Beispiel #1
        private GUI.Frame CreatePanicFrame()
            var frame = new GUI.Frame(UIParent);

            frame.Color  = Color.Black;
            frame.Width  = 164;
            frame.Height = 19;

            frame.OnClick += delegate(Frame frame1, GUIManager.MouseEventArgs args)
                DynamicGroupManager.Group group = (DynamicGroupManager.Group)frame1["group"];
                if (group != null)
                    group.Panic += 5;

            var panicBarBg = new GUI.Frame(frame);

            panicBarBg.Width    = 136;
            panicBarBg.Height   = 13;
            panicBarBg.X        = 3;
            panicBarBg.Y        = 3;
            frame["panicBarBg"] = panicBarBg;

            var panicBar = new GUI.Frame(panicBarBg);

            panicBar.Color    = new Color(87, 55, 253);
            panicBar.Width    = (int)(panicBarBg.Width * 0.5);
            panicBar.Height   = 11;
            panicBar.X        = 1;
            panicBar.Y        = 1;
            frame["panicBar"] = panicBar;

            var text = new GUI.Text(frame);

            text.Value    = "0%";
            text.X        = 4;
            text.Y        = 1;
            frame["text"] = text;

Beispiel #2
        private GUI.Frame CreateUnitFrame(Soldier soldier)
            var frame = new GUI.Frame(UIParent);

            frame.Color  = Color.Black;
            frame.Width  = 164;
            frame.Height = 42;

            var nameText = new GUI.Text(frame);

            nameText.Value    = soldier.Name + " " /* + soldier.GetHashCode()*/;
            nameText.X        = 4;
            nameText.Y        = 1;
            frame["nameText"] = nameText;

            var healthBarBg = new GUI.Frame(frame);

            healthBarBg.Width    = 136;
            healthBarBg.Height   = 13;
            healthBarBg.X        = 3;
            healthBarBg.Y        = 19;
            frame["healthBarBg"] = healthBarBg;

            var healthBar = new GUI.Frame(healthBarBg);

            healthBar.Color    = Color.Red;
            healthBar.Width    = (int)((healthBarBg.Width - 2) * (soldier.GetComponent <Component.Stat>().HP / soldier.GetComponent <Component.Stat>().MaxHP));
            healthBar.Height   = 11;
            healthBar.X        = 1;
            healthBar.Y        = 1;
            frame["healthBar"] = healthBar;

            var actionBarBg = new GUI.Frame(frame);

            actionBarBg.Width    = 136;
            actionBarBg.Height   = 8;
            actionBarBg.X        = 3;
            actionBarBg.Y        = 31;
            frame["actionBarBg"] = actionBarBg;

            var actionBar = new GUI.Frame(actionBarBg);

            actionBar.Color    = Color.Orange;
            actionBar.Width    = (int)((healthBarBg.Width - 2) * (soldier.GetComponent <Component.Stat>().HP / soldier.GetComponent <Component.Stat>().MaxHP));
            actionBar.Height   = 6;
            actionBar.X        = 1;
            actionBar.Y        = 1;
            frame["actionBar"] = actionBar;

            for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++)
                var line = new GUI.Frame(actionBar);
                line.Texture = Utility.GetSolidTexture();
                line.Color   = Color.Black;
                line.Height  = 6;
                line.Width   = 1;
                line.X       = (int)(i * ((float)actionBarBg.Width / 10f)) - 1;

Beispiel #3
        public Interface(Core core)
            this.core = core;

            UIParent        = new Frame();
            UIParent.Width  = GameServices.GetService <GraphicsDevice>().Viewport.Width;
            UIParent.Height = GameServices.GetService <GraphicsDevice>().Viewport.Height;

            // Selection rectangle
            var selectionFrame = new Frame(UIParent);

            selectionFrame.Texture     = Utility.GetSolidTexture();
            selectionFrame.Color       = Color.Red * 0.5f;
            selectionFrame.Visible     = false;
            UIParent["selectionFrame"] = selectionFrame;

            // OnPress
            UIParent.OnPress += delegate(Frame frame, GUIManager.MouseEventArgs args)
                //KeyboardState ks = Keyboard.GetState();
                MouseState ms                  = args.MouseState;
                var        mousePos            = new Point(ms.X, ms.Y);
                var        mouseRectangle      = new Rectangle(mousePos.X, mousePos.Y, 1, 1);
                var        mouseWorldPos       = core.Camera.ScreenToWorld(new Vector2(mousePos.X, mousePos.Y));
                var        mouseWorldRectangle = new Rectangle((int)mouseWorldPos.X, (int)mouseWorldPos.Y, 1, 1);

                // Show the selection frame
                if (args.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                    var selectFrame = (GUI.Frame)frame["selectionFrame"];
                    if (!selectFrame.Visible)
                        selectFrame.X       = mousePos.X;
                        selectFrame.Y       = mousePos.Y;
                        selectFrame.Visible = true;

                if (args.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                    // Unit rotation
                    foreach (var unit in core.Squad)
                        if (unit.Selected && mouseWorldRectangle.Intersects(unit.GetComponent <Component.Collision>().Rectangle))
                            checkingDirection = true;
                            directionStart    = unit.Transform.World + unit.Transform.World.Origin;

            // OnRelease
            UIParent.OnRelease += delegate(Frame frame, GUIManager.MouseEventArgs args)
                KeyboardState ks       = Keyboard.GetState();
                MouseState    ms       = args.MouseState;
                var           mousePos = new Point(ms.X, ms.Y);

                var mouseRectangle      = new Rectangle(mousePos.X, mousePos.Y, 1, 1);
                var mouseWorldPos       = core.Camera.ScreenToWorld(new Vector2(mousePos.X, mousePos.Y));
                var mouseGridPos        = Grid.WorldToGrid(mouseWorldPos);
                var mouseWorldRectangle = new Rectangle((int)mouseWorldPos.X, (int)mouseWorldPos.Y, 1, 1);

                if (args.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                    // Deselect all units
                    if (!ks.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftControl))
                        foreach (var unit in core.Squad)
                            unit.Selected = false;

                        foreach (var unitFrame in UnitFrames)
                            unitFrame.Color = Color.Black;

                    // Select all soldier units inside the selection rectangle
                    var selectFrame = (GUI.Frame)frame["selectionFrame"];
                    if (selectFrame.Visible)
                        Console.WriteLine("Before: " + selectFrame.AbsoluteRectangle.X + ", " + selectFrame.AbsoluteRectangle.Y + ", " + selectFrame.AbsoluteRectangle.Width + ", " + selectFrame.AbsoluteRectangle.Height);

                        var intersectionRectangle = core.Camera.ScreenToWorld(selectFrame.AbsoluteRectangle);

                        Console.WriteLine("After: " + intersectionRectangle.X + ", " + intersectionRectangle.Y + ", " + intersectionRectangle.Width + ", " + intersectionRectangle.Height);

                        // Select all units in the rectangle
                        foreach (var soldier in core.Squad)
                            if (intersectionRectangle.Intersects(soldier.GetComponent <Component.Collision>().Rectangle))
                                soldier.Selected = true;
                                foreach (var unitFrame in UnitFrames)
                                    if (unitFrame["soldier"] == soldier)
                                        unitFrame.Color = Color.Blue;

                        selectFrame.Visible = false;

                // Send orders with right click
                if (args.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                    if (checkingDirection)
                        checkingDirection = false;
                        Debug.WriteLine("Right button pressed on UIParent");
                        Point           mainpath     = Point.Zero;
                        Stack <Soldier> soldierStack = new Stack <Soldier>();
                        //core.Squad.Where(a=>a.Selected).ToList().ForEach(a => soldierStack.Push(a));

                        /*foreach (var soldier in core.Squad)
                         * {
                         *  if (soldier.Selected)
                         *  {
                         *      soldierStack.Push(soldier);
                         *  }
                         * }*/

                        // Don't move into other soldiers
                        bool blocked = false;
                        foreach (var soldier in core.Squad)
                            if (soldier.Position == mouseGridPos)
                                blocked = true;

                        if (!blocked)
                            byte[,] collisionMap = Core.Map.GetCollisionMap();

                            // Try pathfinding
                            foreach (var unit in core.Squad)
                                if (unit.Selected)
                                    if (mainpath == Point.Zero)
                                        mainpath = unit.Position;
                                    Vector2 fromMain = new Vector2((mainpath.X - unit.Position.X) * Grid.TileSize,
                                                                   (mainpath.Y - unit.Position.Y) * Grid.TileSize);
                                    var goal = Grid.WorldToGrid(mouseWorldPos - fromMain);
                                    Console.WriteLine("First " + unit.AP);
                                    unit.GetComponent <Component.PathFinder>().Goal = goal;
                                    var length = unit.GetComponent <Component.PathFinder>().Length - 1;
                                    if (unit.AP >= length)
                                        if (unit.GetComponent <Component.PathFinder>().IsMoving == false)
                                            // If a path was not found, add the unit to the stack
                                            unit.AP -= length;
                                            Console.WriteLine("then " + unit.AP);
                                            collisionMap[goal.X, goal.Y] = 0;
                                        unit.GetComponent <Component.PathFinder>().Stop();

                            // Loop in a spiral and assign the soldiers in the stack their own unblocked positions
                            int X = 10;
                            int Y = 10;
                            int x, y, dx, dy;
                            x  = y = dx = 0;
                            dy = -1;
                            int t    = (int)MathHelper.Max(X, Y);
                            int maxI = t * t;
                            for (int i = 0; i < maxI; i++)
                                if ((-X / 2 < x && x <= X / 2) && (-Y / 2 < y && y <= Y / 2))
                                    Point point = new Point(x + mouseGridPos.X, y + mouseGridPos.Y);
                                    if (collisionMap[point.X, point.Y] == 1)
                                        if (soldierStack.Count == 0)
                                        var soldier = soldierStack.Pop();

                                        if (soldier == null)
                                            Console.WriteLine("before " + soldier.AP);

                                            soldier.GetComponent <Component.PathFinder>().Goal = point;
                                            var length = soldier.GetComponent <Component.PathFinder>().Length - 1;

                                            if (soldier.GetComponent <Component.PathFinder>().IsMoving == true)
                                                if (soldier.AP >= length)
                                                    soldier.AP -= length;

                                                    Console.WriteLine("then " + soldier.AP);
                                                    soldier.GetComponent <Component.PathFinder>().Stop();
                                if ((x == y) || ((x < 0) && (x == -y)) || ((x > 0) && (x == 1 - y)))
                                    t  = dx;
                                    dx = -dy;
                                    dy = t;
                                x += dx;
                                y += dy;

            hitChance = new Text(UIParent);
            hitChance.Value = "";

            var button = new GUI.Button(UIParent);

            button.X      = 200;
            button.Y      = 100;
            button.Width  = 55;
            button.Height = 40;

            // Test GUI frames

            /*var frame = new GUI.Frame()
             * {
             *      Y = 100
             * };
             * var button = new GUI.Button(frame)
             * {
             *      Width = 48,
             *      Height = 23,
             *      Texture = core.Content.Load<Texture2D>("images/Enter"),
             *      OnClick = delegate(Point clickPos)
             *      {
             *              Debug.WriteLine("That ugly button was clicked at (" + clickPos.X + "," + clickPos.Y + ")");
             *      }
             * };
             * var text = new GUI.Text(frame);
             * text.SetFont("Arial");
             * text.Value = "Hello world!";*/

            // Create some unit frames

            /*var panicFrame = CreatePanicFrame();
             * var unit1 = CreateUnitFrame("Flight captain Rainbow");
             * unit1.X = panicFrame.X;
             * unit1.Y = panicFrame.Y + panicFrame.Height;
             * unit1.OnClick += delegate(Frame frame, Frame.MouseEventArgs args)
             * {
             *      frame.Color = Color.Red;
             * };
             * var unit2 = CreateUnitFrame("Mr. Sparkle");
             * unit2.X = unit1.X;
             * unit2.Y = unit1.Y + unit1.Height;
             * unit2.OnClick += delegate(Frame frame, Frame.MouseEventArgs args)
             * {
             *      frame.Color = Color.Red;
             * };*/

            /*var frame1 = new GUI.Frame();
             * frame1.Layer = 0;
             * frame1.SetTexture("images/Enter");
             * frame1.Color = Color.Red;
             * frame1.Width = 100;
             * frame1.Height = 100;
             * frame1.OnClick += delegate(Frame frame, Frame.MouseEventArgs args)
             * {
             *      if (frame.Color == Color.Red)
             *              frame.Color = Color.Green;
             *      else
             *              frame.Color = Color.Red;
             * };
             *      var frame1_child = new GUI.Frame(frame1);
             *      frame1_child.SetTexture("images/Enter");
             *      frame1_child.Color = Color.Purple;
             *      frame1_child.Width = 60;
             *      frame1_child.Height = 60;
             *      frame1_child.X = 20;
             *      frame1_child.Y = 20;
             * var frame2 = new GUI.Frame();
             * frame2.Layer = 0;
             * frame2.SetTexture("images/Enter");
             * frame2.Color = Color.Blue;
             * frame2.Width = 100;
             * frame2.Height = 100;
             * frame2.X = 50;
             * frame2.Y = 50;
             * frame2.OnClick += delegate(Frame frame, Frame.MouseEventArgs args)
             * {
             *      if (frame.Color == Color.Blue)
             *              frame.Color = Color.Yellow;
             *      else
             *              frame.Color = Color.Blue;
             * };*/
Beispiel #4
        private GUI.Frame CreateUnitFrame(Soldier soldier)
            var frame = new GUI.Frame(UIParent);
            frame.Color = Color.Black;
            frame.Width = 164;
            frame.Height = 42;

            var nameText = new GUI.Text(frame);
            nameText.Value = soldier.Name + " "/* + soldier.GetHashCode()*/;
            nameText.X = 4;
            nameText.Y = 1;
            frame["nameText"] = nameText;

            var healthBarBg = new GUI.Frame(frame);
            healthBarBg.Width = 136;
            healthBarBg.Height = 13;
            healthBarBg.X = 3;
            healthBarBg.Y = 19;
            frame["healthBarBg"] = healthBarBg;

            var healthBar = new GUI.Frame(healthBarBg);
            healthBar.Color = Color.Red;
            healthBar.Width = (int)((healthBarBg.Width - 2) * (soldier.GetComponent<Component.Stat>().HP / soldier.GetComponent<Component.Stat>().MaxHP));
            healthBar.Height = 11;
            healthBar.X = 1;
            healthBar.Y = 1;
            frame["healthBar"] = healthBar;

            var actionBarBg = new GUI.Frame(frame);
            actionBarBg.Width = 136;
            actionBarBg.Height = 8;
            actionBarBg.X = 3;
            actionBarBg.Y = 31;
            frame["actionBarBg"] = actionBarBg;

            var actionBar = new GUI.Frame(actionBarBg);
            actionBar.Color = Color.Orange;
            actionBar.Width = (int)((healthBarBg.Width - 2) * (soldier.GetComponent<Component.Stat>().HP / soldier.GetComponent<Component.Stat>().MaxHP));
            actionBar.Height = 6;
            actionBar.X = 1;
            actionBar.Y = 1;
            frame["actionBar"] = actionBar;

            for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++)
                var line = new GUI.Frame(actionBar);
                line.Texture = Utility.GetSolidTexture();
                line.Color = Color.Black;
                line.Height = 6;
                line.Width = 1;
                line.X = (int)(i * ((float)actionBarBg.Width/10f)) - 1;

            return frame;
Beispiel #5
        private GUI.Frame CreatePanicFrame()
            var frame = new GUI.Frame(UIParent);
            frame.Color = Color.Black;
            frame.Width = 164;
            frame.Height = 19;

            frame.OnClick += delegate(Frame frame1, GUIManager.MouseEventArgs args)
                DynamicGroupManager.Group group = (DynamicGroupManager.Group)frame1["group"];
                if (group != null)
                    group.Panic += 5;

            var panicBarBg = new GUI.Frame(frame);
            panicBarBg.Width = 136;
            panicBarBg.Height = 13;
            panicBarBg.X = 3;
            panicBarBg.Y = 3;
            frame["panicBarBg"] = panicBarBg;

            var panicBar = new GUI.Frame(panicBarBg);
            panicBar.Color = new Color(87, 55, 253);
            panicBar.Width = (int)(panicBarBg.Width * 0.5);
            panicBar.Height = 11;
            panicBar.X = 1;
            panicBar.Y = 1;
            frame["panicBar"] = panicBar;

            var text = new GUI.Text(frame);
            text.Value = "0%";
            text.X = 4;
            text.Y = 1;
            frame["text"] = text;

            return frame;
Beispiel #6
        public Interface(Core core)
            this.core = core;

            UIParent = new Frame();
            UIParent.Width = GameServices.GetService<GraphicsDevice>().Viewport.Width;
            UIParent.Height = GameServices.GetService<GraphicsDevice>().Viewport.Height;

            // Selection rectangle
            var selectionFrame = new Frame(UIParent);
            selectionFrame.Texture = Utility.GetSolidTexture();
            selectionFrame.Color = Color.Red * 0.5f;
            selectionFrame.Visible = false;
            UIParent["selectionFrame"] = selectionFrame;

            // OnPress
            UIParent.OnPress += delegate(Frame frame, GUIManager.MouseEventArgs args)
                //KeyboardState ks = Keyboard.GetState();
                MouseState ms = args.MouseState;
                var mousePos = new Point(ms.X, ms.Y);
                var mouseRectangle = new Rectangle(mousePos.X, mousePos.Y, 1, 1);
                var mouseWorldPos = core.Camera.ScreenToWorld(new Vector2(mousePos.X, mousePos.Y));
                var mouseWorldRectangle = new Rectangle((int)mouseWorldPos.X, (int)mouseWorldPos.Y, 1, 1);

                // Show the selection frame
                if (args.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                    var selectFrame = (GUI.Frame)frame["selectionFrame"];
                    if (!selectFrame.Visible)
                        selectFrame.X = mousePos.X;
                        selectFrame.Y = mousePos.Y;
                        selectFrame.Visible = true;

                if (args.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                    // Unit rotation
                    foreach (var unit in core.Squad)
                        if (unit.Selected && mouseWorldRectangle.Intersects(unit.GetComponent<Component.Collision>().Rectangle))
                            checkingDirection = true;
                            directionStart = unit.Transform.World + unit.Transform.World.Origin;

            // OnRelease
            UIParent.OnRelease += delegate(Frame frame, GUIManager.MouseEventArgs args)
                KeyboardState ks = Keyboard.GetState();
                MouseState ms = args.MouseState;
                var mousePos = new Point(ms.X, ms.Y);

                var mouseRectangle = new Rectangle(mousePos.X, mousePos.Y, 1, 1);
                var mouseWorldPos = core.Camera.ScreenToWorld(new Vector2(mousePos.X, mousePos.Y));
                var mouseGridPos= Grid.WorldToGrid(mouseWorldPos);
                var mouseWorldRectangle = new Rectangle((int)mouseWorldPos.X, (int)mouseWorldPos.Y, 1, 1);

                if (args.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                    // Deselect all units
                    if (!ks.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftControl))
                        foreach (var unit in core.Squad)
                            unit.Selected = false;

                        foreach (var unitFrame in UnitFrames)
                            unitFrame.Color = Color.Black;

                    // Select all soldier units inside the selection rectangle
                    var selectFrame = (GUI.Frame)frame["selectionFrame"];
                    if (selectFrame.Visible)
                        Console.WriteLine("Before: " + selectFrame.AbsoluteRectangle.X + ", " + selectFrame.AbsoluteRectangle.Y + ", " + selectFrame.AbsoluteRectangle.Width + ", " + selectFrame.AbsoluteRectangle.Height);

                        var intersectionRectangle = core.Camera.ScreenToWorld(selectFrame.AbsoluteRectangle);

                        Console.WriteLine("After: " + intersectionRectangle.X + ", " + intersectionRectangle.Y + ", " + intersectionRectangle.Width + ", " + intersectionRectangle.Height);

                        // Select all units in the rectangle
                        foreach (var soldier in core.Squad)
                            if (intersectionRectangle.Intersects(soldier.GetComponent<Component.Collision>().Rectangle))
                                soldier.Selected = true;
                                foreach (var unitFrame in UnitFrames)
                                    if (unitFrame["soldier"] == soldier)
                                        unitFrame.Color = Color.Blue;

                        selectFrame.Visible = false;

                // Send orders with right click
                if (args.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                    if (checkingDirection)
                        checkingDirection = false;
                        Debug.WriteLine("Right button pressed on UIParent");
                        Point mainpath = Point.Zero;
                        Stack<Soldier> soldierStack = new Stack<Soldier>();
                        //core.Squad.Where(a=>a.Selected).ToList().ForEach(a => soldierStack.Push(a));
                        /*foreach (var soldier in core.Squad)
                            if (soldier.Selected)

                        // Don't move into other soldiers
                        bool blocked = false;
                        foreach (var soldier in core.Squad)
                            if (soldier.Position == mouseGridPos)
                                blocked = true;

                        if (!blocked)
                            byte[,] collisionMap = Core.Map.GetCollisionMap();

                            // Try pathfinding
                            foreach (var unit in core.Squad)
                                if (unit.Selected)
                                    if (mainpath == Point.Zero)
                                        mainpath = unit.Position;
                                    Vector2 fromMain = new Vector2((mainpath.X - unit.Position.X)*Grid.TileSize,
                                                                   (mainpath.Y - unit.Position.Y)*Grid.TileSize);
                                    var goal = Grid.WorldToGrid(mouseWorldPos - fromMain);
                                    Console.WriteLine("First " + unit.AP);
                                    unit.GetComponent<Component.PathFinder>().Goal = goal;
                                    var length = unit.GetComponent<Component.PathFinder>().Length - 1;
                                    if (unit.AP >= length)

                                        if (unit.GetComponent<Component.PathFinder>().IsMoving == false)
                                            // If a path was not found, add the unit to the stack
                                            unit.AP -= length;
                                            Console.WriteLine("then " + unit.AP);
                                            collisionMap[goal.X, goal.Y] = 0;


                            // Loop in a spiral and assign the soldiers in the stack their own unblocked positions
                            int X = 10;
                            int Y = 10;
                            int x, y, dx, dy;
                            x = y = dx = 0;
                            dy = -1;
                            int t = (int) MathHelper.Max(X, Y);
                            int maxI = t*t;
                            for (int i = 0; i < maxI; i++)
                                if ((-X/2 < x && x <= X/2) && (-Y/2 < y && y <= Y/2))
                                    Point point = new Point(x + mouseGridPos.X, y + mouseGridPos.Y);
                                    if (collisionMap[point.X, point.Y] == 1)
                                        if (soldierStack.Count == 0)
                                        var soldier = soldierStack.Pop();

                                        if (soldier == null)
                                            Console.WriteLine("before " + soldier.AP);

                                            soldier.GetComponent<Component.PathFinder>().Goal = point;
                                            var length = soldier.GetComponent<Component.PathFinder>().Length - 1;

                                            if (soldier.GetComponent<Component.PathFinder>().IsMoving == true)
                                                if (soldier.AP >= length)

                                                    soldier.AP -= length;

                                                    Console.WriteLine("then " + soldier.AP);


                                if ((x == y) || ((x < 0) && (x == -y)) || ((x > 0) && (x == 1 - y)))
                                    t = dx;
                                    dx = -dy;
                                    dy = t;
                                x += dx;
                                y += dy;

            hitChance = new Text(UIParent);
            hitChance.Value = "";

            var button = new GUI.Button(UIParent);
            button.X = 200;
            button.Y = 100;
            button.Width = 55;
            button.Height = 40;

            // Test GUI frames
            /*var frame = new GUI.Frame()
                Y = 100

            var button = new GUI.Button(frame)
                Width = 48,
                Height = 23,
                Texture = core.Content.Load<Texture2D>("images/Enter"),
                OnClick = delegate(Point clickPos)
                    Debug.WriteLine("That ugly button was clicked at (" + clickPos.X + "," + clickPos.Y + ")");

            var text = new GUI.Text(frame);
            text.Value = "Hello world!";*/

            // Create some unit frames
            /*var panicFrame = CreatePanicFrame();
            var unit1 = CreateUnitFrame("Flight captain Rainbow");
            unit1.X = panicFrame.X;
            unit1.Y = panicFrame.Y + panicFrame.Height;
            unit1.OnClick += delegate(Frame frame, Frame.MouseEventArgs args)
                frame.Color = Color.Red;
            var unit2 = CreateUnitFrame("Mr. Sparkle");
            unit2.X = unit1.X;
            unit2.Y = unit1.Y + unit1.Height;
            unit2.OnClick += delegate(Frame frame, Frame.MouseEventArgs args)
                frame.Color = Color.Red;

            /*var frame1 = new GUI.Frame();
            frame1.Layer = 0;
            frame1.Color = Color.Red;
            frame1.Width = 100;
            frame1.Height = 100;
            frame1.OnClick += delegate(Frame frame, Frame.MouseEventArgs args)
                if (frame.Color == Color.Red)
                    frame.Color = Color.Green;
                    frame.Color = Color.Red;
                var frame1_child = new GUI.Frame(frame1);
                frame1_child.Color = Color.Purple;
                frame1_child.Width = 60;
                frame1_child.Height = 60;
                frame1_child.X = 20;
                frame1_child.Y = 20;

            var frame2 = new GUI.Frame();
            frame2.Layer = 0;
            frame2.Color = Color.Blue;
            frame2.Width = 100;
            frame2.Height = 100;
            frame2.X = 50;
            frame2.Y = 50;
            frame2.OnClick += delegate(Frame frame, Frame.MouseEventArgs args)
                if (frame.Color == Color.Blue)
                    frame.Color = Color.Yellow;
                    frame.Color = Color.Blue;