Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// It Updates specified Theme with new Indicator, Units, Subgroups. ThemeType will be same for new Theme.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="OldTheme">Old theme to update.</param>
        /// <param name="newIndicatorNid">new Indicator NID for new Theme</param>
        /// <param name="newUnitNid">new UNit NID for new Theme</param>
        /// <param name="subgroupValNid">new Subgroup NID for new Theme</param>
        /// <returns>true, if updated success.</returns>
        public bool UpdateTheme(Theme OldTheme, string newIndicatorNid, string newUnitNid, string newSubgroupValNid)
            bool RetVal = false;
            Theme NewTheme = null;
            Theme OldThemeClone = null;

                if ((OldTheme != null) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(newIndicatorNid) == false && string.IsNullOrEmpty(newUnitNid) == false
                    && string.IsNullOrEmpty(newSubgroupValNid) == false)
                    OldTheme.ID = "TempThemeID";

                    OldThemeClone = (Theme)(OldTheme.Clone());

                    //'- Adding new Theme.
                    NewTheme = this.CreateTheme(newIndicatorNid, newUnitNid, newSubgroupValNid, OldTheme.Type);

                    if ((NewTheme == null) == false)
                        //-- Update new Theme's properties with Old theme.
                        //-- Passing false because Legend's ranges and decimals will be re constructed from new dataValues fo new IUS
                        this.UpdateThemeProperties(OldThemeClone, NewTheme, false, false);

                        //-- Remove old theme from Collection.

                    //-- update Map Title and Subtitle

                    RetVal = true;

            catch (Exception)

            return RetVal;
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// It initializes Map by adding layers in it and creating Theme on the basis of current userSelections & PresentationDataView.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="preserveLegendsRanges">true, if Map's existing Legend's settings are required to preserve in new Legends when Map will initialize again.</param>
        public void Initialize(string p_ImageFolder, string spatialMapFolder, string CFLFolder, bool preserveLegendsRanges)
            this.m_ImagePath = p_ImageFolder.Replace("\\", @"\");
            this.m_SpatialMapFolder = spatialMapFolder;
            this.m_CFLPath = CFLFolder;
            string ExistingPolygonLayers = string.Empty;
            DataView dvAreaMapLayerInfo;

            DateTime dtStartDate;
            DateTime dtEndDate;
            DateTime dtTempStartDate = DateTime.Parse(DEFAULT_START_DATE).Date;
            DateTime dtTempEndDate = DateTime.Parse(DEFAULT_START_DATE).Date;
            CultureInfo ociEnUS = new CultureInfo("en-US", false);
            this.sbLayerNIDs = new StringBuilder();
            this.sbLayerNames = new StringBuilder();

            //-- Get the date range for which shapefiles are to be considered
            //-- handle different Reginal Settings - Thai, Arabic etc
            dtStartDate = DateTime.Parse(DEFAULT_START_DATE, ociEnUS).Date;
            dtEndDate = DateTime.Parse(DEFAULT_END_DATE, ociEnUS).Date;

            //-- CHECK if PresentationData has any record in it.
            //-- If NO Record found, then clear Themes and Layers.
            if (this.PresentationData != null && this.PresentationData.Count > 0)
                string sSql = string.Empty;
                if (this.UserPreference.UserSelection.TimePeriodNIds.Length > 0)
                    // Get TimePeriod from Userselection.
                    sSql = DIQueries.Timeperiod.GetTimePeriod(FilterFieldType.NId, this.UserPreference.UserSelection.TimePeriodNIds);
                    // Get TimePeriod from PresentationData.
                    DataView dvTimeperiods = this.GetTimePeriods();
                    string TimeNids = string.Empty;
                    for (int k = 0; k < dvTimeperiods.Count; k++)
                        if (TimeNids.Length > 0)
                            TimeNids += ",";
                        TimeNids += dvTimeperiods[k][Timeperiods.TimePeriodNId].ToString();
                    sSql = DIQueries.Timeperiod.GetTimePeriod(FilterFieldType.NId, TimeNids);

                //string sSql = DIQueries.Timeperiod.GetTimePeriod(FilterFieldType.NId, "");
                System.Data.IDataReader dr = DIConnection.ExecuteReader(sSql);

                int i = 0;
                while (dr.Read())
                    dtStartDate = DateTime.Parse(DEFAULT_START_DATE, ociEnUS).Date;
                    dtEndDate = DateTime.Parse(DEFAULT_END_DATE, ociEnUS).Date;

                    TimePeriodFacade.SetStartDateEndDate(dr[Timeperiods.TimePeriod].ToString(), ref dtTempStartDate, ref dtTempEndDate);

                    if (i == 0) //For first time set dtStartDate dtEndDate
                        dtStartDate = dtTempStartDate;
                        dtEndDate = dtTempEndDate;
                        if (System.DateTime.Compare(dtTempStartDate, dtStartDate) < 0)
                            dtStartDate = dtTempStartDate;

                        if (System.DateTime.Compare(dtTempEndDate, dtEndDate) > 0)
                            dtEndDate = dtTempEndDate;

                //*** Add Layer to Layers collection
                //-- get Areas present in DataView.
                string sAreaNIds = GetAreaNIds();

                //-- Get & Merge Areas from DrillDown Collection.
                if (this._DrillDownAreaNIds.Count > 0)
                    sAreaNIds += "," + string.Join(",", this._DrillDownAreaNIds.ToArray());

                List<string> AreaNIds = new List<string>(sAreaNIds.Split(','));

                /// Very Important: If total Area selected is more than 1000 then the
                /// "Query for All Areas and Area Map relation with complete info of Area Map Layer without SHP, SHX and DBF"
                /// takes a lot of time to execute.
                /// This also effects the loop below
                /// Query for All Areas and Area Map relation with complete info of Area Map Layer without SHP, SHX and DBF
                if (AreaNIds.Count > 1000)
                    /// TODO: Database based: One Time Process - Could be moved to some better location
                    sSql = this.DIQueries.Area.GetAreaMapLayer(DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibDAL.Queries.Area.Select.MapFilterFieldType.AreaNId, "", FieldSelection.Light);
                    sSql = this.DIQueries.Area.GetAreaMapLayer(DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibDAL.Queries.Area.Select.MapFilterFieldType.AreaNId, sAreaNIds, FieldSelection.Light);
                dvAreaMapLayerInfo = this.DIConnection.ExecuteDataTable(sSql).DefaultView;

                // Filter on Selected Area NIDs
                //dvAreaMapLayerInfo.RowFilter = Area.AreaNId + " in(" + sAreaNIds + ")";
                //StringBuilder sbSortedAreaNIDs = new StringBuilder();
                //sAreaNIds = "," + sAreaNIds + ",";
                //AreaNIds = DIConnection.GetDelimitedValuesFromDataTable(dvAreaMapLayerInfo.Table, Area.AreaNId).Split(',');

                // Query: Get all Shapes from the database (Layer_NId, SHP, SHX and DBF)
                // Prepare a DataView for that - LayerDataView
                // TODO: Database based: One Time Process - Could be moved to some better location
                //--sSql = this.DIQueries.Area.GetAreaMapLayerByNid("", FieldSelection.Light);
                //--DataTable dtLayerDataTable = this.DIConnection.ExecuteDataTable(sSql);

                //-- Get all Polygon layers (if existed in previous Layers Collection).
                //-- Important DO NOT Delete custom & Feature Layers as not required to be deleted in case of Gallery refresh.
                for (int p = 0; p < this.Layers.Count; p++)
                    if (this.Layers[p].LayerType == ShapeType.Polygon)
                        ExistingPolygonLayers += this.Layers[p].ID + "^";

                //-- remove polygon layers which are NOT present in new Layer DataView
                foreach (string lyrId in ExistingPolygonLayers.Split('^'))
                    if (this.m_Layers.LayerIndex(lyrId.Trim()) >= 0)
                        // If DataView has a row for perticular LayerName, then delete it from Layers Collection
                        if (dvAreaMapLayerInfo.Table.Select(Area_Map_Metadata.LayerName + " ='" + DICommon.RemoveQuotes(lyrId.Trim()) + "'").Length == 0)

                dvAreaMapLayerInfo.Sort = Area.AreaID + "," + Area_Map_Layer.EndDate;

                //get distinct layers by max end date
                dvAreaMapLayerInfo = this.GetDistinctLayersByMaxEndDate(dvAreaMapLayerInfo.Table).DefaultView;

                // Loop through the SELECTED Areas OR ALL AREAS of the database depending on the number of Areas selected. See above for more details
                //TODO preserve order of adding feature layer while adding to layer collection
                //foreach (string AreaNId in AreaNIds)

                //// Make _drv for selected AreaNId
                //DataRow[] AreaMapRows = dvAreaMapLayerInfo.Table.Select(Area.AreaNId + " = " + AreaNId);

                //-- Loop each layer associated with this AreaNid, & add that layer in collection
                //foreach (DataRow drAreaMap in AreaMapRows)
                foreach (DataRow drAreaMap in dvAreaMapLayerInfo.Table.Rows)

                        if (AreaNIds.Contains(drAreaMap[Area.AreaNId].ToString()))
                            //Extarct Shape File from database
                            // Get DataRow from the LayerDataView on the basis of the Layer NID available in the Loop
                            //DataRow drLayer = dtLayerDataTable.Select(Area_Map_Layer.LayerNId + " = " + drAreaMap[Area_Map_Layer.LayerNId])[0];

                            string sShapeFileNamewoExtension = Path.Combine(spatialMapFolder, drAreaMap[Area_Map_Metadata.LayerName].ToString());
                            DateTime dUpdateTimeStamp = (DateTime)drAreaMap[Area_Map_Layer.UpdateTimestamp];

                            //*** Extract Files from database only if they doesn't exist in SpatialMap Folder or database contains a newer version of shape file
                            if (!(File.Exists(sShapeFileNamewoExtension + ".shp") == true & System.DateTime.Compare(dUpdateTimeStamp, File.GetCreationTime(sShapeFileNamewoExtension + ".shp")) <= 0))
                                Map.ExtractShapeFileByLayerId(drAreaMap[Area_Map_Layer.LayerNId].ToString(), this.SpatialMapFolder, this.DIConnection, this.DIQueries);

                            //Checking if same Layer ID already exists in Layers Collection, if yes then skip..
                            if (Layers[drAreaMap[Area_Map_Metadata.LayerName].ToString()] == null)  //"Layer_Name"

                                #region "Old"

                                ////*** BugFix 01 Feb 2006 Problem with different Reginal Settings - Thai, Arabic etc
                                //dtTempStartDate = (System.DateTime)(Information.IsDBNull(drAreaMap[Area_Map_Layer.StartDate]) ? DateTime.Parse(DEFAULT_START_DATE, ociEnUS) : DateTime.Parse(((System.DateTime)drAreaMap[Area_Map_Layer.StartDate]).Month + "/" + ((System.DateTime)drAreaMap[Area_Map_Layer.StartDate]).Day + "/" + ((System.DateTime)drAreaMap[Area_Map_Layer.StartDate]).Year, ociEnUS));
                                //dtTempEndDate = (System.DateTime)(Information.IsDBNull(drAreaMap[Area_Map_Layer.EndDate]) ? DateTime.Parse(DEFAULT_END_DATE, ociEnUS) : DateTime.Parse(((System.DateTime)drAreaMap[Area_Map_Layer.EndDate]).Month + "/" + ((System.DateTime)drAreaMap[Area_Map_Layer.EndDate]).Day + "/" + ((System.DateTime)drAreaMap[Area_Map_Layer.EndDate]).Year, ociEnUS));

                                ////Get only those map files whose start date and end date are between Selected TimePeriods / Presentation data time periods
                                //if (System.DateTime.Compare(dtTempEndDate, dtStartDate) < 0 | System.DateTime.Compare(dtTempStartDate, dtEndDate) > 0)
                                //    //--- Do nothing
                                //    Console.Write("");




                                ////Add Layer to Layers collection
                                Layer _Layer = m_Layers.AddSpatialLayer(spatialMapFolder, drAreaMap[Area_Map_Metadata.LayerName].ToString());

                                if ((_Layer != null)) //if error while adding layer
                                    // Store the Layer NIDs in the StringBuilder
                                    this.sbLayerNIDs.Append("," + drAreaMap[Area_Map_Layer.LayerNId]);
                                    this.sbLayerNames.Append("," + drAreaMap[Area_Map_Metadata.LayerName]);

                                    //////Set AreaNames for Layer
                                    ////sSql = this.DIQueries.Area.GetAreaByLayer(drAreaMap[Area_Map_Layer.LayerNId].ToString());
                                    //////foreach (DataRowView _DRVL in m_QueryBase.Map_GetLayerNames(drAreaMap[Area_Map_Layer.LayerNId].ToString()))
                                    ////foreach (DataRowView _DRVL in this.DIConnection.ExecuteDataTable(sSql).DefaultView)
                                    ////    _Layer.AreaNames.Add(_DRVL["Area_ID"].ToString(), _DRVL["Area_Name"].ToString());

                                    //Set Layer properties
                                    _Layer.LayerName = drAreaMap[Area_Map_Metadata.LayerName].ToString();
                                    _Layer.Area_Level = int.Parse(drAreaMap[Area.AreaLevel].ToString());
                                    _Layer.LayerType = (ShapeType)(int)drAreaMap[Area_Map_Layer.LayerType];
                                    _Layer.StartDate = dtTempStartDate;
                                    _Layer.EndDate = dtTempEndDate;

                                    //Set property that point layer exists
                                    if (_Layer.LayerType == ShapeType.Point)
                                        this.m_PointShapeIncluded = true;

                                    //Set visibility off for feature layers by default
                                    switch (_Layer.LayerType)
                                        case ShapeType.PointFeature:
                                        case ShapeType.PolygonFeature:
                                        case ShapeType.PolyLineFeature:
                                            _Layer.Visible = false;

                    catch (Exception ex)


                // Get Area Names for all the Layer NIDs used - Background Process
                //FillAreaWorker = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.FillAreaWorker_DoWork));
                //-- Threading approch discared as it results into reader alreday open error sometimes


                //Set Full Extent by default

                //Create default theme implicitly for first time
                //In case of map loading from report need not to create this default theme
                if (this.m_Themes.Count == 0)
                    this.CreateTheme("-1", "-1", "-1", ThemeType.Color);   // for default Theme, use "-1" as NIDs
                    // If Themes are already present then preserve IUS and ThemeType , and re-create Theme again.
                    // New Theme is re-created on the basis of new PresentationData , new userSelection, and new Layers added..
                    // So Old Theme's settings must be restored in New Theme.
                    Theme TempTheme = new Theme();
                    Theme NewTheme = null;
                    string[] ThemeIdSettings;
                    string ThemeId;
                    string[] I_U_S_NIds = null;     //-- NIds of I, U, S used in  Theme

                    for (int c = 0; c < this.Themes.Count; c++)

                        //_Theme.ID = p_IndicatorNId + "_" + p_UnitNId + "_" + p_SubgroupValNId + "_" + (int)p_ThemeType;

                        TempTheme = this.Themes[c];
                        ThemeId = TempTheme.ID;
                        TempTheme.ID = "TempThemeID";   // ID changed temperarily.
                        TempTheme = (Theme)(TempTheme.Clone());

                        int TempThemeIndex = this.Themes.ItemIndex(ThemeId);

                        ThemeIdSettings = ThemeId.Split('_');

                        //-- Get Nids of Indicator, Unit, Subgroupval used in Theme. on the basis of their GIDs
                        I_U_S_NIds = this.GetI_U_S_NidsByGIDs(this._DIDataView.MainDataTable.DefaultView, TempTheme.I_U_S_GIDs[0], TempTheme.I_U_S_GIDs[1], TempTheme.I_U_S_GIDs[2]);

                        //--Create Theme again and add it in same i th position in collection.
                            // Check whather there is only one IUS in userSelection
                            // if one, then IUS must have been changed outside(in Dynamic reports). so, createTheme for default.
                            // if more than one, then createTheme for previus IUS
                            if (this.UserPreference.UserSelection.ShowIUS)
                                if (this.UserPreference.UserSelection.IndicatorNIds.Split(',').Length == 1)
                                    //if Single IUS, then create Default theme.
                                    if (TempTheme.Type == ThemeType.Chart)
                                        NewTheme = this.CreateTheme("-1", "-1", "-1", (ThemeType)int.Parse(ThemeIdSettings[3]), TempTheme.ChartType, TempTheme.ChartSeriestype, c);
                                        NewTheme = this.CreateTheme("-1", "-1", "-1", (ThemeType)int.Parse(ThemeIdSettings[3]), c);
                                    // Multiple IUS indicates that IUS are same as previous
                                    // so, UpdateTheme for same IUS
                                    if (TempTheme.Type == ThemeType.Chart)
                                        NewTheme = this.CreateTheme(I_U_S_NIds[0], I_U_S_NIds[1], I_U_S_NIds[2], (ThemeType)int.Parse(ThemeIdSettings[3]), TempTheme.ChartType, TempTheme.ChartSeriestype, c);
                                        NewTheme = this.CreateTheme(I_U_S_NIds[0], I_U_S_NIds[1], I_U_S_NIds[2], (ThemeType)int.Parse(ThemeIdSettings[3]), c);

                                    //-- Set Theme Name same as Previous
                                    NewTheme.Name = TempTheme.Name;
                                if (this.UserPreference.UserSelection.IndicatorNIds.Split(',').Length == 1 && this.UserPreference.UserSelection.UnitNIds.Split(',').Length == 1 && this.UserPreference.UserSelection.SubgroupValNIds.Split(',').Length == 1)
                                    //if Single IUS, then create Default theme.
                                    NewTheme = this.CreateTheme("-1", "-1", "-1", (ThemeType)int.Parse(ThemeIdSettings[3]), c);
                                    // Multiple IUS indicates that IUS is same as previous IUS in current Theme
                                    // so, UpdateTheme for prevoius IUS
                                    NewTheme = this.CreateTheme(I_U_S_NIds[0], I_U_S_NIds[1], I_U_S_NIds[2], (ThemeType)int.Parse(ThemeIdSettings[3]), c);

                                    //-- Set Theme Name same as Previous
                                    NewTheme.Name = TempTheme.Name;
                            // Update new Theme with Old Theme's properties
                            this.UpdateThemeProperties(TempTheme, NewTheme, preserveLegendsRanges, true);

                            // remove old Theme

                        catch (Exception ex)
                            //If theme already exists exception will be thrown ApplicationException("3")
                            //If ThemeData.Count == 0 exception will be thrown ApplicationException("5")
                            // Exception to be handled in Desktop web and reporting panel which call Initialize method
                            throw ex;
                    int RecordCount = m_Layers.RecordCounts(m_SpatialMapFolder);

                    //-- Set visibility of color theme which was earlier set true when Map Serialized.

                    //- Clear inset images of previous Themes (if any)
                        foreach (Inset inset in this.m_Insets)
                            if (inset.InsetImage != null)
                                inset.InsetImage = null;

            else   // If No Record Found in Presentation Data, then Clear Themes & Layers collection.