Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates new <see cref="DataTablesRequest{T}"/> from <see cref="NameValueCollection"/> instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        public DataTablesRequest(NameValueCollection query)
            if (query == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Datatables query parameters collection is null.");

            if (!query.HasKeys())
                throw new ArgumentException("Datatables query has no keys.");

            OriginalRequest = new NameValueCollection(query);

            int start  = Int32.TryParse(query["start"], out start) ? start : 0;
            int length = Int32.TryParse(query["length"], out length) ? length : 15;
            int draw   = Int32.TryParse(query["draw"], out draw) ? draw : 0;

            string globalSearch = query["search[value]"];
            bool   searchRegex  = Boolean.TryParse(query["search[regex]"], out searchRegex) ? searchRegex : false;

            int pageNumber = start / length + 1;

            GlobalSearchValue = globalSearch;
            GlobalSearchRegex = searchRegex;
            PageNumber        = pageNumber;
            PageSize          = length;
            Draw = draw;

            // extract columns info
            string columnPattern = "columns\\[(\\d+)\\]\\[data\\]";
            var    columnKeys    = query.AllKeys.Where(k => k != null && Regex.IsMatch(k, columnPattern));

            foreach (var key in columnKeys)
                var  colIndex       = Regex.Match(key, columnPattern).Groups[1].Value;
                bool orderable      = Boolean.TryParse(query[$"columns[{colIndex}][orderable]"], out orderable) ? orderable : true;
                bool searchable     = Boolean.TryParse(query[$"columns[{colIndex}][searchable]"], out searchable) ? searchable : true;
                bool colSearchRegex = Boolean.TryParse(query["search[regex]"], out colSearchRegex) ? colSearchRegex : false;
                bool colCISearch    = Boolean.TryParse(query[$"columns[{colIndex}][cisearch]"], out colCISearch) ? colCISearch : false;
                bool colCIOrder     = Boolean.TryParse(query[$"columns[{colIndex}][ciorder]"], out colCIOrder) ? colCIOrder : false;

                string       data         = query[$"columns[{colIndex}][data]"];
                string       name         = query[$"columns[{colIndex}][name]"];
                string       searchValue  = query[$"columns[{colIndex}][search][value]"];
                string       propertyName = null;
                PropertyInfo propertyInfo = null;
                Type         type         = typeof(T);

                // take property name from `data`
                if (colIndex.ToString() != data)
                    propertyInfo = GetPropertyByName(type, data);
                    if (propertyInfo != null)
                        propertyName = data;
                        throw new NoPropertyByNameException($"Could not find a property called \"{data}\" on type \"{type}\". Make sure you have specified correct value of \"\" parameter in datatables options.");

                // take property name from `name`
                if (propertyInfo == null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
                    propertyInfo = GetPropertyByName(type, name);
                    if (propertyInfo != null)
                        propertyName = name;
                        throw new NoPropertyByNameException($"Could not find a property called \"{name}\" on type \"{type}\". Make sure you have specified correct value of \"\" parameter in datatables options.");

                if (propertyName == null)
                    throw new NoPropertyByNameException($"Unable to associate datatables column \"{colIndex}\" with model type \"{typeof(T)}\". There are no matching public property found. Make sure you specified valid identifiers for \"\" and/or \"\" parameters in datatables options for the column \"{colIndex}\".");

                var column = new DataTablesColumn <T>()
                    Index                   = Int32.Parse(colIndex),
                    PropertyName            = propertyName,
                    SearchValue             = searchValue,
                    SearchRegex             = colSearchRegex,
                    IsSearchable            = searchable,
                    IsOrderable             = orderable,
                    SearchCaseInsensitive   = colCISearch,
                    OrderingCaseInsensitive = colCIOrder


            // extract sorting info
            string orderPattern = "order\\[(\\d)\\]\\[column\\]";
            var    orderKeys    = query.AllKeys.Where(k => k != null && Regex.IsMatch(k, orderPattern));

            foreach (var key in orderKeys)
                var index = Regex.Match(key, orderPattern).Groups[1].Value;

                int columnIndex  = 0;
                int sortingIndex = 0;
                if (Int32.TryParse(index, out sortingIndex) &&
                    Int32.TryParse(query[$"order[{index}][column]"], out columnIndex))
                    var column = Columns.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Index == columnIndex);
                    if (column != null)
                        column.OrderingIndex     = sortingIndex;
                        column.OrderingDirection = query[$"order[{index}][dir]"] == "desc" ?
                                                   ListSortDirection.Descending : ListSortDirection.Ascending;
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates new <see cref="DataTablesRequest{T}"/> from <see cref="NameValueCollection"/> instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        public DataTablesRequest(NameValueCollection query)
            if (query == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Datatables query parameters collection is null.");

            if (!query.HasKeys())
                throw new ArgumentException("Datatables query has no keys.");

            mOrginalRequest = new NameValueCollection(query);

            Trace.WriteLine($"DataTables.Queryable incoming request parameters:");
            query.AllKeys.ToList().ForEach(k => Trace.WriteLine($"{k} = {query[k]}"));

            int start  = Int32.TryParse(query["start"], out start) ? start : 0;
            int length = Int32.TryParse(query["length"], out length) ? length : 15;

            string sortFieldColumnIndex = query["order[0][column]"];
            string globalSearch         = query["search[value]"];
            bool   searchRegex          = Boolean.TryParse(query["search[regex]"], out searchRegex) ? searchRegex : false;

            int pageNumber = start / length + 1;

            GlobalSearchValue = globalSearch;
            GlobalSearchRegex = searchRegex;
            PageNumber        = pageNumber;
            PageSize          = length;

            // extract columns info
            string columnPattern = "columns\\[(\\d+)\\]\\[data\\]";
            var    columnKeys    = query.AllKeys.Where(k => k != null && Regex.IsMatch(k, columnPattern));
            foreach (var key in columnKeys)
                var  colIndex       = Regex.Match(key, columnPattern).Groups[1].Value;
                bool orderable      = Boolean.TryParse(query[$"columns[{colIndex}][orderable]"], out orderable) ? orderable : true;
                bool searchable     = Boolean.TryParse(query[$"columns[{colIndex}][searchable]"], out searchable) ? searchable : true;
                bool colSearchRegex = Boolean.TryParse(query["search[regex]"], out colSearchRegex) ? colSearchRegex : false;
                bool colCISearch    = Boolean.TryParse(query[$"columns[{colIndex}][cisearch]"], out colCISearch) ? colCISearch : false;
                bool colCIOrder     = Boolean.TryParse(query[$"columns[{colIndex}][ciorder]"], out colCIOrder) ? colCIOrder : false;

                string       data         = query[$"columns[{colIndex}][data]"];
                string       name         = query[$"columns[{colIndex}][name]"];
                string       searchValue  = query[$"columns[{colIndex}][search][value]"];
                string       propertyName = null;
                PropertyInfo propertyInfo = null;
                Type         type         = typeof(T);

                propertyInfo = GetPropertyByName(type, data);
                if (propertyInfo != null)
                    propertyName = data;
                    propertyInfo = GetPropertyByName(type, name);
                    if (propertyInfo != null)
                        propertyName = name;

                if (propertyName == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException($"Unable to associate datatables column \"{colIndex}\" with model type \"{typeof(T)}\". There are no matching public property found. Make sure you specified valid identifiers for \"data\" and/or \"name\" parameters in datatables options.");

                var column = new DataTablesColumn <T>()
                    Index                   = Int32.Parse(colIndex),
                    PropertyName            = propertyName,
                    SearchValue             = searchValue,
                    SearchRegex             = colSearchRegex,
                    IsSearchable            = searchable,
                    IsOrderable             = orderable,
                    SearchCaseInsensitive   = colCISearch,
                    OrderingCaseInsensitive = colCIOrder


            // extract sorting info
            string orderPattern = "order\\[(\\d)\\]\\[column\\]";
            var    orderKeys    = query.AllKeys.Where(k => k != null && Regex.IsMatch(k, orderPattern));
            foreach (var key in orderKeys)
                var index = Regex.Match(key, orderPattern).Groups[1].Value;

                int columnIndex  = 0;
                int sortingIndex = 0;
                if (Int32.TryParse(index, out sortingIndex) &&
                    Int32.TryParse(query[$"order[{index}][column]"], out columnIndex))
                    var column = Columns.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Index == columnIndex);
                    if (column != null)
                        column.OrderingIndex     = sortingIndex;
                        column.OrderingDirection = query[$"order[{index}][dir]"] == "desc" ?
                                                   ListSortDirection.Descending : ListSortDirection.Ascending;