public void NewRecordExpectedAddANewRecordToRecordset()
     var rs = new Recordset { Name = "MyRec" };
     Assert.AreEqual(1, rs.Records.Count);
     Assert.AreEqual("MyRec(1)", rs.Records[0].Label);
 public void SetValueWithRecordNotExistiongExpectedAddANewRecordToRecordset()
     var rs = new Recordset { Name = "MyRec" };
     rs.Fields.Add(new RecordsetField { Name = "MyField", Alias = "MyField" });
     rs.SetValue(0, 0, "MyTestData");
     Assert.AreEqual("MyTestData", rs.Records[0][0].Value);
 public void ToStringExpectedReturnsJson()
     var rs = new Recordset { Name = "MyRec" };
     var jsonStr = rs.ToString();
     dynamic jsonObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonStr);
     Assert.AreEqual(rs.Name, jsonObj.Name.Value);
        public DbService(XElement xml)
            : base(xml)
            ResourceType = ResourceType.DbService;
            var action = xml.Descendants("Action").FirstOrDefault();
            if(action == null)

            Source = CreateSource<WebSource>(action);
            Method = CreateInputsMethod(action);

            var recordSets = CreateOutputsRecordsetList(action);
            Recordset = recordSets.FirstOrDefault() ?? new Recordset { Name = action.AttributeSafe("Name") };

                Recordset.Name = Method.Name;
        public void PluginServiceToXmlExpectedSerializesProperties()
            var expected = new PluginService
                Source = new PluginSource
                    ResourceID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    ResourceName = "TestWebSource",
                Namespace = "abc.pqr",

                    new MethodParameter
                        Name = "Param1",
                        DefaultValue = "123"
                    new MethodParameter
                        Name = "Param2",
                        DefaultValue = "456"

            var rs1 = new Recordset
                Name = "Recordset1()"
                new RecordsetField
                    Name = "Field1",
                    Alias = "Alias1"
                new RecordsetField
                    Name = "Field2",
                    Alias = "Alias2",
                    Path = new XmlPath("actual", "display", "outputExpression", "sampleData")
                new RecordsetField
                    Name = "Field3",
                    Alias = null

            var xml = expected.ToXml();

            var actual = new PluginService(xml);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Source.ResourceType, actual.Source.ResourceType);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Source.ResourceID, actual.Source.ResourceID);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Source.ResourceName, actual.Source.ResourceName);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.ResourceType, actual.ResourceType);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Namespace, actual.Namespace);

            foreach(var expectedParameter in expected.Method.Parameters)
                var actualParameter = actual.Method.Parameters.First(p => p.Name == expectedParameter.Name);
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedParameter.DefaultValue, actualParameter.DefaultValue);

            foreach(var expectedRecordset in expected.Recordsets)
                // expect actual to have removed recordset notation ()...
                var actualRecordset = actual.Recordsets.First(rs => rs.Name == expectedRecordset.Name.Replace("()", ""));
                foreach(var expectedField in expectedRecordset.Fields)
                    var actualField = actualRecordset.Fields.FirstOrDefault(f => expectedField.Name == null ? f.Name == "" : f.Name == expectedField.Name);
                    Assert.AreEqual(expectedField.Alias ?? "", actualField.Alias);
                    if(actualField.Path != null)
                        Assert.AreEqual(expectedField.Path.ActualPath, actualField.Path.ActualPath);
                        Assert.AreEqual(expectedField.Path.DisplayPath, actualField.Path.DisplayPath);
                        Assert.AreEqual(string.Format("[[{0}]]", expectedField.Alias), actualField.Path.OutputExpression);
                        Assert.AreEqual(expectedField.Path.SampleData, actualField.Path.SampleData);
 public void SetValueSecondMethodExpectedAddANewRecordToRecordset()
     var rs = new Recordset { Name = "MyRec" };
     var rsr = rs.NewRecord();
     rs.Fields.Add(new RecordsetField { Name = "MyField", Alias = "MyField" });
     rs.Fields.Add(new RecordsetField { Name = "MyField2", Alias = "MyField2" });
     rs.SetValue(ref rsr, 0, "MyTestData");
     Assert.AreEqual("MyTestData", rs.Records[0][0].Value);
     rs.SetValue(ref rsr, 1, "MyTestData1");
     rs.SetValue(ref rsr, 0, "MyTestData3");
     Assert.AreEqual("MyTestData1", rs.Records[0][1].Value);
     Assert.AreEqual("MyTestData3", rs.Records[0][0].Value);
 public void ConstructorWithNoParametersExpectedInitializesListProperties()
     var rs = new Recordset();
 public DbService()
     ResourceType = ResourceType.DbService;
     Source = new DbSource();
     Recordset = new Recordset();
        public static RecordsetList ToRecordsetList(this IOutputDescription outputDescription, RecordsetList currentList, string defaultFieldName)
            if (outputDescription?.DataSourceShapes == null || outputDescription.DataSourceShapes.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception(ErrorResource.ErrorRetrievingShapeFromServiceOutput);

            var result        = currentList ?? new RecordsetList();
            var currentFields = new List <RecordsetField>();

            #region Create a copy of the current list's fields so that we don't lose the user-defined aliases.

            foreach (var rs in result)


            var paths = outputDescription.DataSourceShapes[0].Paths;

            foreach (var path in paths)
                var names     = SplitRecordsetAndFieldNames(path);
                var rsName    = names.Item1;
                var rsAlias   = rsName;
                var fieldName = names.Item2;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldName) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultFieldName))

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultFieldName))
                    fieldName = defaultFieldName;

                if (fieldName != null)
                    var fieldAlias = fieldName.Replace(":", "");

                    var pathLoop = path;
                    var rsField  = currentFields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Path == pathLoop) ?? new RecordsetField {
                        Path = path, Alias = fieldAlias, RecordsetAlias = rsAlias
                    rsField.Name = fieldName;

                    var rs = result.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Name == rsName);
                    if (rs == null)
                        rs = new Recordset {
                            Name = rsName
                    var fieldIndex = rs.Fields.Count;

                    var data = path.SampleData.Split(',');
                    for (var recordIndex = 0; recordIndex < data.Length; recordIndex++)
                        rs.SetValue(recordIndex, fieldIndex, data[recordIndex]);
            result.Description = outputDescription;
Beispiel #10
 public SqliteDBService()
     ResourceType = "DbService";
     Source       = new SqliteDBSource();
     Recordset    = new Recordset();
Beispiel #11
 public DbService()
     ResourceType = "DbService";
     Source       = new DbSource();
     Recordset    = new Recordset();
Beispiel #12
        // BUG 9626 - 2013.06.11 - TWR : refactored
        protected RecordsetList CreateOutputsRecordsetList(XElement action)
            var result = new RecordsetList();

            var outputDescriptionStr = action.ElementSafe("OutputDescription");
            var paths = new List <IPath>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(outputDescriptionStr))
                var outputDescriptionSerializationService = OutputDescriptionSerializationServiceFactory.CreateOutputDescriptionSerializationService();
                var description = outputDescriptionSerializationService.Deserialize(outputDescriptionStr);

                if (description == null)
                    // we need to handle old plugins ;)
                    outputDescriptionStr =
                        outputDescriptionStr.Replace("<JSON />", "")
                        .Replace("</Dev2XMLResult>", "")
                        .Replace("</InterrogationResult>", "")
                        .Replace("<InterrogationResult>", "")
                        .Replace("<Dev2XMLResult>", "");

                    description = outputDescriptionSerializationService.Deserialize(outputDescriptionStr);

                // TODO : Get Result Coming Back ;)

                OutputDescription = description;

                if (description != null && description.DataSourceShapes.Count > 0)
                    paths = description.DataSourceShapes[0].Paths;
            var xElement = action.Element("Outputs");

            if (xElement != null)
                OutputSpecification = xElement.ToString();
            foreach (var output in action.Descendants("Output"))
                var rsName     = output.AttributeSafe("RecordsetName");
                var rsAlias    = output.AttributeSafe("Recordset"); // legacy - should be RecordsetAlias
                var fieldName  = output.AttributeSafe("OriginalName");
                var fieldAlias = output.AttributeSafe("MapsTo");

                var path = paths.FirstOrDefault(p => output.AttributeSafe("Value").Equals(p.OutputExpression, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
                if (path != null)
                    var names = RecordsetListHelper.SplitRecordsetAndFieldNames(path);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rsName))
                        rsName = names.Item1;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldName))
                        fieldName = names.Item2;

                var recordset = result.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Name == rsName);
                if (recordset == null)
                    recordset = new Recordset {
                        Name = rsName

                recordset.Fields.Add(new RecordsetField
                    Name           = fieldName,
                    Alias          = fieldAlias,
                    RecordsetAlias = rsAlias,
                    Path           = path

Beispiel #13
 public DbService()
     ResourceType = Common.Interfaces.Data.ResourceType.DbService;
     Source       = new DbSource();
     Recordset    = new Recordset();
        public void WebServiceToXmlExpectedSerializesProperties()
            var expected = new WebService
                Source = new WebSource
                    ResourceID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    ResourceName = "TestWebSource",
                RequestUrl = "pqr",
                RequestMethod = WebRequestMethod.Get,
                RequestHeaders = "Content-Type: text/xml",
                RequestBody = "abc",
                RequestResponse = "xyz",
                JsonPath = "$.somepath"

            #region setup method parameters

                    new MethodParameter
                        Name = "Param1",
                        DefaultValue = "123"
                    new MethodParameter
                        Name = "Param2",
                        DefaultValue = "456"


            #region setup rs1

            var rs1 = new Recordset
                Name = "Recordset1()"
                new RecordsetField
                    Name = "Field1",
                    Alias = "Alias1",
                    RecordsetAlias = "RecAlias1()"
                new RecordsetField
                    Name = "Field2",
                    Alias = "Alias2",
                    RecordsetAlias = "RecAlias1()"


            #region setup rs2

            var rs2 = new Recordset
                Name = "Recordset2()"
                new RecordsetField
                    Name = "Field3",
                    Alias = "Alias3"
                new RecordsetField
                    Name = "Field4",
                    Alias = "Alias4"


            var xml = expected.ToXml();

            var actual = new WebService(xml);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Source.ResourceType, actual.Source.ResourceType);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Source.ResourceID, actual.Source.ResourceID);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Source.ResourceName, actual.Source.ResourceName);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.ResourceType, actual.ResourceType);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.RequestUrl, actual.RequestUrl);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.RequestMethod, actual.RequestMethod);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.RequestHeaders, actual.RequestHeaders);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.RequestBody, actual.RequestBody);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.JsonPath, actual.JsonPath);

            foreach(var expectedParameter in expected.Method.Parameters)
                MethodParameter parameter = expectedParameter;
                var actualParameter = actual.Method.Parameters.First(p => p.Name == parameter.Name);
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedParameter.DefaultValue, actualParameter.DefaultValue);

            foreach(var expectedRecordset in expected.Recordsets)
                // expect actual to have removed recordset notation ()...
                Recordset recordset = expectedRecordset;
                var actualRecordset = actual.Recordsets.First(rs => rs.Name == recordset.Name.Replace("()", ""));
                foreach(var expectedField in expectedRecordset.Fields)
                    RecordsetField field = expectedField;
                    var actualField = actualRecordset.Fields.First(f => f.Name == field.Name);
                    Assert.AreEqual(expectedField.Alias, actualField.Alias);
                    // expect actual to have removed recordset notation ()...
                    var expectedRecordsetAlias = string.IsNullOrEmpty(expectedField.RecordsetAlias) ? string.Empty : expectedField.RecordsetAlias.Replace("()", "");
                    Assert.AreEqual(expectedRecordsetAlias, actualField.RecordsetAlias);
        // ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
        public void DbService_ToXml_WhenRecordSetHasBlankFields_ExpectNotPartOfOutputDescription()
        // ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming
            //------------Setup for test--------------------------
            var dbService = new DbService();
            var dbSource = new DbSource { ResourceName = "Source" };
            var resourceId = Guid.NewGuid();
            dbSource.ResourceID = resourceId;
            dbService.Source = dbSource;
            var serviceMethod = new ServiceMethod { Name = "Method" };
            dbService.Method = serviceMethod;
            var recordset = new Recordset { Name = "SomeRecSet" };
            var recordsetField = new RecordsetField { Alias = "SomeAlias", Name = "" };
            dbService.Recordset = recordset;

            // ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
            const string expected = @"<Service ID=""00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"" Name="""" ResourceType=""DbService"" IsValid=""false"">
    <Action Name=""SomeRecSet"" Type=""InvokeStoredProc"" SourceID=""{0}"" SourceName=""Source"" ExecuteAction="""" SourceMethod=""Method"">
      <Inputs />
      <Outputs />
      <OutputDescription><![CDATA[<z:anyType xmlns:i="""" xmlns:d1p1="""" i:type=""d1p1:OutputDescription"" xmlns:z=""""><d1p1:DataSourceShapes xmlns:d2p1=""""><d2p1:anyType i:type=""d1p1:DataSourceShape""><d1p1:_x003C_Paths_x003E_k__BackingField /></d2p1:anyType></d1p1:DataSourceShapes><d1p1:Format>ShapedXML</d1p1:Format></z:anyType>]]></OutputDescription>
  <AuthorRoles />
  <Comment />
  <Tags />
  <HelpLink />
  <UnitTestTargetWorkflowService />
  <BizRule />
  <WorkflowActivityDef />
  <XamlDefinition />
  <DataList />
  <ErrorMessages />
            // ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming

            //------------Execute Test---------------------------
            var xElement = dbService.ToXml();
            //------------Assert Results-------------------------
            Assert.AreEqual(string.Format(expected, resourceId), xElement.ToString());
        public static RecordsetList ToRecordsetList(this IOutputDescription outputDescription, RecordsetList currentList = null, string defaultFieldName = "")
            if(outputDescription == null || outputDescription.DataSourceShapes == null || outputDescription.DataSourceShapes.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("Error retrieving shape from service output.");

            var result = currentList ?? new RecordsetList();
            var currentFields = new List<RecordsetField>();

            #region Create a copy of the current list's fields so that we don't lose the user-defined aliases.

            foreach(var rs in result)


            var paths = outputDescription.DataSourceShapes[0].Paths;

            foreach(var path in paths)
                var names = SplitRecordsetAndFieldNames(path);
                var rsName = names.Item1;
                var rsAlias = rsName;
                var fieldName = names.Item2;
                if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldName) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultFieldName))

                if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultFieldName))
                    fieldName = defaultFieldName;

                // Bug 10532 - Amend to remove : from the alias ;)
                var fieldAlias = fieldName.Replace(":", "");

                var pathLoop = path;
                var rsField = currentFields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Path == pathLoop) ?? new RecordsetField { Path = path, Alias = fieldAlias, RecordsetAlias = rsAlias };
                rsField.Name = fieldName;

                var rs = result.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Name == rsName);
                if(rs == null)
                    rs = new Recordset { Name = rsName };
                var fieldIndex = rs.Fields.Count;

                var data = path.SampleData.Split(',');
                for(var recordIndex = 0; recordIndex < data.Length; recordIndex++)
                    rs.SetValue(recordIndex, fieldIndex, data[recordIndex]);
            return result;
 public DbService()
     ResourceType = Common.Interfaces.Data.ResourceType.DbService;
     Source = new DbSource();
     Recordset = new Recordset();