public Conversation Deserialize()
            // Deserialize an editor-version (containing all info) that
            // we will use to construct the user-facing Conversation data structure.
            EditableConversation ec = this.DeserializeForEditor();

            // Create a conversation.
            Conversation conversation = new Conversation();
            // Create a dictionary to store our created nodes by UID
            Dictionary <int, SpeechNode> dialogues = new Dictionary <int, SpeechNode>();
            Dictionary <int, OptionNode> options   = new Dictionary <int, OptionNode>();

            // Create a Dialogue and Option node for each in the conversation
            // Put them in the dictionary
            for (int i = 0; i < ec.SpeechNodes.Count; i++)
                SpeechNode node = new SpeechNode();
                node.Name = ec.SpeechNodes[i].Name;
                node.Text = ec.SpeechNodes[i].Text;
                node.AutomaticallyAdvance           = ec.SpeechNodes[i].AdvanceDialogueAutomatically;
                node.AutoAdvanceShouldDisplayOption = ec.SpeechNodes[i].AutoAdvanceShouldDisplayOption;
                node.TimeUntilAdvance = ec.SpeechNodes[i].TimeUntilAdvance;
                node.TMPFont          = ec.SpeechNodes[i].TMPFont;
                node.Icon             = ec.SpeechNodes[i].Icon;
                node.Audio            = ec.SpeechNodes[i].Audio;
                node.Volume           = ec.SpeechNodes[i].Volume;
                node.Options          = new List <OptionNode>();
                if (this.GetNodeData(ec.SpeechNodes[i].ID) != null)
                    node.Event = this.GetNodeData(ec.SpeechNodes[i].ID).Event;

                dialogues.Add(ec.SpeechNodes[i].ID, node);
            for (int i = 0; i < ec.Options.Count; i++)
                OptionNode node = new OptionNode();
                node.Text    = ec.Options[i].Text;
                node.TMPFont = ec.Options[i].TMPFont;

                options.Add(ec.Options[i].ID, node);

            // Now that we have every node in the dictionary, reconstruct the tree
            // And also look for the root
            for (int i = 0; i < ec.SpeechNodes.Count; i++)
                // Connect dialogue to options
                for (int j = 0; j < ec.SpeechNodes[i].OptionUIDs.Count; j++)

                // Connect dialogue to following dialogue
                if (ec.SpeechNodes[i].SpeechUID != EditableConversation.INVALID_UID)
                    dialogues[ec.SpeechNodes[i].ID].Dialogue = dialogues[ec.SpeechNodes[i].SpeechUID];

                // Check if root
                if (ec.SpeechNodes[i].EditorInfo.isRoot)
                    conversation.Root = dialogues[ec.SpeechNodes[i].ID];

            for (int i = 0; i < ec.Options.Count; i++)
                // Connect option to following dialogue
                if (dialogues.ContainsKey(ec.Options[i].SpeechUID))
                    options[ec.Options[i].ID].Dialogue = dialogues[ec.Options[i].SpeechUID];

Beispiel #2
        private void ReconstructTree(EditableConversation ec, Conversation conversation, Dictionary <int, SpeechNode> dialogues, Dictionary <int, OptionNode> options)
            // Speech nodes
            List <EditableSpeechNode> editableSpeechNodes = ec.SpeechNodes;

            for (int i = 0; i < editableSpeechNodes.Count; i++)
                EditableSpeechNode editableNode = editableSpeechNodes[i];
                SpeechNode         speechNode   = dialogues[editableNode.ID];

                // Connections
                List <EditableConnection> editableConnections = editableNode.Connections;
                for (int j = 0; j < editableConnections.Count; j++)
                    int childID = editableConnections[j].NodeUID;

                    // Construct node->Speech
                    if (editableConnections[j].ConnectionType == EditableConnection.eConnectiontype.Speech)
                        SpeechConnection connection = new SpeechConnection(dialogues[childID]);
                        CopyConnectionConditions(editableConnections[j], connection);
                    // Construct node->Option
                    else if (editableConnections[j].ConnectionType == EditableConnection.eConnectiontype.Option)
                        OptionConnection connection = new OptionConnection(options[childID]);
                        CopyConnectionConditions(editableConnections[j], connection);

                // Root?
                if (editableNode.EditorInfo.isRoot)
                    conversation.Root = dialogues[editableNode.ID];

            // Option nodes
            List <EditableOptionNode> editableOptionNodes = ec.Options;

            for (int i = 0; i < editableOptionNodes.Count; i++)
                EditableOptionNode editableNode = editableOptionNodes[i];
                OptionNode         optionNode   = options[editableNode.ID];

                // Connections
                List <EditableConnection> editableConnections = editableNode.Connections;
                for (int j = 0; j < editableConnections.Count; j++)
                    int childID = editableConnections[j].NodeUID;

                    // Construct node->Speech
                    if (editableConnections[j].ConnectionType == EditableConnection.eConnectiontype.Speech)
                        SpeechConnection connection = new SpeechConnection(dialogues[childID]);
                        CopyConnectionConditions(editableConnections[j], connection);