Beispiel #1
 private static void DemonstrateChangeToReferenceType(TvShowManager tvm, PopularTvShow show1Copy)
     Console.WriteLine($"Original Object Info before change to swallow copied {tvm["Money Heist"].ToString()}");
     show1Copy.ChangeAdditionalInfo("Really nice show", false);
     Console.WriteLine($"Original Object Info after change to swallow copied {tvm["Money Heist"].ToString()}");
     Console.WriteLine($"Swallow Copied Object Info {show1Copy.ToString()}");
Beispiel #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            TvShowManager tvm = new TvShowManager();

            tvm["Money Heist"]  = new PopularTvShow("Action", "Money Heist", "65", "Very Good", true);
            tvm["The Simpsons"] = new PopularTvShow("Animation", "The Simpsons", "21", "Funny", false);

            //clone the objects
            var show1Copy = tvm["Money Heist"].SwallowClone() as PopularTvShow;
            var show2Copy = tvm["The Simpsons"].SwallowClone() as PopularTvShow;

            //care this is swallow copy:
            //if change happens to shallow's reference type original changes also since we point to same object
            DemonstrateChangeToReferenceType(tvm, show1Copy);

            //use deep clone to solve above issue