Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of <see cref="Triangle"/> from a <see cref="TriangleShape"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="triangleShape">
        /// The <see cref="TriangleShape"/> from which vertices are copied.
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        /// <paramref name="triangleShape"/> is <see langword="null"/>.
        /// </exception>
        public Triangle(TriangleShape triangleShape)
            if (triangleShape == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("triangleShape");

            Vertex0 = triangleShape.Vertex0;
            Vertex1 = triangleShape.Vertex1;
            Vertex2 = triangleShape.Vertex2;
Beispiel #2
    // Creates a lot of random objects.
    private void CreateRandomObjects()
      var random = new Random();

      var isFirstHeightField = true;

      int currentShape = 0;
      int numberOfObjects = 0;
      while (true)
        if (numberOfObjects > ObjectsPerType)
          numberOfObjects = 0;

        Shape shape;
        switch (currentShape)
          case 0:
            // Box
            shape = new BoxShape(ObjectSize, ObjectSize * 2, ObjectSize * 3);
          case 1:
            // Capsule
            shape = new CapsuleShape(0.3f * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize);
          case 2:
            // Cone
            shape = new ConeShape(1 * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize);
          case 3:
            // Cylinder
            shape = new CylinderShape(0.4f * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize);
          case 4:
            // Sphere
            shape = new SphereShape(ObjectSize);
          case 5:
            // Convex hull of several points.
            ConvexHullOfPoints hull = new ConvexHullOfPoints();
            hull.Points.Add(new Vector3F(-1 * ObjectSize, -2 * ObjectSize, -1 * ObjectSize));
            hull.Points.Add(new Vector3F(2 * ObjectSize, -1 * ObjectSize, -0.5f * ObjectSize));
            hull.Points.Add(new Vector3F(1 * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize, 1 * ObjectSize));
            hull.Points.Add(new Vector3F(-1 * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize, 1 * ObjectSize));
            hull.Points.Add(new Vector3F(-1 * ObjectSize, 0.7f * ObjectSize, -0.6f * ObjectSize));
            shape = hull;
          case 6:
            // A composite shape: two boxes that form a "T" shape.
            var composite = new CompositeShape();
              new GeometricObject(
                new BoxShape(ObjectSize, 3 * ObjectSize, ObjectSize),
                new Pose(new Vector3F(0, 0, 0))));
              new GeometricObject(
                new BoxShape(2 * ObjectSize, ObjectSize, ObjectSize),
                new Pose(new Vector3F(0, 2 * ObjectSize, 0))));
            shape = composite;
          case 7:
            shape = new CircleShape(ObjectSize);
          case 8:
              var compBvh = new CompositeShape();
              compBvh.Children.Add(new GeometricObject(new BoxShape(0.5f, 1, 0.5f), new Pose(new Vector3F(0, 0.5f, 0), Matrix33F.Identity)));
              compBvh.Children.Add(new GeometricObject(new BoxShape(0.8f, 0.5f, 0.5f), new Pose(new Vector3F(0.5f, 0.7f, 0), Matrix33F.CreateRotationZ(-MathHelper.ToRadians(15)))));
              compBvh.Children.Add(new GeometricObject(new SphereShape(0.3f), new Pose(new Vector3F(0, 1.15f, 0), Matrix33F.Identity)));
              compBvh.Children.Add(new GeometricObject(new CapsuleShape(0.2f, 1), new Pose(new Vector3F(0.6f, 1.15f, 0), Matrix33F.CreateRotationX(0.3f))));
              compBvh.Partition = new AabbTree<int>();
              shape = compBvh;
          case 9:
            CompositeShape comp = new CompositeShape();
            comp.Children.Add(new GeometricObject(new BoxShape(0.5f * ObjectSize, 1 * ObjectSize, 0.5f * ObjectSize), new Pose(new Vector3F(0, 0.5f * ObjectSize, 0), QuaternionF.Identity)));
            comp.Children.Add(new GeometricObject(new BoxShape(0.8f * ObjectSize, 0.5f * ObjectSize, 0.5f * ObjectSize), new Pose(new Vector3F(0.3f * ObjectSize, 0.7f * ObjectSize, 0), QuaternionF.CreateRotationZ(-MathHelper.ToRadians(45)))));
            comp.Children.Add(new GeometricObject(new SphereShape(0.3f * ObjectSize), new Pose(new Vector3F(0, 1.15f * ObjectSize, 0), QuaternionF.Identity)));
            shape = comp;
          case 10:
            shape = new ConvexHullOfPoints(new[]
              new Vector3F(-1 * ObjectSize, -2 * ObjectSize, -1 * ObjectSize),
              new Vector3F(2 * ObjectSize, -1 * ObjectSize, -0.5f * ObjectSize),
              new Vector3F(1 * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize, 1 * ObjectSize),
              new Vector3F(-1 * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize, 1 * ObjectSize),
              new Vector3F(-1 * ObjectSize, 0.7f * ObjectSize, -0.6f * ObjectSize)
          case 11:
            ConvexHullOfShapes shapeHull = new ConvexHullOfShapes();
            shapeHull.Children.Add(new GeometricObject(new SphereShape(0.3f * ObjectSize), new Pose(new Vector3F(0, 2 * ObjectSize, 0), Matrix33F.Identity)));
            shapeHull.Children.Add(new GeometricObject(new BoxShape(1 * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize, 3 * ObjectSize), Pose.Identity));
            shape = shapeHull;
          case 12:
            shape = Shape.Empty;
          case 13:
            var numberOfSamplesX = 10;
            var numberOfSamplesZ = 10;
            var samples = new float[numberOfSamplesX * numberOfSamplesZ];
            for (int z = 0; z < numberOfSamplesZ; z++)
              for (int x = 0; x < numberOfSamplesX; x++)
                samples[z * numberOfSamplesX + x] = (float)(Math.Cos(z / 3f) * Math.Sin(x / 2f) * BoxSize / 6);
            HeightField heightField = new HeightField(0, 0, 2 * BoxSize, 2 * BoxSize, samples, numberOfSamplesX, numberOfSamplesZ);
            shape = heightField;
          //case 14:
          //shape = new LineShape(new Vector3F(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f), new Vector3F(0.1f, 0.2f, -0.3f).Normalized);
          case 15:
            shape = new LineSegmentShape(
              new Vector3F(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f), new Vector3F(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f) + 3 * ObjectSize * new Vector3F(0.1f, 0.2f, -0.3f));
          case 16:
            shape = new MinkowskiDifferenceShape
              ObjectA = new GeometricObject(new SphereShape(0.1f * ObjectSize)),
              ObjectB = new GeometricObject(new BoxShape(1 * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize, 3 * ObjectSize))
          case 17:
            shape = new MinkowskiSumShape
              ObjectA = new GeometricObject(new SphereShape(0.1f * ObjectSize)),
              ObjectB = new GeometricObject(new BoxShape(1 * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize, 3 * ObjectSize)),
          case 18:
            shape = new OrthographicViewVolume(0, ObjectSize, 0, ObjectSize, ObjectSize / 2, ObjectSize * 2);
          case 19:
            shape = new PerspectiveViewVolume(MathHelper.ToRadians(60f), 16f / 10, ObjectSize / 2, ObjectSize * 3);
          case 20:
            shape = new PointShape(0.1f, 0.3f, 0.2f);
          case 21:
            shape = new RayShape(new Vector3F(0.2f, 0, -0.12f), new Vector3F(1, 2, 3).Normalized, ObjectSize * 2);
          case 22:
            shape = new RayShape(new Vector3F(0.2f, 0, -0.12f), new Vector3F(1, 2, 3).Normalized, ObjectSize * 2)
              StopsAtFirstHit = true
          case 23:
            shape = new RectangleShape(ObjectSize, ObjectSize * 2);
          case 24:
            shape = new TransformedShape(
              new GeometricObject(
                new BoxShape(1 * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize, 3 * ObjectSize),
                new Pose(new Vector3F(0.1f, 1, -0.2f))));
          case 25:
            shape = new TriangleShape(
              new Vector3F(ObjectSize, 0, 0), new Vector3F(0, ObjectSize, 0), new Vector3F(ObjectSize, ObjectSize, ObjectSize));
          //case 26:
          //  {
          //    // Create a composite object from which we get the mesh.
          //    CompositeShape compBvh = new CompositeShape();
          //    compBvh.Children.Add(new GeometricObject(new BoxShape(0.5f, 1, 0.5f), new Pose(new Vector3F(0, 0.5f, 0), Matrix33F.Identity)));
          //    compBvh.Children.Add(
          //      new GeometricObject(
          //        new BoxShape(0.8f, 0.5f, 0.5f),
          //        new Pose(new Vector3F(0.5f, 0.7f, 0), Matrix33F.CreateRotationZ(-(float)MathHelper.ToRadians(15)))));
          //    compBvh.Children.Add(new GeometricObject(new SphereShape(0.3f), new Pose(new Vector3F(0, 1.15f, 0), Matrix33F.Identity)));
          //    compBvh.Children.Add(
          //      new GeometricObject(new CapsuleShape(0.2f, 1), new Pose(new Vector3F(0.6f, 1.15f, 0), Matrix33F.CreateRotationX(0.3f))));

          //    TriangleMeshShape meshBvhShape = new TriangleMeshShape { Mesh = compBvh.GetMesh(0.01f, 3) };
          //    meshBvhShape.Partition = new AabbTree<int>();
          //    shape = meshBvhShape;
          //    break;
          //  }
          //case 27:
          //  {
          //    // Create a composite object from which we get the mesh.
          //    CompositeShape compBvh = new CompositeShape();
          //    compBvh.Children.Add(new GeometricObject(new BoxShape(0.5f, 1, 0.5f), new Pose(new Vector3F(0, 0.5f, 0), QuaternionF.Identity)));
          //    compBvh.Children.Add(
          //      new GeometricObject(
          //        new BoxShape(0.8f, 0.5f, 0.5f),
          //        new Pose(new Vector3F(0.5f, 0.7f, 0), QuaternionF.CreateRotationZ(-(float)MathHelper.ToRadians(15)))));
          //    compBvh.Children.Add(new GeometricObject(new SphereShape(0.3f), new Pose(new Vector3F(0, 1.15f, 0), QuaternionF.Identity)));
          //    compBvh.Children.Add(
          //      new GeometricObject(new CapsuleShape(0.2f, 1), new Pose(new Vector3F(0.6f, 1.15f, 0), QuaternionF.CreateRotationX(0.3f))));

          //    TriangleMeshShape meshBvhShape = new TriangleMeshShape { Mesh = compBvh.GetMesh(0.01f, 3) };
          //    meshBvhShape.Partition = new AabbTree<int>();
          //    shape = meshBvhShape;
          //    break;
          //  }
          case 28:
            shape = new ConvexPolyhedron(new[]
              new Vector3F(-1 * ObjectSize, -2 * ObjectSize, -1 * ObjectSize),
              new Vector3F(2 * ObjectSize, -1 * ObjectSize, -0.5f * ObjectSize),
              new Vector3F(1 * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize, 1 * ObjectSize),
              new Vector3F(-1 * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize, 1 * ObjectSize),
              new Vector3F(-1 * ObjectSize, 0.7f * ObjectSize, -0.6f * ObjectSize)
          case 29:

        // Create an object with the random shape, pose, color and velocity.
        Pose randomPose = new Pose(
          random.NextVector3F(-BoxSize + ObjectSize * 2, BoxSize - ObjectSize * 2),
        var newObject = new MovingGeometricObject
          Pose = randomPose,
          Shape = shape,
          LinearVelocity = random.NextQuaternionF().Rotate(new Vector3F(MaxLinearVelocity, 0, 0)),
          AngularVelocity = random.NextQuaternionF().Rotate(Vector3F.Forward)
                            * RandomHelper.Random.NextFloat(0, MaxAngularVelocity),

        if (RandomHelper.Random.NextBool())
          newObject.LinearVelocity = Vector3F.Zero;
        if (RandomHelper.Random.NextBool())
          newObject.AngularVelocity = Vector3F.Zero;

        if (shape is LineShape || shape is HeightField)
          // Do not move lines or the height field.
          newObject.LinearVelocity = Vector3F.Zero;
          newObject.AngularVelocity = Vector3F.Zero;

        // Create only 1 heightField!
        if (shape is HeightField)
          if (isFirstHeightField)
            isFirstHeightField = true;
            newObject.Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(-BoxSize, -BoxSize, -BoxSize));
            numberOfObjects = 0;

        // Add collision object to collision domain.
        _domain.CollisionObjects.Add(new CollisionObject(newObject));

        //co.Type = CollisionObjectType.Trigger;
        //co.Name = "Object" + shape.GetType().Name + "_" + i;
Beispiel #3
        // The parameters 'testXxx' are initialized objects which are re-used to avoid a lot of GC garbage.
        private void AddTriangleTriangleContacts(
            ContactSet contactSet, int triangleIndexA, int triangleIndexB, CollisionQueryType type,
            ContactSet testContactSet, CollisionObject testCollisionObjectA, TestGeometricObject testGeometricObjectA,
            TriangleShape testTriangleA, CollisionObject testCollisionObjectB, TestGeometricObject testGeometricObjectB,
            TriangleShape testTriangleB)
            CollisionObject collisionObjectA = contactSet.ObjectA;
              CollisionObject collisionObjectB = contactSet.ObjectB;
              IGeometricObject geometricObjectA = collisionObjectA.GeometricObject;
              IGeometricObject geometricObjectB = collisionObjectB.GeometricObject;
              TriangleMeshShape triangleMeshShapeA = (TriangleMeshShape)geometricObjectA.Shape;
              Triangle triangleA = triangleMeshShapeA.Mesh.GetTriangle(triangleIndexA);
              TriangleMeshShape triangleMeshShapeB = (TriangleMeshShape)geometricObjectB.Shape;
              Triangle triangleB = triangleMeshShapeB.Mesh.GetTriangle(triangleIndexB);
              Pose poseA = geometricObjectA.Pose;
              Pose poseB = geometricObjectB.Pose;
              Vector3F scaleA = geometricObjectA.Scale;
              Vector3F scaleB = geometricObjectB.Scale;

              // Apply SRT.
              Triangle transformedTriangleA;
              transformedTriangleA.Vertex0 = poseA.ToWorldPosition(triangleA.Vertex0 * scaleA);
              transformedTriangleA.Vertex1 = poseA.ToWorldPosition(triangleA.Vertex1 * scaleA);
              transformedTriangleA.Vertex2 = poseA.ToWorldPosition(triangleA.Vertex2 * scaleA);
              Triangle transformedTriangleB;
              transformedTriangleB.Vertex0 = poseB.ToWorldPosition(triangleB.Vertex0 * scaleB);
              transformedTriangleB.Vertex1 = poseB.ToWorldPosition(triangleB.Vertex1 * scaleB);
              transformedTriangleB.Vertex2 = poseB.ToWorldPosition(triangleB.Vertex2 * scaleB);

              // Make super-fast boolean check first. This is redundant if we have to compute
              // a contact with SAT below. But in stochastic benchmarks it seems to be 10% faster.
              bool haveContact = GeometryHelper.HaveContact(ref transformedTriangleA, ref transformedTriangleB);
              if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean)
            contactSet.HaveContact = (contactSet.HaveContact || haveContact);

              if (haveContact)
            // Make sure the scaled triangles have the correct normal.
            // (A negative scale changes the normal/winding order. See unit test in TriangleTest.cs.)
            if (scaleA.X * scaleA.Y * scaleA.Z < 0)
              MathHelper.Swap(ref transformedTriangleA.Vertex0, ref transformedTriangleA.Vertex1);
            if (scaleB.X * scaleB.Y * scaleB.Z < 0)
              MathHelper.Swap(ref transformedTriangleB.Vertex0, ref transformedTriangleB.Vertex1);

            // Compute contact.
            Vector3F position, normal;
            float penetrationDepth;
            haveContact = TriangleTriangleAlgorithm.GetContact(
              ref transformedTriangleA, ref transformedTriangleB,
              !triangleMeshShapeA.IsTwoSided, !triangleMeshShapeB.IsTwoSided,
              out position, out normal, out penetrationDepth);

            if (haveContact)
              contactSet.HaveContact = true;

              // In deep interpenetrations we might get no contact (penDepth = NaN).
              if (!Numeric.IsNaN(penetrationDepth))
            Contact contact = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, normal, penetrationDepth, false);
            contact.FeatureA = triangleIndexA;
            contact.FeatureB = triangleIndexB;
            ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);


            // We might come here if the boolean test reports contact but the SAT test
            // does not because of numerical errors.


              if (type == CollisionQueryType.Contacts)

              Debug.Assert(type == CollisionQueryType.ClosestPoints);

              if (contactSet.HaveContact)
            // These triangles are separated but other parts of the meshes touches.
            // --> Abort.

              // We do not have a specialized triangle-triangle closest points algorithm.
              // Fall back to the default algorithm (GJK).

              // Initialize temporary test contact set and test objects.
              // Note: We assume the triangle-triangle does not care about front/back faces.
              testTriangleA.Vertex0 = transformedTriangleA.Vertex0;
              testTriangleA.Vertex1 = transformedTriangleA.Vertex1;
              testTriangleA.Vertex2 = transformedTriangleA.Vertex2;
              testGeometricObjectA.Shape = testTriangleA;
              Debug.Assert(testGeometricObjectA.Scale == Vector3F.One);
              Debug.Assert(testGeometricObjectA.Pose == Pose.Identity);
              testCollisionObjectA.SetInternal(collisionObjectA, testGeometricObjectA);

              testTriangleB.Vertex0 = transformedTriangleB.Vertex0;
              testTriangleB.Vertex1 = transformedTriangleB.Vertex1;
              testTriangleB.Vertex2 = transformedTriangleB.Vertex2;
              testGeometricObjectB.Shape = testTriangleB;
              Debug.Assert(testGeometricObjectB.Scale == Vector3F.One);
              Debug.Assert(testGeometricObjectB.Pose == Pose.Identity);
              testCollisionObjectB.SetInternal(collisionObjectB, testGeometricObjectB);

              Debug.Assert(testContactSet.Count == 0, "testContactSet needs to be cleared.");
              testContactSet.Reset(testCollisionObjectA, testCollisionObjectB);

              testContactSet.IsPerturbationTestAllowed = false;
              _triangleTriangleAlgorithm.ComputeCollision(testContactSet, type);

              // Note: We expect no contact but because of numerical differences the triangle-triangle
              // algorithm could find a shallow surface contact.
              contactSet.HaveContact = (contactSet.HaveContact || testContactSet.HaveContact);

              #region ----- Merge testContactSet into contactSet -----

              if (testContactSet.Count > 0)
            // Set the shape feature of the new contacts.
            int numberOfContacts = testContactSet.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfContacts; i++)
              Contact contact = testContactSet[i];
              //if (contact.Lifetime.Ticks == 0) // Currently, this check is not necessary because triangleSet does not contain old contacts.
              contact.FeatureA = triangleIndexA;
              contact.FeatureB = triangleIndexB;

            // Merge the contact info.
            ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, testContactSet, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);
Beispiel #4
    private void AddTriangleContacts(ContactSet contactSet,
                                     bool swapped,
                                     int triangleIndex,
                                     CollisionQueryType type,
                                     ContactSet testContactSet,
                                     CollisionObject testCollisionObject,
                                     TestGeometricObject testGeometricObject,
                                     TriangleShape testTriangle)
      // Object A should be the triangle mesh.
      CollisionObject collisionObjectA = (swapped) ? contactSet.ObjectB : contactSet.ObjectA;
      CollisionObject collisionObjectB = (swapped) ? contactSet.ObjectA : contactSet.ObjectB;
      IGeometricObject geometricObjectA = collisionObjectA.GeometricObject;
      var triangleMeshShape = ((TriangleMeshShape)geometricObjectA.Shape);
      Triangle triangle = triangleMeshShape.Mesh.GetTriangle(triangleIndex);
      Pose poseA = geometricObjectA.Pose;
      Vector3F scaleA = geometricObjectA.Scale;

      // Find collision algorithm. 
      CollisionAlgorithm collisionAlgorithm = CollisionDetection.AlgorithmMatrix[typeof(TriangleShape), collisionObjectB.GeometricObject.Shape.GetType()];

      // Apply scaling.
      testTriangle.Vertex0 = triangle.Vertex0 * scaleA;
      testTriangle.Vertex1 = triangle.Vertex1 * scaleA;
      testTriangle.Vertex2 = triangle.Vertex2 * scaleA;

      // Set the shape temporarily to the current triangles.
      testGeometricObject.Shape = testTriangle;
      testGeometricObject.Scale = Vector3F.One;
      testGeometricObject.Pose = poseA;

      testCollisionObject.SetInternal(collisionObjectA, testGeometricObject);

      // Make a temporary contact set.
      // (Object A and object B should have the same order as in contactSet; otherwise we couldn't 
      // simply merge them.)
      Debug.Assert(testContactSet.Count == 0, "testContactSet needs to be cleared.");
      if (swapped)
        testContactSet.Reset(collisionObjectB, testCollisionObject);
        testContactSet.Reset(testCollisionObject, collisionObjectB);

      if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean)
        collisionAlgorithm.ComputeCollision(testContactSet, CollisionQueryType.Boolean);
        contactSet.HaveContact = contactSet.HaveContact || testContactSet.HaveContact;
        // No perturbation test. Most triangle mesh shapes are either complex and automatically
        // have more contacts. Or they are complex and will not be used for stacking
        // where full contact sets would be needed.
        testContactSet.IsPerturbationTestAllowed = false;

        // TODO: Copy separating axis info and similar things into triangleContactSet. 
        // But currently this info is not used in the queries.

        // For closest points: If we know that we have a contact, then we can make a 
        // faster contact query instead of a closest-point query.
        CollisionQueryType queryType = (contactSet.HaveContact) ? CollisionQueryType.Contacts : type;
        collisionAlgorithm.ComputeCollision(testContactSet, queryType);
        contactSet.HaveContact = contactSet.HaveContact || testContactSet.HaveContact;

        if (testContactSet.HaveContact && testContactSet.Count > 0 && !triangleMeshShape.IsTwoSided)
          // To compute the triangle normal in world space we take the normal of the unscaled 
          // triangle and transform the normal with: (M^-1)^T = 1 / scale
          Vector3F triangleNormalLocal = Vector3F.Cross(triangle.Vertex1 - triangle.Vertex0, triangle.Vertex2 - triangle.Vertex0) / scaleA;
          Vector3F triangleNormal = poseA.ToWorldDirection(triangleNormalLocal);
          if (triangleNormal.TryNormalize())
            var preferredNormal = swapped ? -triangleNormal : triangleNormal;

            // ----- Remove bad normal.
            // Triangles are double sided, but meshes are single sided.
            // --> Remove contacts where the contact normal points into the wrong direction.
            ContactHelper.RemoveBadContacts(testContactSet, preferredNormal, -Numeric.EpsilonF);

            if (testContactSet.Count > 0 && triangleMeshShape.EnableContactWelding)
              var contactDotTriangle = Vector3F.Dot(testContactSet[0].Normal, preferredNormal);
              if (contactDotTriangle < WeldingLimit)
                // Bad normal. Perform welding.

                Vector3F contactPositionOnTriangle = swapped
                                                       ? testContactSet[0].PositionBLocal / scaleA
                                                       : testContactSet[0].PositionALocal / scaleA;

                Vector3F neighborNormal;
                float triangleDotNeighbor;
                GetNeighborNormal(triangleIndex, triangle, contactPositionOnTriangle, triangleNormal, triangleMeshShape, poseA, scaleA, out neighborNormal, out triangleDotNeighbor);

                if (triangleDotNeighbor < float.MaxValue && Numeric.IsLess(contactDotTriangle, triangleDotNeighbor))
                  // Normal is not in allowed range.
                  // Test again in triangle normal direction.

                  Contact c0 = testContactSet[0];

                  testContactSet.PreferredNormal = preferredNormal;
                  collisionAlgorithm.ComputeCollision(testContactSet, queryType);
                  testContactSet.PreferredNormal = Vector3F.Zero;

                  if (testContactSet.Count > 0)
                    Contact c1 = testContactSet[0];
                    float contact1DotTriangle = Vector3F.Dot(c1.Normal, preferredNormal);

                    // We use c1 instead of c0 if it has lower penetration depth (then it is simply
                    // better). Or we use c1 if the penetration depth increase is in an allowed range
                    // and c1 has a normal in the allowed range.
                    if (c1.PenetrationDepth < c0.PenetrationDepth 
                        || Numeric.IsGreaterOrEqual(contact1DotTriangle, triangleDotNeighbor)
                           && c1.PenetrationDepth < c0.PenetrationDepth + CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance)
                      c0 = c1;
                      contactDotTriangle = contact1DotTriangle;

                  if (Numeric.IsLess(contactDotTriangle, triangleDotNeighbor))
                    // Clamp contact to allowed normal:
                    // We keep the contact position on the mesh and the penetration depth. We set
                    // a new normal and compute the other related values for this normal.
                    if (!swapped)
                      var positionAWorld = c0.PositionAWorld;
                      c0.Normal = neighborNormal;
                      var positionBWorld = positionAWorld - c0.Normal * c0.PenetrationDepth;
                      c0.Position = (positionAWorld + positionBWorld) / 2;
                      c0.PositionBLocal = testContactSet.ObjectB.GeometricObject.Pose.ToLocalPosition(positionBWorld);
                      var positionBWorld = c0.PositionBWorld;
                      c0.Normal = -neighborNormal;
                      var positionAWorld = positionBWorld + c0.Normal * c0.PenetrationDepth;
                      c0.Position = (positionAWorld + positionBWorld) / 2;
                      c0.PositionALocal = testContactSet.ObjectA.GeometricObject.Pose.ToLocalPosition(positionAWorld);


        #region ----- Merge testContactSet into contactSet -----

        if (testContactSet.Count > 0)
          // Set the shape feature of the new contacts.
          int numberOfContacts = testContactSet.Count;
          for (int i = 0; i < numberOfContacts; i++)
            Contact contact = testContactSet[i];
            //if (contact.Lifetime.Ticks == 0) // Currently, this check is not necessary because triangleSet does not contain old contacts.
            if (swapped)
              contact.FeatureB = triangleIndex;
              contact.FeatureA = triangleIndex;

          // Merge the contact info.
          ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, testContactSet, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);