Beispiel #1
        }   // method ends

        private static int ConsumeSplitsUntilTime(Dictionary<IAssetID, AssetDesc> assetDescs, List<SplitAndDividendInfo> splitDivInfosByDate, DbPortfolio portf, int splitIndInclusive, DateTime trTime)
            for (int i = splitIndInclusive; i < splitDivInfosByDate.Count; i++)
                if (splitDivInfosByDate[i].TimeUtc > trTime)
                SplitAndDividendInfo splitInfo = splitDivInfosByDate[i];
                var pipS = portf.TodayPositions.FirstOrDefault(r => r.SubTableID == splitInfo.StockID && r.AssetTypeID == AssetType.Stock);
                if (pipS != null)
                    if (splitInfo.IsSplit)
                        // VXX: OldVolume: 4, NewVolume: 1 means that for every 4 old stocks, there is 1 new stock. The Fractional stocks can be calculated using PrevClosePrice as cash
                        double oldVolume = pipS.Volume;
                        int nOldGroups = (int)(oldVolume / (double)splitInfo.OldVolume + 0.0001);
                        double fractionalOldShares = oldVolume - nOldGroups * splitInfo.OldVolume;
                        int nNewShares = nOldGroups * splitInfo.NewVolume; // rounding to the nearest Integer, but consider these are doubles
                        double cashSaleInCurrency = fractionalOldShares * splitInfo.DividendOrPrevClosePrice;
                        SqCommon.Utils.Logger.Debug($"TransactionAccumulator splits. Date:{splitInfo.TimeUtc.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")}, oldVolume:{oldVolume:F2}, fractionalOldShares:{fractionalOldShares}, nNewShares:{nNewShares}, cashSaleInCurrency:{cashSaleInCurrency:F2}");
                        pipS.Volume = nNewShares;
                        pipS.LastSplitAdjustedTransactionPrice *= (double)splitInfo.OldVolume / (double)splitInfo.NewVolume;

                        // cashSaleInCurrency should be added to Cash, find currencyID and the corresponding cash and book the cash
                        if (Math.Abs(cashSaleInCurrency) > 0.002)
                            CurrencyID currencyID = assetDescs[pipS.AssetID].CurrencyID;
                            var pipCashInCurrency = portf.TodayPositions.FirstOrDefault(r => r.AssetTypeID == AssetType.HardCash && r.SubTableID == (int)currencyID);
                            if (pipCashInCurrency == null)
                                pipCashInCurrency = new PortfolioPosition()
                                    AssetID = DbUtils.MakeAssetID(AssetType.HardCash, (int)currencyID),
                                    Volume = 0.0,
                                    LastSplitAdjustedTransactionPrice = 0,
                                    LastTransactionTimeUtc = trTime

                            pipCashInCurrency.Volume += cashSaleInCurrency;

                        throw new Exception("Dividend is not implemented yet.");

            return splitIndInclusive;
Beispiel #2
        private static void TransactionAccumulator(List<DbPortfolio> p_portfolios, IList<List<object[]>> sqlResult, DateTime p_accumulationEndDate)
            var fileSystemTbl = sqlResult[0];

            List<object[]> transactionsTbl = null;  // some portfolios don't have transactions, and SQL DB returns nothing, and sqlResult[1] indexing would crash
            if (sqlResult.Count >= 2)
                transactionsTbl = sqlResult[1]; // SQL query asked it to be ordered by PortfolioID, Date
                transactionsTbl = new List<object[]>();

            List<object[]> splitDividendTbl = null; // some portfolios don't have splits or dividends, and SQL DB returns nothing, and sqlResult[2] indexing would crash
            if (sqlResult.Count >= 3)
                splitDividendTbl = sqlResult[2]; // SQL query asked it to be ordered by StockID, Date (Date, StockID would be more useful, but we don't want sorting computation in the SQL server, do it locally)
                splitDividendTbl = new List<object[]>();

            List<object[]> stockAssetTbl = null;
            if (sqlResult.Count >= 4)
                stockAssetTbl = sqlResult[3];   // sqlResult[3] indexing would crash if it is not there
                stockAssetTbl = new List<object[]>();

            // 1. Prepare data of assets, splits, portfolios
            p_portfolios.ForEach(p =>
                p.TodayPositions = new List<PortfolioPosition>();
                p.PortfolioID = (int)fileSystemTbl.Find(row => (string)row[1] == p.Name && (HQUserID)row[2] == p.HQUserID)[0];

            Dictionary<IAssetID, AssetDesc> assetDescs = new Dictionary<IAssetID, AssetDesc>();
            foreach (var stockAsset in stockAssetTbl)
                int stockID = (int)stockAsset[1];
                IAssetID assetID = DbUtils.MakeAssetID(AssetType.Stock, stockID);
                assetDescs.Add(assetID, new AssetDesc() { AssetID = assetID, Ticker = (string)stockAsset[2], FullTicker = (string)stockAsset[3], StockExchangeID = (StockExchangeID)(byte)stockAsset[4], CurrencyID = (CurrencyID)(short)stockAsset[5] });

            var splitDivInfosByDate = splitDividendTbl.Select(r =>
                int stockID = (int)r[0];
                IAssetID assetID = DbUtils.MakeAssetID(AssetType.Stock, stockID);
                DateTime dateLocal = (DateTime)r[1];
                StockExchangeID stockExchangeId = assetDescs[assetID].StockExchangeID;
                DateTime timeUtc = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(dateLocal, DbUtils.StockExchangeToTimeZoneData[(int)stockExchangeId].TimeZoneInfo, TimeZoneInfo.Utc);
                return new SplitAndDividendInfo() { StockID = stockID, TimeUtc = timeUtc, IsSplit = (bool)r[2], DividendOrPrevClosePrice = (double)(float)r[3], OldVolume = (int)r[4], NewVolume = (int)r[5] };
            }).OrderBy(r => r.TimeUtc).ToList();

            // 2. Process transactions one by one
            int trInd = 0;
            while (trInd < transactionsTbl.Count)   // ordered by PortfolioID, Date
                var transaction = transactionsTbl[trInd];
                int portfInd = (int)transaction[0];
                DbPortfolio portf = p_portfolios.Where(r => r.PortfolioID == portfInd).FirstOrDefault();
                int splitIndInclusive = 0;
                while (trInd < transactionsTbl.Count)   // essentially while(true), // consume the whole portfolio
                    transaction = transactionsTbl[trInd];
                    TransactionType transactionType = (TransactionType)transaction[1];
                    AssetType assetType = (AssetType)transaction[2];
                    int assetSubTableID = (int)transaction[3];
                    IAssetID assetID = DbUtils.MakeAssetID(assetType, assetSubTableID);
                    double volume = (double)(int)transaction[4];
                    double price = (double)(float)transaction[5];
                    DateTime trTime = (DateTime)transaction[6];

                    // 2.1. Process splits until the point of TransactionTime
                    splitIndInclusive = ConsumeSplitsUntilTime(assetDescs, splitDivInfosByDate, portf, splitIndInclusive, trTime);

                    // 2.2. Process transaction
                    var pipT = portf.TodayPositions.FirstOrDefault(r => r.AssetID == assetID);
                    switch (transactionType)
                        case TransactionType.Deposit:
                            if (pipT == null)
                                pipT = new PortfolioPosition() { AssetID = assetID };
                            pipT.Volume += (assetType == AssetType.HardCash) ? volume * price : volume;    // for Cash, Volume = 1, Price = $5000. The reason was, because in DB, the Volume was Int32, so the Price as Double was used to store non-Integer values
                            pipT.LastTransactionTimeUtc = trTime;
                            pipT.LastSplitAdjustedTransactionPrice = price;
                        case TransactionType.BuyAsset:
                        case TransactionType.SellAsset:     // Shorting is equivalent to Selling. There is no difference in IB. Let's try to use that freedom.
                        case TransactionType.ShortAsset:    // decided that we allow Selling even if we have no position. It is the freedom how IB works. So, in the future we allow it in transactions
                        case TransactionType.CoverAsset:    // in real life at IB, imagine that we have 5 stocks, and we sell 8. The result is that we will have -3 shorts. It is allowed there. Let's allow here too.
                            double assetVolumeMultiplier = (transactionType == TransactionType.BuyAsset || transactionType == TransactionType.CoverAsset) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
                            // I. find currencyID and the corresponding cash and book the cash
                            CurrencyID currencyID = assetDescs[assetID].CurrencyID;
                            var pipCashInCurrency = portf.TodayPositions.FirstOrDefault(r => r.AssetTypeID == AssetType.HardCash && r.SubTableID == (int)currencyID);
                            if (pipCashInCurrency == null)
                                pipCashInCurrency = new PortfolioPosition()
                                    AssetID = DbUtils.MakeAssetID(AssetType.HardCash, (int)currencyID),
                                    Volume = 0.0,
                                    LastSplitAdjustedTransactionPrice = 0,
                                    LastTransactionTimeUtc = trTime
                            pipCashInCurrency.Volume += -1 * assetVolumeMultiplier * volume * price;
                            // II. add the Asset
                            if (pipT == null)
                                pipT = new PortfolioPosition() { AssetID = assetID, Volume = 0.0 };
                            //Console.WriteLine($"Transaction ind: {trInd}, OldVolume: {pipT.Volume}, NewVolume: {pipT.Volume + assetVolumeMultiplier * volume}  ");
                            pipT.Volume += assetVolumeMultiplier * volume;
                            pipT.LastTransactionTimeUtc = trTime;
                            pipT.LastSplitAdjustedTransactionPrice = price;
                            if (SqCommon.Utils.IsNearZero(pipT.Volume))
                            throw new Exception("not expected transactionType");

                    bool isLastTransactionOfPortfolio = false;
                    if (trInd >= transactionsTbl.Count)
                        isLastTransactionOfPortfolio = true;
                        isLastTransactionOfPortfolio = ((int)(transactionsTbl[trInd][0]) != portfInd);  // if the next transaction is a different portfolio // remember: transactions are grouped by PortfolioID

                    if (isLastTransactionOfPortfolio)  // exit inner loop
                        // 2.3. consume Splits from last transaction until today/p_accumulationEndDate
                        splitIndInclusive = ConsumeSplitsUntilTime(assetDescs, splitDivInfosByDate, portf, splitIndInclusive, DateTime.UtcNow);
                }   // inner while for one portfolio

            } // outer while for all portfolios
        }   // method ends