private async Task Client_MessageUpdated(Cacheable <IMessage, ulong> arg1, SocketMessage arg2, ISocketMessageChannel arg3)
            if (arg2.Author.IsBot || arg2.Author.IsWebhook)
            using var _db_ = DB();
            var origMsg = await _db_.Messages.AsQueryable().FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.MessageId == cast(arg1.Id));

            if (origMsg == null)
                return; // TODO: add the message in
            var currentContent = _db_.Contents.First(x => x.Id == origMsg.ContentId);

            if (currentContent.Content == arg2.Content)
            var newContent = new MsgContent()
                Content   = arg2.Content,
                Timestamp = arg2.EditedTimestamp.GetValueOrDefault(DateTimeOffset.Now).DateTime,
                Message   = arg2.Id
            await _db_.Contents.AddAsync(newContent);

            await _db_.SaveChangesAsync();

            origMsg.ContentId = newContent.Id;
            await _db_.SaveChangesAsync();
        async Task AddMessage(IMessage arg, LogContext _db_ = null)
            if (!(arg is IUserMessage umsg))
            if (!(arg.Channel is IGuildChannel guildChannel))
            if (arg.Author.IsBot || arg.Author.IsWebhook)
            var content = new MsgContent()
                Message   = umsg.Id,
                Content   = umsg.Content,
                Timestamp = umsg.Timestamp.DateTime,
            bool dispose = false;

            if (_db_ == null)
                dispose = true;
                _db_    = DB();
            var msg = new MsgModel(umsg);

            msg.ContentId = content.Id;
            await _db_.SaveChangesAsync();

            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
            Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
            Console.WriteLine($"{getWhere(umsg)}: {arg.Author.Username}: {arg.Content}");
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
            Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
            Info($"Starting attachment handle for {arg.Id} on thread {Thread.CurrentThread.Name} | {Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}");
            foreach (var attch in umsg.Attachments)
                HandleAttachment(attch, guildChannel.Guild, umsg.Id);
            Info($"Ended attachment handle for {arg.Id} on thread {Thread.CurrentThread.Name} | {Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}");
            if (dispose)
        public async Task <List <ReturnedMsg> > GetCombinedMsgs(ulong guild, ulong channel, ulong before = ulong.MaxValue, int limit = 25)
            using var _db_ = DB();
            var fromDb = await GetMessagesAsync(guild, channel, before, limit);

            var total = new List <ReturnedMsg>();

            foreach (var x in fromDb)
            var dsGuild = Program.Client.GetGuild(guild);

            if (dsGuild == null)
            var dsChnl = dsGuild.GetTextChannel(channel);

            if (dsChnl == null)
            IEnumerable <IMessage> dsMessages;

            if (before == ulong.MaxValue)
                dsMessages = await dsChnl.GetMessagesAsync(limit).FlattenAsync();
                dsMessages = await dsChnl.GetMessagesAsync(before, Direction.Before, limit).FlattenAsync();
            bool changes = false;

            foreach (var x in total)
                var inDs = dsMessages.FirstOrDefault(ds => ds.Id == x.Id);
                if (inDs == null)
                    x.IsDeleted = true;
                    if (x.Content == null)
                        x.Content = "[Message content is not stored and cannot be fetched]";
                    x.Embeds = inDs.Embeds.ToList();
                    if (x.Content == null)
                        x.Content = inDs.Content;
#if !DEBUG
                        var msgContent = new MsgContent()
                            Message   = inDs.Id,
                            Timestamp = (inDs.EditedTimestamp ?? inDs.Timestamp).DateTime,
                            Content   = inDs.Content
                        changes = true;
            foreach (var ds in dsMessages)
                if (!(ds is IUserMessage umsg))
                if (!_db_.Messages.Any(x => x.MessageId == cast(ds.Id)))
                    total.Add(new DiscordMsg(this, umsg));
#if !DEBUG
                    await Task.Run(async() => await AddMessage(umsg));
            if (changes)
                await _db_.SaveChangesAsync();