public override void Connect_To_Database(StorageConfig config)
            myConfig = config as SQLiteConfig;
            if (myConfig == null)
                throw new Exception("Database Config is NULL");

            if (!FileNameLockObjects.ContainsKey(myConfig.DatabaseFile))
                FileNameLockObjects.Add(myConfig.DatabaseFile,new object());

                myDBConn = new SQLiteConnection(ConnectionString);
                if (myDBConn.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to Open Database. Storage:" + config.Name);
            catch (SQLiteException ex)
                throw ex;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
 private void cmdAddSQLiteStorage_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     string val = "Storage_" + (grdStorages.Items.Count + 1);
     if (DotNetSiemensPLCToolBoxLibrary.General.InputBox.Show("Storage-Name", "Name of the Storage", ref val) == DialogResult.OK)
         foreach (var tmp in ProtokollerConfiguration.ActualConfigInstance.Storages)
             if (tmp.Name.ToLower().Trim() == val.ToLower().Trim())
                 MessageBox.Show("A Storage with this Name already Exists!", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
         SQLiteConfig storage = new SQLiteConfig() {Name = val};
 public override void Connect_To_Database(StorageConfig config)
     myConfig = config as SQLiteConfig;
     if (myConfig == null)
         throw new Exception("Database Config is NULL");
         string connString = string.Format("Data Source={0};Pooling=true;FailIfMissing=false", myConfig.DatabaseFile);
         myDBConn = new FbConnection(connString);
         if (myDBConn.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)
             throw new Exception();
     catch (FbException ex)
         throw ex;
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw ex;