">The part of the polygon to analyze polygon</param>
        /// <param name="otherPart">The other part</param>
        /// <returns>Boolean, true if any coordinate falls inside the polygon</returns>
        private static bool ContainsVertex(ShapeRange polygonShape, PartRange otherPart)
            // Create an extent for faster checking in most cases
            Extent ext = polygonShape.Extent;

            foreach (Vertex point in otherPart)
                // This extent check shortcut should help speed things up for large polygon parts
                if (!ext.Intersects(point))

                // Imagine a ray on the horizontal starting from point.X -> infinity.  (In practice this can be ext.XMax)
                // Count the intersections of segments with that line.  If the resulting count is odd, the point is inside.
                Segment ray          = new Segment(point.X, point.Y, ext.MaxX, point.Y);
                int[]   numCrosses   = new int[polygonShape.NumParts]; // A cross is a complete cross.  Coincident doesn't count because it is either 0 or 2 crosses.
                int     totalCrosses = 0;
                int     iPart        = 0;
                foreach (PartRange ring in polygonShape.Parts)
                    foreach (Segment segment in ring.Segments)
                        if (segment.IntersectionCount(ray) != 1)

                // If we didn't actually have any polygons we cant intersect with anything
                if (polygonShape.NumParts < 1)

                // For shapes with only one part, we don't need to test part-containment.
                if (polygonShape.NumParts == 1 && totalCrosses % 2 == 1)

                // This used to check to see if totalCrosses == 1, but now checks to see if totalCrosses is an odd number.
                // This change was made to solve the issue described in HD Issue 8593 (
                if (totalCrosses % 2 == 1)

                totalCrosses = 0;
                for (iPart = 0; iPart < numCrosses.Length; iPart++)
                    int count = numCrosses[iPart];
                    // If this part does not contain the point, don't bother trying to figure out if the part is a hole or not.
                    if (count % 2 == 0)

                    // If this particular part is a hole, subtract the total crosses by 1,  otherwise add one.
                    // This takes time, so we want to do this as few times as possible.
                    if (polygonShape.Parts[iPart].IsHole())
                return(totalCrosses > 0);
Beispiel #31
        /// <summary>
        /// For big images the scale that is just one step larger than the specified window will be used.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="envelope">The envelope containing the geographic extent.</param>
        /// <param name="window">The rectangle containing the window extent.</param>
        /// <returns>The bitmap.</returns>
        public override Bitmap GetBitmap(Extent envelope, Rectangle window)
            if (window.Width == 0 || window.Height == 0)
            if (Header?.ImageHeaders?[0] == null)

            Rectangle expWindow   = window.ExpandBy(1);
            Envelope  expEnvelope = envelope.ToEnvelope().Reproportion(window, expWindow);

            Envelope env = expEnvelope.Intersection(Bounds.Extent.ToEnvelope());

            if (env == null || env.IsNull || env.Height == 0 || env.Width == 0)

            PyramidImageHeader he = Header.ImageHeaders[0];
            int scale;

            double cwa = expWindow.Width / expEnvelope.Width;
            double cha = expWindow.Height / expEnvelope.Height;

            for (scale = 0; scale < Header.ImageHeaders.Length; scale++)
                PyramidImageHeader ph = Header.ImageHeaders[scale];

                if (cwa > ph.NumColumns / Bounds.Width || cha > ph.NumRows / Bounds.Height)
                    if (scale > 0)
                        scale -= 1;

                he = ph;

            RasterBounds overviewBounds = new RasterBounds(he.NumRows, he.NumColumns, he.Affine);
            Rectangle    r = overviewBounds.CellsContainingExtent(envelope);

            if (r.Width == 0 || r.Height == 0)

            byte[]     vals  = ReadWindow(r.Y, r.X, r.Height, r.Width, scale);
            Bitmap     bmp   = new Bitmap(r.Width, r.Height);
            BitmapData bData = bmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, r.Width, r.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);

            Marshal.Copy(vals, 0, bData.Scan0, vals.Length);

            // Use the cell coordinates to determine the affine coefficients for the cells retrieved.
            double[] affine = new double[6];
            Array.Copy(he.Affine, affine, 6);
            affine[0] = affine[0] + (r.X * affine[1]) + (r.Y * affine[2]);
            affine[3] = affine[3] + (r.X * affine[4]) + (r.Y * affine[5]);

            if (window.Width == 0 || window.Height == 0)

            Bitmap   result = new Bitmap(window.Width, window.Height);
            Graphics g      = Graphics.FromImage(result);

            // Gets the scaling factor for converting from geographic to pixel coordinates
            double dx = window.Width / envelope.Width;
            double dy = window.Height / envelope.Height;

            double[] a = affine;

            // gets the affine scaling factors.
            float m11    = Convert.ToSingle(a[1] * dx);
            float m22    = Convert.ToSingle(a[5] * -dy);
            float m21    = Convert.ToSingle(a[2] * dx);
            float m12    = Convert.ToSingle(a[4] * -dy);
            float l      = (float)(a[0] - (.5 * (a[1] + a[2]))); // Left of top left pixel
            float t      = (float)(a[3] - (.5 * (a[4] + a[5]))); // top of top left pixel
            float xShift = (float)((l - envelope.MinX) * dx);
            float yShift = (float)((envelope.MaxY - t) * dy);

            g.Transform       = new Matrix(m11, m12, m21, m22, xShift, yShift);
            g.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.Half;
            if (m11 > 1 || m22 > 1)
                g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor;

            g.DrawImage(bmp, new PointF(0, 0));
Beispiel #32
 /// <summary>
 /// Instructs the map to change the perspective to include the entire drawing content, and
 /// in the case of 3D maps, changes the perspective to look from directly overhead.
 /// </summary>
 public void ZoomToMaxExtent()
     // to prevent exception when zoom to map with one layer with one point
     const double eps = 1e-7;
     if (Extent.Width < eps || Extent.Height < eps)
         Extent newExtent = new Extent(Extent.MinX - eps, Extent.MinY - eps, Extent.MaxX + eps, Extent.MaxY + eps);
         ViewExtents = newExtent;
         ViewExtents = Extent;
Beispiel #33
        /// <summary>
        /// This calculates the extent for the category and caches it in the extents collection
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="category">
        /// </param>
        protected virtual Extent CalculateCategoryExtent(IFeatureCategory category)
            Extent ext = new Extent(new[] { double.MaxValue, double.MaxValue, double.MinValue, double.MinValue });
            if (_editMode)
                IDictionary<IFeature, IDrawnState> features = _drawingFilter.DrawnStates;

                foreach (IFeature f in DataSet.Features)
                    if (category == features[f].SchemeCategory)
                        ext.ExpandToInclude(new Extent(f.Envelope));

                if (_categoryExtents.Keys.Contains(category))
                    _categoryExtents[category] = ext.Copy();
                    _categoryExtents.Add(category, ext.Copy());
                FastDrawnState[] states = DrawnStates;
                List<ShapeRange> ranges = DataSet.ShapeIndices;
                for (int shp = 0; shp < DrawnStates.Length; shp++)
                    if (states[shp].Category != null)
                        if (!_categoryExtents.ContainsKey(states[shp].Category))
                            _categoryExtents.Add(states[shp].Category, ranges[shp].Extent.Copy());

            return ext;
Beispiel #34
 private void Configure(IImageData baseImage)
     _bufferRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, baseImage.Width, baseImage.Height);
     _bufferExtent = baseImage.Bounds.Extent;
     base.IsVisible = true;
     MyExtent = baseImage.Extent;
     base.LegendText = Path.GetFileName(baseImage.Filename);
Beispiel #35
 public void SetExtents(DotSpatial.Data.Extent extent)
     //throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #36
 /// <summary>
 /// This allows overriding layers to handle any memory cleanup.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="disposeManagedResources">True if managed resources should be set to null.</param>
 protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposeManagedResources)
     if (_isDisposed)
     if (disposeManagedResources)
         LayerSelected = null;
         ZoomToLayer = null;
         ShowProperties = null;
         FinishedLoading = null;
         SelectionChanged = null;
         base.ContextMenuItems = null;
         MyExtent = null;
         base.LegendText = null;
         _progressHandler = null;
         _progressMeter = null;
         _invalidatedRegion = null;
         _mapFrame = null;
         _propertyDialogProvider = null;
     // Since the InnerDataset likely contains unmanaged memory constructs, dispose of it here.
     if (_dataSet != null)
         if (!_dataSet.IsDisposeLocked)
     if (_editCopy != null) _editCopy.Dispose();
     _isDisposed = true;
Beispiel #37
 /// <summary>
 /// Given a geographic extent, this tests the "IsVisible", "UseDynamicVisibility",
 ///  "DynamicVisibilityMode" and "DynamicVisibilityWidth"
 /// In order to determine if this layer is visible for the specified scale.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="geographicExtent">The geographic extent, where the width will be tested.</param>
 /// <returns>Boolean, true if this layer should be visible for this extent.</returns>
 public bool VisibleAtExtent(Extent geographicExtent)
     if (!IsVisible) return false;
     if (UseDynamicVisibility)
         if (DynamicVisibilityMode == DynamicVisibilityMode.ZoomedIn)
             if (geographicExtent.Width > DynamicVisibilityWidth)
                 return false;  // skip the geoLayer if we are zoomed out too far.
             if (geographicExtent.Width < DynamicVisibilityWidth)
                 return false;  // skip the geoLayer if we are zoomed out too far.
     return true;
Beispiel #38
        // X Y MultiPoints: Total Length = 28 Bytes
        // ---------------------------------------------------------
        // Position     Value               Type        Number      Byte Order
        // ---------------------------------------------------------
        // Byte 0       Record Number       Integer     1           Big
        // Byte 4       Content Length      Integer     1           Big
        // Byte 8       Shape Type 8        Integer     1           Little
        // Byte 12      Xmin                Double      1           Little
        // Byte 20      Ymin                Double      1           Little
        // Byte 28      Xmax                Double      1           Little
        // Byte 36      Ymax                Double      1           Little
        // Byte 48      NumPoints           Integer     1           Little
        // Byte X       Points              Point       NumPoints   Little

        // X Y M MultiPoints: Total Length = 34 Bytes
        // ---------------------------------------------------------
        // Position     Value               Type        Number      Byte Order
        // ---------------------------------------------------------
        // Byte 0       Record Number       Integer     1           Big
        // Byte 4       Content Length      Integer     1           Big
        // Byte 8       Shape Type 28       Integer     1           Little
        // Byte 12      Box                 Double      4           Little
        // Byte 44      NumPoints           Integer     1           Little
        // Byte X       Points              Point       NumPoints   Little
        // Byte Y*      Mmin                Double      1           Little
        // Byte Y + 8*  Mmax                Double      1           Little
        // Byte Y + 16* Marray              Double      NumPoints   Little

        // X Y Z M MultiPoints: Total Length = 44 Bytes
        // ---------------------------------------------------------
        // Position     Value               Type        Number  Byte Order
        // ---------------------------------------------------------
        // Byte 0       Record Number       Integer     1           Big
        // Byte 4       Content Length      Integer     1           Big
        // Byte 8       Shape Type 18       Integer     1           Little
        // Byte 12      Box                 Double      4           Little
        // Byte 44      NumPoints           Integer     1           Little
        // Byte X       Points              Point       NumPoints   Little
        // Byte Y       Zmin                Double      1           Little
        // Byte Y + 8   Zmax                Double      1           Little
        // Byte Y + 16  Zarray              Double      NumPoints   Little
        // Byte Z*      Mmin                Double      1           Little
        // Byte Z+8*    Mmax                Double      1           Little
        // Byte Z+16*   Marray              Double      NumPoints   Little

        private void FillPoints(string fileName, IProgressHandler progressHandler)
            // Check to ensure the fileName is not null
            if (fileName == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException(DataStrings.ArgumentNull_S.Replace("%S", fileName));

            if (File.Exists(fileName) == false)
                throw new FileNotFoundException(DataStrings.FileNotFound_S.Replace("%S", fileName));

            // Get the basic header information.
            ShapefileHeader header = new ShapefileHeader(fileName);

            Extent = new Extent(new[] { header.Xmin, header.Ymin, header.Xmax, header.Ymax });
            // Check to ensure that the fileName is the correct shape type
            if (header.ShapeType != ShapeType.MultiPoint &&
                header.ShapeType != ShapeType.MultiPointM &&
                header.ShapeType != ShapeType.MultiPointZ)
                throw new ArgumentException(DataStrings.FileNotLines_S.Replace("%S", fileName));

            // Reading the headers gives us an easier way to track the number of shapes and their overall length etc.
            List <ShapeHeader> shapeHeaders = ReadIndexFile(fileName);

            // This will set up a reader so that we can read values in huge chunks, which is much faster than one value at a time.
            BufferedBinaryReader bbReader = new BufferedBinaryReader(fileName, progressHandler);

            if (bbReader.FileLength == 100)
                // The shapefile is empty so we can simply return here

            // Skip the shapefile header by skipping the first 100 bytes in the shapefile
            bbReader.Seek(100, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            int numShapes = shapeHeaders.Count;

            byte[] bigEndians = new byte[numShapes * 8];
            byte[] allBounds  = new byte[numShapes * 32];

            ByteBlock allCoords = new ByteBlock(BLOCKSIZE);
            bool      isM       = (header.ShapeType == ShapeType.MultiPointZ || header.ShapeType == ShapeType.MultiPointM);
            bool      isZ       = (header.ShapeType == ShapeType.PolyLineZ);
            ByteBlock allZ      = null;
            ByteBlock allM      = null;

            if (isZ)
                allZ = new ByteBlock(BLOCKSIZE);
            if (isM)
                allM = new ByteBlock(BLOCKSIZE);
            int pointOffset = 0;

            for (int shp = 0; shp < numShapes; shp++)
                // Read from the index file because some deleted records
                // might still exist in the .shp file.
                long offset = (shapeHeaders[shp].ByteOffset);
                bbReader.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                // time: 200 ms
                ShapeRange shape = new ShapeRange(FeatureType.MultiPoint)
                    RecordNumber  = bbReader.ReadInt32(false),
                    ContentLength = bbReader.ReadInt32(false),
                    ShapeType     = (ShapeType)bbReader.ReadInt32(),
                    StartIndex    = pointOffset

                //bbReader.Read(bigEndians, shp * 8, 8);
                if (shape.ShapeType == ShapeType.NullShape)
                bbReader.Read(allBounds, shp * 32, 32);
                shape.NumParts  = 1;
                shape.NumPoints = bbReader.ReadInt32();
                allCoords.Read(shape.NumPoints * 16, bbReader);
                pointOffset += shape.NumPoints;

                if (header.ShapeType == ShapeType.MultiPointM)
                    // These are listed as "optional" but there isn't a good indicator of
                    // how to determine if they were added.
                    // To handle the "optional" M values, check the contentLength for the feature.
                    // The content length does not include the 8-byte record header and is listed in 16-bit words.
                    if (shape.ContentLength * 2 > 44 + 4 * shape.NumParts + 16 * shape.NumPoints)
                        IExtentM mExt = (IExtentM)MyExtent;
                        mExt.MinM = bbReader.ReadDouble();
                        mExt.MaxM = bbReader.ReadDouble();
                        if (allM != null)
                            allM.Read(shape.NumPoints * 8, bbReader);
                if (header.ShapeType == ShapeType.MultiPointZ)
                    bool     hasM = shape.ContentLength * 2 > 60 + 4 * shape.NumParts + 24 * shape.NumPoints;
                    IExtentZ zExt = (IExtentZ)MyExtent;
                    zExt.MinZ = bbReader.ReadDouble();
                    zExt.MaxZ = bbReader.ReadDouble();
                    // For Z shapefiles, the Z part is not optional.
                    if (allZ != null)
                        allZ.Read(shape.NumPoints * 8, bbReader);

                    // These are listed as "optional" but there isn't a good indicator of
                    // how to determine if they were added.
                    // To handle the "optional" M values, check the contentLength for the feature.
                    // The content length does not include the 8-byte record header and is listed in 16-bit words.
                    if (hasM)
                        IExtentM mExt = (IExtentM)MyExtent;
                        mExt.MinM = bbReader.ReadDouble();
                        mExt.MaxM = bbReader.ReadDouble();
                        if (allM != null)
                            allM.Read(shape.NumPoints * 8, bbReader);
                // Now that we have read all the values, create the geometries from the points and parts arrays.
            double[] vert = allCoords.ToDoubleArray();
            Vertex = vert;
            if (isM)
                M = allM.ToDoubleArray();
            if (isZ)
                Z = allZ.ToDoubleArray();
            List <ShapeRange> shapes = ShapeIndices;

            double[] bounds = new double[numShapes * 4];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(allBounds, 0, bounds, 0, allBounds.Length);
            for (int shp = 0; shp < numShapes; shp++)
                ShapeRange shape = shapes[shp];
                shape.Extent = new Extent(bounds, shp * 4);
                int       endIndex   = shape.NumPoints + shape.StartIndex;
                int       startIndex = shape.StartIndex;
                int       count      = endIndex - startIndex;
                PartRange partR      = new PartRange(vert, shape.StartIndex, 0, FeatureType.MultiPoint)
                    NumVertices = count

Beispiel #39
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts a single geographic envelope into an equivalent Rectangle
 /// as it would be drawn on the screen.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="env">The geographic IEnvelope</param>
 /// <returns>A Rectangle</returns>
 public Rectangle ProjToPixel(Extent env)
     return _geoMapFrame.ProjToPixel(env);
        /// <inheritdocs/>
        public Dictionary <int, Shape> GetShapes(ref int startIndex, int count, Envelope envelope)
            Dictionary <int, Shape> result = new Dictionary <int, Shape>();
            ShapefileIndexFile      shx    = CacheShapeIndexFile();

            // Check to ensure the fileName is not null
            if (Filename == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException(Filename);

            if (!File.Exists(Filename))
                throw new FileNotFoundException(Filename);

            // Get the basic header information.
            ShapefileHeader header = new ShapefileHeader(Filename);
            Extent          ext    = new Extent(new[] { header.Xmin, header.Ymin, header.Xmax, header.Ymax });

            if (envelope != null)
                if (!ext.Intersects(envelope))

            // Check to ensure that the fileName is the correct shape type
            if (header.ShapeType != ShapeType &&
                header.ShapeType != ShapeTypeM &&
                header.ShapeType != ShapeTypeZ)
                throw new ArgumentException("Wrong feature type.");

            FileStream fs = new FileStream(Filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);

            if (fs.Length == 100)
                // The shapefile is empty so we can simply return here

            int shapesTested   = 0;
            int shapesReturned = 0;

            // Use spatial index if we have one
            if (null != _spatialIndex && null != envelope)
                IList <int> spatialQueryResults = _spatialIndex.Query(envelope);

                // Sort the results from low to high index
                var sqra = new int[spatialQueryResults.Count];
                spatialQueryResults.CopyTo(sqra, 0);

                foreach (int shp in sqra)
                    if (shp >= startIndex)
                        Shape myShape = GetShapeAtIndex(fs, shx, header, shp, envelope);
                        if (null != myShape)
                            result.Add(shp, myShape);
                            if (shapesReturned >= count)
                int numShapes = shx.Shapes.Count;
                for (int shp = startIndex; shp < numShapes; shp++)
                    Shape myShape = GetShapeAtIndex(fs, shx, header, shp, envelope);
                    if (null != myShape)
                        result.Add(shp, myShape);
                        if (shapesReturned >= count)
            startIndex += shapesTested;
Beispiel #41
 /// <summary>
 /// Instead of using the usual buffers, this bypasses any buffering and instructs the layers
 /// to draw directly to the specified target rectangle on the graphics object.  This is useful
 /// for doing vector drawing on much larger pages.  The result will be centered in the
 /// specified target rectangle bounds.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="device">The graphics device to print to</param>
 /// <param name="targetRectangle">the rectangle where the map content should be drawn.</param>
 /// <param name="targetEnvelope">the extents to print in the target rectangle</param>
 public void Print(Graphics device, Rectangle targetRectangle, Extent targetEnvelope)
     MapFrame.Print(device, targetRectangle, targetEnvelope);
Beispiel #42
 /// <summary>
 /// Tests the intersection with an extents
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ext"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool Intersects(Extent ext)
     return(Intersects(new Shape(ext).Range));
Beispiel #43
 private static BruTile.Extent ToBrutileExtent(DotSpatial.Data.Extent extent)
     return(new BruTile.Extent(extent.MinX, extent.MinY, extent.MaxX, extent.MaxY));
Beispiel #44
        /// <summary>
        /// This tests each feature of the input.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="self">This featureSet.</param>
        /// <param name="other">The featureSet to perform intersection with.</param>
        /// <param name="joinType">The attribute join type.</param>
        /// <param name="progHandler">A progress handler for status messages.</param>
        /// <returns>An IFeatureSet with the intersecting features, broken down based on the join Type.</returns>
        public static IFeatureSet Intersection(this IFeatureSet self, IFeatureSet other, FieldJoinType joinType, IProgressHandler progHandler)
            IFeatureSet   result = null;
            ProgressMeter pm     = new(progHandler, "Calculating Intersection", self.Features.Count);

            if (joinType == FieldJoinType.All)
                result = CombinedFields(self, other);

                // Intersection is symmetric, so only consider I X J where J <= I
                if (!self.AttributesPopulated)
                if (!other.AttributesPopulated)

                for (int i = 0; i < self.Features.Count; i++)
                    IFeature        selfFeature     = self.Features[i];
                    List <IFeature> potentialOthers = other.Select(selfFeature.Geometry.EnvelopeInternal.ToExtent());
                    foreach (IFeature otherFeature in potentialOthers)
                        selfFeature.Intersection(otherFeature, result, joinType);

                    pm.CurrentValue = i;

            else if (joinType == FieldJoinType.LocalOnly)
                if (!self.AttributesPopulated)

                result = new FeatureSet();
                result.FeatureType = self.FeatureType;
                if (other.Features != null && other.Features.Count > 0)
                    pm = new ProgressMeter(progHandler, "Calculating Union", other.Features.Count);
                    IFeature union = other.Features[0];
                    for (int i = 1; i < other.Features.Count; i++)
                        union           = union.Union(other.Features[i].Geometry);
                        pm.CurrentValue = i;

                    pm = new ProgressMeter(progHandler, "Calculating Intersections", self.NumRows());
                    Extent otherEnvelope = union.Geometry.EnvelopeInternal.ToExtent();
                    for (int shp = 0; shp < self.ShapeIndices.Count; shp++)
                        if (!self.ShapeIndices[shp].Extent.Intersects(otherEnvelope))

                        IFeature selfFeature = self.GetFeature(shp);
                        selfFeature.Intersection(union, result, joinType);
                        pm.CurrentValue = shp;

            else if (joinType == FieldJoinType.ForeignOnly)
                if (!other.AttributesPopulated)

                result = new FeatureSet();
                result.FeatureType = other.FeatureType;
                if (self.Features != null && self.Features.Count > 0)
                    pm = new ProgressMeter(progHandler, "Calculating Union", self.Features.Count);
                    IFeature union = self.Features[0];
                    for (int i = 1; i < self.Features.Count; i++)
                        union           = union.Union(self.Features[i].Geometry);
                        pm.CurrentValue = i;

                    if (other.Features != null)
                        pm = new ProgressMeter(progHandler, "Calculating Intersection", other.Features.Count);
                        for (int i = 0; i < other.Features.Count; i++)
                            other.Features[i].Intersection(union, result, FieldJoinType.LocalOnly);
                            pm.CurrentValue = i;


Beispiel #45
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="InRamImageData"/> class.
 /// Uses a bitmap and a geographic envelope in order to define a new imageData object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="rawImage">
 /// The raw image.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="bounds">
 /// The envelope bounds.
 /// </param>
 public InRamImageData(Bitmap rawImage, Extent bounds)
     _myImage = rawImage;
     Width = _myImage.Width;
     Height = _myImage.Height;
     Bounds = new RasterBounds(_myImage.Height, _myImage.Width, bounds);
Beispiel #46
 /// <summary>
 /// The geographic envelope gives the region that the image should be created for.
 /// The window gives the corresponding pixel dimensions for the image, so that
 /// images matching the resolution of the screen can be used.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="envelope">The geographic extents to retrieve data for</param>
 /// <param name="size">The rectangle that defines the size of the drawing area in pixels</param>
 /// <returns>A bitmap captured from the main image </returns>
 public Bitmap GetBitmap(Extent envelope, Size size)
     return(GetBitmap(envelope, new Rectangle(new Point(0, 0), size)));
Beispiel #47
 /// <summary>
 /// Notifies the layer that the next time an area that intersects with this region
 /// is specified, it must first re-draw content to the image buffer.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="region">The envelope where content has become invalidated.</param>
 public virtual void Invalidate(Extent region)
     if (_invalidatedRegion != null)
         // This is set to null when we do the redrawing, so we would rather expand
         // the redraw region than forget to update a modified area.
         _invalidatedRegion = region;
Beispiel #48
 /// <summary>
 /// The geographic envelope gives the region that the image should be created for.
 /// The window gives the corresponding pixel dimensions for the image, so that
 /// images matching the resolution of the screen can be used.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="envelope">The geographic extents to retrieve data for</param>
 /// <param name="window">The rectangle that defines the size of the drawing area in pixels</param>
 /// <returns>A bitmap captured from the main image </returns>
 public virtual Bitmap GetBitmap(Extent envelope, Rectangle window)
Beispiel #49
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a new extent from the shape header.  This will infer the whether the ExtentMZ, ExtentM
        /// or Extent class is the best implementation.  Casting is required to access the higher
        /// values from the Extent return type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Extent, which can be Extent, ExtentM, or ExtentMZ</returns>
        public Extent ToExtent()
            if (ShapeType == ShapeType.MultiPointZ ||
                ShapeType == ShapeType.PointZ ||
                ShapeType == ShapeType.PolygonZ ||
                ShapeType == ShapeType.PolyLineZ)
                return new ExtentMZ(_xMin, _yMin, _mMin, _zMin, _xMax, _yMax, _mMax, _zMax);
            if (ShapeType == ShapeType.MultiPointM ||
                ShapeType == ShapeType.PointM ||
                ShapeType == ShapeType.PolygonM ||
                ShapeType == ShapeType.PolyLineM)
                return new ExtentM(_xMin, _yMin, _mMin, _xMax, _yMax, _mMax);
            Extent ext = new Extent(_xMin, _yMin, _xMax, _yMax);

            return ext;
Beispiel #50
        // X Y Poly Lines: Total Length = 28 Bytes
        // ---------------------------------------------------------
        // Position     Value               Type        Number      Byte Order
        // ---------------------------------------------------------
        // Byte 0       Record Number       Integer     1           Big
        // Byte 4       Content Length      Integer     1           Big
        // Byte 8       Shape Type 3        Integer     1           Little
        // Byte 12      Xmin                Double      1           Little
        // Byte 20      Ymin                Double      1           Little
        // Byte 28      Xmax                Double      1           Little
        // Byte 36      Ymax                Double      1           Little
        // Byte 44      NumParts            Integer     1           Little
        // Byte 48      NumPoints           Integer     1           Little
        // Byte 52      Parts               Integer     NumParts    Little
        // Byte X       Points              Point       NumPoints   Little

        // X Y M Poly Lines: Total Length = 34 Bytes
        // ---------------------------------------------------------
        // Position     Value               Type        Number      Byte Order
        // ---------------------------------------------------------
        // Byte 0       Record Number       Integer     1           Big
        // Byte 4       Content Length      Integer     1           Big
        // Byte 8       Shape Type 23       Integer     1           Little
        // Byte 12      Box                 Double      4           Little
        // Byte 44      NumParts            Integer     1           Little
        // Byte 48      NumPoints           Integer     1           Little
        // Byte 52      Parts               Integer     NumParts    Little
        // Byte X       Points              Point       NumPoints   Little
        // Byte Y*      Mmin                Double      1           Little
        // Byte Y + 8*  Mmax                Double      1           Little
        // Byte Y + 16* Marray              Double      NumPoints   Little

        // X Y Z M Poly Lines: Total Length = 44 Bytes
        // ---------------------------------------------------------
        // Position     Value               Type        Number  Byte Order
        // ---------------------------------------------------------
        // Byte 0       Record Number       Integer     1           Big
        // Byte 4       Content Length      Integer     1           Big
        // Byte 8       Shape Type 13       Integer     1           Little
        // Byte 12      Box                 Double      4           Little
        // Byte 44      NumParts            Integer     1           Little
        // Byte 48      NumPoints           Integer     1           Little
        // Byte 52      Parts               Integer     NumParts    Little
        // Byte X       Points              Point       NumPoints   Little
        // Byte Y       Zmin                Double      1           Little
        // Byte Y + 8   Zmax                Double      1           Little
        // Byte Y + 16  Zarray              Double      NumPoints   Little
        // Byte Z*      Mmin                Double      1           Little
        // Byte Z+8*    Mmax                Double      1           Little
        // Byte Z+16*   Marray              Double      NumPoints   Little

        private void FillPolygons(string fileName, IProgressHandler progressHandler)
            // Check to ensure the fileName is not null
            if (fileName == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException(DataStrings.ArgumentNull_S.Replace("%S", fileName));

            if (File.Exists(fileName) == false)
                throw new FileNotFoundException(DataStrings.FileNotFound_S.Replace("%S", fileName));

            // Get the basic header information.
            ShapefileHeader header = new ShapefileHeader(fileName);

            Extent = new Extent(new[] { header.Xmin, header.Ymin, header.Xmax, header.Ymax });

            // Check to ensure that the fileName is the correct shape type
            if (header.ShapeType != ShapeType.Polygon &&
                header.ShapeType != ShapeType.PolygonM &&
                header.ShapeType != ShapeType.PolygonZ)
                throw new ArgumentException(DataStrings.FileNotLines_S.Replace("%S", fileName));

            // Reading the headers gives us an easier way to track the number of shapes and their overall length etc.
            List <ShapeHeader> shapeHeaders = ReadIndexFile(fileName);

            // TO DO: replace with a normal reader.  We no longer need Buffered Binary reader as
            // the buffer can be set on the underlying file stream.
            BufferedBinaryReader bbReader = new BufferedBinaryReader(fileName, progressHandler);

            if (bbReader.FileLength == 100)
                // The shapefile is empty so we can simply return here

            // Skip the shapefile header by skipping the first 100 bytes in the shapefile
            bbReader.Seek(100, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            int numShapes = shapeHeaders.Count;

            int[] partOffsets = new int[numShapes];
            //byte[] allBounds = new byte[numShapes * 32];

            // probably all will be in one block, but use a byteBlock just in case.
            ByteBlock allParts  = new ByteBlock(BLOCKSIZE);
            ByteBlock allCoords = new ByteBlock(BLOCKSIZE);
            bool      isM       = (header.ShapeType == ShapeType.PolygonM || header.ShapeType == ShapeType.PolygonZ);
            bool      isZ       = (header.ShapeType == ShapeType.PolygonZ);
            ByteBlock allZ      = null;
            ByteBlock allM      = null;

            if (isZ)
                allZ = new ByteBlock(BLOCKSIZE);
            if (isM)
                allM = new ByteBlock(BLOCKSIZE);

            int pointOffset = 0;

            for (int shp = 0; shp < numShapes; shp++)
                // Read from the index file because some deleted records
                // might still exist in the .shp file.
                long offset = (shapeHeaders[shp].ByteOffset);
                bbReader.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                // Position  Value Type    Number  Byte Order
                ShapeRange shape = new ShapeRange(FeatureType.Polygon); //------------------------------------
                shape.RecordNumber  = bbReader.ReadInt32(false);        // Byte 0   Record Integer   1     Big
                shape.ContentLength = bbReader.ReadInt32(false);        // Byte 4   Length Integer   1     Big

                // Setting shape type also controls extent class type.
                shape.ShapeType  = (ShapeType)bbReader.ReadInt32();     // Byte 8   Type   Integer   1     Little
                shape.StartIndex = pointOffset;
                if (shape.ShapeType == ShapeType.NullShape)
                shape.Extent.MinX = bbReader.ReadDouble();
                shape.Extent.MinY = bbReader.ReadDouble();
                shape.Extent.MaxX = bbReader.ReadDouble();
                shape.Extent.MaxY = bbReader.ReadDouble();
                shape.NumParts    = bbReader.ReadInt32();               // Byte 44  #Parts  Integer  1    Little
                shape.NumPoints   = bbReader.ReadInt32();               // Byte 48  #Points Integer  1    Little
                partOffsets[shp]  = allParts.IntOffset();
                allParts.Read(shape.NumParts * 4, bbReader);
                allCoords.Read(shape.NumPoints * 16, bbReader);
                pointOffset += shape.NumPoints;

                if (header.ShapeType == ShapeType.PolygonM)
                    // These are listed as "optional" but there isn't a good indicator of
                    // how to determine if they were added.
                    // To handle the "optional" M values, check the contentLength for the feature.
                    // The content length does not include the 8-byte record header and is listed in 16-bit words.
                    if (shape.ContentLength * 2 > 44 + 4 * shape.NumParts + 16 * shape.NumPoints)
                        IExtentM mExt = (IExtentM)shape.Extent;
                        mExt.MinM = bbReader.ReadDouble();
                        mExt.MaxM = bbReader.ReadDouble();

                        if (allM != null)
                            allM.Read(shape.NumPoints * 8, bbReader);

                if (header.ShapeType == ShapeType.PolygonZ)
                    bool     hasM = shape.ContentLength * 2 > 60 + 4 * shape.NumParts + 24 * shape.NumPoints;
                    IExtentZ zExt = (IExtentZ)shape.Extent;
                    zExt.MinZ = bbReader.ReadDouble();
                    zExt.MaxZ = bbReader.ReadDouble();

                    // For Z shapefiles, the Z part is not optional.
                    if (allZ != null)
                        allZ.Read(shape.NumPoints * 8, bbReader);
                    // These are listed as "optional" but there isn't a good indicator of
                    // how to determine if they were added.
                    // To handle the "optional" M values, check the contentLength for the feature.
                    // The content length does not include the 8-byte record header and is listed in 16-bit words.
                    if (hasM)
                        IExtentM mExt = (IExtentM)shape.Extent;
                        mExt.MinM = bbReader.ReadDouble();
                        mExt.MaxM = bbReader.ReadDouble();
                        if (allM != null)
                            allM.Read(shape.NumPoints * 8, bbReader);

            double[] vert = allCoords.ToDoubleArray();
            Vertex = vert;
            if (isM)
                M = allM.ToDoubleArray();
            if (isZ)
                Z = allZ.ToDoubleArray();
            List <ShapeRange> shapes = ShapeIndices;

            //double[] bounds = new double[numShapes * 4];
            //Buffer.BlockCopy(allBounds, 0, bounds, 0, allBounds.Length);
            int[] parts = allParts.ToIntArray();
            ProgressMeter = new ProgressMeter(ProgressHandler, "Testing Parts and Holes", shapes.Count);
            for (int shp = 0; shp < shapes.Count; shp++)
                ShapeRange shape = shapes[shp];
                //shape.Extent = new Extent(bounds, shp * 4);
                for (int part = 0; part < shape.NumParts; part++)
                    int offset     = partOffsets[shp];
                    int endIndex   = shape.NumPoints + shape.StartIndex;
                    int startIndex = parts[offset + part] + shape.StartIndex;
                    if (part < shape.NumParts - 1)
                        endIndex = parts[offset + part + 1] + shape.StartIndex;
                    int       count = endIndex - startIndex;
                    PartRange partR = new PartRange(vert, shape.StartIndex, parts[offset + part], FeatureType.Polygon);
                    partR.NumVertices = count;
                ProgressMeter.CurrentValue = shp;