Beispiel #1
        //private void Button_Add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


        private void Diary_Main_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Class_State.Windows_State = String.Empty;//重置静态变量
            label_Visit_Count.Text = Get_Visit_Count() + " 人";
            label_Birth_Count.Text = Convert.ToString(Class_SQL_Deal.Query_AllRows("Archive_Table", " DateDiff('d', DATE(), Birth) > 31")) + " 人";
Beispiel #2
        private void button_Edit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string SQL_Update = string.Empty;
            string WHERE      = "WHERE Real_Name = '" + Class_State.Get_Name + "' AND Level_Type = '" + textBox_Type.Text + "' AND Archive_Type = '" + Class_State.Windows_State + "'";

            SQL_Update += "UPDATE Archive_Table SET ";
            SQL_Update += " Phone = '" + textBox_Phone.Text + "' , Address = '" + textBox_NowLive.Text + "', Now_Company = '" + textBox_NowCompany.Text + "', ";
            SQL_Update += " Passed_Company = '" + textBox_PassedCompany.Text + "', Skills = '" + textBox_Skills.Text + "', Birth = '" + dateTimePicker_Birth.Value.ToShortDateString() + "', ";
            SQL_Update += " Qualifications = '" + textBox_Degree.Text + "', Graduate_School = '" + textBox_GraduateSchool.Text + "', Skilled_Sport = '" + textBox_GoodSports.Text + "', ";
            SQL_Update += " Marriage_State = '" + textBox_MarryState.Text + "', Spouse_Name = '" + textBox_SpouseName.Text + "', Spouse_Birth = '" + dateTimePicker_SpouseBirth.Value.ToShortDateString() + "', ";
            SQL_Update += " Father_Name = '" + textBox_FartherName.Text + "', Father_Birth = '" + dateTimePicker_FartherBirth.Value.ToShortDateString() + "', ";
            SQL_Update += " Monther_Name = '" + textBox_MontherName.Text + "', Monther_Birth = '" + dateTimePicker_MontherBirth.Value.ToShortDateString() + "', ";
            SQL_Update += " Sister_Brother_State = '" + richTextBox_BrotherSister.Text + "', Son_Daughter_State = '" + textBox_SonSister.Text + "', ";
            SQL_Update += " Best_Friend = '" + richTextBox_BestFriend.Text + "', Long_Carrer = '" + richTextBox_LongCarrer.Text + "', Short_Carrer = '" + richTextBox_ShortCarrer.Text + "', ";
            SQL_Update += " Like_Dish = '" + textBox_LikeDish.Text + "', Like_Travel = '" + textBox_LikeTravel.Text + "', Like_Sport = '" + textBox_LikeTravel.Text + "', ";
            SQL_Update += " Like_Car = '" + textBox_LikeCar.Text + "', Like_Topic = '" + textBox_LikeTopic.Text + "', Is_Train = '" + textBox_IsTrained.Text + "', ";
            SQL_Update += " Like_Lecturer = '" + textBox_LikeTeacher.Text + "', Is_Reader = '" + textBox_IsReader.Text + "', Like_Book_Type = '" + textBox_LikeBooks.Text + "', ";
            SQL_Update += " Is_Movie = '" + textBox_IsMovie.Text + "', Like_Movie_Type = '" + textBox_LikeMovie.Text + "', Like_Friend_Type = '" + textBox_LikeFriend.Text + "', ";
            SQL_Update += " The_3_Effect_People = '" + richTextBox_EffectPeople.Text + "', Pride_Thing = '" + richTextBox_PrideThing.Text + "', ";
            SQL_Update += " Notes = '" + richTextBox_Remark.Text + "', Now_Work = '" + textBox_NowWork.Text + "', Passed_Work = '" + textBox_PassedWork.Text + "', ";
            SQL_Update += " Now_Live = '" + textBox_NowWork.Text + "'";
            if (Class_SQL_Deal.Update_SQL(SQL_Update + WHERE) == 1)
                MessageBox.Show("更新信息成功!", "Tips", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
 private void Button_Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (TextBox_Password_0.Text.Trim() != TextBox_Password_1.Text.Trim())
         MessageBox.Show("Your Passwords Do Not Match,Please Check It!", "Tips", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
     else if (TextBox_Password_0.Text.Trim() == "" || TextBox_Password_1.Text.Trim() == "")
         MessageBox.Show("Password Cannot Be Empty!", "Tips", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
         String SQL_String = "UPDATE Login_Table Set Login_Password = '******' WHERE Index = 0";
         if (Class_SQL_Deal.Update_SQL(SQL_String) == 1)
             MessageBox.Show("Password Successfully Changed!", "Tips", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
             MessageBox.Show("Password Change Failed!", "Tips", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
Beispiel #4
 private void Button_Delete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     Class_State.Editor_State = "Delete";
     if (Get_RowClick == -1)
         MessageBox.Show("请选择您要删除联系人!", "Tips", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
         if (MessageBox.Show("您即将删除联系人" + Class_State.Get_Name + ",删除请点击确认!", "Tips", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.OK)
             //AND Phone = '" + Class_State.Get_Phone + "'
             string SQL_Delete       = "Delete * FROM Archive_Table WHERE Real_Name = '" + Class_State.Get_Name + "'  AND Archive_Type = '" + Class_State.Windows_State + "' ";
             string SQL_Delete_Visit = "Delete * FROM Visit_Table WHERE  Real_Name = '" + Class_State.Get_Name + "'  AND  Visit_Type = '" + Class_State.Windows_State + "' ";
             if (Class_State.Get_Phone != "")
                 SQL_Delete       += " AND Phone = '" + Class_State.Get_Phone + "'";
                 SQL_Delete_Visit += " AND Phone = '" + Class_State.Get_Phone + "'";
             Button_Search_Click(null, null);
Beispiel #5
        private void button_SearchDiary_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string SQL_Query_Diary = string.Empty;

            SQL_Query_Diary  = "SELECT  Diary_Title,Diary_Text, Diary_Date FROM Diary_Table ";
            SQL_Query_Diary += "WHERE Diary_Date BETWEEN #" + dateTimePicker_StartTime.Value.ToShortDateString() + "# AND #" + dateTimePicker_EndTime.Value.ToShortDateString() + "#";
            dataGridView_Diary.DataSource = Class_SQL_Deal.DataTable_Get(SQL_Query_Diary);
Beispiel #6
 private void TSBFirstPage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     dataGridView_Archive_Print.DataSource = Class_SQL_Deal.DataTable_Query(SQL_Query, TableName, 0, PrintRows);
     StartRows              = 0;
     Now_Pages              = 1;
     Get_RowClick           = -1;
     TStripLabel_Count.Text = Convert.ToString(Now_Pages);
Beispiel #7
        private void Birth_Form_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string SQL_Query = "SELECT Real_Name, Phone, Birth, Now_Company, Now_Live, ";

            SQL_Query += " SWITCH(Archive_Type = 'Archive', '客户', Archive_Type = 'Friend', '朋友') AS Type ";
            SQL_Query += "FROM Archive_Table WHERE DateDiff('d', DATE(), Birth) > 31";
            dataGridView_Info.DataSource = Class_SQL_Deal.DataTable_Get(SQL_Query);
Beispiel #8
        private void VisitInfo_Form_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string SQL_Query = "SELECT Real_Name, Phone, Visit_Date, Visit_Reamrk, Visit_Place, ";

            SQL_Query += " SWITCH(Visit_Type = 'Archive', '客户', Visit_Type = 'Friend', '朋友') AS Type ";
            SQL_Query += "FROM Visit_Table WHERE DATE() < Visit_Date";
            dataGridView_Info.DataSource = Class_SQL_Deal.DataTable_Get(SQL_Query);
Beispiel #9
 private void TSBLastPage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (All_Pages > 0)
         Get_RowClick = -1;
         Now_Pages    = All_Pages;
         StartRows    = (All_Pages - 1) * PrintRows;
         dataGridView_Archive_Print.DataSource = Class_SQL_Deal.DataTable_Query(SQL_Query, TableName, StartRows, PrintRows);
         TStripLabel_Count.Text = Convert.ToString(Now_Pages);
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// 查询Tables
        /// </summary>
        private void PrintDatas(DataGridView Get_DataGridView, string AllRows_SQL, string Query_SQL, string TableName)
            Get_DataGridView.DataSource = null;
            All_Rows = Class_SQL_Deal.Query_AllRows("Archive_Table", AllRows_SQL);
            if (All_Rows == 0)//只有一页
                #region 查不到信息时提示信息

                Get_DataGridView.Columns.Add("Message", "");


                TSLPagesPrint.Text = "0";

                TStripLabel_Count.Text = "0";

            else if (All_Rows > 0 && All_Rows <= PrintRows)
                Get_DataGridView.DataSource = Class_SQL_Deal.DataTable_Query(Query_SQL, TableName, StartRows, PrintRows);
                TSLPagesPrint.Text          = "1";
                TStripLabel_Count.Text      = Convert.ToString(Now_Pages);
                JudgeElse = All_Rows % PrintRows;//整页
                if (JudgeElse == 0)
                    All_Pages = All_Rows / PrintRows;
                    Get_DataGridView.DataSource = Class_SQL_Deal.DataTable_Query(Query_SQL, TableName, StartRows, PrintRows);
                    TSLPagesPrint.Text          = Convert.ToString(All_Pages);
                    TStripLabel_Count.Text      = Convert.ToString(Now_Pages);
                    All_Pages = All_Rows / PrintRows + 1;
                    Get_DataGridView.DataSource = Class_SQL_Deal.DataTable_Query(Query_SQL, TableName, StartRows, PrintRows);
                    TSLPagesPrint.Text          = Convert.ToString(All_Pages);
                    TStripLabel_Count.Text      = Convert.ToString(Now_Pages);
Beispiel #11
 private void Button_Export_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (dataGridView_Archive_Print.DataSource == null)
         MessageBox.Show("请查询出您要导出的数据!", "Tips", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
         SaveFileDialog Export_Dialog = new SaveFileDialog();
         Export_Dialog.Filter = "*.xls(Excel表格文件)|*.xls";
         string Get_Date = "(" + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString().Replace("/", "-") + ")";
         Export_Dialog.FileName = "联系人信息" + Get_Date;
         if (Export_Dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
             if (System.IO.File.Exists(Export_Dialog.FileName))
                 if (MessageBox.Show("您即将覆盖原有EXCEL表格,若覆盖,请点击确认!", "Tips", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.OK)
             string Export_Where = SQL_Query.Replace("SELECT Real_Name, Phone, Address, Now_Company FROM Archive_Table WHERE ", string.Empty);
             string Export_SQL = string.Empty;
             Export_SQL += "SELECT top 65535 Real_Name AS 姓名, Phone AS 电话, Address AS 住址, Now_Company AS 现任公司, Passed_Company AS 曾任公司, Skills AS 技能, Birth AS 出生日期, ";
             Export_SQL += "Qualifications AS 学历, Graduate_School AS 毕业学校, Skilled_Sport AS 擅长的运动, Marriage_State AS 婚姻状态, Spouse_Name AS 配偶姓名, ";
             Export_SQL += "Now_Work AS 现任职务, Passed_Work AS 曾任职务, Now_Live AS 现居住地, ";
             Export_SQL += "Spouse_Birth AS 配偶生日, Father_Name AS 父亲姓名, Father_Birth AS 父亲生日, Monther_Name AS 母亲姓名, Monther_Birth AS 母亲生日, Sister_Brother_State AS 兄弟姐妹情况, ";
             Export_SQL += "Son_Daughter_State AS 儿女情况, Best_Friend AS 最好的朋友, Long_Carrer AS 长期事业目标, Short_Carrer AS 短期事业目标, Like_Dish AS 喜欢的菜系, Like_Travel AS 喜欢的旅游, ";
             Export_SQL += "Like_Sport AS 喜欢的运动, Like_Car AS 喜欢的汽车, Like_Topic AS 喜欢的话题, Is_Train AS 是否参加培训, Like_Lecturer AS 喜欢的讲师, Is_Reader AS 是否有阅读习惯, ";
             Export_SQL += "Like_Book_Type AS 喜欢的书籍类型, Is_Movie AS 是否有看电影的习惯, Like_Movie_Type AS 喜欢的电影类型, Like_Friend_Type AS 喜欢的朋友类型, The_3_Effect_People AS 影响最大的三个人, ";
             Export_SQL += "Pride_Thing AS 最为骄傲的事情, Level_Type AS 类别属性, Notes AS 备注 ";
             Export_SQL += "into   [Excel 8.0;database=" + Export_Dialog.FileName + "].[Real_Name] from Archive_Table Where ";    //  into   [Excel 8.0;database=" + ExportSFDialog.FileName + "].[ReaderID] from ReaderTable";
             Export_SQL += Export_Where;
             if (Class_SQL_Deal.Export_EXCEL(Export_SQL) != 0)
                 MessageBox.Show("成功导出联系人信息!", "Tips", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
Beispiel #12
 private void button_SaveDiary_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (richTextBox_Diary.Text == string.Empty && textBox_Title.Text == string.Empty)
         MessageBox.Show("请编辑您要保存的日记!", "Tips", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
         string SQL_Insert = string.Empty;
         SQL_Insert += "INSERT INTO Diary_Table (Diary_Title, Diary_Text, Diary_Date)  VALUES ";
         SQL_Insert += "('" + textBox_Title.Text + "', '" + richTextBox_Diary.Text + "', '" + dateTimePicker_Diary.Value.ToShortDateString() + "')";
         if (Class_SQL_Deal.Insert_SQL(SQL_Insert) == 1)
             MessageBox.Show("保存成功!", "Tips", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
             textBox_Title.Text     = string.Empty;
             richTextBox_Diary.Text = string.Empty;
Beispiel #13
        private void button_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string SQL_Insert = "INSERT INTO Visit_Table (Real_Name, Phone, Visit_Date, Visit_Reamrk, Visit_Place, Visit_Type) VALUES ('" + textBox_Name.Text.Trim() + "', '" + textBox_Phone.Text.Trim() + "', '" + dateTimePicker_Visit.Value.ToShortDateString() + "', '" + richTextBox_Remark.Text.Trim() + "','" + richTextBox_Place.Text.Trim() + "', '" + Class_State.Windows_State + "')";
            string SQL_Check = "SELECT * FROM Visit_Table WHERE Real_Name = '" + textBox_Name.Text.Trim() + "'  AND Visit_Type = '" + Class_State.Windows_State + "' AND Visit_Date LIKE '" + dateTimePicker_Visit.Value.ToShortDateString() + "'";

            if (Class_SQL_Deal.Check_SQL(SQL_Check) != 0)
                MessageBox.Show("您要保存的记录已经存在!", "Tips", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                if (Class_SQL_Deal.Insert_SQL(SQL_Insert) == 1)
                    MessageBox.Show("记录保存成功!", "Tips", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
Beispiel #14
 private void button_View_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (richTextBox_Diary.Text != "")
         if (MessageBox.Show("您还有未保存的日记,若跳转请点击确认!", "Tips", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.OK)
             groupBox_Title.Visible        = false;
             richTextBox_Diary.Visible     = false;
             groupBox_View.Visible         = true;
             dataGridView_Diary.Visible    = true;
             dataGridView_Diary.DataSource = Class_SQL_Deal.DataTable_Get("SELECT  Diary_Title,Diary_Text, Diary_Date FROM Diary_Table ");//加载日记数据
         groupBox_Title.Visible        = false;
         richTextBox_Diary.Visible     = false;
         groupBox_View.Visible         = true;
         dataGridView_Diary.Visible    = true;
         dataGridView_Diary.DataSource = Class_SQL_Deal.DataTable_Get("SELECT  Diary_Title,Diary_Text, Diary_Date FROM Diary_Table ");//加载日记数据
Beispiel #15
 private void Button_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (Class_Control_Deal.Check_TextBox_Null(textBox_Name) == 0)
         MessageBox.Show("姓名不能为空!", "Tips", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
         #region 数据库添加操作
         String SQL_Checked = String.Empty;
         SQL_Checked += "Select * From Archive_Table Where Real_Name = '" + textBox_Name.Text.Trim() + "' AND Archive_Type = '" + Archive_Type + "'  AND Phone = '" + textBox_Phone.Text.Trim() + "'";
         if (Class_SQL_Deal.Check_SQL(SQL_Checked) == 1)
             MessageBox.Show("您要存入的记录已经存在,无法添加!", "Tips", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
             SQL_Checked = String.Empty;
             String SQL_Insert = String.Empty;
             SQL_Insert += "INSERT INTO Archive_Table ";
             SQL_Insert += " (Real_Name, Phone, Address, Now_Company, Passed_Company, Skills, Birth, Qualifications, Graduate_School, Skilled_Sport, Marriage_State, Spouse_Name, Spouse_Birth, Father_Name, Father_Birth, Monther_Name, Monther_Birth, Sister_Brother_State, Son_Daughter_State, Best_Friend, Long_Carrer, Short_Carrer, Like_Dish, Like_Travel, Like_Sport, Like_Car, Like_Topic, Is_Train, Like_Lecturer, Is_Reader, Like_Book_Type, Is_Movie, Like_Movie_Type, Like_Friend_Type, The_3_Effect_People, Pride_Thing, Level_Type, Notes, Archive_Type, Now_Work, Passed_Work, Now_Live)";
             SQL_Insert += " VALUES ('" + textBox_Name.Text.Trim() + "', '" + textBox_Phone.Text.Trim() + "', '" + textBox_Home_Address.Text.Trim() + "', '" + textBox_Now_Company.Text.Trim() + "', '" + textBox_Passed_Company.Text.Trim() + "', '" + textBox_Skills.Text.Trim() + "', '" + dateTimePicker_Birth.Value.ToShortDateString() + "', '" + textBox_Qualifications.Text.Trim() + "', '" + textBox_Graduate_School.Text.Trim() + "', '" + textBox_Good_Sports.Text.Trim() + "', '" + textBox_Marriage_State.Text.Trim() + "', '" + textBox_Spouse_Name.Text.Trim() + "', '" + dateTimePicker_Spouse.Value.ToShortDateString() + "', '" + textBox_Father_Name.Text.Trim() + "','" + dateTimePicker_Farther.Value.ToShortDateString() + "', '" + textBox_Mother_Name.Text.Trim() + "', '" + dateTimePicker_Monther.Value.ToShortDateString() + "', '" + richTextBox_Sister_Brother_State.Text.Trim() + "', '" + richTextBox_Son_Daughter_State.Text.Trim() + "', '" + textBox_Best_Friend.Text.Trim() + "', '" + richTextBox_Long_Carrer.Text.Trim() + "', '" + richTextBox_Short_Carrer.Text.Trim() + "', '" + textBox_Like_Dish.Text.Trim() + "', '" + textBox_Like_Travel.Text.Trim() + "', '" + textBox_Like_Sports.Text.Trim() + "', '" + textBox_Like_Car.Text.Trim() + "', '" + textBox_Like_Topic.Text.Trim() + "', '" + textBox_Is_Train.Text.Trim() + "', '" + textBox_Like_Teacher.Text.Trim() + "', '" + textBox_Is_Reading.Text.Trim() + "', '" + textBox_Like_Booktype.Text.Trim() + "', '" + textBox_Is_Movie.Text.Trim() + "', '" + textBox_Like_Movie.Text.Trim() + "', '" + textBox_Like_Friendtype.Text.Trim() + "', '" + textBox_Effect_People.Text.Trim() + "', '" + textBox_Pride_Thing.Text.Trim() + "', '" + comboBox_Level_Type.Text.Trim() + "', '" + richTextBox_Notes.Text.Trim() + "', '" + Archive_Type + "', '" + textBox_Now_Work.Text.Trim() + "', '" + textBox_Passed_Work.Text.Trim() + "', '" + textBox_Now_Address.Text.Trim() + "')";
             if (Class_SQL_Deal.Insert_SQL(SQL_Insert) == 1)
                 MessageBox.Show("添加记录成功!", "Tips", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
             SQL_Insert = String.Empty;
Beispiel #16
 private void Edit_Form_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     #region 加载窗体名称
     string WHERE     = " Archive_Type = '" + Class_State.Windows_State + "' AND Real_Name = '" + Class_State.Get_Name + "' AND Phone = '" + Class_State.Get_Phone + "'";
     string TableName = "Archive_Table";
     #region 加载个人信息数据
     textBox_Name.Text = Class_State.Get_Name;
     textBox_Phone.Text = Class_State.Get_Phone;
     textBox_NowLive.Text = Class_SQL_Deal.GetString(WHERE, "Address", TableName);
     textBox_NowCompany.Text = Class_SQL_Deal.GetString(WHERE, "Now_Company", TableName);
     textBox_PassedCompany.Text = Class_SQL_Deal.GetString(WHERE, "Passed_Company", TableName);
     textBox_Skills.Text = Class_SQL_Deal.GetString(WHERE, "Skills", TableName);
     dateTimePicker_Birth.Text = Class_SQL_Deal.GetString(WHERE, "Birth", TableName);
     textBox_Degree.Text = Class_SQL_Deal.GetString(WHERE, "Qualifications", TableName);
     textBox_GraduateSchool.Text = Class_SQL_Deal.GetString(WHERE, "Graduate_School", TableName);
     textBox_GoodSports.Text = Class_SQL_Deal.GetString(WHERE, "Skilled_Sport", TableName);
     textBox_MarryState.Text = Class_SQL_Deal.GetString(WHERE, "Marriage_State", TableName);
     textBox_SpouseName.Text = Class_SQL_Deal.GetString(WHERE, "Spouse_Name", TableName);
     dateTimePicker_SpouseBirth.Text = Class_SQL_Deal.GetString(WHERE, "Spouse_Birth", TableName);
     textBox_FartherName.Text = Class_SQL_Deal.GetString(WHERE, "Father_Name", TableName);
     dateTimePicker_FartherBirth.Text = Class_SQL_Deal.GetString(WHERE, "Father_Birth", TableName);
     textBox_MontherName.Text = Class_SQL_Deal.GetString(WHERE, "Monther_Name", TableName);
     dateTimePicker_MontherBirth.Text = Class_SQL_Deal.GetString(WHERE, "Monther_Birth", TableName);
     richTextBox_BrotherSister.Text = Class_SQL_Deal.GetString(WHERE, "Sister_Brother_State", TableName);
     textBox_SonSister.Text = Class_SQL_Deal.GetString(WHERE, "Son_Daughter_State", TableName);
     richTextBox_BestFriend.Text = Class_SQL_Deal.GetString(WHERE, "Best_Friend", TableName);
     richTextBox_LongCarrer.Text = Class_SQL_Deal.GetString(WHERE, "Long_Carrer", TableName);
     richTextBox_ShortCarrer.Text = Class_SQL_Deal.GetString(WHERE, "Short_Carrer", TableName);
     textBox_LikeDish.Text = Class_SQL_Deal.GetString(WHERE, "Like_Dish", TableName);
     textBox_LikeTravel.Text = Class_SQL_Deal.GetString(WHERE, "Like_Travel", TableName);
     textBox_LikeSport.Text = Class_SQL_Deal.GetString(WHERE, "Like_Sport", TableName);
     textBox_LikeCar.Text = Class_SQL_Deal.GetString(WHERE, "Like_Car", TableName);
     textBox_LikeTopic.Text = Class_SQL_Deal.GetString(WHERE, "Like_Topic", TableName);
     textBox_IsTrained.Text = Class_SQL_Deal.GetString(WHERE, "Is_Train", TableName);
     textBox_LikeTeacher.Text = Class_SQL_Deal.GetString(WHERE, "Like_Lecturer", TableName);
     textBox_IsReader.Text = Class_SQL_Deal.GetString(WHERE, "Is_Reader", TableName);
     textBox_LikeBooks.Text = Class_SQL_Deal.GetString(WHERE, "Like_Book_Type", TableName);
     textBox_IsMovie.Text = Class_SQL_Deal.GetString(WHERE, "Is_Movie", TableName);
     textBox_LikeMovie.Text = Class_SQL_Deal.GetString(WHERE, "Like_Movie_Type", TableName);
     textBox_LikeFriend.Text = Class_SQL_Deal.GetString(WHERE, "Like_Friend_Type", TableName);
     richTextBox_EffectPeople.Text = Class_SQL_Deal.GetString(WHERE, "The_3_Effect_People", TableName);
     richTextBox_PrideThing.Text = Class_SQL_Deal.GetString(WHERE, "Pride_Thing", TableName);
     textBox_Type.Text = Class_SQL_Deal.GetString(WHERE, "Level_Type", TableName);
     richTextBox_Remark.Text = Class_SQL_Deal.GetString(WHERE, "Notes", TableName);
     textBox_NowWork.Text = Class_SQL_Deal.GetString(WHERE, "Now_Work", TableName);
     textBox_PassedWork.Text = Class_SQL_Deal.GetString(WHERE, "Passed_Work", TableName);
     textBox_FamilyAddress.Text = Class_SQL_Deal.GetString(WHERE, "Now_Live", TableName);
Beispiel #17
 private string Get_Visit_Count()
     //string SQL_Count = "SELECT * FROM Visit_Table WHERE DATE() > Visit_Date";
     return(Convert.ToString(Class_SQL_Deal.Query_AllRows("Visit_Table", "DATE() < Visit_Date")));