Beispiel #1
        public LabelEffectSetting Clone()
            LabelEffectSetting RetVal = new LabelEffectSetting();

            RetVal = new LabelEffectSetting();

            RetVal._Depth = this._Depth;
            RetVal._effect = this._effect;
            RetVal._effectColor = this._effectColor;

            return RetVal;
Beispiel #2
        public void DrawLabelWithEffects(LabelEffectSetting effectSettings, Graphics g, string labelText, SolidBrush orginalBrush, Font FontLabel, PointF xyCoordinates, StringFormat _StringFormat, LabelCase labelCase, int labelCharacterSpaceInPixels)
            SolidBrush brush = null;
            LinearGradientBrush LinearGBrush = null;

            if (effectSettings != null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(labelText) == false)
                brush = new SolidBrush(effectSettings.EffectColor);

                switch (effectSettings.Effect)
                    case LabelEffect.Shadow:
                        //g.DrawString(labelText, FontLabel, brush, xyCoordinates.X + effectSettings.Depth, xyCoordinates.Y + effectSettings.Depth, _StringFormat);
                        //g.DrawString(labelText, FontLabel, orginalBrush, xyCoordinates, _StringFormat);

                        this.DrawString(g, labelText, FontLabel, brush, new PointF(xyCoordinates.X + effectSettings.Depth, xyCoordinates.Y + effectSettings.Depth), _StringFormat, labelCase, labelCharacterSpaceInPixels);
                        this.DrawString(g, labelText, FontLabel, orginalBrush, xyCoordinates, _StringFormat, labelCase, labelCharacterSpaceInPixels);

                    case LabelEffect.Embossed:
                        //g.DrawString(labelText, FontLabel, brush, xyCoordinates.X + effectSettings.Depth, xyCoordinates.Y + effectSettings.Depth, _StringFormat);
                        //g.DrawString(labelText, FontLabel, orginalBrush, xyCoordinates, _StringFormat);

                        this.DrawString(g, labelText, FontLabel, brush, new PointF(xyCoordinates.X + effectSettings.Depth, xyCoordinates.Y + effectSettings.Depth), _StringFormat, labelCase, labelCharacterSpaceInPixels);
                        this.DrawString(g, labelText, FontLabel, orginalBrush, xyCoordinates, _StringFormat, labelCase, labelCharacterSpaceInPixels);

                    case LabelEffect.Block:
                        for (int i = effectSettings.Depth; i >= 0; i--)
                            //g.DrawString(labelText, FontLabel, brush, xyCoordinates.X - i, xyCoordinates.Y + i, _StringFormat);
                            this.DrawString(g, labelText, FontLabel, brush, new PointF(xyCoordinates.X - i, xyCoordinates.Y + i), _StringFormat, labelCase, labelCharacterSpaceInPixels);

                        //g.DrawString(labelText, FontLabel, orginalBrush, xyCoordinates, _StringFormat);
                        this.DrawString(g, labelText, FontLabel, orginalBrush, xyCoordinates, _StringFormat, labelCase, labelCharacterSpaceInPixels);

                    case LabelEffect.Gradient:

                        //Find the Size required to draw the Sample Text.
                        SizeF textSize = g.MeasureString(labelText, FontLabel);

                        //Create a Diagonal Gradient LinearGradientBrush.
                        RectangleF gradientRectangle = new RectangleF(new PointF(0, 0), textSize);
                        LinearGBrush = new LinearGradientBrush(gradientRectangle, effectSettings.EffectColor, orginalBrush.Color, LinearGradientMode.ForwardDiagonal);

                        //g.DrawString(labelText, FontLabel, LinearGBrush, xyCoordinates, _StringFormat);
                        this.DrawString(g, labelText, FontLabel, LinearGBrush, xyCoordinates, _StringFormat, labelCase, labelCharacterSpaceInPixels);

                    case LabelEffect.Reflect:
                        //Find the Size required to draw the Sample Text.
                        textSize = g.MeasureString(labelText, FontLabel);

                        // Because we will be scaling, and scaling effects the ENTIRE
                        //   graphics object, not just the text, we need to reposition
                        //   the Origin of the Graphics object (0,0) to the (xLocation,
                        //   yLocation) point. If we don't, when we attempt to flip
                        //   the text with a scaling transform, it will merely draw the
                        //   reflected text at (xLocation, -yLocation) which is outside
                        //   the viewable area.
                        g.TranslateTransform(xyCoordinates.X, xyCoordinates.Y);

                        // Reflecting around the Origin still poses problems. The
                        //   origin represents the upper left corner of the rectangle.
                        //   This means the reflection will occur at the TOP of the
                        //   original drawing. This is not how people are used to
                        //   seing reflected text. Thus, we need to determine where to
                        //   draw the text. This can be done only when we have calculated
                        //   the height required by the Drawing.
                        // This is not as simple as it may seem. The Height returned
                        //   from the MeasureString method includes some extra spacing
                        //   for descenders and whitespace. We want ONLY the height from
                        //   the BASELINE (which is the line which all caps sit). Any
                        //   characters with descenders drop below the baseline. To
                        //   calculate the height above the baseline, use the
                        //   GetCellAscent method. Since GetCellAscent returns a Design
                        //   Metric value it must be converted to pixels, and scaled for
                        //   the font size.
                        // Note: this looks best with characters that can be reflected
                        //   over the baseline nicely -- like caps. Characters with descenders
                        //   look odd. To fix that uncomment the two lines below, which
                        //   then reflect across the lowest descender height.

                        int lineAscent = 0;
                        int lineSpacing = 0;
                        float lineHeight = 0;
                        float textHeight = 0;

                        lineAscent = FontLabel.FontFamily.GetCellAscent(FontLabel.Style);
                        lineSpacing = FontLabel.FontFamily.GetLineSpacing(FontLabel.Style);
                        lineHeight = FontLabel.GetHeight(g);
                        textHeight = lineHeight * lineAscent / lineSpacing;

                        //' Uncomment these lines to reflect over lowest portion
                        //'   of the characters.
                        //Dim lineDescent As Integer ' used for reflecting descending characters
                        //lineDescent = myFont.FontFamily.GetCellDescent(myFont.Style)
                        //textHeight = lineHeight * (lineAscent + lineDescent) / lineSpacing

                        // Draw the reflected one first. The only reason to draw the
                        //   Reflected one first is to demonstrate the use of the
                        //   GraphicsState object.
                        // A GraphicsState object maintains the state of the Graphics
                        //   object as it currently stands. You can then scale, resize and
                        //   otherwise transform the Graphics object. You can
                        //   immediately go back to a previous state using the Restore
                        //   method of the Graphics object.
                        // Had we drawn the main one first, we would not have needed the
                        //   Restore method or the GraphicsState object.

                        // First Save the graphics state
                        GraphicsState myState = g.Save();

                        // To draw the reflection, use the ScaleTransform with a negative
                        //   value. Using -1 will reflect the Text with no distortion.
                        // Remember to account for the fact that the origin has been reset.
                        g.ScaleTransform(1, -1f);

                        StringFormat sf = new StringFormat();
                        sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;

                        // Only reflecting in the Y direction
                        if (labelCharacterSpaceInPixels > 0)
                            this.DrawString(g, labelText, FontLabel, brush, new PointF(0, -(textHeight + 1 - 2 - textHeight / 2)), _StringFormat, labelCase, labelCharacterSpaceInPixels);
                            g.DrawString(labelText, FontLabel, brush, 0, -(textHeight + 1), sf);

                        // Reset the graphics state to before the transform

                        // Draw the main text
                        if (labelCharacterSpaceInPixels > 0)
                            this.DrawString(g, labelText, FontLabel, orginalBrush, new PointF(0, -(textHeight - 2 - textHeight / 2)), _StringFormat, labelCase, labelCharacterSpaceInPixels);
                            g.DrawString(labelText, FontLabel, orginalBrush, 0, -textHeight, sf);

                        g.TranslateTransform(-xyCoordinates.X, -xyCoordinates.Y);
