public static RTTIMapContainer FromData(SaveState state)
                int rttiEntryCount = state.ReadVariableLengthOffset();
                var container      = new RTTIMapContainer();

                for (int i = 0; i < rttiEntryCount; i++)
                    string classType   = state.ReadIndexedString();
                    int    memberCount = state.ReadVariableLengthOffset();

                    var rttiList = new RTTI.VirtualRTTIList(classType, memberCount);

                    for (int j = 0; j < memberCount; j++)
                        string type     = state.ReadIndexedString();
                        string category = state.ReadIndexedString();
                        string name     = state.ReadIndexedString();

                        rttiList.Add(type, category, name);


Beispiel #2
        public override void DeserializeStateObject(SaveState state)
            Type         = Types.StreamingRef;
            ExternalFile = new BaseString(state.ReadIndexedString());
            GUID         = state.ReadIndexedGUID();

            // if not zero, calls something into the streaming manager
            byte unknown = state.Reader.ReadByte();
        public void ReadProfile()
            FileHandle.Position = 0;

            using (var reader = new BinaryReader(FileHandle, Encoding.UTF8, true))
                uint magic = reader.ReadUInt32();

                if (magic != HardcodedMagic)
                    throw new Exception();

                uint playerProfileSize  = reader.ReadUInt32();  // sizeof(class PlayerProfile) = 0x1AF
                uint savedDataChunkSize = reader.ReadUInt32();  // Length of all data minus the header (0xC)

                var state = new SaveState(reader, 0, (uint)reader.BaseStream.Position, savedDataChunkSize);

                // Handle game version
                int    gameVersion       = state.ReadVariableLengthOffset();
                string gameVersionString = state.ReadIndexedString();

                if (gameVersion != HardcodedGameVersion)
                    throw new Exception("Unknown profile version");

                if (gameVersionString != HardcodedGameVersionString)
                    throw new Exception("Unknown profile version");

                // Read the root structure (PlayerProfile)
                Profile = state.DeserializeType <HZD.PlayerProfile>();
 public void DeserializeStateObject(SaveState state)
     Value = state.ReadIndexedString();
        public SaveGameSystem(string savePath, FileMode mode = FileMode.Open)
            if (mode == FileMode.Open)
                var fileHandle = File.Open(savePath, mode, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);

                using (var reader = new BinaryReader(fileHandle, Encoding.UTF8, true))
                    // Offset 0x0
                    string gameVersionString = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(reader.ReadBytesStrict(32));
                    uint   gameVersion       = reader.ReadUInt32();
                    byte   saveVersion       = reader.ReadByte();
                    byte   saveFlags         = reader.ReadByte(); // { 0x80 = unknown, 0x1 = NG+, 0x2 = DLC entitlements }

                    ushort worldIdHash    = reader.ReadUInt16();  // CRC32-C xor'd - "World"
                    bool   isCoopGameMode = reader.ReadBooleanStrict();
                    _ = reader.ReadBytesStrict(3);

                    // Offset 0x2C
                    uint gameStateBlockLength = reader.ReadUInt32();
                    var  gameStateBlock       = reader.ReadBytesStrict(256);

                    if (gameStateBlockLength != 84)
                        throw new Exception();

                    // Offset 0x130
                    int unknown1 = reader.ReadInt32();                  // Sign extended
                    int saveType = reader.ReadInt32();                  // Sign extended { 1 = manual, 2 = quick, 4 = auto, 8 = NG+ start point }

                    var gameModuleGUID = new GGUUID().FromData(reader); // Field from `class GameModule`
                    var uniqueSaveGUID = new GGUUID().FromData(reader); // CoCreateGuid() on save
                    var gameLoadGUID   = new GGUUID().FromData(reader); // CoCreateGuid() on game start
                    var systemTypeGUID = new GGUUID().FromData(reader); // Possibly GUID for Win32System or physics

                    double playTimeInSeconds = reader.ReadDouble();
                    _ = reader.ReadBytesStrict(108);

                    // Offset 0x1EC
                    var  dataBlockMD5    = reader.ReadBytesStrict(16);
                    uint dataBlockLength = reader.ReadUInt32();

                    // Parse actual save data
                    State = new SaveState(reader, saveVersion, (uint)reader.BaseStream.Position, dataBlockLength);

                    var unknownData1   = State.Reader.ReadBytesStrict(24);
                    var unknownObject1 = State.ReadObjectHandle();
                    var unknownString1 = State.ReadIndexedString();// Likely entity RTTI name for the player's current mount. Instanced by AIManager.

                    var unknownData2   = State.Reader.ReadBytesStrict(24);
                    var unknownObject2 = State.ReadObjectHandle();

                    GlobalGameModule = RTTI.CreateObjectInstance <GameModule>();
                    GlobalStreamingStrategyManagerGame = RTTI.CreateObjectInstance <StreamingStrategyManagerGame>();
                    GlobalSceneManagerGame             = RTTI.CreateObjectInstance <SceneManagerGame>();

                    // GameModule info
                        byte unknownByte = State.Reader.ReadByte();

                        if (unknownByte != 0)
                            var unknownData = State.Reader.ReadBytesStrict(24);

                    GlobalFactDatabase = State.DeserializeType <FactDatabase>();
            else if (mode == FileMode.Create || mode == FileMode.CreateNew)
                throw new NotImplementedException("Writing archives is not supported at the moment");
                throw new NotImplementedException("Archive file mode must be Open, Create, or CreateNew");