Beispiel #1
		/// <summary> Set the value of the property using the set accessor </summary>
		public static Value SetPropertyValue(Value objectInstance, PropertyInfo propertyInfo, Value[] arguments, Value newValue)
			CheckObject(objectInstance, propertyInfo);
			if (propertyInfo.GetSetMethod() == null) throw new GetValueException("Property does not have a set method");
			arguments = arguments ?? new Value[0];
			Value[] allParams = new Value[1 + arguments.Length];
			allParams[0] = newValue;
			arguments.CopyTo(allParams, 1);
			return Value.InvokeMethod(objectInstance, (DebugMethodInfo)propertyInfo.GetSetMethod(), allParams);
Beispiel #2
		/// <summary> Set the value of the property using the set accessor </summary>
		public static Value SetPropertyValue(Thread evalThread, Value objectInstance, IProperty propertyInfo, Value[] arguments, Value newValue)
			CheckObject(objectInstance, propertyInfo);
			if (!propertyInfo.CanSet) throw new GetValueException("Property does not have a set method");
			arguments = arguments ?? new Value[0];
			Value[] allParams = new Value[1 + arguments.Length];
			allParams[0] = newValue;
			arguments.CopyTo(allParams, 1);
			return Value.InvokeMethod(evalThread, objectInstance, propertyInfo.Setter, allParams);
Beispiel #3
		/// <summary> Set the value of indexer property </summary>
		public Value SetValue(Value objectInstance, Value newValue, Value[] parameters)
			if (setMethod == null) throw new CannotGetValueException("Property does not have a set method");
			parameters = parameters ?? new Value[0];
			Value[] allParams = new Value[1 + parameters.Length];
			allParams[0] = newValue;
			parameters.CopyTo(allParams, 1);
			return setMethod.Invoke(objectInstance, allParams);