Beispiel #1
        public static bool CopyandInitStockCalculator(Calculator1 calc, ME2Stock newStock)
            bool bHasCopy = false;

            if (calc != null)
                if (calc.GetType().Equals(newStock.GetType()))
                    ME2Stock oldStock = (ME2Stock)calc;
                    if (oldStock != null)
                        //initiate analyzer objects
                        //but keep calc props
                        if (oldStock.CalcParameters != null)
                            newStock.CalcParameters = new CalculatorParameters(oldStock.CalcParameters);
                        bHasCopy = true;
Beispiel #2
        public ME2Stock SetME2Properties(CostBenefitCalculator baseElement,
                                         XElement currentCalculationsElement, XElement currentElement)
            ME2Stock me2 = new ME2Stock(this.GCCalculatorParams, this.GCCalculatorParams.AnalyzerParms.AnalyzerType);
            //204 not used
            //if (this.ME2DescendentStock != null)
            //    //only property set by analyzer
            //    me2.TotalME2Stage = this.ME2DescendentStock.TotalME2Stage;
            ME2Calculator me2Calc = new ME2Calculator(this.GCCalculatorParams);

            me2.CalcParameters.CurrentElementNodeName = currentElement.Name.LocalName;
            bool bHasCalcs = false;

            if (currentCalculationsElement != null)
                //have to make sure its not a stockanalyzer
                string sCalculatorType = CalculatorHelpers.GetAttribute(
                    currentCalculationsElement, Calculator1.cCalculatorType);
                if (sCalculatorType == ME2CalculatorHelper.CALCULATOR_TYPES.me2.ToString())
                    //deserialize xml to object
                    me2Calc.SetME2Properties(currentCalculationsElement, currentElement);
                    //only need alttype and targettype (alts are groupedby using base elements)
                    baseElement.AlternativeType = me2Calc.AlternativeType;
                    baseElement.TargetType      = me2Calc.TargetType;
                    bHasCalcs = true;
            if (!bHasCalcs)
                //see if a sibling holds the calculations (currentCalcs could be the analyzer)
                XElement lv = CalculatorHelpers.GetChildLinkedViewUsingAttribute(currentElement,
                                                                                 Calculator1.cCalculatorType, ME2CalculatorHelper.CALCULATOR_TYPES.me2.ToString());
                if (lv != null)
                    //deserialize xml to object
                    me2Calc.SetME2Properties(lv, currentElement);
                    //only need alttype and targettype (alts are groupedby using base elements)
                    baseElement.AlternativeType = me2Calc.AlternativeType;
                    baseElement.TargetType      = me2Calc.TargetType;
                    bHasCalcs = true;
            if (!bHasCalcs)
                //else don't need the ids from calculator
            //all calcs and analyses are stored in the appropriate analysis object (i.e. me2.Total, me2.Stat)
            //copy the initial calculator to the appropriate analysis object.ME2Indicators collection
            me2.AnalyzerType = this.GCCalculatorParams.AnalyzerParms.AnalyzerType;
            //label and date comes from baseelement
            me2.Label = baseElement.Label;
            me2.Date  = baseElement.Date;
            //kiss with the multipliers
            me2.Multiplier   = baseElement.Multiplier;
            me2.CalculatorId = me2Calc.Id;
            //adjust id if children analyzers are being inserted/updated
            ChangeCalculatorIdForUpdatedChildren(currentElement, ref currentCalculationsElement, me2);