Beispiel #1
		public static void LoadTemplateCache(int moduleID)
			var tc = new TemplateController();
			foreach (var ti in tc.Template_List(-1, moduleID))
				DataCache.CacheStore(ti.Title + moduleID, ti.Template);
				DataCache.CacheStore(ti.Subject + "_Subject_" + moduleID, ti.Subject);
Beispiel #2
		private static TemplateInfo GetTemplateByName(string templateName, int moduleId, int portalId)
			var tc = new TemplateController();
			TemplateInfo ti;
				ti = tc.Template_Get(templateName, portalId, moduleId);
			catch (Exception ex)
				ti = new TemplateInfo {TemplateHTML = "Error loading " + templateName + " template."};
			    ti.TemplateText = ti.TemplateHTML;
			return ti;
Beispiel #3
        public static void SendEmail(int templateId, int portalId, int moduleId, int tabId, int forumId, int topicId, int replyId, string comments, Author author)
            var portalSettings = (Entities.Portals.PortalSettings)(HttpContext.Current.Items["PortalSettings"]);
            var mainSettings   = DataCache.MainSettings(moduleId);
            var sTemplate      = string.Empty;
            var tc             = new TemplateController();
            var ti             = tc.Template_Get(templateId, portalId, moduleId);
            var subject        = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.Subject, string.Empty, portalId, moduleId, tabId, forumId, topicId, replyId, string.Empty, author.AuthorId, Convert.ToInt32(portalSettings.TimeZone.BaseUtcOffset.TotalMinutes));
            var bodyText       = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.TemplateText, string.Empty, portalId, moduleId, tabId, forumId, topicId, replyId, string.Empty, author.AuthorId, Convert.ToInt32(portalSettings.TimeZone.BaseUtcOffset.TotalMinutes));
            var bodyHTML       = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.TemplateHTML, string.Empty, portalId, moduleId, tabId, forumId, topicId, replyId, string.Empty, author.AuthorId, Convert.ToInt32(portalSettings.TimeZone.BaseUtcOffset.TotalMinutes));

            bodyText = bodyText.Replace("[REASON]", comments);
            bodyHTML = bodyHTML.Replace("[REASON]", comments);
            var fc    = new ForumController();
            var fi    = fc.Forums_Get(forumId, -1, false, true);
            var sFrom = fi.EmailAddress != string.Empty ? fi.EmailAddress : portalSettings.Email;

            //Send now

            var oEmail = new Email();
            var subs   = new List <SubscriptionInfo>();
            var si     = new SubscriptionInfo
                DisplayName = author.DisplayName,
                Email       = author.Email,
                FirstName   = author.FirstName,
                LastName    = author.LastName,
                UserId      = author.AuthorId,
                Username    = author.Username


            oEmail.UseQueue   = mainSettings.MailQueue;
            oEmail.Recipients = subs;
            oEmail.Subject    = subject;
            oEmail.From       = sFrom;
            oEmail.BodyText   = bodyText;
            oEmail.BodyHTML   = bodyHTML;

            new Thread(oEmail.Send).Start();
Beispiel #4
        public static void SendSubscriptions(int TemplateId, int PortalId, int ModuleId, int TabId, Forum fi, int TopicId, int ReplyId, int AuthorId)
            var                     _portalSettings = (Entities.Portals.PortalSettings)(HttpContext.Current.Items["PortalSettings"]);
            SettingsInfo            MainSettings    = DataCache.MainSettings(ModuleId);
            var                     sc   = new SubscriptionController();
            List <SubscriptionInfo> subs = sc.Subscription_GetSubscribers(PortalId, fi.ForumID, TopicId, SubscriptionTypes.Instant, AuthorId, fi.Security.Subscribe);

            if (subs.Count <= 0)

            string       Subject;
            string       BodyText;
            string       BodyHTML;
            string       sTemplate = string.Empty;
            var          tc        = new TemplateController();
            TemplateInfo ti;

            ti = TemplateId > 0 ? tc.Template_Get(TemplateId) : tc.Template_Get("SubscribedEmail", PortalId, ModuleId);
            TemplateUtils.lstSubscriptionInfo = subs;
            Subject  = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.Subject, string.Empty, PortalId, ModuleId, TabId, fi.ForumID, TopicId, ReplyId, string.Empty, AuthorId, Convert.ToInt32(_portalSettings.TimeZone.BaseUtcOffset.TotalMinutes));
            BodyText = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.TemplateText, string.Empty, PortalId, ModuleId, TabId, fi.ForumID, TopicId, ReplyId, string.Empty, AuthorId, Convert.ToInt32(_portalSettings.TimeZone.BaseUtcOffset.TotalMinutes));
            BodyHTML = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.TemplateHTML, string.Empty, PortalId, ModuleId, TabId, fi.ForumID, TopicId, ReplyId, string.Empty, AuthorId, Convert.ToInt32(_portalSettings.TimeZone.BaseUtcOffset.TotalMinutes));
            string sFrom;

            sFrom = fi.EmailAddress != string.Empty ? fi.EmailAddress : _portalSettings.Email;
            var oEmail = new Email
                Recipients = subs,
                Subject    = Subject,
                From       = sFrom,
                BodyText   = BodyText,
                BodyHTML   = BodyHTML,
                UseQueue   = MainSettings.MailQueue

            var objThread = new System.Threading.Thread(oEmail.Send);

Beispiel #5
		public static void SendEmail(int templateId, int portalId, int moduleId, int tabId, int forumId, int topicId, int replyId, string comments, Author author)
			var portalSettings = (Entities.Portals.PortalSettings)(HttpContext.Current.Items["PortalSettings"]);
			var mainSettings = DataCache.MainSettings(moduleId);
		    var sTemplate = string.Empty;
			var tc = new TemplateController();
			var ti = tc.Template_Get(templateId, portalId, moduleId);
			var subject = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.Subject, string.Empty, portalId, moduleId, tabId, forumId, topicId, replyId, string.Empty, author.AuthorId, portalSettings.TimeZoneOffset);
			var bodyText = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.TemplateText, string.Empty, portalId, moduleId, tabId, forumId, topicId, replyId, string.Empty, author.AuthorId, portalSettings.TimeZoneOffset);
			var bodyHTML = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.TemplateHTML, string.Empty, portalId, moduleId, tabId, forumId, topicId, replyId, string.Empty, author.AuthorId, portalSettings.TimeZoneOffset);
			bodyText = bodyText.Replace("[REASON]", comments);
			bodyHTML = bodyHTML.Replace("[REASON]", comments);
		    var fc = new ForumController();
			var fi = fc.Forums_Get(forumId, -1, false, true);
			var sFrom = fi.EmailAddress != string.Empty ? fi.EmailAddress : portalSettings.Email;
            //Send now
            var oEmail = new Email();
			var subs = new List<SubscriptionInfo>();
			var si = new SubscriptionInfo
			                 DisplayName = author.DisplayName,
			                 Email = author.Email,
			                 FirstName = author.FirstName,
			                 LastName = author.LastName,
			                 UserId = author.AuthorId,
			                 Username = author.Username


			oEmail.UseQueue = mainSettings.MailQueue;
			oEmail.Recipients = subs;
			oEmail.Subject = subject;
			oEmail.From = sFrom;
			oEmail.BodyText = bodyText;
			oEmail.BodyHTML = bodyHTML;

			new Thread(oEmail.Send).Start();
Beispiel #6
        private void LoadForm(int TemplateId)
            TemplateInfo       ti = null;
            TemplateController tc = new TemplateController();

            ti = tc.Template_Get(TemplateId, PortalId, ModuleId);
            if (ti != null)
                txtTitle.Text                 = ti.Title;
                txtSubject.Text               = ti.Subject;
                txtPlainText.Text             = ti.TemplateText;
                txtEditor.Text                = Server.HtmlDecode(ti.TemplateHTML.Replace("[RESX:", "[TRESX:"));
                drpTemplateType.SelectedIndex = drpTemplateType.Items.IndexOf(drpTemplateType.Items.FindByValue(Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(Enum.Parse(typeof(Templates.TemplateTypes), ti.TemplateType.ToString())))));
                hidTemplateId.Value           = Convert.ToString(ti.TemplateId);
                if (ti.IsSystem)
                    btnDelete.Visible       = false;
                    txtTitle.ReadOnly       = true;
                    drpTemplateType.Enabled = false;
		private void LoadForm(int TemplateId)

			TemplateInfo ti = null;
			TemplateController tc = new TemplateController();
			ti = tc.Template_Get(TemplateId, PortalId, ModuleId);
			if (ti != null)
				txtTitle.Text = ti.Title;
				txtSubject.Text = ti.Subject;
				txtPlainText.Text = ti.TemplateText;
				txtEditor.Text = Server.HtmlDecode(ti.TemplateHTML.Replace("[RESX:", "[TRESX:"));
				drpTemplateType.SelectedIndex = drpTemplateType.Items.IndexOf(drpTemplateType.Items.FindByValue(Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(Enum.Parse(typeof(Templates.TemplateTypes), ti.TemplateType.ToString())))));
				hidTemplateId.Value = Convert.ToString(ti.TemplateId);
				if (ti.IsSystem)
					btnDelete.Visible = false;
					txtTitle.ReadOnly = true;
					drpTemplateType.Enabled = false;
        private void btnSend_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            if (Request.IsAuthenticated)
                Email  objEmail = new Email();
                string Comments = null;
                Comments  = drpReasons.SelectedItem.Value + "<br>";
                Comments += Utilities.CleanString(PortalId, txtComments.Text, false, EditorTypes.TEXTBOX, false, false, ModuleId, string.Empty, false);
                int templateId          = 0;
                TemplateController tc   = new TemplateController();
                TemplateInfo       ti   = tc.Template_Get("ModAlert", PortalId, ModuleId);
                string             sUrl = NavigateUrl(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["TabId"]), "", new string[] { ParamKeys.ForumId + "=" + ForumId, ParamKeys.TopicId + "=" + TopicId, ParamKeys.ViewType + "=confirmaction", ParamKeys.ConfirmActionId + "=" + ConfirmActions.AlertSent });

                NotificationType notificationType = NotificationsController.Instance.GetNotificationType("AF-ContentAlert");
                TopicsController topicController  = new TopicsController();
                TopicInfo        topic            = topicController.Topics_Get(PortalId, ModuleId, TopicId, ForumId, -1, false);
                string           sBody            = string.Empty;
                string           authorName       = string.Empty;
                string           sSubject         = string.Empty;
                string           sTopicURL        = string.Empty;
                sTopicURL = topic.TopicUrl;
                if (ReplyId > 0 & TopicId != ReplyId)
                    ReplyController rc    = new ReplyController();
                    ReplyInfo       reply = rc.Reply_Get(PortalId, ModuleId, TopicId, ReplyId);
                    sBody      = reply.Content.Body;
                    sSubject   = reply.Content.Subject;
                    authorName = reply.Author.DisplayName;
                    sBody      = topic.Content.Body;
                    sSubject   = topic.Content.Subject;
                    authorName = topic.Author.DisplayName;
                ControlUtils ctlUtils = new ControlUtils();
                string       fullURL  = ctlUtils.BuildUrl(ForumTabId, ForumModuleId, ForumInfo.ForumGroup.PrefixURL, ForumInfo.PrefixURL, ForumInfo.ForumGroupId, ForumInfo.ForumID, TopicId, sTopicURL, -1, -1, string.Empty, 1, ReplyId, SocialGroupId);
                string       subject  = Utilities.GetSharedResource("AlertSubject");
                subject = subject.Replace("[DisplayName]", authorName);
                subject = subject.Replace("[Subject]", sSubject);
                string body = Utilities.GetSharedResource("AlertBody");
                body = body.Replace("[Post]", sBody);
                body = body.Replace("[Comment]", Comments);
                body = body.Replace("[URL]", fullURL);
                body = body.Replace("[Reason]", drpReasons.SelectedItem.Value);
                List <Entities.Users.UserInfo> mods = Utilities.GetListOfModerators(PortalId, ForumId);

                string notificationKey = string.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}:{3}:{4}", TabId, ForumModuleId, ForumId, TopicId, ReplyId);

                Notification notification = new Notification();
                notification.NotificationTypeID = notificationType.NotificationTypeId;
                notification.Subject            = subject;
                notification.Body = body;
                notification.IncludeDismissAction = false;
                notification.SenderUserID         = UserInfo.UserID;
                notification.Context = notificationKey;

                NotificationsController.Instance.SendNotification(notification, PortalId, null, mods);

Beispiel #9
        public static void SendEmailToModerators(int templateId, int portalId, int forumId, int topicId, int replyId, int moduleID, int tabID, string comments, UserInfo user)
            var portalSettings = (Entities.Portals.PortalSettings)(HttpContext.Current.Items["PortalSettings"]);
            var mainSettings   = DataCache.MainSettings(moduleID);
            var fc             = new ForumController();
            var fi             = fc.Forums_Get(forumId, -1, false, true);

            if (fi == null)

            var subs       = new List <SubscriptionInfo>();
            var rc         = new Security.Roles.RoleController();
            var rp         = RoleProvider.Instance();
            var uc         = new Entities.Users.UserController();
            var modApprove = fi.Security.ModApprove;
            var modRoles   = modApprove.Split('|')[0].Split(';');

            foreach (var r in modRoles)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(r))
                var rid   = Convert.ToInt32(r);
                var rName = rc.GetRole(rid, portalId).RoleName;
                foreach (UserRoleInfo usr in rp.GetUserRoles(portalId, null, rName))
                    var ui = uc.GetUser(portalId, usr.UserID);
                    var si = new SubscriptionInfo
                        UserId      = ui.UserID,
                        DisplayName = ui.DisplayName,
                        Email       = ui.Email,
                        FirstName   = ui.FirstName,
                        LastName    = ui.LastName
                    if (!(subs.Contains(si)))

            if (subs.Count <= 0)

            var sTemplate = string.Empty;
            var tc        = new TemplateController();
            var ti        = tc.Template_Get(templateId, portalId, moduleID);
            var subject   = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.Subject, string.Empty, portalId, moduleID, tabID, forumId, topicId, replyId, Convert.ToInt32(portalSettings.TimeZone.BaseUtcOffset.TotalMinutes));
            var bodyText  = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.TemplateText, string.Empty, portalId, moduleID, tabID, forumId, topicId, replyId, comments, user, -1, Convert.ToInt32(portalSettings.TimeZone.BaseUtcOffset.TotalMinutes));
            var bodyHTML  = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.TemplateHTML, string.Empty, portalId, moduleID, tabID, forumId, topicId, replyId, comments, user, -1, Convert.ToInt32(portalSettings.TimeZone.BaseUtcOffset.TotalMinutes));
            var sFrom     = fi.EmailAddress != string.Empty ? fi.EmailAddress : portalSettings.Email;

            var oEmail = new Email
                Recipients = subs,
                Subject    = subject,
                From       = sFrom,
                BodyText   = bodyText,
                BodyHTML   = bodyHTML,
                UseQueue   = mainSettings.MailQueue

            new Thread(oEmail.Send).Start();
		public void BindTemplateDropDown(int ForumModuleId, DropDownList drp, Templates.TemplateTypes TemplateType, string DefaultText, string DefaultValue)
			var tc = new TemplateController();
			drp.DataTextField = "Title";
			drp.DataValueField = "TemplateID";
			drp.DataSource = tc.Template_List(PortalId, ForumModuleId, TemplateType);
			drp.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem(DefaultText, DefaultValue));
Beispiel #11
 private void LoadTemplates(int PortalId, int ModuleId)
         var xDoc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();
         if (xDoc != null)
             System.Xml.XmlNode xRoot = xDoc.DocumentElement;
             System.Xml.XmlNodeList xNodeList = xRoot.SelectNodes("//templates/template");
             if (xNodeList.Count > 0)
                 var tc = new TemplateController();
                 int i;
                 for (i = 0; i < xNodeList.Count; i++)
                     var ti = new TemplateInfo
                                      TemplateId = -1,
                                      TemplateType =
                                          Enum.Parse(typeof (Templates.TemplateTypes), xNodeList[i].Attributes["templatetype"].Value),
                                      IsSystem = true,
                                      PortalId = PortalId,
                                      ModuleId = ModuleId,
                                      Title = xNodeList[i].Attributes["templatetitle"].Value,
                                      Subject = xNodeList[i].Attributes["templatesubject"].Value
                     string sHTML;
                     sHTML = GetFileContent(xNodeList[i].Attributes["importfilehtml"].Value);
                     string sText;
                     sText = GetFileContent(xNodeList[i].Attributes["importfiletext"].Value);
                     string sTemplate = sText;
                     if (sHTML != string.Empty)
                         sTemplate = "<template><html>" + HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlEncode(sHTML) + "</html><plaintext>" + sText + "</plaintext></template>";
                     ti.Template = sTemplate;
     catch (Exception ex)
		private void cbAction_Callback(object sender, Controls.CallBackEventArgs e)
			string sMsg = "";
			switch (e.Parameters[0].ToLower())
				case "save":
						//save template
						TemplateInfo ti = null;
						TemplateController tc = new TemplateController();
						int templateId = 0;
						if (e.Parameters[1].ToString() != "")
							templateId = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[1]);
							ti = tc.Template_Get(templateId, PortalId, ModuleId);
							ti = new TemplateInfo();
							ti.IsSystem = false;
							ti.TemplateType = (Templates.TemplateTypes)(Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[6]));
							ti.PortalId = PortalId;
							ti.ModuleId = ModuleId;
						ti.Title = e.Parameters[2].ToString();
						ti.Subject = e.Parameters[3].ToString();
						if (ti.TemplateType == Templates.TemplateTypes.Email || ti.TemplateType == Templates.TemplateTypes.ModEmail)
							ti.Template = "<template><html>" + Server.HtmlEncode(e.Parameters[4]) + "</html><plaintext>" + Utilities.StripHTMLTag(e.Parameters[5].ToString()) + "</plaintext></template>";
							ti.Template = "<template><html>" + Server.HtmlEncode(e.Parameters[4]) + "</html><plaintext>" + string.Empty + "</plaintext></template>";

						ti.Template = ti.Template.Replace("[TRESX:", "[RESX:");
						templateId = tc.Template_Save(ti);
						string ckey = ModuleId + templateId + Convert.ToString(Enum.Parse(typeof(Templates.TemplateTypes), ti.TemplateType.ToString()));
						sMsg = "Template saved successfully!";
					catch (Exception ex)
						sMsg = "Error saving template.";


				case "delete":
						//delete template
						TemplateInfo ti = null;
						TemplateController tc = new TemplateController();
						int templateid = 0;
						if (e.Parameters[1].ToString() != "")
							templateid = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[1]);
							ti = tc.Template_Get(templateid, PortalId, ModuleId);
							if (! (ti.IsSystem == true))
								tc.Template_Delete(templateid, PortalId, ModuleId);
								sMsg = "Template deleted successfully!";
								sMsg = "Enable to delete system templates";
					catch (Exception ex)
						sMsg = "Error deleting template.";

			cbActionMessage.InnerText = sMsg;
Beispiel #13
        public void SendEmailToModerators(int TemplateId, int PortalId, int ForumId, int TopicId, int ReplyId, int ModuleID, int TabID, string Comments, DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserInfo User)
            var _portalSettings = (Entities.Portals.PortalSettings)(HttpContext.Current.Items["PortalSettings"]);
            SettingsInfo MainSettings = DataCache.MainSettings(ModuleID);
            var fc = new ForumController();
            Forum fi = fc.Forums_Get(ForumId, -1, false, true);
            if (fi == null)
            var subs = new List<SubscriptionInfo>();
            var rc = new Security.Roles.RoleController();
            var uc = new Entities.Users.UserController();
            SubscriptionInfo si;
            string modApprove = fi.Security.ModApprove;
            string[] modRoles = modApprove.Split('|')[0].Split(';');
            if (modRoles != null)
                foreach (string r in modRoles)
                    if (! (string.IsNullOrEmpty(r)))
                        int rid = Convert.ToInt32(r);
                        string rName = rc.GetRole(rid, PortalId).RoleName;
                        foreach (Entities.Users.UserRoleInfo usr in rc.GetUserRolesByRoleName(PortalId, rName))
                            var ui = uc.GetUser(PortalId, usr.UserID);
                            si = new SubscriptionInfo
                                         UserId = ui.UserID,
                                         DisplayName = ui.DisplayName,
                                         Email = ui.Email,
                                         FirstName = ui.FirstName,
                                         LastName = ui.LastName
                            if (! (subs.Contains(si)))

            if (subs.Count <= 0)
            string Subject;
            string BodyText;
            string BodyHTML;
            string sTemplate = string.Empty;
            var tc = new TemplateController();
            TemplateInfo ti = tc.Template_Get(TemplateId, PortalId, ModuleID);
            Subject = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.Subject, string.Empty, PortalId, ModuleID, TabID, ForumId, TopicId, ReplyId, _portalSettings.TimeZoneOffset);
            BodyText = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.TemplateText, string.Empty, PortalId, ModuleID, TabID, ForumId, TopicId, ReplyId, Comments, User, -1, _portalSettings.TimeZoneOffset);
            BodyHTML = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.TemplateHTML, string.Empty, PortalId, ModuleID, TabID, ForumId, TopicId, ReplyId, Comments, User, -1, _portalSettings.TimeZoneOffset);
            string sFrom;

            sFrom = fi.EmailAddress != string.Empty ? fi.EmailAddress : _portalSettings.Email;

            var oEmail = new Email
                                 Recipients = subs,
                                 Subject = Subject,
                                 From = sFrom,
                                 BodyText = BodyText,
                                 BodyHTML = BodyHTML,
                                 SmtpServer = Convert.ToString(_portalSettings.HostSettings["SMTPServer"]),
                                 SmtpUserName = Convert.ToString(_portalSettings.HostSettings["SMTPUsername"]),
                                 SmtpPassword = Convert.ToString(_portalSettings.HostSettings["SMTPPassword"]),
                                 SmtpAuthentication = Convert.ToString(_portalSettings.HostSettings["SMTPAuthentication"])

            //#if SKU_ENTERPRISE
            oEmail.UseQueue = MainSettings.MailQueue;
            var objThread = new System.Threading.Thread(oEmail.Send);
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepares the post form for creating a reply.
        /// </summary>
        private void PrepareReply()
            ctlForm.EditorMode = Modules.ActiveForums.Controls.SubmitForm.EditorModes.Reply;

            string template;
            if (_fi.ReplyFormId == 0)
                var myFile = Request.MapPath(Common.Globals.ApplicationPath) + "\\DesktopModules\\ActiveForums\\config\\templates\\ReplyEditor.txt";
                template = File.ReadAllText(myFile);
                var tc = new TemplateController();
                var ti = tc.Template_Get(_fi.ReplyFormId, PortalId, ForumModuleId);
                template = ti.TemplateHTML;

            if (MainSettings.UseSkinBreadCrumb)
                template = template.Replace("<div class=\"afcrumb\">[AF:LINK:FORUMMAIN] > [AF:LINK:FORUMGROUP] > [AF:LINK:FORUMNAME]</div>", string.Empty);

            ctlForm.Template = template;
            if (!(TopicId > 0))
                //Can't Find Topic
                var im = new InfoMessage { Message = GetSharedResource("[RESX:Message:LoadTopicFailed]") };
            else if (!CanReply)
                //No permission to reply
                var im = new InfoMessage { Message = GetSharedResource("[RESX:Message:AccessDenied]") };
                var tc = new TopicsController();
                var ti = tc.Topics_Get(PortalId, ForumModuleId, TopicId, ForumId, UserId, true);

                if(ti == null)

                ctlForm.Subject = Utilities.GetSharedResource("[RESX:SubjectPrefix]") + " " + ti.Content.Subject;
                ctlForm.TopicSubject = ti.Content.Subject;
                var body = string.Empty;

                if (ti.IsLocked && (CurrentUserType == CurrentUserTypes.Anon || CurrentUserType == CurrentUserTypes.Auth))

                if (Request.Params[ParamKeys.QuoteId] != null | Request.Params[ParamKeys.ReplyId] != null | Request.Params[ParamKeys.PostId] != null)
                    //Setup form for Quote or Reply with body display
                    var isQuote = false;
                    var postId = 0;
                    var sPostedBy = Utilities.GetSharedResource("[RESX:PostedBy]") + " {0} {1} {2}";
                    if (Request.Params[ParamKeys.QuoteId] != null)
                        isQuote = true;
                        if (SimulateIsNumeric.IsNumeric(Request.Params[ParamKeys.QuoteId]))
                            postId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params[ParamKeys.QuoteId]);

                    else if (Request.Params[ParamKeys.ReplyId] != null)
                        if (SimulateIsNumeric.IsNumeric(Request.Params[ParamKeys.ReplyId]))
                            postId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params[ParamKeys.ReplyId]);
                    else if (Request.Params[ParamKeys.PostId] != null)
                        if (SimulateIsNumeric.IsNumeric(Request.Params[ParamKeys.PostId]))
                            postId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params[ParamKeys.PostId]);

                    if (postId != 0)
                        var userDisplay = MainSettings.UserNameDisplay;
                        if (_editorType == EditorTypes.TEXTBOX)
                            userDisplay = "none";

                        Content ci;
                        if (postId == TopicId)
                            ti = tc.Topics_Get(PortalId, ForumModuleId, TopicId);
                            ci = ti.Content;
                            sPostedBy = string.Format(sPostedBy, UserProfiles.GetDisplayName(ForumModuleId, true, false, false, ti.Content.AuthorId, ti.Author.Username, ti.Author.FirstName, ti.Author.LastName, ti.Author.DisplayName), Utilities.GetSharedResource("On.Text"), GetServerDateTime(ti.Content.DateCreated));
                            var rc = new ReplyController();
                            var ri = rc.Reply_Get(PortalId, ForumModuleId, TopicId, postId);
                            ci = ri.Content;
                            sPostedBy = string.Format(sPostedBy, UserProfiles.GetDisplayName(ForumModuleId, true, false, false, ri.Content.AuthorId, ri.Author.Username, ri.Author.FirstName, ri.Author.LastName, ri.Author.DisplayName), Utilities.GetSharedResource("On.Text"), GetServerDateTime(ri.Content.DateCreated));

                        if (ci != null)
                            body = ci.Body;


                    if (_allowHTML && _editorType != EditorTypes.TEXTBOX)
                        if (body.ToUpper().Contains("<CODE") | body.ToUpper().Contains("[CODE]"))
                            var objCode = new CodeParser();
                            body = CodeParser.ParseCode(Utilities.HTMLDecode(body));
                        body = Utilities.PrepareForEdit(PortalId, ForumModuleId, ImagePath, body, _allowHTML, _editorType);

                    if (isQuote)
                        ctlForm.EditorMode = SubmitForm.EditorModes.Quote;
                        if (_allowHTML && _editorType != EditorTypes.TEXTBOX)
                            body = "<blockquote>" + System.Environment.NewLine + sPostedBy + System.Environment.NewLine + "<br />" + System.Environment.NewLine + body + System.Environment.NewLine + "</blockquote><br /><br />";
                            body = "[quote]" + System.Environment.NewLine + sPostedBy + System.Environment.NewLine + body + System.Environment.NewLine + "[/quote]" + System.Environment.NewLine;
                        ctlForm.EditorMode = SubmitForm.EditorModes.ReplyWithBody;
                        body = sPostedBy + "<br />" + body;
                    ctlForm.Body = body;

            if (ctlForm.EditorMode != SubmitForm.EditorModes.EditReply && _canModApprove)
                ctlForm.ShowModOptions = false;
Beispiel #15
        private void cbAction_Callback(object sender, Controls.CallBackEventArgs e)
            string sMsg = "";

            switch (e.Parameters[0].ToLower())
            case "save":
                    //save template
                    TemplateInfo       ti = null;
                    TemplateController tc = new TemplateController();
                    int templateId        = 0;
                    if (e.Parameters[1].ToString() != "")
                        templateId = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[1]);
                        ti         = tc.Template_Get(templateId, PortalId, ModuleId);
                        ti              = new TemplateInfo();
                        ti.IsSystem     = false;
                        ti.TemplateType = (Templates.TemplateTypes)(Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[6]));
                        ti.PortalId     = PortalId;
                        ti.ModuleId     = ModuleId;
                    ti.Title   = e.Parameters[2].ToString();
                    ti.Subject = e.Parameters[3].ToString();
                    if (ti.TemplateType == Templates.TemplateTypes.Email || ti.TemplateType == Templates.TemplateTypes.ModEmail)
                        ti.Template = "<template><html>" + Server.HtmlEncode(e.Parameters[4]) + "</html><plaintext>" + Utilities.StripHTMLTag(e.Parameters[5].ToString()) + "</plaintext></template>";
                        ti.Template = "<template><html>" + Server.HtmlEncode(e.Parameters[4]) + "</html><plaintext>" + string.Empty + "</plaintext></template>";

                    ti.Template = ti.Template.Replace("[TRESX:", "[RESX:");
                    templateId  = tc.Template_Save(ti);
                    string ckey = ModuleId + templateId + Convert.ToString(Enum.Parse(typeof(Templates.TemplateTypes), ti.TemplateType.ToString()));
                    sMsg = "Template saved successfully!";
                catch (Exception ex)
                    sMsg = "Error saving template.";


            case "delete":
                    //delete template
                    TemplateInfo       ti = null;
                    TemplateController tc = new TemplateController();
                    int templateid        = 0;
                    if (e.Parameters[1].ToString() != "")
                        templateid = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[1]);
                        ti         = tc.Template_Get(templateid, PortalId, ModuleId);
                        if (!(ti.IsSystem == true))
                            tc.Template_Delete(templateid, PortalId, ModuleId);
                            sMsg = "Template deleted successfully!";
                            sMsg = "Enable to delete system templates";
                catch (Exception ex)
                    sMsg = "Error deleting template.";

            cbActionMessage.InnerText = sMsg;
Beispiel #16
		public static void SendEmailToModerators(int templateId, int portalId, int forumId, int topicId, int replyId, int moduleID, int tabID, string comments, UserInfo user)
			var portalSettings = (Entities.Portals.PortalSettings)(HttpContext.Current.Items["PortalSettings"]);
			var mainSettings = DataCache.MainSettings(moduleID);
			var fc = new ForumController();
			var fi = fc.Forums_Get(forumId, -1, false, true);
			if (fi == null)

			var subs = new List<SubscriptionInfo>();
			var rc = new Security.Roles.RoleController();
			var uc = new Entities.Users.UserController();
		    var modApprove = fi.Security.ModApprove;
			var modRoles = modApprove.Split('|')[0].Split(';');
		    foreach (var r in modRoles)
		        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(r)) continue;
		        var rid = Convert.ToInt32(r);
		        var rName = rc.GetRole(rid, portalId).RoleName;
		        foreach (UserRoleInfo usr in rc.GetUserRolesByRoleName(portalId, rName))
		            var ui = uc.GetUser(portalId, usr.UserID);
		            var si = new SubscriptionInfo
		                             UserId = ui.UserID,
		                             DisplayName = ui.DisplayName,
		                             Email = ui.Email,
		                             FirstName = ui.FirstName,
		                             LastName = ui.LastName
		            if (! (subs.Contains(si)))

		    if (subs.Count <= 0)

		    var sTemplate = string.Empty;
			var tc = new TemplateController();
			var ti = tc.Template_Get(templateId, portalId, moduleID);
			var subject = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.Subject, string.Empty, portalId, moduleID, tabID, forumId, topicId, replyId, portalSettings.TimeZoneOffset);
			var bodyText = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.TemplateText, string.Empty, portalId, moduleID, tabID, forumId, topicId, replyId, comments, user, -1, portalSettings.TimeZoneOffset);
			var bodyHTML = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.TemplateHTML, string.Empty, portalId, moduleID, tabID, forumId, topicId, replyId, comments, user, -1, portalSettings.TimeZoneOffset);
		    var sFrom = fi.EmailAddress != string.Empty ? fi.EmailAddress : portalSettings.Email;

			var oEmail = new Email
			                     Recipients = subs,
			                     Subject = subject,
			                     From = sFrom,
			                     BodyText = bodyText,
			                     BodyHTML = bodyHTML,
                                 UseQueue = mainSettings.MailQueue

			new Thread(oEmail.Send).Start();
Beispiel #17
		private static string GetTemplate(int TemplateId, string TemplateType)
			string sOut = string.Empty;
				if (TemplateId == 0)
					    string myFile = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/DesktopModules/ActiveForums/config/templates/" + TemplateType + ".txt");
					    if (System.IO.File.Exists(myFile))
							System.IO.StreamReader objStreamReader = null;
								objStreamReader = System.IO.File.OpenText(myFile);
							catch (Exception ex)
							sOut = objStreamReader.ReadToEnd();
							sOut = Utilities.ParseSpacer(sOut);
					catch (Exception ex)
					var objTemplates = new TemplateController();
					TemplateInfo objTempInfo = objTemplates.Template_Get(TemplateId);
					if (objTempInfo != null)
						sOut = objTempInfo.TemplateHTML;
						sOut = Utilities.ParseSpacer(sOut);

			catch (Exception ex)
				sOut = "ERROR: Loading template failed";
			return sOut;
Beispiel #18
        public void SendEmailToModerators(int TemplateId, int PortalId, int ForumId, int TopicId, int ReplyId, int ModuleID, int TabID, string Comments, DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserInfo User)
            var          _portalSettings = (Entities.Portals.PortalSettings)(HttpContext.Current.Items["PortalSettings"]);
            SettingsInfo MainSettings    = DataCache.MainSettings(ModuleID);
            var          fc = new ForumController();
            Forum        fi = fc.Forums_Get(ForumId, -1, false, true);

            if (fi == null)
            var subs = new List <SubscriptionInfo>();
            var rc   = new Security.Roles.RoleController();
            var uc   = new Entities.Users.UserController();
            SubscriptionInfo si;
            string           modApprove = fi.Security.ModApprove;

            string[] modRoles = modApprove.Split('|')[0].Split(';');
            if (modRoles != null)
                foreach (string r in modRoles)
                    if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(r)))
                        int    rid   = Convert.ToInt32(r);
                        string rName = rc.GetRole(rid, PortalId).RoleName;
                        foreach (Entities.Users.UserRoleInfo usr in rc.GetUserRolesByRoleName(PortalId, rName))
                            var ui = uc.GetUser(PortalId, usr.UserID);
                            si = new SubscriptionInfo
                                UserId      = ui.UserID,
                                DisplayName = ui.DisplayName,
                                Email       = ui.Email,
                                FirstName   = ui.FirstName,
                                LastName    = ui.LastName
                            if (!(subs.Contains(si)))

            if (subs.Count <= 0)
            string       Subject;
            string       BodyText;
            string       BodyHTML;
            string       sTemplate = string.Empty;
            var          tc        = new TemplateController();
            TemplateInfo ti        = tc.Template_Get(TemplateId, PortalId, ModuleID);

            Subject  = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.Subject, string.Empty, PortalId, ModuleID, TabID, ForumId, TopicId, ReplyId, _portalSettings.TimeZoneOffset);
            BodyText = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.TemplateText, string.Empty, PortalId, ModuleID, TabID, ForumId, TopicId, ReplyId, Comments, User, -1, _portalSettings.TimeZoneOffset);
            BodyHTML = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.TemplateHTML, string.Empty, PortalId, ModuleID, TabID, ForumId, TopicId, ReplyId, Comments, User, -1, _portalSettings.TimeZoneOffset);
            string sFrom;

            sFrom = fi.EmailAddress != string.Empty ? fi.EmailAddress : _portalSettings.Email;

            var oEmail = new Email
                Recipients         = subs,
                Subject            = Subject,
                From               = sFrom,
                BodyText           = BodyText,
                BodyHTML           = BodyHTML,
                SmtpServer         = Host.SMTPServer,                     // Convert.ToString(_portalSettings.HostSettings["SMTPServer"]),
                SmtpUserName       = Host.SMTPUsername,                   // Convert.ToString(_portalSettings.HostSettings["SMTPUsername"]),
                SmtpPassword       = Host.SMTPPassword,                   // Convert.ToString(_portalSettings.HostSettings["SMTPPassword"]),
                SmtpAuthentication = Host.SMTPAuthentication              // Convert.ToString(_portalSettings.HostSettings["SMTPAuthentication"])

            oEmail.UseQueue = MainSettings.MailQueue;
            var objThread = new System.Threading.Thread(oEmail.Send);

        private void btnSend_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            if (Request.IsAuthenticated)
                Email objEmail = new Email();
                string Comments = null;
                Comments = drpReasons.SelectedItem.Value + "<br>";
                Comments += Utilities.CleanString(PortalId, txtComments.Text, false, EditorTypes.TEXTBOX, false, false, ModuleId, string.Empty, false);
                int templateId = 0;
                TemplateController tc = new TemplateController();
                TemplateInfo ti = tc.Template_Get("ModAlert", PortalId, ModuleId);
                string sUrl = NavigateUrl(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["TabId"]), "", new string[] { ParamKeys.ForumId + "=" + ForumId, ParamKeys.TopicId + "=" + TopicId, ParamKeys.ViewType + "=confirmaction", ParamKeys.ConfirmActionId + "=" + ConfirmActions.AlertSent });

                NotificationType notificationType = NotificationsController.Instance.GetNotificationType("AF-ContentAlert");
                TopicsController topicController = new TopicsController();
                TopicInfo topic = topicController.Topics_Get(PortalId, ModuleId, TopicId, ForumId, -1, false);
                string sBody = string.Empty;
                string authorName = string.Empty;
                string sSubject = string.Empty;
                string sTopicURL = string.Empty;
                sTopicURL = topic.TopicUrl;
                if (ReplyId > 0 & TopicId != ReplyId)
                    ReplyController rc = new ReplyController();
                    ReplyInfo reply = rc.Reply_Get(PortalId, ModuleId, TopicId, ReplyId);
                    sBody = reply.Content.Body;
                    sSubject = reply.Content.Subject;
                    authorName = reply.Author.DisplayName;

                    sBody = topic.Content.Body;
                    sSubject = topic.Content.Subject;
                    authorName = topic.Author.DisplayName;

                ControlUtils ctlUtils = new ControlUtils();
                string fullURL = ctlUtils.BuildUrl(ForumTabId, ForumModuleId, ForumInfo.ForumGroup.PrefixURL, ForumInfo.PrefixURL, ForumInfo.ForumGroupId, ForumInfo.ForumID, TopicId, sTopicURL, -1, -1, string.Empty, 1, ReplyId, SocialGroupId);
                string subject = Utilities.GetSharedResource("AlertSubject");
                subject = subject.Replace("[DisplayName]", authorName);
                subject = subject.Replace("[Subject]", sSubject);
                string body = Utilities.GetSharedResource("AlertBody");
                body = body.Replace("[Post]", sBody);
                body = body.Replace("[Comment]", Comments);
                body = body.Replace("[URL]", fullURL);
                body = body.Replace("[Reason]", drpReasons.SelectedItem.Value);
                List<Entities.Users.UserInfo> mods = Utilities.GetListOfModerators(PortalId, ForumId);

                string notificationKey = string.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}:{3}:{4}", TabId, ForumModuleId, ForumId, TopicId, ReplyId);

                Notification notification = new Notification();
                notification.NotificationTypeID = notificationType.NotificationTypeId;
                notification.Subject = subject;
                notification.Body = body;
                notification.IncludeDismissAction = false;
                notification.SenderUserID = UserInfo.UserID;
                notification.Context = notificationKey;

                NotificationsController.Instance.SendNotification(notification, PortalId, null, mods);

        public static void SendSubscriptions(int TemplateId, int PortalId, int ModuleId, int TabId, Forum fi, int TopicId, int ReplyId, int AuthorId)
            var _portalSettings = (Entities.Portals.PortalSettings)(HttpContext.Current.Items["PortalSettings"]);
            SettingsInfo MainSettings = DataCache.MainSettings(ModuleId);
            var sc = new SubscriptionController();
            List<SubscriptionInfo> subs = sc.Subscription_GetSubscribers(PortalId, fi.ForumID, TopicId, SubscriptionTypes.Instant, AuthorId, fi.Security.Subscribe);
            if (subs.Count <= 0)

            string Subject;
            string BodyText;
            string BodyHTML;
            string sTemplate = string.Empty;
            var tc = new TemplateController();
            TemplateInfo ti;
            ti = TemplateId > 0 ? tc.Template_Get(TemplateId) : tc.Template_Get("SubscribedEmail", PortalId, ModuleId);
            TemplateUtils.lstSubscriptionInfo = subs;
            Subject = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.Subject, string.Empty, PortalId, ModuleId, TabId, fi.ForumID, TopicId, ReplyId, string.Empty, AuthorId, _portalSettings.TimeZoneOffset);
            BodyText = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.TemplateText, string.Empty, PortalId, ModuleId, TabId, fi.ForumID, TopicId, ReplyId, string.Empty, AuthorId, _portalSettings.TimeZoneOffset);
            BodyHTML = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.TemplateHTML, string.Empty, PortalId, ModuleId, TabId, fi.ForumID, TopicId, ReplyId, string.Empty, AuthorId, _portalSettings.TimeZoneOffset);
            string sFrom;
            sFrom = fi.EmailAddress != string.Empty ? fi.EmailAddress : _portalSettings.Email;
            var oEmail = new Email
                                 Recipients = subs,
                                 Subject = Subject,
                                 From = sFrom,
                                 BodyText = BodyText,
                                 BodyHTML = BodyHTML,
                                 UseQueue = MainSettings.MailQueue

            var objThread = new System.Threading.Thread(oEmail.Send);
        private void PrepareTopic()
            string template;
            if (_fi.TopicFormId == 0)
                var myFile = Request.MapPath(Common.Globals.ApplicationPath) + "\\DesktopModules\\ActiveForums\\config\\templates\\TopicEditor.txt";
                template = File.ReadAllText(myFile);
                var tc = new TemplateController();
                var ti = tc.Template_Get(_fi.TopicFormId, PortalId, ForumModuleId);
                template = ti.TemplateHTML;

            if (MainSettings.UseSkinBreadCrumb)
                var sCrumb = "<a href=\"" + NavigateUrl(TabId, "", ParamKeys.GroupId + "=" + ForumInfo.ForumGroupId.ToString()) + "\">" + ForumInfo.GroupName + "</a>|";
                sCrumb += "<a href=\"" + NavigateUrl(TabId, "", ParamKeys.ForumId + "=" + ForumInfo.ForumID.ToString()) + "\">" + ForumInfo.ForumName + "</a>";
                if (Environment.UpdateBreadCrumb(Page.Controls, sCrumb))
                    template = template.Replace("<div class=\"afcrumb\">[AF:LINK:FORUMMAIN] > [AF:LINK:FORUMGROUP] > [AF:LINK:FORUMNAME]</div>", string.Empty);

            ctlForm.EditorMode = Modules.ActiveForums.Controls.SubmitForm.EditorModes.NewTopic;

            if (Permissions.HasPerm(_fi.Security.ModApprove, ForumUser.UserRoles))
                ctlForm.ShowModOptions = true;

            ctlForm.Template = template;
            ctlForm.IsApproved = _isApproved;
Beispiel #22
 public void SendEmail(int TemplateId, int PortalId, int ModuleId, int TabId, int ForumId, int TopicId, int ReplyId, string Comments, Author author)
     var _portalSettings = (Entities.Portals.PortalSettings)(HttpContext.Current.Items["PortalSettings"]);
     SettingsInfo MainSettings = DataCache.MainSettings(ModuleId);
     string Subject;
     string BodyText;
     string BodyHTML;
     string sTemplate = string.Empty;
     var tc = new TemplateController();
     TemplateInfo ti = tc.Template_Get(TemplateId, PortalId, ModuleId);
     Subject = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.Subject, string.Empty, PortalId, ModuleId, TabId, ForumId, TopicId, ReplyId, string.Empty, author.AuthorId, _portalSettings.TimeZoneOffset);
     BodyText = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.TemplateText, string.Empty, PortalId, ModuleId, TabId, ForumId, TopicId, ReplyId, string.Empty, author.AuthorId, _portalSettings.TimeZoneOffset);
     BodyHTML = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.TemplateHTML, string.Empty, PortalId, ModuleId, TabId, ForumId, TopicId, ReplyId, string.Empty, author.AuthorId, _portalSettings.TimeZoneOffset);
     BodyText = BodyText.Replace("[REASON]", Comments);
     BodyHTML = BodyHTML.Replace("[REASON]", Comments);
     string sFrom;
     var fc = new ForumController();
     Forum fi = fc.Forums_Get(ForumId, -1, false, true);
     sFrom = fi.EmailAddress != string.Empty ? fi.EmailAddress : _portalSettings.Email;
     //Send now
     var oEmail = new Email();
     var subs = new List<SubscriptionInfo>();
     var si = new SubscriptionInfo
                      DisplayName = author.DisplayName,
                      Email = author.Email,
                      FirstName = author.FirstName,
                      LastName = author.LastName,
                      UserId = author.AuthorId,
                      Username = author.Username
     oEmail.UseQueue = MainSettings.MailQueue;
     oEmail.Recipients = subs;
     oEmail.Subject = Subject;
     oEmail.From = sFrom;
     oEmail.BodyText = BodyText;
     oEmail.BodyHTML = BodyHTML;
     oEmail.SmtpServer = Convert.ToString(_portalSettings.HostSettings["SMTPServer"]);
     oEmail.SmtpUserName = Convert.ToString(_portalSettings.HostSettings["SMTPUsername"]);
     oEmail.SmtpPassword = Convert.ToString(_portalSettings.HostSettings["SMTPPassword"]);
     oEmail.SmtpAuthentication = Convert.ToString(_portalSettings.HostSettings["SMTPAuthentication"]);
     var objThread = new System.Threading.Thread(oEmail.Send);