private static void UsingIRedisTypedClient(RedisClient client)
            var redisTodos = client.As<Todo>();

            // Mark all Todos, that have passed deadline, as DONE

                      .Where(t => t.Deadline >= DateTime.Now)
                      // Extension method to execute a lambda expression for each element of a IEnumerable<T>
                      .ForEach(t => t.IsDone = true);

            var todo = new Todo()
                Id = redisTodos.GetNextSequence(),
                Text = "Todo created at " + DateTime.Now,
                Deadline = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1),
                IsDone = false,
                AssignedTo = new User()
                    Name = "Nakov"

        private static void UsingIRedisClient(IRedisClient client)
            var todosKey = "Todos";

            // if list with key "Todos" does not exists, its is dynamically created
            var todos = client.Lists[todosKey];

            long maxId;

            if (todos.Any())
                // finds the current maximun Id
                maxId = todos.Max(td => td.Deserialize<Todo>().Id);
                maxId = 0;

            var todo = new Todo()
                Id = maxId + 1,
                Text = "Todo created at " + DateTime.Now,
                Deadline = DateTime.Now.AddDays(2),
                AssignedTo = new User()
                    Name = "Nakov"
                IsDone = false

            // the object must be serialized into JSON to be added

            todos.Select(t => t.Deserialize<Todo>())
                 .Select(t => string.Format("\"{0}\" with deadline on {1:ddd, dd-MMM-yyyy} at {1:HH:mm}", t.Text, t.Deadline))