Beispiel #1
        private void Warmstart(int index, LimitState oldState)
            // If the limit state has not changed and is active, we warmstart.
            // Otherwise, we reset the cached constraint impulse.

            Constraint1D constraint = _constraints[index];

            if (oldState != LimitState.Inactive && oldState == _limitStates[index])
                constraint.Warmstart(BodyA, BodyB);
            else if (constraint != null)
                constraint.ConstraintImpulse = 0;
Beispiel #2
        #region Creation & Cleanup

        #region Methods

        /// <inheritdoc/>
        protected override void OnSetup()
            var planeALocal = PlaneALocal;
            var planeNormal = BodyA.Pose.ToWorldDirection(planeALocal.Normal);

            // Calculate a point on the new plane.
            Vector3F pointOnPlane = BodyA.Pose.Position + planeNormal * planeALocal.DistanceFromOrigin;

            // Project point on to normal vector to get the new DistanceFromOrigin.
            var distanceFromOrigin = Vector3F.Dot(pointOnPlane, planeNormal);

            Vector3F anchorPositionB = BodyB.Pose.ToWorldPosition(AnchorPositionBLocal);

            float separation       = Vector3F.Dot(anchorPositionB, planeNormal) - distanceFromOrigin;
            float penetrationDepth = -separation;

            Vector3F rA = anchorPositionB - BodyA.PoseCenterOfMass.Position;
            Vector3F rB = anchorPositionB - BodyB.PoseCenterOfMass.Position;

            // Remember old state.
            bool wasActive = _limitIsActive;

            if (separation <= 0)
                _limitIsActive = true;

                Simulation simulation = Simulation;
                float      deltaTime  = simulation.Settings.Timing.FixedTimeStep;

                // ----- Determine limit state.

                // ----- Error correction
                float targetVelocity             = penetrationDepth * ErrorReduction / deltaTime;
                float maxErrorCorrectionVelocity = simulation.Settings.Constraints.MaxErrorCorrectionVelocity;
                targetVelocity = MathHelper.Clamp(targetVelocity, -maxErrorCorrectionVelocity, maxErrorCorrectionVelocity);

                // ----- Restitution
                if (Restitution > simulation.Settings.Constraints.RestitutionThreshold)
                    float velocity = _constraint.GetRelativeVelocity(BodyA, BodyB);
                    if (velocity < -Simulation.Settings.Constraints.RestingVelocityLimit)
                        targetVelocity = Math.Max(targetVelocity, -velocity * Restitution);

                _constraint.TargetRelativeVelocity = targetVelocity;

                // ----- Impulse limits

                _constraint.Softness = Softness / deltaTime;
                _constraint.Prepare(BodyA, BodyB, -planeNormal, -Vector3F.Cross(rA, planeNormal), planeNormal, Vector3F.Cross(rB, planeNormal));
                _limitIsActive = false;

            // If the limit state has not changed, we warmstart.
            // Otherwise, we reset the cached constraint impulse.
            if (wasActive && _limitIsActive)
                _constraint.Warmstart(BodyA, BodyB);
                _constraint.ConstraintImpulse = 0;
        #region Methods

        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public void Setup()
            // Cache normal. Access to Contact.Normal is expensive.
            _normal = Contact.Normal;

            float tolerance = StackingTolerance;

            if (_rALengthSquared == -1)
                // This is the first setup call and we must initialize the constraints.
                _penetrationConstraint.Prepare(BodyA, BodyB, -_normal, -Vector3F.Cross(_rA, _normal), _normal, Vector3F.Cross(_rB, _normal));
                _frictionConstraint0.Prepare(BodyA, BodyB, -_t0, -Vector3F.Cross(_rA, _t0), _t0, Vector3F.Cross(_rB, _t0));
                _frictionConstraint1.Prepare(BodyA, BodyB, -_t1, -Vector3F.Cross(_rA, _t1), _t1, Vector3F.Cross(_rB, _t1));

                _rALengthSquared = _rA.LengthSquared;
                _rBLengthSquared = _rB.LengthSquared;
            else if (tolerance == 0)
                // Update _ra/_rb and related values. This creates smooth movement but less stable stacks.
                _rA = Contact.PositionAWorld - BodyA.PoseCenterOfMass.Position;
                _rB = Contact.PositionBWorld - BodyB.PoseCenterOfMass.Position;

                _penetrationConstraint.Prepare(BodyA, BodyB, -_normal, -Vector3F.Cross(_rA, _normal), _normal, Vector3F.Cross(_rB, _normal));
                _frictionConstraint0.Prepare(BodyA, BodyB, -_t0, -Vector3F.Cross(_rA, _t0), _t0, Vector3F.Cross(_rB, _t0));
                _frictionConstraint1.Prepare(BodyA, BodyB, -_t1, -Vector3F.Cross(_rA, _t1), _t1, Vector3F.Cross(_rB, _t1));
            else if (tolerance < 1)
                // Update _ra/_rb and related values only if the angle has changed more than the tolerance.
                // This creates less smooth movement for sliding/rolling objects but stable stacks.
                tolerance = 1 - tolerance; // Invert, so that 1 means no tolerance and 0 is full tolerance.
                var newRA = Contact.PositionAWorld - BodyA.PoseCenterOfMass.Position;
                var newRB = Contact.PositionBWorld - BodyB.PoseCenterOfMass.Position;
                //if (Vector3F.Dot(newRA, _rA) < tolerance * _rALengthSquared || Vector3F.Dot(newRB, _rB) < tolerance * _rBLengthSquared)
                if (newRA.X * _rA.X + newRA.Y * _rA.Y + newRA.Z * _rA.Z < tolerance * _rALengthSquared ||
                    newRB.X * _rB.X + newRB.Y * _rB.Y + newRB.Z * _rB.Z < tolerance * _rBLengthSquared)
                    _rA = newRA;
                    _rB = newRB;

                    _penetrationConstraint.Prepare(BodyA, BodyB, -_normal, -Vector3F.Cross(_rA, _normal), _normal, Vector3F.Cross(_rB, _normal));
                    _frictionConstraint0.Prepare(BodyA, BodyB, -_t0, -Vector3F.Cross(_rA, _t0), _t0, Vector3F.Cross(_rB, _t0));
                    _frictionConstraint1.Prepare(BodyA, BodyB, -_t1, -Vector3F.Cross(_rA, _t1), _t1, Vector3F.Cross(_rB, _t1));

            // Get relative velocity.
            Vector3F vRel;

            if (_surfaceMotionAEnabled || _surfaceMotionBEnabled)
                vRel = RelativeVelocity;
                //Vector3F velA = BodyA._linearVelocity + Vector3F.Cross(BodyA._angularVelocity, _rA);
                //Vector3F velB = BodyB._linearVelocity + Vector3F.Cross(BodyB._angularVelocity, _rB);
                //Vector3F vRel = velB - velA;

                Vector3F linearVelocityA  = BodyA._linearVelocity;
                Vector3F linearVelocityB  = BodyB._linearVelocity;
                Vector3F angularVelocityA = BodyA._angularVelocity;
                Vector3F angularVelocityB = BodyB._angularVelocity;

                float velAX = linearVelocityA.X + angularVelocityA.Y * _rA.Z - angularVelocityA.Z * _rA.Y;
                float velAY = linearVelocityA.Y - angularVelocityA.X * _rA.Z + angularVelocityA.Z * _rA.X;
                float velAZ = linearVelocityA.Z + angularVelocityA.X * _rA.Y - angularVelocityA.Y * _rA.X;
                float velBX = linearVelocityB.X + angularVelocityB.Y * _rB.Z - angularVelocityB.Z * _rB.Y;
                float velBY = linearVelocityB.Y - angularVelocityB.X * _rB.Z + angularVelocityB.Z * _rB.X;
                float velBZ = linearVelocityB.Z + angularVelocityB.X * _rB.Y - angularVelocityB.Y * _rB.X;
                vRel = new Vector3F(velBX - velAX, velBY - velAY, velBZ - velAZ);

            // Compute target velocity for restitution.
            //float vRelN = Vector3F.Dot(vRel, n);
            //if (vRelN < 0)
            //  _penetrationConstraint.TargetRelativeVelocity = -_restitution * vRelN;   // Objects coming closer --> Bounce
            //  _penetrationConstraint.TargetRelativeVelocity = 0;                       // Objects separating. Don't create bounce.

            if (_restitution > 0)
                float vRelN = vRel.X * _normal.X + vRel.Y * _normal.Y + vRel.Z * _normal.Z;
                if (vRelN < 0)
                    _penetrationConstraint.TargetRelativeVelocity = -_restitution * vRelN; // Objects coming closer --> Bounce
                    _penetrationConstraint.TargetRelativeVelocity = 0;             // Objects separating. Don't create bounce.
                _penetrationConstraint.TargetRelativeVelocity = 0; // Objects separating. Don't create bounce.

            // Compute velocity for error reduction.
            _splitImpulse = 0;
            _splitImpulseTargetVelocity = 0;
            if (Contact.PenetrationDepth > _simulation.Settings.Constraints.AllowedPenetration)
                float deviationLength         = Contact.PenetrationDepth - _simulation.Settings.Constraints.AllowedPenetration;
                float deltaTime               = _simulation.Settings.Timing.FixedTimeStep;
                float errorCorrectionVelocity = deviationLength / deltaTime * ErrorReduction;
                errorCorrectionVelocity = Math.Min(errorCorrectionVelocity, _simulation.Settings.Constraints.MaxPenetrationCorrectionVelocity);

                // Part of the error is corrected with split impulses. Part is corrected with Baumgarte.
                _splitImpulseTargetVelocity = (1 - _simulation.Settings.Constraints.BaumgarteRatio) * errorCorrectionVelocity;
                _penetrationConstraint.TargetRelativeVelocity = Math.Max(_simulation.Settings.Constraints.BaumgarteRatio * errorCorrectionVelocity, _penetrationConstraint.TargetRelativeVelocity);

            // Warmstarting:
            // We warmstart penetration constraints.
            // No warmstarting for friction constraints.
            // In our experiments, warmstarting of friction constraints was not very helpful in stacks.
            _penetrationConstraint.Warmstart(BodyA, BodyB);

            _frictionConstraint0.ConstraintImpulse = 0;
            _frictionConstraint1.ConstraintImpulse = 0;

            // In this frame we apply the bounce. If the contact persists until the next
            // frame, we treat the contact as resting contact to avoid jiggle.
            _restitution = 0;