Beispiel #1
        // this sets what happens when we click the button to roll the dice for player 1
        private void btn_p1RollDice_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // if player 1 has not played
            if (!player1.Played)
                player1.RollDice(); // roll the dice for player one

                // Here we set the images for the dice for player 1 after the roll.
                // When we used the RollDice() method to roll the dice we stored the
                // results for each of them in the dice[] array located inside the player object.
                // We access this by using the getter Dice to return the values located in the private
                // dice array inside the player object.
                // So we need to know which image in the diceImages array to set the label image to...
                // How do we do that? Well we take the dice result for each die using the Dice getter
                // which will be a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and use that as the index of the diceImages array
                // to set the label image to the proper image to reflect the players roll.
                // So if the first die player1 rolled was a 4 we would get this number by using player1.Dice[0]
                // we would use 0 because that is the first index of the array and this would return 4 to us. Now
                // we need to get the picture for a die showing side 4. If you notice that diceImages[0] is the blank
                // die image and then starting with 1 through 6 it is the images for a die showing 1 through 6. So we
                // would get this image simply by passing the diceImages array an index of the value rolled for each
                // die. So diceImages[player1.Dice[0]] would simply be diceImages[4] since the first die rolled is 4
                // and this will set the label to the proper image.
                lbl_p1Dice1.Image         = diceImages[player1.Dice[0]];
                lbl_p1Dice2.Image         = diceImages[player1.Dice[1]];
                lbl_p1Dice3.Image         = diceImages[player1.Dice[2]];
                lbl_p1Dice4.Image         = diceImages[player1.Dice[3]];
                lbl_p1Dice5.Image         = diceImages[player1.Dice[4]];
                lbl_p1DisplayResults.Text = player1.Result;

                // now that player1 has rolled set that they have played
                player1.Played = true;

                // this will check after each roll to see if both players have rolled
                // and if they have it will check their dice to see who wins or if it is a tie
 public bool ContinueTurn()
     diceRollList = currentPlayer.RollDice(dice);
     if (!CompareToKillList())
         cursorX = 4;
         cursorY = 19;
     killList = currentPlayer.BuildKillList();
     return(currentPlayer.score <= 0);