Beispiel #1
        //************************************* HANDLE DATA **************************************//
        static string HandleData(Dictionary <int, MySteps> dict)
            var returnValue = new MyRetunValue();

            anwser    = "";
            nrWorkers = 5;

            CheckNext :;
            ReCheck   :;

//            Console.WriteLine("************* HandleData --> HandleDataOneScan *****************");
            returnValue = HandleDataOneScan(dict);

            if (char.IsLetter(returnValue.Anwser))
                goto ReCheck; //If letter found --> check if more letters can be started in this second.

            //            Console.WriteLine("************* HandleData --> RemoveLine *****************");
            UpdateStopwacht();           //All timers - 1 second

            dict = CheckStopwacht(dict); //Check if worker is done with a letter

            Console.WriteLine("Infochar: {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}", stopwatch, workersChar[0], workersChar[1], workersChar[2], workersChar[3], workersChar[4], workersChar[5], anwser);

            //Console.WriteLine("Infotime: {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}", stopwatch, workersTimer[0], workersTimer[1], workersTimer[2], workersTimer[3], workersTimer[4], workersTimer[5], anwser);

            stopwatch += 1; //Total timer

            //If still letters in dictonary
            if (dict.Count > 0)
                goto CheckNext;

            //If one of more workers are busy
            if (char.IsLetter(workersChar[0]) || char.IsLetter(workersChar[1]) || char.IsLetter(workersChar[2]) || char.IsLetter(workersChar[3]) || char.IsLetter(workersChar[4]) || char.IsLetter(workersChar[5]))
                goto ReCheck;

            Console.WriteLine("letters is: {0}", anwser);
            //Console.WriteLine("stopwatch is: {0}", stopwatch);
Beispiel #2
        //************************** HANDLE DATA ONE SCAN ****************************************//
        static MyRetunValue HandleDataOneScan(Dictionary <int, MySteps> dict)
            var returnValue = new MyRetunValue();

            bool itemFound;
            int  i, j;

            char[,] itemsFound = new char[100, 2];
            char nextLetter  = new char();
            char firstLetter = new char();

            //Order by firststeps
            var items = from pair in dict
                        orderby pair.Value.FirstStep ascending
                        select pair;

            i = 0;

            //loop to dictonary
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, MySteps> pair in items)
                itemFound = false;

                //loop to diconary
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, MySteps> pair2 in items)
                    //check if value exist in second colum
                    if (pair.Value.FirstStep == pair2.Value.SecondStep ||
                        pair.Value.FirstStep == workersChar[0] ||
                        pair.Value.FirstStep == workersChar[1] ||
                        pair.Value.FirstStep == workersChar[2] ||
                        pair.Value.FirstStep == workersChar[3] ||
                        pair.Value.FirstStep == workersChar[4]
                        //    || ( char.IsLetter(workersChar[0]) && char.IsLetter(workersChar[1])  ))
                        || (char.IsLetter(workersChar[0]) && char.IsLetter(workersChar[1]) && char.IsLetter(workersChar[2]) && char.IsLetter(workersChar[3]) && char.IsLetter(workersChar[4])))

                        itemFound = true;

                //If not found in second colum
                if (itemFound == false)
                    itemsFound[i, 0] = pair.Value.FirstStep;
                    itemsFound[i, 1] = pair.Value.SecondStep;
                    i += 1;

            nextLetter = 'Z';

            //Determine first and next letter
            for (j = 0; j < 1; j++)
                //Console.WriteLine("     Option found: {0}, {1}", itemsFound[j, 0], itemsFound[j, 1]);
                if (itemsFound[j, 1] <= nextLetter)
                    firstLetter = itemsFound[j, 0];
                    nextLetter  = itemsFound[j, 1];

            returnValue.Anwser     = firstLetter;
            returnValue.FirstStep  = firstLetter;
            returnValue.SecondStep = nextLetter;

            // Console.WriteLine("     Return: Firstletter: {0}, Secondletter: {1}, Anwser: {2}", returnValue.FirstStep, returnValue.SecondStep, returnValue.Anwser);

            if (char.IsLetter(firstLetter))

            // Console.WriteLine("workers is: {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4} ", workersChar[0], workersChar[1], workersChar[2], workersChar[3], workersChar[4]);
            // Console.ReadKey();
