Beispiel #1
         * <summary>The loadFromText method takes a String filename as an input. It reads given file line by line and splits according to space
         * and assigns each word to the String array. Then, adds these word with their flags to the words {@link java.util.ArrayList}.
         * At the end it sorts the words {@link java.util.ArrayList}.</summary>
         * <param name="stream">File stream input.</param>
        private void LoadFromText(Stream stream)
            var streamReader = new StreamReader(stream);
            var line         = streamReader.ReadLine();

            while (line != null)
                var list = line.Split(" ");
                if (list.Length > 0)
                    var currentWord = new TxtWord(list[0]);
                    int i;
                    for (i = 1; i < list.Length; i++)


                line = streamReader.ReadLine();

Beispiel #2
         * <summary>The addWithFlag method takes a String name and a flag as inputs. First it creates a {@link TxtWord} word, then if
         * given name is not in words {@link java.util.ArrayList} it creates new {@link TxtWord} with given name and assigns it to
         * the word and adds given flag to the word, it also add newly created word to the words {@link java.util.ArrayList}'s index
         * found by performing a binary search and return true at the end. If given name is in words {@link java.util.ArrayList},
         * it adds it the given flag to the word.</summary>
         * <param name="name">String input.</param>
         * <param name="flag">String flag.</param>
         * <returns>true if given name is in words {@link java.util.ArrayList}, false otherwise.</returns>
        public bool AddWithFlag(string name, string flag)
            TxtWord word;

            if (GetWord(name.ToLower(new CultureInfo("tr"))) == null)
                word = new TxtWord(name.ToLower(new CultureInfo("tr")));
                var insertIndex = words.BinarySearch(word, comparator);
                if (insertIndex >= 0)
                    words.Insert(insertIndex, word);


            word = (TxtWord)GetWord(name.ToLower(new CultureInfo("tr")));
            if (!word.ContainsFlag(flag))

Beispiel #3
         * <summary>The samePos method takes {@link TxtWord} as input and returns true if;
         * flags {@link ArrayList} contains CL_ISIM
         * CL_ISIM: The bare-form of the word is a noun. e.g. Abla
         * flags {@link ArrayList} contains CL_FIIL
         * CL_FIIL: The bare-form of the word is a verb. e.g. Affet
         * flags {@link ArrayList} contains IS_ADJ
         * IS_ADJ: The bare-form of the word is a adjective. e.g. Acayip
         * flags {@link ArrayList} contains IS_ZM
         * IS_ZM: The bare-form of the word is a pronoun. e.g. Başkası
         * flags {@link ArrayList} contains IS_ADVERB
         * IS_ADVERB: The bare-form of the word is a adverb. e.g. Tekrar, açıktan, adeta</summary>
         * <param name="word">{@link TxtWord} type input.</param>
         * <returns>true if given word is nominal, verb, adjective, pronoun or adverb, false otherwise.</returns>
        public bool SamePos(TxtWord word)
            if (IsNominal() && word.IsNominal())

            if (IsVerb() && word.IsVerb())

            if (IsAdjective() && word.IsAdjective())

            if (IsPronoun() && word.IsPronoun())

            if (IsAdverb() && word.IsAdverb())

Beispiel #4
         * <summary>The clone method creates {@link TxtWord} type copy with name and add items of flags {@link ArrayList}  to the copy.</summary>
         * <returns>TxtWord type copy.</returns>
        public new TxtWord Clone()
            var copy = new TxtWord(name);

            foreach (var t in flags)

Beispiel #5
         * <summary>The addWordWhenRootSoften is used to add word to Trie whose last consonant will be soften.
         * For instance, in the case of Dative Case Suffix, the word is 'müzik' when '-e' is added to the word, the last
         * char is drooped and root became 'müzi' and by changing 'k' into 'ğ' the word transformed into 'müziğe' as in the
         * example of 'Herkes müziğe doğru geldi'.
         * In the case of accusative, possessive of third person and a derivative suffix, the word is 'kanat' when '-i' is
         * added to word, last char is dropped, root became 'kana' then 't' transformed into 'd' and added to Trie. The word is
         * changed into 'kanadı' as in the case of 'Kuşun kırık kanadı'.</summary>
         * <param name="trie">the name of the Trie to add the word.</param>
         * <param name="last">the last char of the word to be soften.</param>
         * <param name="root">the substring of the word whose last one or two chars are omitted from the word to bo softed.</param>
         * <param name="word">the original word.</param>
        private void AddWordWhenRootSoften(Trie.Trie trie, char last, string root, TxtWord word)
            switch (last)
            case 'p':
                trie.AddWord(root + 'b', word);

            case '\u00e7':     //ç
                trie.AddWord(root + 'c', word);

            case 't':
                trie.AddWord(root + 'd', word);

            case 'k':
            case 'g':
                trie.AddWord(root + '\u011f', word);     //ğ
Beispiel #6
         * <summary>The prepareTrie method is used to create a Trie with the given dictionary. First, it gets the word from dictionary,
         * then checks some exceptions like 'ben' which does not fit in the consonant softening rule and transforms into 'bana',
         * and later on it generates a root by removing the last char from the word however if the length of the word is greater
         * than 1, it also generates the root by removing the last two chars from the word.
         * Then, it gets the last char of the root and adds root and word to the result Trie. There are also special cases such as;
         * lastIdropsDuringSuffixation condition, if it is true then addWordWhenRootSoften method will be used rather than addWord.
         * Ex : metin + i = metni
         * isPortmanteauEndingWithSI condition, if it is true then addWord method with rootWithoutLastTwo will be used.
         * Ex : ademelması + lar = ademelmaları
         * isPortmanteau condition, if it is true then addWord method with rootWithoutLast will be used.
         * Ex : mısıryağı + lar = mısıryağları
         * vowelEChangesToIDuringYSuffixation condition, if it is then addWord method with rootWithoutLast will be used
         * depending on the last char whether it is 'e' or 'a'.
         * Ex : ye + iniz - yiyiniz
         * endingKChangesIntoG condition, if it is true then addWord method with rootWithoutLast will be used with added 'g'.
         * Ex : ahenk + i = ahengi</summary>
         * <returns>the resulting Trie.</returns>
        public Trie.Trie PrepareTrie()
            Trie.Trie result = new Trie.Trie();
            String    root, rootWithoutLast, rootWithoutLastTwo;
            char      last, lastBefore = ' ';
            int       length;

            for (int i = 0; i < Size(); i++)
                TxtWord word = (TxtWord)GetWord(i);
                root   = word.GetName();
                length = root.Length;
                if (root == "ben")
                    result.AddWord("bana", word);

                if (root == "sen")
                    result.AddWord("sana", word);

                rootWithoutLast = root.Substring(0, length - 1);
                if (length > 1)
                    rootWithoutLastTwo = root.Substring(0, length - 2);
                    rootWithoutLastTwo = "";

                if (length > 1)
                    lastBefore = root[length - 2];

                last = root[length - 1];
                result.AddWord(root, word);
                if (word.LastIdropsDuringSuffixation() || word.LastIdropsDuringPassiveSuffixation())
                    if (word.RootSoftenDuringSuffixation())
                        AddWordWhenRootSoften(result, last, rootWithoutLastTwo, word);
                        result.AddWord(rootWithoutLastTwo + last, word);

                // NominalRootNoPossessive
                if (word.IsPortmanteauEndingWithSI())
                    result.AddWord(rootWithoutLastTwo, word);

                if (word.RootSoftenDuringSuffixation())
                    AddWordWhenRootSoften(result, last, rootWithoutLast, word);

                if (word.IsPortmanteau())
                    if (word.IsPortmanteauFacedVowelEllipsis())
                        result.AddWord(rootWithoutLastTwo + last + lastBefore, word);
                        if (word.IsPortmanteauFacedSoftening())
                            switch (lastBefore)
                            case 'b':
                                result.AddWord(rootWithoutLastTwo + 'p', word);

                            case 'c':
                                result.AddWord(rootWithoutLastTwo + 'ç', word);

                            case 'd':
                                result.AddWord(rootWithoutLastTwo + 't', word);

                            case 'ğ':
                                result.AddWord(rootWithoutLastTwo + 'k', word);
                            result.AddWord(rootWithoutLast, word);

                if (word.VowelEChangesToIDuringYSuffixation() || word.VowelAChangesToIDuringYSuffixation())
                    switch (last)
                    case 'e':
                        result.AddWord(rootWithoutLast, word);

                    case 'a':
                        result.AddWord(rootWithoutLast, word);

                if (word.EndingKChangesIntoG())
                    result.AddWord(rootWithoutLast + 'g', word);
