private void RefreshAnimList(ComboBox comboBoxMood, ComboBox comboBoxAnim)
            string animset = comboBoxMood.SelectedValue as string;

            var anims = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            if (EditorCore.Animations.ContainsKey(animset))
                    anims.Add("", "<Auto>");
                    anims = anims.Concat(EditorCore.Animations[animset].ToDictionary(item => item))
                            .ToDictionary(item => item.Key, item => item.Value);
                catch (System.ArgumentException)
                    EditorCore.LogError(String.Format("Animset \"{0}\" contains duplicate animation names", animset));

                comboBoxAnim.DataSource    = new BindingSource(anims, null);
                comboBoxAnim.ValueMember   = "Key";
                comboBoxAnim.DisplayMember = "Value";
                comboBoxAnim.Enabled       = true;
                comboBoxAnim.DataSource = null;
                comboBoxAnim.Enabled    = false;
        public void ResyncFile(Dialogue dialogue, Package previousPackage, bool focus)
            if (dialogue == null)

            if (previousPackage != null)
                TreeNode[] nodePackages = tree.Nodes.Find(GetPackageKey(previousPackage.Name), false);
                if (nodePackages.Count() > 0)
                    TreeNode nodeParent = nodePackages[0];

                    TreeNode[] nodeChildren = nodeParent.Nodes.Find(dialogue.GetFileName(), true);
                    if (nodeChildren.Count() > 0)
                        TreeNode nodeDialogue = nodeChildren[0];
                        TreeNode nodeFolder   = nodeDialogue.Parent;

                    EditorCore.LogError("Unable to update a Dialogue with unknown Package in project explorer : " + dialogue.GetName() + " in " + previousPackage.Name);

            ResyncFile(dialogue, focus);
Beispiel #3
        static private bool DeserializeFromFile <T>(string path, T value)
            //var jObject = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText(path));
            //int version = jObject.GetValue("Version");

                JsonSerializerSettings settings = new JsonSerializerSettings();
                settings.TypeNameHandling           = TypeNameHandling.Auto;            //default
                settings.NullValueHandling          = NullValueHandling.Include;        //default
                settings.ObjectCreationHandling     = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace;   //not default
                settings.PreserveReferencesHandling = PreserveReferencesHandling.None;  //default

                settings.Binder = EditorCore.SerializationBinder;

                JsonConvert.PopulateObject(File.ReadAllText(path), value, settings);
            catch (Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException e)
                EditorCore.LogError("A malformed file could not be loaded : " + path);
                EditorCore.LogError("> exception : " + e.Message);
            catch (Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException e)
                //TODO: Here I could plug additionnal handlers with older versions of the SerializationBinder

                EditorCore.LogError("A file containing unknown serialization bindings could not be loaded : " + path);
                EditorCore.LogError("> exception : " + e.Message);

        public void ResyncFile(Dialogue dialogue, bool focus)
            if (dialogue == null)

            if (dialogue.Package == null)
                EditorCore.LogError("Unable to show a Dialogue without Package in project explorer : " + dialogue.GetName());

            TreeNode[] nodePackages = tree.Nodes.Find(GetPackageKey(dialogue.Package.Name), false);
            if (nodePackages.Count() > 0)
                TreeNode nodeParent = nodePackages[0];

                string   path       = dialogue.GetFilePath();
                string[] folders    = path.Split(new char[] { Path.DirectorySeparatorChar }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                string   folderPath = "";
                foreach (string folder in folders)
                    folderPath = Path.Combine(folderPath, folder);

                    TreeNode[] nodeFolders = nodeParent.Nodes.Find(folder, false);
                    if (nodeFolders.Count() > 0)
                        nodeParent = nodeFolders[0];
                        nodeParent     = nodeParent.Nodes.Add(folder, folder);
                        nodeParent.Tag = new Folder()
                            Path = folderPath
                        nodeParent.ContextMenuStrip = menuFolder;
                        EditorHelper.SetNodeIcon(nodeParent, ENodeIcon.Folder);

                TreeNode nodeDialogue = nodeParent.Nodes.Add(dialogue.GetFileName(), dialogue.GetName());
                nodeDialogue.ContextMenuStrip = menuDocument;
                EditorHelper.SetNodeIcon(nodeDialogue, ENodeIcon.Dialogue);

                nodeDialogue.Tag = dialogue;

                if (focus)
                EditorCore.LogError("Unable to show a Dialogue with unknown Package in project explorer : " + dialogue.GetName() + " in " + dialogue.Package.Name);
Beispiel #5
        public Language GetDefaultLanguage()
            if (ListLanguages.Count > 0)

            EditorCore.LogError("No Default language found");
Beispiel #6
        public Package GetDefaultPackage()
            if (ListPackages.Count > 0)

            EditorCore.LogError("No Default package found");
Beispiel #7
            public override Type BindToType(string assemblyName, string typeName)
                if (Bindings.ContainsKey(typeName))

                EditorCore.LogError("Unknown type on deserialization : " + typeName);
Beispiel #8
            public override void BindToName(Type type, out string assemblyName, out string typeName)
                if (!Bindings.Values.Contains(type))
                    EditorCore.LogError("Unknown type on serialization : " + type);

                assemblyName = null;
                typeName     = Bindings.Single(item => item.Value == type).Key;
Beispiel #9

        static private bool CheckDialogueNameAvailable(string path, string name, bool logErrorIfNotAvailable)
            if (!dialogues.ContainsKey(name))

            if (logErrorIfNotAvailable)
                EditorCore.LogError("Dialogue already exists (ignored) : " + name + " at \"" + path + "\" and \"" + dialogues[name].Dialogue.GetFilePath() + "\"");


        static public bool AddDialogue(Dialogue dialogue)
            string name = dialogue.GetName();

            if (!dialogues.ContainsKey(name))
                dialogues.Add(name, new ResourceHolder {
                    Dialogue = dialogue

            EditorCore.LogError("Dialogue already exists (ignored) : " + name + " at \"" + dialogue.GetFilePath() + "\" and \"" + dialogues[name].Dialogue.GetFilePath() + "\"");
        // Imports

        static public bool ImportFromCsv()
            var project = ResourcesHandler.Project;

            string projectDirectory = EditorHelper.GetProjectDirectory();
            string importPath       = Path.Combine(projectDirectory, EditorCore.Settings.DirectoryExportDialogues);

            var          dialog = new DialogImport(importPath);
            DialogResult result = dialog.ShowDialog();

            if (result == DialogResult.Cancel)

            bool resultConstants = false;

            if (dialog.ImportConstants)
                resultConstants = ImportConstantsFromCsv(dialog.ImportPathConstants, dialog.ListLanguages, true, false, false);
                if (resultConstants)
                    EditorCore.LogInfo("Import Constants Finished");
                    EditorCore.LogError("Import Constants Failed");

            bool resultDialogues = false;

            if (dialog.ImportLocalization || dialog.ImportWorkstring || dialog.ImportInformation)
                resultDialogues = ImportDialoguesFromCsv(dialog.ImportPathDialogues, dialog.ListPackages, dialog.ListLanguages, dialog.ImportLocalization, dialog.ImportWorkstring, dialog.ImportInformation);
                if (resultDialogues)
                    EditorCore.LogInfo("Import Dialogues Finished");
                    EditorCore.LogError("Import Dialogues Failed");

            return(resultConstants || resultDialogues);
Beispiel #12
        public void PostLoad(Project project)
            //Resolve links with package
            Package = project.GetPackage(PackageName);
            if (Package == null)
                EditorCore.LogError("Loading a Dialogue without Package (forcing default) : " + GetName(), this);
                Package = project.GetDefaultPackage();

            //Resolve links between nodes
            RootNode = GetNodeByID(RootNodeID) as DialogueNodeRoot;

            foreach (DialogueNode node in ListNodes)
                node.Next = GetNodeByID(node.NextID);
                if (node is DialogueNodeChoice)
                    DialogueNodeChoice nodeChoice = node as DialogueNodeChoice;
                    foreach (int replyID in nodeChoice.RepliesIDs)
                        DialogueNodeReply nodeReply = GetNodeByID(replyID) as DialogueNodeReply;
                        if (nodeReply != null)
                else if (node is DialogueNodeGoto)
                    DialogueNodeGoto nodeGoto = node as DialogueNodeGoto;
                    nodeGoto.Goto = GetNodeByID(nodeGoto.GotoID);
                else if (node is DialogueNodeBranch)
                    DialogueNodeBranch nodebranch = node as DialogueNodeBranch;
                    nodebranch.Branch = GetNodeByID(nodebranch.BranchID);

Beispiel #13
        static private bool DeserializeFromString <T>(T value, string content)
                JsonSerializerSettings settings = new JsonSerializerSettings();
                settings.TypeNameHandling           = TypeNameHandling.Auto;            //default
                settings.NullValueHandling          = NullValueHandling.Include;        //default
                settings.ObjectCreationHandling     = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace;   //not default
                settings.PreserveReferencesHandling = PreserveReferencesHandling.None;  //default

                settings.Binder = EditorCore.SerializationBinder;

                JsonConvert.PopulateObject(content, value, settings);
            catch (Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException)
                EditorCore.LogError("Errors occured when parsing a file (will not be loaded)");

        static public bool ImportDialoguesFromCsv(string importPath, List <Package> packages, List <Language> languages, bool importLocalization, bool importWorkstring, bool importInformation)
            var project = ResourcesHandler.Project;

            //Dialogue, Node ID, Timestamp, Voicing ID, Index, Package, SceneType, Context, Voicing, Voicing Intensity, Speaker, Workstring Text, Words, ...Languages..., comments
            var headerRedirects = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            headerRedirects.Add("ID", "Node ID");
            headerRedirects.Add("Workstring", "Workstring Text");

            if (importPath == String.Empty)
                EditorCore.LogError("Import Localization failed : no file specified");

            if (!File.Exists(importPath))
                EditorCore.LogError("Import Localization failed : file not found");

            while (Utility.IsFileLocked(importPath))
                EditorCore.LogError("Import Localization failed : file is locked");

                var          dialogLocked = new DialogLockedFile(importPath);
                DialogResult eResult      = dialogLocked.ShowDialog();
                if (eResult == DialogResult.Cancel)

            DateTime currentTime = Utility.GetCurrentTime();

            using (System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader(importPath, Encoding.UTF8))
                ExporterCsv.CsvFileReader reader = new ExporterCsv.CsvFileReader();
                if (reader.ParseHeaders(file, headerRedirects))
                    while (reader.ParseNextLine())
                        Dialogue dialogue = ResourcesHandler.GetDialogue(reader.GetCell("Dialogue"));
                        if (dialogue != null)
                            if (!packages.Contains(dialogue.Package))

                            int          id   = TranslationTable.GetNodeIDFromPrefixedString(reader.GetCell("ID"));
                            DialogueNode node = dialogue.GetNodeByID(id);
                            if (node == null)

                            if (node is DialogueNodeRoot)
                                var dialogueNodeRoot = node as DialogueNodeRoot;

                                if (importInformation)
                                    //Import general Dialogue informations
                                    dialogue.Package   = project.GetPackage(reader.GetCell("Package"));
                                    dialogue.SceneType = reader.GetCell("Scene Type");
                                    dialogue.Context   = reader.GetCell("Context");
                                DateTime timestampLoca = reader.GetCellAsDate("Timestamp");
                                DateTime timestampWorkstring;

                                if (node is DialogueNodeSentence)
                                    var dialogueNodeSentence = node as DialogueNodeSentence;

                                    if (importWorkstring)
                                        //The current workstring is more recent than the modified workstring
                                        if (dialogueNodeSentence.LastEditDate > timestampLoca)
                                            //TODO: popup or option to choose what to do here
                                            EditorCore.LogWarning(String.Format("{0} {1} - New workstring older than currently registered workstring, but updated anyway", dialogue.GetName(), id), dialogue, node);

                                        dialogueNodeSentence.Sentence     = reader.GetCell("Workstring");
                                        dialogueNodeSentence.LastEditDate = currentTime;
                                        timestampLoca = currentTime;

                                    if (importInformation)
                                        //Import Sentence informations (Voicing, Context, Speaker..)
                                        string context = reader.GetCell("Context");
                                        dialogueNodeSentence.Context = context;

                                        string voicing = reader.GetCell("Voicing");
                                        dialogueNodeSentence.Comment = voicing;

                                        string voiceIntensity = reader.GetCell("Voice Intensity");
                                        dialogueNodeSentence.VoiceIntensity = voiceIntensity;

                                        string speakerID = ResourcesHandler.Project.GetActorID(reader.GetCell("Speaker"));
                                        dialogueNodeSentence.SpeakerID = speakerID;

                                    timestampWorkstring = dialogueNodeSentence.LastEditDate;
                                    var dialogueNodeReply = node as DialogueNodeReply;

                                    if (importWorkstring)
                                        //The current workstring is more recent than the modified workstring
                                        if (dialogueNodeReply.LastEditDate > timestampLoca)
                                            //TODO: popup or option to choose what to do here
                                            EditorCore.LogWarning(String.Format("{0} {1} - New workstring older than currently registered workstring, but updated anyway", dialogue.GetName(), id), dialogue, node);

                                        dialogueNodeReply.Reply        = reader.GetCell("Workstring");
                                        dialogueNodeReply.LastEditDate = currentTime;
                                        timestampLoca = currentTime;

                                    timestampWorkstring = dialogueNodeReply.LastEditDate;

                                if (importLocalization)
                                    foreach (var language in languages)
                                        //TODO: extract this part in a function, to be used from other importers

                                        ETranslationResult translationResult = dialogue.Translations.AddOrUpdateNodeEntry(
                                            reader.GetCell(language.Name + " Text")

                                        if (translationResult == ETranslationResult.Accepted ||
                                            translationResult == ETranslationResult.Accepted_IdenticalTimestamp ||
                                            translationResult == ETranslationResult.Accepted_IdenticalText)
                                            //The current workstring is more recent than the localized entry
                                            if (timestampWorkstring > timestampLoca)
                                                EditorCore.LogWarning(String.Format("{0} {1} - [{2}] Translation accepted but based on an outdated workstring, will be re-exported", dialogue.GetName(), id, language.Name), dialogue, node);
                                                //EditorCore.LogInfo(String.Format("{0} {1} - Translation accepted", dialogue.GetName(), id), dialogue.GetName(), id);

                                        if (translationResult == ETranslationResult.Accepted_IdenticalTimestamp)
                                            EditorCore.LogWarning(String.Format("{0} {1} - [{2}] Translation accepted but with an identical timestamp as the previous entry", dialogue.GetName(), id, language.Name), dialogue, node);
                                        else if (translationResult == ETranslationResult.Accepted_IdenticalText)
                                            EditorCore.LogWarning(String.Format("{0} {1} - [{2}] Translation accepted but with an identical text as the previous entry", dialogue.GetName(), id, language.Name), dialogue, node);
                                        else if (translationResult == ETranslationResult.Refused_EmptyText)
                                            EditorCore.LogWarning(String.Format("{0} {1} - [{2}] Translation refused : empty text", dialogue.GetName(), id, language.Name), dialogue, node);
                                        else if (translationResult == ETranslationResult.Refused_Outdated)
                                            EditorCore.LogWarning(String.Format("{0} {1} - [{2}] Translation refused : outdated timestamp", dialogue.GetName(), id, language.Name), dialogue, node);
                                        else if (translationResult == ETranslationResult.Refused_Identical)



                    if (EditorCore.MainWindow != null)

        static public bool ImportConstantsFromCsv(string importPath, List <Language> languages, bool importLocalization, bool importWorkstring, bool importInformation)
            var project = ResourcesHandler.Project;

            if (importPath == String.Empty)
                EditorCore.LogError("Import Constants failed : no file specified");

            if (!File.Exists(importPath))
                EditorCore.LogError("Import Constants failed : file not found");

            while (Utility.IsFileLocked(importPath))
                EditorCore.LogError("Import Constants failed : file is locked");

                var          dialogLocked = new DialogLockedFile(importPath);
                DialogResult eResult      = dialogLocked.ShowDialog();
                if (eResult == DialogResult.Cancel)

            DateTime currentTime = Utility.GetCurrentTime();

            using (System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader(importPath, Encoding.UTF8))
                ExporterCsv.CsvFileReader reader = new ExporterCsv.CsvFileReader();
                if (reader.ParseHeaders(file))
                    while (reader.ParseNextLine())
                        string   id       = reader.GetCell("ID");
                        Constant constant = project.ListConstants.Find(item => item.ID == id);
                        if (constant != null)
                            DateTime timestampLoca = reader.GetCellAsDate("Timestamp");
                            DateTime timestampWorkstring;

                            if (importWorkstring)
                                //The current workstring is more recent than the modified workstring
                                if (constant.LastEditDate > timestampLoca)
                                    //TODO: popup or option to choose what to do here
                                    EditorCore.LogWarning(String.Format("Constant {0} - New workstring older than currently registered workstring, but updated anyway", id));

                                constant.Workstring   = reader.GetCell("Workstring");
                                constant.LastEditDate = currentTime;
                                timestampLoca         = currentTime;

                            if (importInformation)
                                string voicing = reader.GetCell("Comment");
                                constant.Comment = voicing;

                            timestampWorkstring = constant.LastEditDate;

                            if (importLocalization)
                                foreach (var language in languages)
                                    //TODO: extract this part in a function, to be used from other importers

                                    ETranslationResult translationResult = project.Translations.AddOrUpdateEntry(
                                        reader.GetCell(language.Name + " Text")

                                    if (translationResult == ETranslationResult.Accepted ||
                                        translationResult == ETranslationResult.Accepted_IdenticalTimestamp ||
                                        translationResult == ETranslationResult.Accepted_IdenticalText)
                                        //The current workstring is more recent than the localized entry
                                        if (timestampWorkstring > timestampLoca)
                                            EditorCore.LogWarning(String.Format("Constant {0} - [{1}] Translation accepted but based on an outdated workstring, will be re-exported", id, language.Name));
                                            //EditorCore.LogInfo(String.Format("{0} {1} - Translation accepted", dialogue.GetName(), id), dialogue.GetName(), id);

                                    if (translationResult == ETranslationResult.Accepted_IdenticalTimestamp)
                                        EditorCore.LogWarning(String.Format("Constant {0} - [{1}] Translation accepted but with an identical timestamp as the previous entry", id, language.Name));
                                    else if (translationResult == ETranslationResult.Accepted_IdenticalText)
                                        EditorCore.LogWarning(String.Format("Constant {0} - [{1}] Translation accepted but with an identical text as the previous entry", id, language.Name));
                                    else if (translationResult == ETranslationResult.Refused_EmptyText)
                                        EditorCore.LogWarning(String.Format("Constant {0} - [{1}] Translation refused : empty text", id, language.Name));
                                    else if (translationResult == ETranslationResult.Refused_Outdated)
                                        EditorCore.LogWarning(String.Format("Constant {0} - [{1}] Translation refused : outdated timestamp", id, language.Name));
                                    else if (translationResult == ETranslationResult.Refused_Identical)


                    if (EditorCore.MainWindow != null)

Beispiel #16
        public void PreSave(Project project)
            //Prepare File
            VersionProject = EditorCore.VersionProject;
            VersionEditor  = EditorVersion.GetVersion();

            if (Package == null)
                EditorCore.LogError("Saving a Dialogue without Package (forcing default) : " + GetName(), this);
                Package = project.GetDefaultPackage();

            if (Package != null)
                PackageName = Package.Name;

            //Sanitize texts
            //dialogue.Comment = EditorCore.SanitizeText(dialogue.Comment);

            //Prepare nodes links
            RootNodeID = (RootNode != null) ? RootNode.ID : DialogueNode.ID_NULL;

            foreach (DialogueNode node in ListNodes)
                node.NextID = (node.Next != null) ? node.Next.ID : DialogueNode.ID_NULL;

                if (node is DialogueNodeSentence)
                    //Generate ID
                    DialogueNodeSentence nodeSentence = node as DialogueNodeSentence;
                    nodeSentence.VoicingID = EditorHelper.GetPrettyNodeVoicingID(this, nodeSentence);

                    //Sanitize texts
                    nodeSentence.Sentence = EditorHelper.SanitizeText(nodeSentence.Sentence);
                    //nodeSentence.Comment = EditorHelper.SanitizeText(nodeSentence.Comment);
                else if (node is DialogueNodeChoice)
                    DialogueNodeChoice nodeChoice = node as DialogueNodeChoice;

                    //Sanitize texts
                    nodeChoice.Choice = EditorHelper.SanitizeText(nodeChoice.Choice);

                    foreach (DialogueNodeReply nodeReply in nodeChoice.Replies)
                        //Sanitize texts
                        nodeReply.Reply = EditorHelper.SanitizeText(nodeReply.Reply);

                else if (node is DialogueNodeGoto)
                    DialogueNodeGoto nodeGoto = node as DialogueNodeGoto;
                    nodeGoto.GotoID = (nodeGoto.Goto != null) ? nodeGoto.Goto.ID : DialogueNode.ID_NULL;
                else if (node is DialogueNodeBranch)
                    DialogueNodeBranch nodeBranch = node as DialogueNodeBranch;
                    nodeBranch.BranchID = (nodeBranch.Branch != null) ? nodeBranch.Branch.ID : DialogueNode.ID_NULL;
Beispiel #17
        public static void CheckDialogueErrors(Dialogue dialogue)
            Project project = ResourcesHandler.Project;

            if (!EditorCore.CustomLists["SceneTypes"].ContainsKey(dialogue.SceneType))
                EditorCore.LogError(String.Format("{0} - Unknown Scene Type : {1}", dialogue.GetName(), dialogue.SceneType), dialogue);

            if (!EditorCore.CustomLists["Cameras"].ContainsKey(dialogue.Camera))
                EditorCore.LogError(String.Format("{0} - Unknown Camera : {1}", dialogue.GetName(), dialogue.Camera), dialogue);

            var usedIDs = new HashSet <int>();

            foreach (DialogueNode node in dialogue.ListNodes)
                if (usedIDs.Contains(node.ID))
                    EditorCore.LogError(String.Format("{0} - Identical ID between two nodes : {1}", dialogue.GetName(), node.ID), dialogue, node);

                if (node is DialogueNodeSentence)
                    var  nodeSentence = node as DialogueNodeSentence;
                    bool validSpeaker = false;

                    if (nodeSentence.SpeakerID == "")
                        EditorCore.LogError(String.Format("{0} {1} - Sentence has no Speaker", dialogue.GetName(), node.ID), dialogue, node);
                        if (project.GetActorFromID(nodeSentence.SpeakerID) == null)
                            EditorCore.LogError(String.Format("{0} {1} - Sentence has an invalid Speaker : {2}", dialogue.GetName(), node.ID, nodeSentence.SpeakerID), dialogue, node);
                            validSpeaker = true;

                    if (nodeSentence.ListenerID != "")
                        if (project.GetActorFromID(nodeSentence.ListenerID) == null)
                            EditorCore.LogError(String.Format("{0} {1} - Sentence has an invalid Listener : {2}", dialogue.GetName(), node.ID, nodeSentence.ListenerID), dialogue, node);
                        else if (validSpeaker)
                            var speaker  = project.GetActorFromID(nodeSentence.SpeakerID);
                            var listener = project.GetActorFromID(nodeSentence.ListenerID);

                            if (speaker == listener)
                                EditorCore.LogError(String.Format("{0} {1} - Listener is also Speaker", dialogue.GetName(), node.ID), dialogue, node);
                                if (speaker.VoiceKit != String.Empty)
                                    if (speaker.VoiceKit == listener.VoiceKit)
                                        EditorCore.LogWarning(String.Format("{0} {1} - Speaker and Listener have the same Voice Kit", dialogue.GetName(), node.ID), dialogue, node);
                                    else if (project.GetVoiceActorNameFromKit(speaker.VoiceKit) == project.GetVoiceActorNameFromKit(listener.VoiceKit))
                                        EditorCore.LogWarning(String.Format("{0} {1} - Speaker and Listener have the same Voice Actor", dialogue.GetName(), node.ID), dialogue, node);

                    if (nodeSentence.Sentence.Length > project.MaxLengthSentence)
                        EditorCore.LogWarning(String.Format("{0} {1} - Sentence has too many characters", dialogue.GetName(), node.ID), dialogue, node);
                else if (node is DialogueNodeChoice)
                    var nodeChoice = node as DialogueNodeChoice;

                    if (nodeChoice.Replies.Count == 0)
                        EditorCore.LogError(String.Format("{0} {1} - Choice has no Reply", dialogue.GetName(), node.ID), dialogue, node);
                else if (node is DialogueNodeReply)
                    var nodeReply = node as DialogueNodeReply;

                    if (nodeReply.Reply.Length > project.MaxLengthReply)
                        EditorCore.LogWarning(String.Format("{0} {1} - Reply has too many characters", dialogue.GetName(), node.ID), dialogue, node);
                else if (node is DialogueNodeGoto)
                    var nodeGoto = node as DialogueNodeGoto;

                    if (nodeGoto.Goto == null)
                        EditorCore.LogError(String.Format("{0} {1} - Goto has no Target", dialogue.GetName(), node.ID), dialogue, node);
                else if (node is DialogueNodeBranch)
                    var nodeBranch = node as DialogueNodeBranch;

                    if (nodeBranch.Branch == null)
                        EditorCore.LogError(String.Format("{0} {1} - Branch has no Target", dialogue.GetName(), node.ID), dialogue, node);

            if (EditorCore.OnCheckDialogueErrors != null)