Beispiel #1
 public CharRepository(DnDContext context)
     _context = context;
Beispiel #2
        public static void Initialize(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            using (var context = new DnDContext(
                       serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <
                           DbContextOptions <DnDContext> >()))
                if (context.Races.Any())

                    new Race
                    Name        = "Humans",
                    Description = "Most humans are the ancestors of pioneers, conquerors, traders, travellers, refugees, and" +
                                  " other people on the move. As a result, human lands are a mix of people--physically, culturally, religiously" +
                                  ", and politically. Hardy or fine, light-skinned or dark, showy or austere, primitive or civilized, devout" +
                                  " or impious, humans run the gamut.",

                    BaseSpeed    = 30,
                    Size         = "Medium",
                    FavoredClass = "Any",
                    Language     = new List <string>()
                    BonusLanguage = new List <string>()
                    RacialAttributeAdj = new List <int>()
                        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
                    RacialAdjText  = "Humans have no racial attribute modifier",
                    RacialFeatures = new List <string>()
                        "+1 skill point/level",
                    RacialSkillAdj = new List <Skill>()
                    new Race
                    Name        = "Elves",
                    Description = "Elves mingle freely in human lands, always welcome yet never at home there. They are well know" +
                                  " for their poetry, song, lore, and magical arts. Elves favor things of natural and simple beauty. When danger" +
                                  " threatens their woodland homes, however, elves reveal a more martial side, demonstrating skills with swords," +
                                  " bows and battle energy.",

                    BaseSpeed    = 30,
                    Size         = "Medium",
                    FavoredClass = "Wizard",
                    Language     = new List <string>()
                        "Common", "Elven"
                    BonusLanguage = new List <string>()
                        "Draconic", "Gnoll", "Gnome", "Goblin", "Orc", "Sylvan"
                    RacialAttributeAdj = new List <int>()
                        0, 2, -2, 0, 0, 0
                    RacialAdjText  = "+2 Dexterity and -2 Consitution modifiers",
                    RacialFeatures = new List <string>()
                        "Immunity to magic sleep spells",
                        "+2 racial saving throws against Enchantment spells or effects",
                        "Low-light Vision",
                        "Automatic Search check within 5 feet of secret or concealed door"
                    RacialSkillAdj = new List <Skill>()
                        new Skill()
                            Name = "Listen", RacialModifier = 2
                        new Skill()
                            Name = "Search", RacialModifier = 2
                        new Skill()
                            Name = "Spot", RacialModifier = 2

                if (context.Professions.Any())

                    new Profession
                    Name        = "Fighter",
                    Description = "The questing knight, the conquering overlord, the king's champion, the elite foot soldier," +
                                  " the hardened mercenary, and the bandit king--all are fighters. Fighters can be stalwart defenders of those" +
                                  " in need, cruel marauders, or gutsy adventurers. Some are amongs the land's best souls, willing to face death" +
                                  " for the greater good. Others are among the worst, those who have no qualms about killing for private gain," +
                                  " or even for sport. Fighters who are not actively adventuring may be soldiers, guards, bodyguards, champions," +
                                  " or criminal enforcers. An adventuring fighter might call himself a warrior, a mercenary, a thug, " +
                                  "or simply an adventurer.",
                    HDType          = 10,
                    BaseAttackBonus = 1,
                    FortSave        = 2,
                    RefSave         = 0,
                    WillSave        = 0
                    new Profession
                    Name        = "Wizard",
                    Description = "A few unintelligible words and a fleeting gesture carry more power than a battleaxe, when they" +
                                  " are the words and gestures of a wizard. These simple acts can make magic seem easy, but they only hint at" +
                                  " the time the wizard must spend poring over her spellbook preparing each spell for casting, and the years" +
                                  " before that spent in apprenticeship to learn the arts of magic.\nWizards depend on intensive study to create" +
                                  " their magic. They examine musty old tomes, debate magical theory with their peers, and practice minor magics" +
                                  " whenever they can. For a wizard, magic is not a talent, but a difficult, rewarding art.",
                    HDType          = 4,
                    BaseAttackBonus = 0,
                    FortSave        = 0,
                    RefSave         = 0,
                    WillSave        = 2
