public virtual void SetUp()
            _getCurrentUserHandler       = _getCurrentUserHandler.Fake();
            _loginHandler                = _loginHandler.Fake();
            _logoutHandler               = _logoutHandler.Fake();
            _nancySecurityContextFactory = _nancySecurityContextFactory.Fake();
            _sut          = new UsersModule(_getCurrentUserHandler, _loginHandler, _logoutHandler, _nancySecurityContextFactory);
            _bootstrapper = new ApiBootstrapper(with => {
                with.RootPathProvider(new InvoiceGenRootPathProvider());
            _browser = new Browser(_bootstrapper, to => to.Accept(new MediaRange("application/json")));

            _authenticatedUser = new User {
                GivenName = "John",
                LastName  = "Doe",
                Login     = new Login {
                    Value = "JDoe"
                Password = new Password {
                    Value       = "P@$$w0rd",
                    IsEncrypted = false
        public virtual void SetUp()
            _getCurrentUserHandler = _getCurrentUserHandler.Fake();
              _loginHandler = _loginHandler.Fake();
              _logoutHandler = _logoutHandler.Fake();
              _nancySecurityContextFactory = _nancySecurityContextFactory.Fake();
              _sut = new UsersModule(_getCurrentUserHandler, _loginHandler, _logoutHandler, _nancySecurityContextFactory);
              _bootstrapper = new ApiBootstrapper(with => {
            with.RootPathProvider(new InvoiceGenRootPathProvider());
              _browser = new Browser(_bootstrapper, to => to.Accept(new MediaRange("application/json")));

              _authenticatedUser = new User {
            GivenName = "John",
            LastName = "Doe",
            Login = new Login {Value = "JDoe"},
            Password = new Password {
              Value = "P@$$w0rd",
              IsEncrypted = false