Beispiel #1
        private void ProcessPositionTable(Table table, PublicServant currentDeclarant)
            var rows  = table.Descendants <TableRow>().ToList();
            var cells = rows[0].Descendants <TableCell>().ToList();

            currentDeclarant.Occupation = cells[1].InnerText;
Beispiel #2
        private void ProcessIncomeTable(Table table, PublicServant person)
            var rows = table.Descendants <TableRow>().ToList().Skip(1);

            foreach (var row in rows)
                var cells      = row.Descendants <TableCell>().ToList();
                var incomeType = cells[1].InnerText.OnlyRussianLowercase();
                if (incomeType.StartsWith("декларированныйгодовойдоход"))
                    var incomeRaw = cells[2].InnerText.Trim();
                    if (incomeRaw == "")
                    person.DeclaredYearlyIncomeRaw = incomeRaw;
                    person.DeclaredYearlyIncome    = DataHelper.ParseDeclaredIncome(incomeRaw, false);
                else if (DataHelper.IsRelativeInfo(incomeType))
                    var incomeRaw    = cells[2].InnerText.Trim();
                    var relationType = DataHelper.ParseRelationType(incomeType, false);
                    var relative     = new Relative();
                    relative.RelationType            = relationType;
                    relative.DeclaredYearlyIncomeRaw = incomeRaw;
                    relative.DeclaredYearlyIncome    = DataHelper.ParseDeclaredIncome(incomeRaw, false);
Beispiel #3
        private void BuildRows()
            var tableRows = table.Descendants <DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.TableRow>();

            rows = new List <TableRow>();

            foreach (var row in tableRows)
                rows.Add(new TableRow(this, row));
Beispiel #4
        private void ParseVehicleTable(Table table, PublicServant person)
            var    rows = table.Descendants <TableRow>().ToList().Skip(1);
            string currentVehicleType = "";

            foreach (var row in rows)
                var cells = row.Descendants <TableCell>().ToList();
                var text  = cells[0].InnerText;

                var gridSpan        = cells[0].TableCellProperties.GetFirstChild <GridSpan>();
                var mergedColsCount = (gridSpan == null) ? 1 : (int)gridSpan.Val;
                if (mergedColsCount > 1)
                    currentVehicleType = text;

                var textStr = cells[1].InnerText;
                if (textStr.OnlyRussianLowercase() == "неимеет")

                var ownerStr = cells[2].InnerText;
                var owners   = ownerStr.Split(",").ToList();

                foreach (var owner in owners)
                    var vehicle = new Vehicle(textStr, currentVehicleType);

                    var relationType = DataHelper.ParseRelationType(owner, false);
                    if (DataHelper.IsRelativeInfo(owner))
                        var relative = GetPersonRelative(person, relationType);
        public void Test08DownloadWordExportedFile()
            long           reportId = GetReportByAlias("test:managerReport");
            ExportDataInfo res      = PostExportRequest(string.Format(@"data/v2/report/export/{0}/word", reportId), HttpStatusCode.OK,
                                                        new ReportParameters());

            Assert.IsNotNullOrEmpty(res.FileHash, "The exported file has been saved to the database.");
            using (
                PlatformHttpRequest request =
                    new PlatformHttpRequest(
                        string.Format(@"data/v2/report/export/download/{0}/sample/word", res.FileHash),
                HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse();
                Assert.IsTrue(response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK, "We have a {0} returned, expected {1}",
                              response.StatusCode, HttpStatusCode.OK);
                Assert.AreEqual(response.ContentType, "text/html");
                using (Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream())
                    using (FileStream fileStream = File.Create(WordFile))
                        CopyToFile(stream, fileStream);
                        fileStream.Position = 0;
                        using (WordprocessingDocument doc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(fileStream, false))
                            Body body = doc.MainDocumentPart.Document.Body;
                            DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.Table table = body.Descendants <DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.Table>().FirstOrDefault();
                            Assert.IsNotNull(table, "The word document hasn't got a table");
                            var rows = table.Descendants <TableRow>();
                            Assert.Greater(rows.Count(), 0, "There are no rows in the table");
                            //Get first row.
                            TableRow  row  = rows.First();
                            TableCell cell = row.GetFirstChild <TableCell>();
                            Assert.AreEqual("Name", cell.FirstChild.InnerText);
                            //Get second row
                            TableRow  row1  = rows.Skip(1).First();
                            TableCell cell1 = row1.GetFirstChild <TableCell>();
                            Assert.AreEqual("Glenn Uidam", cell1.FirstChild.InnerText);
Beispiel #6
    private static void full_table(
        DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging.WordprocessingDocument document,
        DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.Table table,
        Dictionary <String, String> marks)
        //int cell_count = 0;

        foreach (var cell in table.Descendants <TableCell>())
            //Console.WriteLine(" " + ++cell_count + " cell value: " + cell);

            foreach (var item in cell)
                if (item.GetType() == typeof(DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.Table))
                    full_table(document, (DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.Table)item, marks);
                else if (item.GetType() == typeof(DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.Paragraph))
                    foreach (var mrk in marks)
                        if (cell.InnerText.Contains(labelText))
                            ImagePart imagePart = document.MainDocumentPart.AddImagePart(ImagePartType.Jpeg);
                            using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(imageFile, FileMode.Open))
                            addImageToCell(cell, document.MainDocumentPart.GetIdOfPart(imagePart));
                        else if (cell.InnerText.Contains(mrk.Key))
                            String str = cell.InnerText;
                            ((DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.Paragraph)item).Append(new Run(new Text(str.Replace(mrk.Key, mrk.Value))));
Beispiel #7
        private void ParseRealEstateTable(Table table, PublicServant person, string ownTypeByColumn)
            var    rows = table.Descendants <TableRow>().ToList().Skip(1);
            string currentRealEstateType = "";

            foreach (var row in rows)
                var cells           = row.Descendants <TableCell>().ToList();
                var gridSpan        = cells[0].TableCellProperties.GetFirstChild <GridSpan>();
                var mergedColsCount = (gridSpan == null) ? 1 : (int)gridSpan.Val;
                var text            = cells[0].InnerText;

                if (mergedColsCount > 1)
                    currentRealEstateType = text;

                var textStr = cells[1].InnerText;
                if (textStr.OnlyRussianLowercase() == "неимеет")
                var areaStr    = cells[2].InnerText;
                var countryStr = cells[3].InnerText;
                var ownerStr   = cells[4].InnerText;

                var owners = ownerStr.Split(",").ToList();
                var shares = owners.Where(x => x.Contains(" доля") || x.Contains(" доли")).ToList();
                owners = owners.Where(x => !(x.Contains(" доля") || x.Contains(" доли"))).ToList();

                if (shares.Count != owners.Count && shares.Count > 0)
                    throw new SmartParserException("shares.Count != owners.Count in SovetFederaciiDocxScheme");

                if (shares.Count < owners.Count)
                    shares = Enumerable.Repeat <string>(null, owners.Count - shares.Count).ToList();

                var zippedOwners = owners.Zip(shares);

                foreach (var pair in zippedOwners)
                    var owner = pair.First;
                    var share = pair.Second;
                    var realEstateProperty = new RealEstateProperty
                        Text               = textStr,
                        square             = DataHelper.ParseSquare(areaStr),
                        type_raw           = currentRealEstateType,
                        square_raw         = ParserBase.NormalizeRawDecimalForTest(areaStr),
                        country_raw        = DataHelper.ParseCountry(countryStr),
                        own_type_by_column = ownTypeByColumn

                    if (share != default)
                        realEstateProperty.own_type_raw = share;

                    var relationType = DataHelper.ParseRelationType(owner, false);
                    if (DataHelper.IsRelativeInfo(owner))
                        var relative = GetPersonRelative(person, relationType);
Beispiel #8
        private static void UpdateWordBlock(ReportData client, OpenXmlPartContainer container, OpenXmlElement block, TableDefinition content, Dictionary <string, string> options)
            if (null != content && block is OXW.Table)
                OXW.Table table = ((OXW.Table)block).CloneNode(true) as OXW.Table;

                OXW.TableRow headerRowTemplate  = table.Descendants <OXW.TableRow>().First().CloneNode(true) as OXW.TableRow;
                OXW.TableRow contentRowTemplate = table.Descendants <OXW.TableRow>().Skip(1).First().CloneNode(true) as OXW.TableRow;

                #region Column number management
                OXW.TableGrid tablegrid = table.Descendants <OXW.TableGrid>().FirstOrDefault();
                if (null != tablegrid)
                    List <OXW.GridColumn> columns = tablegrid.Descendants <OXW.GridColumn>().ToList();
                    if (null != columns && content.NbColumns != columns.Count)
                        if (content.NbColumns < columns.Count)
                            for (int i = columns.Count - 1, lim = content.NbColumns - 1; i > lim; i--)
                                tablegrid.RemoveChild <OXW.GridColumn>(columns[i]);
                            for (int i = 0, lim = content.NbColumns - columns.Count; i < lim; i++)
                                tablegrid.AppendChild <OXW.GridColumn>(new OXW.GridColumn()
                                    Width = "1000"
                #endregion Column number management

                ModifyWordRowTextContent(headerRowTemplate, string.Empty);
                ModifyWordRowTextContent(contentRowTemplate, string.Empty);

                int idx   = 0;
                int nbrow = 0;
                List <OXW.TableCell> headerCells  = headerRowTemplate.Descendants <OXW.TableCell>().Select(_ => _.CloneNode(true) as OXW.TableCell).ToList();
                List <OXW.TableCell> contentCells = contentRowTemplate.Descendants <OXW.TableCell>().Select(_ => _.CloneNode(true) as OXW.TableCell).ToList();
                headerRowTemplate.RemoveAllChildren <OXW.TableCell>();
                OXW.TableRow row = headerRowTemplate;
                int          headerCellsCount  = headerCells.Count;
                int          contentCellsCount = headerCells.Count;

                table.RemoveAllChildren <OXW.TableRow>();
                foreach (var item in content.Data)
                    if (null != item)
                        OXW.TableCell cell = null;
                        if (content.HasColumnHeaders && 0 == nbrow)
                            cell = headerCells[idx % headerCellsCount].CloneNode(true) as OXW.TableCell;
                            cell = contentCells[idx % contentCellsCount].CloneNode(true) as OXW.TableCell;
                        ModifyWordCellTextContent(cell, item);

                    idx = ++idx % content.NbColumns;
                    if (0 == idx)
                        if (null != row)
                        row = contentRowTemplate.CloneNode(true) as OXW.TableRow;
                        row.RemoveAllChildren <OXW.TableCell>();
                var blockSdt = block.Ancestors <OXW.SdtBlock>().First();
                blockSdt.Parent.ReplaceChild(table, blockSdt);
                LogHelper.Instance.LogErrorFormat("Impossible to load data in Table block with a block source of type \"{0}\"", null != block ? block.GetType().ToString() : "null");
 public void InsertTableRow(Table table, TableRow tableRow, int rowIndex)
     //add new row to table, after last row in table
     table.Descendants <TableRow>().ElementAt(rowIndex).InsertAfterSelf(tableRow);
Beispiel #10
        private static void UpdateWordBlock(ReportData client, OpenXmlPartContainer container, OpenXmlElement block, TableDefinition content, Dictionary <string, string> options)
            if (null != content && block is OXW.Table)
                OXW.Table table = ((OXW.Table)block).CloneNode(true) as OXW.Table;

                OXW.TableRow headerRowTemplate  = table?.Descendants <OXW.TableRow>().First().CloneNode(true) as OXW.TableRow;
                OXW.TableRow contentRowTemplate = table?.Descendants <OXW.TableRow>().Skip(1).First().CloneNode(true) as OXW.TableRow;

                #region Column number management
                OXW.TableGrid         tablegrid = table?.Descendants <OXW.TableGrid>().FirstOrDefault();
                List <OXW.GridColumn> columns   = tablegrid?.Descendants <OXW.GridColumn>().ToList();
                if (columns != null && content.NbColumns != columns.Count)
                    if (content.NbColumns < columns.Count)
                        for (int i = columns.Count - 1, lim = content.NbColumns - 1; i > lim; i--)
                        for (int i = 0, lim = content.NbColumns - columns.Count; i < lim; i++)
                            tablegrid.AppendChild(new OXW.GridColumn()
                                Width = "200"

                #endregion Column number management

                ModifyWordRowTextContent(headerRowTemplate, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty);
                ModifyWordRowTextContent(contentRowTemplate, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty);

                int idx   = 0;
                int nbrow = 0;
                List <OXW.TableCell> headerCells  = headerRowTemplate?.Descendants <OXW.TableCell>().Select(_ => _.CloneNode(true) as OXW.TableCell).ToList();
                List <OXW.TableCell> contentCells = contentRowTemplate?.Descendants <OXW.TableCell>().Select(_ => _.CloneNode(true) as OXW.TableCell).ToList();
                headerRowTemplate?.RemoveAllChildren <OXW.TableCell>();
                OXW.TableRow row = headerRowTemplate;
                if (headerCells != null)
                    int headerCellsCount  = headerCells.Count;
                    int contentCellsCount = headerCells.Count;

                    table.RemoveAllChildren <OXW.TableRow>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < content.Data.Count(); i++)
                        var item = content.Data.ToArray()[i];
                        if (null != item)
                            OXW.TableCell cell;
                            if (content.HasColumnHeaders && 0 == nbrow)
                                cell = headerCells[idx % headerCellsCount].CloneNode(true) as OXW.TableCell;
                                cell = contentCells?[idx % contentCellsCount].CloneNode(true) as OXW.TableCell;

                            string txtColor = string.Empty;
                            string effect   = string.Empty;
                            if (content.HasCellsAttributes())
                                CellAttributes attributes = content.CellsAttributes.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Index == i);
                                if (attributes != null)
                                    OXW.TableCellProperties tcp = new OXW.TableCellProperties(
                                        new OXW.TableCellWidth {
                                        Type = OXW.TableWidthUnitValues.Auto,
                                    // Create the Shading object
                                    OXW.Shading shading =
                                        new OXW.Shading()
                                        Color = "auto",
                                        Fill  = ColorTranslator.ToHtml(attributes.BackgroundColor),
                                        Val   = OXW.ShadingPatternValues.Clear
                                    // Add the Shading object to the TableCellProperties object
                                    // Add the TableCellProperties object to the TableCell object

                                    txtColor = $"{attributes.FontColor.R:X2}{attributes.FontColor.G:X2}{attributes.FontColor.B:X2}";
                                    effect   = attributes.Effect;

                            ModifyWordCellTextContent(cell, item, txtColor, effect);

                        idx = ++idx % content.NbColumns;
                        if (0 != idx)
                        if (null != row)
                        row = contentRowTemplate?.CloneNode(true) as OXW.TableRow;
                        row?.RemoveAllChildren <OXW.TableCell>();
                var blockSdtAncestor = block.Ancestors <OXW.SdtBlock>();
                if (0 != blockSdtAncestor.ToList().Count)
                    // case table is in a content control
                    var blockStd = block.Ancestors <OXW.SdtBlock>().First();
                    blockStd.Parent.ReplaceChild(table, blockStd);
                    // case table is directly in the document
                    var blockStd = block;
                    blockStd.Parent.ReplaceChild(table, blockStd);
                LogHelper.Instance.LogErrorFormat("Impossible to load data in Table block with a block source of type \"{0}\"", block?.GetType().ToString() ?? "null");