Beispiel #1
        public static async Task <bool> AttemptRaceStartAsync(RaceItem Race)
            DatabaseHandler database = new DatabaseHandler(Globals.MySqlConnectionString);

            EntrantsSummary entrantsSummary = database.GetEntrantsSummary(Race.RaceId);

            var raceServer  = client.GetGuild(Globals.GuildId);
            var raceRole    = raceServer.GetRole(Race.RoleId);
            var raceChannel = raceServer.GetTextChannel(Race.TextChannelId);

            //sometimes we need to know if we're actually starting the race.
            bool raceIsStarting = false;

            //See if the number of ready entrants + disqualified entrants equals the total number of entrants
            //It is possible (but rare) for an entrant to be marked disqualified before a race starts
            //Excessive DQs may result in a penalty at some point, so it's important to record them
            if (entrantsSummary.Ready + entrantsSummary.Disqalified == entrantsSummary.TotalEntrants)
                //we don't want a situation where there is only one racer who is ready, but the race starts
                //because of DQed entrants.
                if (entrantsSummary.Ready > 1)
                    //All of the entrants are ready, and we have enough entrants, so we can start the race
                    await raceChannel.SendMessageAsync(raceRole.Mention + " Everyone is ready! Race will start in 10 seconds.");

                    database.UpdateRace(Race.RaceId, Status: "Countdown");
                    var newTimer = new CountdownTimer();
                    newTimer.Interval  = 7000;
                    newTimer.race      = Race;
                    newTimer.AutoReset = false;
                    newTimer.Elapsed  += CountdownRaceAsync;
                    newTimer.Enabled   = true;

                    //check for and remove any force start timers that may be waiting to fire
                    RemoveTimer(_forceStartTimerList, Race.RaceId);
                    _ = UpdateRacesChannelAsync();
                    raceIsStarting = true;

            _ = UpdateChannelTopicAsync(Race.RaceId);