public ActionResult ClassList(string param_plan, string param_subject, int? param_status, string param_searchTxt, int pageIndex = 1)
            int totalPage;
            var fkBll = new Traning_InfoFkBLL();
            var traningBll = new Training_PlanBLL();
            ViewBag.PlanList = DataTableToListHelper<Dianda.AP.Model.Training_Plan>.ConvertToModel(traningBll.GetList("  Delflag=0 and Display=1 ").Tables[0]);
            ViewBag.SubjectList = fkBll.GetList(" CategoryType=3 and Delflag=0 and Display=1 ", "Sort desc");
            var organ = new Organ_DetailBLL().GetModel(SiteCache.Instance.ManageOrganId);
            string where = " Delflag=0 and OrganId=  " + SiteCache.Instance.ManageOrganId + " and PartitionId=" + organ.PartitionId;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(param_plan))//学期计划
                where += " and PlanId =" + Dianda.Common.QueryString.Decrypt(param_plan);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(param_subject))//学科
                where += " and (subject=1 or exists( select 1 from Class_TeachSubject where and TeachSubject=" + Dianda.Common.QueryString.Decrypt(param_subject) + "))";
            if (param_status.HasValue)//状态
                where += " and Status =" + param_status.Value;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(param_searchTxt))//查询条件
                where += " and( Title like '%" + ExtendHelper.Split(param_searchTxt )+ "%' or exists( SELECT 1 FROM dbo.Traning_Detail WHERE Title LIKE '%"
                    + ExtendHelper.Split(param_searchTxt) + "%' AND id=Class_Detail.TraningId))";
            var list = DataTableToListHelper<Dianda.AP.Model.Class_Detail>.ConvertToModel(PagingQueryBll.GetPagingDataTable("Class_Detail", where, "id", pageIndex, out totalPage));

            ViewBag.pageIndex = pageIndex;
            ViewBag.totalPage = totalPage;
            ViewBag.basecount = 10;
            ViewBag.instructorList = DataTableToListHelper<Dianda.AP.Model.Member_Account>.ConvertToModel(new Member_AccountBLL().GetAccountByMannagerGroup(organ.PartitionId, organ.Id, 6));
            return View(list);
        public ActionResult ClassAuditDetail(string id, string doaction)
            var param_id = Dianda.Common.QueryString.Decrypt(id);
            string param_doaction = "";
            if (doaction != null)
                param_doaction = Dianda.Common.QueryString.Decrypt(doaction);

            var fkBll = new Traning_InfoFkBLL();
            var traningBll = new Training_PlanBLL();
            var traningDBll = new Traning_DetailBLL();
            var bll = new Class_DetailBLL();
            var model = bll.GetModel(param_id.ToInt());
            var organ = new Organ_DetailBLL().GetModel(SiteCache.Instance.ManageOrganId);
            if (organ.OType == 1)//培训机构职能选择自己机构开设的课程
                ViewBag.CourseList = traningDBll.GetList(" OrganId =" + organ.Id + " and Delflag=0 and Display=1 ", "");
                ViewBag.CourseList = traningDBll.GetList(" ((OrganId =" + organ.Id + " or ParentOrganId=" + organ.Id + ") or Range=2 ) and Delflag=0 and Display=1 ", "");
            ViewBag.OrganId = SiteCache.Instance.ManageOrganId;
            ViewBag.PartitionId = organ.PartitionId;
            ViewBag.PlanList = DataTableToListHelper<Dianda.AP.Model.Training_Plan>.ConvertToModel(traningBll.GetList("  Delflag=0 and Display=1 and IsOpen=1").Tables[0]);
            ViewBag.ClassesList = fkBll.GetList(" CategoryType=5 and Delflag=0 and Display=1 ", "Sort desc");
            ViewBag.SubjectList = fkBll.GetList(" CategoryType=3 and Delflag=0 and Display=1 ", "Sort desc");
            ViewBag.Subject = model.Subject;
            ViewBag.existSubjectList = new Class_TeachSubjectBLL().GetList(" Delflag=0 and ClassId=" + param_id, "");
            ViewBag.StudyLevelList = fkBll.GetList(" CategoryType=4 and Delflag=0 and Display=1 ", "Sort desc");
            ViewBag.StudyLevel = model.StudyLevel;
            ViewBag.existStudyLevel = new Class_StudySectionBLL().GetList(" Delflag=0 and ClassId=" + param_id, "");
            ViewBag.TeachGradeList = fkBll.GetList(" CategoryType=7 and Delflag=0 and Display=1 ", "Sort desc");
            ViewBag.TeachGrade = model.TeachGrade;
            ViewBag.existTeachGrade = new Class_TeachGradeBLL().GetList(" Delflag=0 and ClassId=" + param_id, "");
            ViewBag.TeachRankList = fkBll.GetList(" CategoryType=8 and Delflag=0 and Display=1 ", "Sort desc");
            ViewBag.TeachRank = model.TeachRank;
            ViewBag.existTeachRank = new Class_TeachRankBLL().GetList(" Delflag=0 and ClassId=" + param_id, "");

            var course = new Traning_DetailBLL().GetModel(model.TraningId, "");
            var organBll = new Organ_DetailBLL();
            var list = new List<Organ_Detail>();
            //if (course.Range == 1) //区级
            //    list = organBll.GetListModel("  OType IN ( 1, 2, 3 ) and PartitionId=" + course.PartitionId + " and ParentId=" + (course.OrganId.HasValue ? course.OrganId.Value : 0));
            //    list = organBll.GetShiOrganDetailList();
            list = organBll.GetListModel(" id in ( " + model.OrganRange + ")");

            ViewBag.schoolList = list;
            ViewBag.classId = param_id;
            ViewBag.OrangRange = model.OrganRange.Split(',');
            ViewBag.doaction = param_doaction;
            return View(model);
        public ActionResult Add()
            PrepareTrainingApplyBLL bll = new PrepareTrainingApplyBLL();

            ViewBag.TrainingObjectData = bll.GetTraningObject();
            ViewBag.SubjectData = bll.GetSubject();
            ViewBag.StudyLevelData = bll.GetStudyLevel();
            ViewBag.TrainingFormData = bll.GetTrainingForm();
            ViewBag.TeacherTitleData = bll.GetTeacherTitle();
            ViewBag.TrainingFeildData = bll.GetTrainingField("Delflag=0 and IsSpec=0", "");
            ViewBag.OutCourseTypeData = bll.GetOutCourseType("Delflag=0", "");
            Organ_Detail otypeModel = new Organ_DetailBLL().GetModel(Code.SiteCache.Instance.ManageOrganId);
            ViewBag.OTypeId = otypeModel == null ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(otypeModel.OType);
            return View();
        public ActionResult ClassAuditList(string param_plan, string param_subject, string param_organ, int? param_status, string param_searchTxt, int pageIndex = 1)
            int totalPage;
            var fkBll = new Traning_InfoFkBLL();
            var traningBll = new Training_PlanBLL();
            var organBll = new Organ_DetailBLL();
            ViewBag.PlanList = DataTableToListHelper<Dianda.AP.Model.Training_Plan>.ConvertToModel(traningBll.GetList("  Delflag=0 and Display=1 ").Tables[0]);

            ViewBag.SubjectList = fkBll.GetList(" CategoryType=3 and Delflag=0 and Display=1 ", "Sort desc");
            ViewBag.OrganList = new Organ_DetailBLL().GetListModel(" Delflag=0");
            string where = " Delflag=0 and Display=1 and status not in(1,7) ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(param_plan))//学期计划
                where += " and PlanId =" + Dianda.Common.QueryString.Decrypt(param_plan);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(param_subject))//学科
                where += " and TraningId =" + Dianda.Common.QueryString.Decrypt(param_subject);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(param_organ))//机构
                where += " and OrganId =" + Dianda.Common.QueryString.Decrypt(param_organ);
            if (param_status.HasValue)//状态
                where += " and Status =" + param_status.Value;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(param_searchTxt))//查询条件
                where += " and( Title like '%" + ExtendHelper.Split(param_searchTxt.Trim()) + "%' or exists( SELECT 1 FROM dbo.Traning_Detail WHERE Title LIKE '%"
                    + ExtendHelper.Split(param_searchTxt.Trim()) + "%' AND id=Class_Detail.TraningId))";
            var list = DataTableToListHelper<Dianda.AP.Model.Class_Detail>.ConvertToModel(PagingQueryBll.GetPagingDataTable("Class_Detail", where, "id", pageIndex, out totalPage));

            ViewBag.pageIndex = pageIndex;
            ViewBag.totalPage = totalPage;
            ViewBag.basecount = 10;
            return View(list);
        public ActionResult Edit(int id)
            PrepareTrainingApplyBLL bll = new PrepareTrainingApplyBLL();
            NationalAbility_CourseBLL nationalAbility_CourseBLL = new NationalAbility_CourseBLL();
            Traning_Detail model = bll.GetTrainingDetail(Convert.ToInt32(id), "Delflag=0 and (Status=1 or Status=4 or CanEdit=1)");
            if (model == null)
                return Content("<script>setTimeout(function () { window.location.href = '/Prepare/TrainingApply/List' }, 3000);</script>操作失败,3秒后自动返回到列表!");

            ViewBag.TrainingObjectData = bll.GetTraningObject();
            ViewBag.SubjectData = bll.GetSubject();
            ViewBag.StudyLevelData = bll.GetStudyLevel();
            ViewBag.TrainingFormData = bll.GetTrainingForm();
            ViewBag.TeacherTitleData = bll.GetTeacherTitle();
            ViewBag.TrainingFeildData = bll.GetTrainingField("Delflag=0 and IsSpec=0", "");
            ViewBag.TrainingCategoryData = bll.GetTrainingCategory("Delflag=0 and Field=" + model.TraingField, "");
            ViewBag.TrainingTopicData = bll.GetTrainingTopic("Delflag=0 and CategoryId=" + model.TraingCategory, "");
            ViewBag.NationalCoursData = nationalAbility_CourseBLL.GetList2("Delflag=0 and TCategoryId=" + model.TraingCategory, "");
            ViewBag.AttachData = bll.GetAttachTable("Delflag=0 and TraningId=" + id, "");
            ViewBag.OutCourseTypeData = bll.GetOutCourseType("Delflag=0", "");
            Organ_Detail otypeModel = new Organ_DetailBLL().GetModel(Code.SiteCache.Instance.ManageOrganId);
            ViewBag.OTypeId = otypeModel == null ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(otypeModel.OType);
            return View(model);
        public ActionResult Add(Traning_Detail model)
            PrepareTrainingApplyBLL bll = new PrepareTrainingApplyBLL();
            ViewBag.TrainingObjectData = bll.GetTraningObject();
            ViewBag.SubjectData = bll.GetSubject();
            ViewBag.StudyLevelData = bll.GetStudyLevel();
            ViewBag.TrainingFormData = bll.GetTrainingForm();
            ViewBag.TeacherTitleData = bll.GetTeacherTitle();
            ViewBag.OutCourseTypeData = bll.GetOutCourseType("Delflag=0", "");
            Organ_Detail otypeModel = new Organ_DetailBLL().GetModel(Code.SiteCache.Instance.ManageOrganId);
            ViewBag.OTypeId = otypeModel == null ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(otypeModel.OType);

            if (model.TraingCategory == 0)
                TempData["Msg"] = "课程小类不能为空!";
                return View(model);

            if (model.TraingTopic == null || model.TraingTopic == 0)
                TempData["Msg"] = "课程主题不能为空!";
                return View(model);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.TeacherName))
                TempData["Msg"] = "请输入讲师名称!";
                return View(model);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.TeacherFrom))
                TempData["Msg"] = "请输入讲师来自什么地方!";
                return View(model);

            string msg = "";
            if (model.Title == null)
                model.Title = "";
                model.Title = model.Title.Trim();
            model.OrganId = Code.SiteCache.Instance.ManageOrganId;
            //if (bll.CheckExists(model.Title.Replace("'", "''"), Convert.ToInt32(model.OrganId), model.Id))
            //    TempData["Msg"] = "课程名称已存在";
            //    return View(model);

            int picType = Code.ExtendHelper.ToInt(Request["PicType"]);
            if (picType == 0)
                TempData["Msg"] = "请选择图片!";
                return View(model);
            else if (picType == 1)//选择提供的图片
                model.Pic = Request["PicValue"];
            else if (picType == 2)//选择上传的图片
                HttpPostedFileBase pic = Request.Files["Pic"];
                string picPath = Code.UploadCore.UploadImage(pic, ref msg);
                if (picPath == "")
                    TempData["Msg"] = msg;
                    return View(model);
                model.Pic = picPath;

            HttpPostedFileBase teacherPic = Request.Files["TeacherPic"];
            string teacherPicPath = Code.UploadCore.UploadImage(teacherPic, ref msg);
            if (teacherPicPath == "")
                TempData["Msg"] = msg;
                return View(model);
            model.TeacherPic = teacherPicPath;
            model.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
            model.Creater = Code.SiteCache.Instance.ManagerId;
            model.PartitionId = Code.SiteCache.Instance.LoginInfo.PartitionId;
            if (model.Range == 1)//区级时更新上级机构Id
                model.ParentOrganId = bll.GetParentOrganId(Convert.ToInt32(model.OrganId));
            if (model.Range == 2)//市级
                model.ParentOrganId = null;

            int outCourseType = Code.ExtendHelper.ToInt(Request["OutCourseType"]);
            if (model.OutSideType == -1)//内部平台
                model.OutSideLink = null;
                model.OutSideContent = null;
                model.OutSideType = outCourseType;

            if (Request["submit"] == "保存")
                model.Status = 1;
            if (Request["submit"] == "保存并提交")
                model.Status = 2;
            model.Display = true;

            using (TransactionScope trans = new TransactionScope())

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["AttachPathList"]))
                        DataTable dt = bll.GetAttachTable("1=0", "");
                        foreach (string s in Request["AttachPathList"].Split(new string[] { ":" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                            DataRow row = dt.NewRow();
                            string[] file = s.Split('|');
                            row["Id"] = file[0];
                            row["TraningId"] = model.Id;
                            row["Title"] = file[1].Replace("'", "''");
                            row["Link"] = file[2];
                            row["Sort"] = 50;
                            row["Display"] = 1;
                            row["Delflag"] = 0;
                            row["CreateDate"] = DateTime.Now;

                    if (model.Status == 2)//保存并提交时,新增一条申请流程记录
                        Traning_ApplyApplication apply = new Traning_ApplyApplication();
                        apply.TraningId = model.Id;
                        apply.Status = 1;
                        apply.Remark = "提交审核";
                        apply.Creater = model.Creater;
                        apply.OrganId = model.OrganId;
                        apply.Delflag = false;
                        apply.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;

                    return RedirectToAction("List");
                catch (Exception)
                    TempData["Msg"] = "保存失败!";
                    return View(model);
        public ActionResult Index()
            var fkBll = new Traning_InfoFkBLL();
            var traningBll = new Training_PlanBLL();
            var traningDBll = new Traning_DetailBLL();

            var organ = new Organ_DetailBLL().GetModel(SiteCache.Instance.ManageOrganId);
            if (organ.OType == 1)//培训机构职能选择自己机构开设的课程
                ViewBag.CourseList = traningDBll.GetList(" OrganId =" + organ.Id + " and Delflag=0 and Display=1 and status=5", "");
                    //(, "");" Range=2"
                ViewBag.CourseList = traningDBll.GetList(" ((OrganId =" + organ.Id + " or ParentOrganId=" + organ.Id + ")  ) and Delflag=0 and Display=1 and status=5", "");
            }//or Range=2
            ViewBag.OrganId = SiteCache.Instance.ManageOrganId;
            ViewBag.PartitionId = organ.PartitionId;
            ViewBag.PlanList = DataTableToListHelper<Dianda.AP.Model.Training_Plan>.ConvertToModel(traningBll.GetList("  Delflag=0 and Display=1 ").Tables[0]);
            ViewBag.ClassesList = fkBll.GetList(" CategoryType=5 and Delflag=0 and Display=1 ", "Sort desc");
            ViewBag.SubjectList = fkBll.GetList(" CategoryType=3 and Delflag=0 and Display=1 ", "Sort desc");
            ViewBag.StudyLevelList = fkBll.GetList(" CategoryType=4 and Delflag=0 and Display=1 ", "Sort desc");
            ViewBag.TeachGradeList = fkBll.GetList(" CategoryType=7 and Delflag=0 and Display=1 ", "Sort desc");
            ViewBag.TeachRankList = fkBll.GetList(" CategoryType=8 and Delflag=0 and Display=1 ", "Sort desc");

            return View();
 public JsonResult GetSchoolByCourse(string courseid)
         var course = new Traning_DetailBLL().GetModel(courseid.ToInt(), "");
         var organBll = new Organ_DetailBLL();
         var list = new List<Organ_Detail>();
         if (course.Range == 1) //区级
             list = organBll.GetListModel(" Delflag=0 and  OType IN ( 1, 2, 3 ) and PartitionId=" + SiteCache.Instance.LoginInfo.PartitionId + " and ParentId=" + SiteCache.Instance.ManageOrganId);
             list = organBll.GetShiOrganDetailList();
         return Json(list, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
     catch (Exception ex)
         return Json(new { Code = -1, Msg = ex.Message }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
        public JsonResult getAllInstructor(int type,int pageIndex=1)
            var organ = new Organ_DetailBLL().GetModel(SiteCache.Instance.ManageOrganId);
            IList < Dianda.AP.Model.Member_Account > list;
            if (type == 0)
                list = DataTableToListHelper<Dianda.AP.Model.Member_Account>.ConvertToModel(new Member_AccountBLL().GetAccountByMannagerGroup(0, 0, 6));
                list = DataTableToListHelper<Dianda.AP.Model.Member_Account>.ConvertToModel(new Member_AccountBLL().GetAccountByMannagerGroup(organ.PartitionId, organ.Id, 6));

            return Json(new { instructorList = list.Skip((pageIndex-1)*8).Take(8), totalPage = Math.Ceiling( Convert.ToDouble( list.Count)/8) }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
        public static bool CheckIsCanRegister(int ClassId, int MemberId)
            Organ_DetailBLL organ_DetailBLL = new Organ_DetailBLL();
            int ParentOrganId = 1;
            int oType = 1;
            int partitionId = Code.SiteCache.Instance.LoginInfo.PartitionId;
            int UserId = MemberId;
            int OrganId = 1;
            ParentOrganId = (int)organ_DetailBLL.GetModel(Code.SiteCache.Instance.ManageOrganId).ParentId;
            oType = (int)organ_DetailBLL.GetModel(Code.SiteCache.Instance.ManageOrganId).OType;
            OrganId = Code.SiteCache.Instance.ManageOrganId;
            Member_AccountBLL member_AccountBLL = new Member_AccountBLL();
            Member_Account ma = member_AccountBLL.GetModel(UserId, "");
            Member_BaseInfoBLL member_BaseInfoBLL = new Member_BaseInfoBLL();
            Member_BaseInfo m = member_BaseInfoBLL.GetModelByAccountId(UserId);
            string where = " and td.PartitionId='" + partitionId + "'and cd.PlanId='" + Code.SiteCache.Instance.PlanId + "' and cd.PartitionId='" + partitionId + "' and cd.Id='" + ClassId + "'";

            if (oType == 1)
                where += " and td.OrganId='" + OrganId + "'";
            else if (oType == 2)
                if (m != null)
                    where += " and ((css.StudySection in(select StudySection from Member_StudySection where AccountId='" + UserId + "' and Delflag='false')and css.delflag='false' )or cd.StudyLevel=1)";
                    where += " and ((cts.TeachSubject in(select TeachSubject from Member_TeachSubject where AccountId='" + UserId + "' and Delflag='false')and cts.delflag='false' )or cd.Subject=1)";
                    where += " and ((ctg.TeachGrade in(select TeachGrade from Member_TeachGrade where AccountId='" + UserId + "' and Delflag='false')and ctg.delflag='false' )or cd.TeachGrade=1)";
                    where += " and ((ctr.TeachRank in(select WorkRank from Member_WorkRank where AccountId='" + UserId + "' and Delflag='false')and ctr.delflag='false' )or cd.TeachRank=1)";
                    where += " and (CHARINDEX('," + OrganId + ",',','+cd.OrganRange+',')>0 or cd.OrganRange='0')";
                    where += " and (td.OrganId='" + ParentOrganId + "' or td.Range=2)";
                    where += "and 1=2";
            else if (oType == 5)
                if (m != null)
                    where += " and ((css.StudySection in(select StudySection from Member_StudySection where AccountId='" + UserId + "' and Delflag='false')and css.delflag='false' )or cd.StudyLevel=1)";
                    where += " and ((cts.TeachSubject in(select TeachSubject from Member_TeachSubject where AccountId='" + UserId + "' and Delflag='false')and cts.delflag='false' )or cd.Subject=1)";
                    where += " and ((ctg.TeachGrade in(select TeachGrade from Member_TeachGrade where AccountId='" + UserId + "' and Delflag='false')and ctg.delflag='false' )or cd.TeachGrade=1)";
                    where += " and ((ctr.TeachRank in(select WorkRank from Member_WorkRank where AccountId='" + UserId + "' and Delflag='false')and ctr.delflag='false' )or cd.TeachRank=1)";
                    where += " and (CHARINDEX('," + ma.OrganId + ",',','+cd.OrganRange+',')>0 or cd.OrganRange='0')";
                    where += " and (td.OrganId='" + OrganId + "' or td.Range=2)";
                    where += "and 1=2";
                where += " and 1=2";
            Traning_DetailBLL traning_DetailBLL = new Traning_DetailBLL();
            int total = 0;
            List<Traning_Detail> tdlist = traning_DetailBLL.GetListHasClass(10, 1, where, "CreateDate desc", out total);
            return total > 0;
        /// <summary>
        /// 学校--审核列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult CoursemarketVerify(int? pageIndex, int? planId, int? status, int? trainingId, int? myclassId, string searchTitle)
            ViewBag.Title = "教师报名管理";
            int i = TypeConverter.ObjectToInt(pageIndex, 1);
            int groupId = Code.SiteCache.Instance.GroupId;//4,学校管理7,普通教师
            //int groupId = 4;
            Organ_DetailBLL organ_DetailBLL = new Organ_DetailBLL();
            int OrganId = 0;
            string where = "";
            if (groupId == 4)
                OrganId = (int)organ_DetailBLL.GetModel(Code.SiteCache.Instance.ManageOrganId).ParentId;
                ViewBag.Yes = 2;
                ViewBag.No = 3;
                where += " and ma.OrganId='" + Code.SiteCache.Instance.ManageOrganId + "'";
                //where += " and mcr.Status<=3";
            else if (groupId == 2)
                OrganId = Code.SiteCache.Instance.ManageOrganId;
                ViewBag.Yes = 4;
                ViewBag.No = 5;
                where += " and cd.OrganId='" + Code.SiteCache.Instance.ManageOrganId + "'";
                where += " and mcr.Status in(2,4,5)";
            else if (groupId == 3)
                OrganId = Code.SiteCache.Instance.ManageOrganId;
                ViewBag.Yes = 4;
                ViewBag.No = 5;
                where += " and cd.OrganId='" + Code.SiteCache.Instance.ManageOrganId + "'";
                where += " and mcr.Status in(2,4,5)";
                where += " and 1=2";
            if (planId != null && planId > 0)
                where += " and mcr.PlanId='" + planId + "' ";
            else { planId = -1; }
            if (status != null && status > 0)
                where += " and mcr.Status='" + status + "' ";
            else { status = -1; }
            if (trainingId != null && trainingId > 0)
                where += " and mcr.TrainingId='" + trainingId + "' ";
            else { trainingId = -1; }
            if (myclassId != null && myclassId > 0)
                where += " and mcr.ClassId='" + myclassId + "' ";
            else { myclassId = -1; }

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchTitle))
            { where += " and (mbi.RealName like'%" + searchTitle.Replace("'", "''") + "%' or ma.Nickname like '%" + searchTitle.Replace("'", "''") + "%' or ma.UserName like '%" + searchTitle.Replace("'", "''") + "%' or mbi.TeacherNo like '%" + searchTitle.Replace("'", "''") + "%' or mbi.CredentialsNumber like '%" + searchTitle.Replace("'", "''") + "%' or td.Title like '%" + searchTitle.Replace("'", "''") + "%' or cd.Title like '%" + searchTitle.Replace("'", "''") + "%')"; }

            int total = 0;
            Member_ClassRegisterBLL member_ClassRegisterBLL = new Member_ClassRegisterBLL();
            List<ClassRegisterManage> tdlist = member_ClassRegisterBLL.GetListManage(10, i, where, "CreateDate desc", out total);

            ViewData["searchTitle"] = string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchTitle) ? "" : searchTitle;
            ViewData["planId"] = planId;
            ViewData["status"] = status;
            ViewData["trainingId"] = trainingId;
            ViewData["myclassId"] = myclassId;
            ViewData["groupId"] = groupId;
            ViewBag.pageIndex = i;
            ViewBag.totalPage = total;

            Training_PlanBLL training_PlanBLL = new Training_PlanBLL();
            ViewBag.PlanList = training_PlanBLL.GetListModel(" Display=1 and Delflag='false'");

            Traning_FieldBLL traning_FieldBLL = new Traning_FieldBLL();
            ViewBag.FieldList = traning_FieldBLL.GetList(" Display=1 and Delflag='false' and IsSpec=0", " Sort");

            Traning_DetailBLL traning_DetailBLL = new Traning_DetailBLL();
            ViewBag.TraningList = traning_DetailBLL.GetList(" Display=1 and Delflag='false' and PartitionId='" + Code.SiteCache.Instance.LoginInfo.PartitionId + "' and Status=5 and (OrganId='" + OrganId + "' or Range=2)", " Id");

            Class_DetailBLL class_DetailBLL = new Class_DetailBLL();
            ViewBag.ClassList = class_DetailBLL.GetListModel(" Display=1 and Delflag='false' ");

            return View(tdlist);
        /// <summary>
        /// 教师--课程超市列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pageIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="organId"></param>
        /// <param name="field"></param>
        /// <param name="searchTitle"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult CoursemarketSingleList(int? pageIndex, int? organId, int? field, string searchTitle)
            ViewBag.Title = "课程超市";

            int i = TypeConverter.ObjectToInt(pageIndex, 1);
            int groupId = Code.SiteCache.Instance.GroupId;//4,学校管理7,普通教师
            Organ_DetailBLL organ_DetailBLL = new Organ_DetailBLL();
            int CountyOrganId = 0;

            int oType = 1;
            if (groupId == 7)
                oType = (int)organ_DetailBLL.GetModel(Code.SiteCache.Instance.OrganId).OType;
                CountyOrganId = (int)organ_DetailBLL.GetModel(Code.SiteCache.Instance.OrganId).ParentId;
            else if (groupId == 2 || groupId == 3 || groupId == 4)
                oType = (int)organ_DetailBLL.GetModel(Code.SiteCache.Instance.ManageOrganId).OType;
                if (groupId == 4)
                    CountyOrganId = (int)organ_DetailBLL.GetModel(Code.SiteCache.Instance.ManageOrganId).ParentId;
                    CountyOrganId = Code.SiteCache.Instance.ManageOrganId;
            ViewBag.OType = oType;
            int partitionId = Code.SiteCache.Instance.LoginInfo.PartitionId;
            Member_BaseInfoBLL member_BaseInfoBLL = new Member_BaseInfoBLL();
            Member_BaseInfo m = member_BaseInfoBLL.GetModelByAccountId(Code.SiteCache.Instance.LoginInfo.UserId);
            string where = " and td.PartitionId='" + partitionId + "'and cd.PlanId='" + Code.SiteCache.Instance.PlanId + "' and cd.PartitionId='" + partitionId + "'";

            if (oType == 1)
                ViewBag.OrganList = organ_DetailBLL.GetListModel(" OType=1 and Delflag='false'");
            else if (oType == 2 || oType == 5)
                ViewBag.OrganList = organ_DetailBLL.GetListModel(" OType=5 and Delflag='false'");
                where += " and 1=2";

            if (m != null)
                where += " and (td.OrganId='" + CountyOrganId + "' or td.Range=2)";
                where += " and 1=2";

            if (organId != null && organId > 0)
                where += " and td.OrganId='" + organId + "' ";
            else { organId = -1; }
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchTitle))
            { where += " and td.Title like'%" + searchTitle.Replace("'", "''") + "%' "; }
            string where2 = where;
            if (field != null && field > 0)
            { where += " and td.TraingField='" + field + "' "; }
            Traning_DetailBLL traning_DetailBLL = new Traning_DetailBLL();
            int total = 0;
            List<Traning_Detail> tdlist = traning_DetailBLL.GetListHasClass(10, i, where, "CreateDate desc", out total);

            ViewData["searchTitle"] = string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchTitle) ? "" : searchTitle;
            ViewData["organId"] = organId;
            ViewData["field"] = field;
            ViewData["partitionId"] = partitionId;
            ViewData["groupId"] = groupId;
            ViewBag.pageIndex = i;
            ViewBag.totalPage = total;

            Traning_FieldBLL traning_FieldBLL = new Traning_FieldBLL();

            List<Traning_Field> traning_FieldList = traning_FieldBLL.GetList(" Delflag='false' and display='1' and Id<>3", " Sort");
            ViewBag.FieldList = traning_FieldList;
            List<Traning_Detail> tdlistall = traning_DetailBLL.GetListHasClass(-1, -1, where2, "CreateDate desc", out total);
            List<int> list = new List<int>(traning_FieldList.Count);
            int sum = 0;
            foreach (Traning_Field tf in traning_FieldList)
                int c = tdlistall.Where(a => a.TraingField == tf.Id).Count();
                sum += c;

            ViewBag.Sum = sum;
            ViewBag.FCount = list;
            return View(tdlist);