/// <summary>
 /// Determines whether it is count sampling type.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="definition">The definition.</param>
 /// <param name="samplingTypeIndex">The sampling type index.</param>
 /// <returns>True if it is count sampling type; false otherwise.</returns>
 private static bool IsCountSamplingType(TimeSeriesDefinition <MetricIdentifier> definition, int samplingTypeIndex)
     return((definition == null && samplingTypeIndex == 0) || (definition != null && definition.SamplingTypes[samplingTypeIndex].Equals(SamplingType.Count)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserializes for one timestamp - v2.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="version">The serialization version.</param>
        /// <param name="reader">The bit reader.</param>
        /// <param name="definition">The definition.</param>
        /// <param name="values">The values.</param>
        /// <param name="dataPointIndex">Index of the data point.</param>
        /// <param name="currentBlockLeadingZeros">The current block leading zeros.</param>
        /// <param name="currentBlockTrailingZeros">The current block trailing zeros.</param>
        /// <param name="priorValidValues">The prior valid values.</param>
        private static void DeserializeForOneTimestampV2AndAbove(byte version, BitBinaryReader reader, TimeSeriesDefinition <MetricIdentifier> definition, List <List <double?> > values, int dataPointIndex, sbyte[] currentBlockLeadingZeros, sbyte[] currentBlockTrailingZeros, double[] priorValidValues)
            var numSamplingTypes = values.Count;

            for (var s = 0; s < numSamplingTypes; s++)
                if (dataPointIndex == 0)
                    // very first value of the series
                    priorValidValues[s] = reader.BinaryReader.ReadDouble();
                    var firstBit = reader.ReadBit();
                    if (!firstBit)
                        // first bit is 0
                        var secondBit = reader.ReadBit();

                        long meaningfulBits;
                        if (!secondBit)
                            // 2nd bit is 0 while the first is 1.
                            if (currentBlockLeadingZeros[s] < 0)
                                throw new Exception("The block has not been set so it is a bug in serialization on server");

                            var numBitsToRead = BitAggregateMagic.NumBitsInLongInteger - currentBlockLeadingZeros[s] - currentBlockTrailingZeros[s];

                            meaningfulBits = reader.ReadBits(numBitsToRead);
                            // a new block position was started since the number starts with "11".
                            currentBlockLeadingZeros[s] = (sbyte)reader.ReadBits(GetNumBitsToEncodeNumLeadingZeros(version));
                            var numBitsToRead = (sbyte)reader.ReadBits(NumBitsToEncodeNumMeaningfulBits);
                            if (numBitsToRead == 0)
                                // The block size is 64 bits which becomes 0 in writing into 6 bits - overflow.
                                // If the block size were indeed 0 bits, the xor value would be 0, and the actual value would be identical to the prior value,
                                // so we would not have reached here since firstBit would be 0.
                                numBitsToRead = (sbyte)BitAggregateMagic.NumBitsInLongInteger;

                            currentBlockTrailingZeros[s] = (sbyte)(BitAggregateMagic.NumBitsInLongInteger - currentBlockLeadingZeros[s] - numBitsToRead);

                            meaningfulBits = reader.ReadBits(numBitsToRead);

                        long xor = meaningfulBits << currentBlockTrailingZeros[s];
                        priorValidValues[s] = BitConverter.Int64BitsToDouble(xor ^ BitConverter.DoubleToInt64Bits(priorValidValues[s]));
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserializes one series.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="version">The serialization version.</param>
        /// <param name="reader">The reader.</param>
        /// <param name="definition">The definition.</param>
        /// <param name="numSamplingTypesRequested">The number of sampling types.</param>
        /// <returns>An <see cref="DeserializedRawData"/> object.</returns>
        private static DeserializedRawData DeserializeOneSeries(byte version, BinaryReader reader, TimeSeriesDefinition <MetricIdentifier> definition, int numSamplingTypesRequested)
            // Read the number of data points.
            var totalNumberOfDatapoints = SerializationUtils.ReadInt32FromBase128(reader);

            if (totalNumberOfDatapoints < 0)
                // Failed to query the series. We reuse the same byte(s) for totalNumberOfDatapoints for error codes.
                return(new DeserializedRawData(0, 0, null, (TimeSeriesErrorCode)totalNumberOfDatapoints));

            // Read the number of missing data points or those with null values so that we can get the total size of data points next.
            // in V2 and beyond, totalNumberMissingDatapoints is always to set to 0 since each missing data point in a very sparse series just uses a single bit for padding,
            // and scaling will be done on the server side.
            uint totalNumberMissingDatapoints = 0;
            uint scalingFactor = 1;

            if (version == 1)
                totalNumberMissingDatapoints = SerializationUtils.ReadUInt32FromBase128(reader);

                // We want to apply the scaling factor on the client so that server can return metric values of type long with variable length encoding.
                scalingFactor = SerializationUtils.ReadUInt32FromBase128(reader);

            var numberDatapointsToDeserialize = totalNumberOfDatapoints - (int)totalNumberMissingDatapoints;

            var numSamplingTypes = definition?.SamplingTypes.Length ?? numSamplingTypesRequested;

            var values = new List <List <double?> >(numSamplingTypes);

            for (int index = 0; index < numSamplingTypes; index++)
                values.Add(new List <double?>(totalNumberOfDatapoints));

            // We use deltas/differences as compared with the prior data point.
            // Although deltas/differences don't help values of type double, it will when we encode double type in the future.
            var priorValidValues = new double[numSamplingTypes];
            var sampleTyesWithMetricValueTypeLong = new bool[numSamplingTypes];

            // Used for implementing the Gorilla algorithm
            sbyte[] currentBlockLeadingZeros  = new sbyte[numSamplingTypes];
            sbyte[] currentBlockTrailingZeros = new sbyte[numSamplingTypes];

            for (int index = 0; index < numSamplingTypes; index++)
                priorValidValues[index]          = 0;
                currentBlockLeadingZeros[index]  = -1;
                currentBlockTrailingZeros[index] = -1;

                if (definition == null || IsMetricValueTypeLong(definition.SamplingTypes[index], definition.SeriesResolutionInMinutes, definition.AggregationType))
                    sampleTyesWithMetricValueTypeLong[index] = true;

            var sparseData = totalNumberMissingDatapoints > 0;
            var bitReader  = new BitBinaryReader(reader);

            for (int d = 0; d < numberDatapointsToDeserialize; ++d)
                if (version == 1)
                    DeserializeForOneTimestampV1(reader, definition, sparseData, values, sampleTyesWithMetricValueTypeLong, priorValidValues, scalingFactor);
                    DeserializeForOneTimestampV2AndAbove(version, bitReader, definition, values, d, currentBlockLeadingZeros, currentBlockTrailingZeros, priorValidValues);

            // Fill the remaining missing data points at the tail of the series.
            if (sparseData)
                if (values[0].Count < totalNumberOfDatapoints)
                    var numNullsToFill = totalNumberOfDatapoints - values[0].Count;
                    FillNulls((uint)numNullsToFill, values);

            // Start time can be adjusted for distinct count metric or when rollup serivce is enabled.
            var deltaOfStartTimeInMinutes = SerializationUtils.ReadInt32FromBase128(reader);

            // resolution window can be adjusted for distinct count metric or when rollup serivce is enabled.
            var deltaOfResolutionWindowInMinutes = SerializationUtils.ReadInt32FromBase128(reader);

            return(new DeserializedRawData(deltaOfStartTimeInMinutes, deltaOfResolutionWindowInMinutes, values, TimeSeriesErrorCode.Success));
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserializes for one timestamp - v1.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader">The reader.</param>
        /// <param name="definition">The definition.</param>
        /// <param name="sparseData">if set to <c>true</c> [sparse data].</param>
        /// <param name="values">The metric values.</param>
        /// <param name="sampleTyesWithMetricValueTypeLong">The sample tyes with metric value type long.</param>
        /// <param name="priorValidValues">The prior valid values.</param>
        /// <param name="scalingFactor">The scaling factor.</param>
        private static void DeserializeForOneTimestampV1(
            BinaryReader reader,
            TimeSeriesDefinition <MetricIdentifier> definition,
            bool sparseData,
            List <List <double?> > values,
            bool[] sampleTyesWithMetricValueTypeLong,
            double[] priorValidValues,
            uint scalingFactor)
            // For sparse data, although we don't serialize null values but we do serialize the number of null values between two serialized data points
            // so that we can restore those null values on the client side.
            if (sparseData)
                var numMissingDatapointsSinceLastOne = SerializationUtils.ReadUInt32FromBase128(reader);

                FillNulls(numMissingDatapointsSinceLastOne, values);

            for (int samplingTypeIndex = 0; samplingTypeIndex < values.Count; samplingTypeIndex++)
                if (sampleTyesWithMetricValueTypeLong[samplingTypeIndex])
                    // variable length encoding with differences.
                    var delta = SerializationUtils.ReadInt64FromBase128(reader);
                    if (delta == long.MaxValue)
                        // Padding
                        // We request unscaled values from server and apply the scaling factor on the client.
                        var unScaledValue = delta + priorValidValues[samplingTypeIndex];

                        if (IsCountSamplingType(definition, samplingTypeIndex))
                            values[samplingTypeIndex].Add(unScaledValue / scalingFactor);

                        priorValidValues[samplingTypeIndex] = unScaledValue;
                    // We don't encode double in v1, so even a delta is still 8 bytes.
                    var delta = reader.ReadDouble();
                    if (double.IsNaN(delta))
                        // Padding
                        var unScaledValue = delta + priorValidValues[samplingTypeIndex];

                        if (IsCountSamplingType(definition, samplingTypeIndex))
                            values[samplingTypeIndex].Add(delta + priorValidValues[samplingTypeIndex]);
                            values[samplingTypeIndex].Add((delta + priorValidValues[samplingTypeIndex]) / scalingFactor);

                        priorValidValues[samplingTypeIndex] = unScaledValue;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TimeSeries{ID, TValue}" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="startTimeUtc">The start time in UTC.</param>
 /// <param name="endTimeUtc">The end time in UTC.</param>
 /// <param name="seriesResolutionInMinutes">The series resolution in minutes.</param>
 /// <param name="definition">The time series definition.</param>
 /// <param name="values">The time series values.</param>
 /// <param name="errorCode">The error code.</param>
 internal TimeSeries(DateTime startTimeUtc, DateTime endTimeUtc, int seriesResolutionInMinutes, TimeSeriesDefinition <TId> definition, List <List <TValue> > values, TimeSeriesErrorCode errorCode)
     this.Definition   = definition;
     this.StartTimeUtc = startTimeUtc;
     this.EndTimeUtc   = endTimeUtc;
     this.SeriesResolutionInMinutes = seriesResolutionInMinutes;
     this.Values    = values;
     this.ErrorCode = errorCode;