private static void listenerThreadProc()
            staticLogMessage(new MessageEvent("Network Clock listener thread is alive", 1, MessageEvent.MessageTypes.Log, MessageEvent.MessageCategories.Networking));

            while (true)
                // Wait for a datagram from the udpClient.
                // This makes use of a temporary local reference to udpClient so that we can be sure
                // that even if the static udpClient member is changed when we don't hold the static lock
                // we will at least run the callback on the correct instance of udpClient.
                // (I didn't want to lock the receive callback on staticLockObj, because the callback may
                // take arbitrarily long to return, and I don't want to be locked out of other static activities like
                // shutting down the listener.

                System.Net.IPEndPoint remoteEnd = null;
                IAsyncResult result;
                byte[] received;
                UdpClient udpClientNonstatic;
                lock (staticLockObj)
                    udpClientNonstatic = udpClient;
                    result = udpClient.BeginReceive(null, null);
                received = udpClientNonstatic.EndReceive(result, ref remoteEnd);

                if (received.Length != NetworkClockDatagram.datagramByteLength)
                    staticLogMessage(new MessageEvent("Received wrong sized (" + received.Length + ") datagram. Dropping.", 1, MessageEvent.MessageTypes.Error, MessageEvent.MessageCategories.Networking));

                NetworkClockDatagram ndgram = new NetworkClockDatagram(received);

            #if DEBUG
                staticLogMessage(new MessageEvent("Received network clock datagram " + ndgram.ToString(), 2, MessageEvent.MessageTypes.Debug, MessageEvent.MessageCategories.Networking));
                if (ndgram.DatagramCount != lastNGramID + 1)
                    staticLogMessage(new MessageEvent("Warning! Received network clock datagram #" + ndgram.DatagramCount + ", expected #" + (lastNGramID + 1) + ".", 0, MessageEvent.MessageTypes.Warning, MessageEvent.MessageCategories.Networking));
                lastNGramID = ndgram.DatagramCount;

                NetworkClockProvider pr = null;

                // Pull designated provider out of provider's dictionary (locked on staticLockObj since
                // we are accessing static providers dictionary)
                // Will leave pr as null if no such ClockID listener exists.
                // Will throw an exception if clockID does exist, but listener is null.
                lock (staticLockObj)
                    if (providers.ContainsKey(ndgram.ClockID))
                        pr = providers[ndgram.ClockID];
                        if (pr == null)
                            throw new SoftwareClockProviderException("Unexpected null network clock provider.");

                // If provider does exist, (is not null), relay to it the latest
                // clock message
                if (pr != null)
                    // Thread lock on pr object
                    lock (pr.instanceLockObj)
                        if (pr.isRunning)
                            if (!pr.receivedFirstClock)
                                staticLogMessage(new MessageEvent("Received first clock datagram for clockID " + Shared.clockIDToString(pr.clockID),
                                    0, MessageEvent.MessageTypes.Routine, MessageEvent.MessageCategories.SoftwareClock));
                                pr.receivedFirstClock = true;
Beispiel #2
        private static void listenerThreadProc()
            staticLogMessage(new MessageEvent("Network Clock listener thread is alive", 1, MessageEvent.MessageTypes.Log, MessageEvent.MessageCategories.Networking));

            while (true)
                // Wait for a datagram from the udpClient.
                // This makes use of a temporary local reference to udpClient so that we can be sure
                // that even if the static udpClient member is changed when we don't hold the static lock
                // we will at least run the callback on the correct instance of udpClient.
                // (I didn't want to lock the receive callback on staticLockObj, because the callback may
                // take arbitrarily long to return, and I don't want to be locked out of other static activities like
                // shutting down the listener.

                System.Net.IPEndPoint remoteEnd = null;
                IAsyncResult          result;
                byte[]    received;
                UdpClient udpClientNonstatic;
                lock (staticLockObj)
                    udpClientNonstatic = udpClient;
                    result             = udpClient.BeginReceive(null, null);
                received = udpClientNonstatic.EndReceive(result, ref remoteEnd);

                if (received.Length != NetworkClockDatagram.datagramByteLength)
                    staticLogMessage(new MessageEvent("Received wrong sized (" + received.Length + ") datagram. Dropping.", 1, MessageEvent.MessageTypes.Error, MessageEvent.MessageCategories.Networking));

                NetworkClockDatagram ndgram = new NetworkClockDatagram(received);

                staticLogMessage(new MessageEvent("Received network clock datagram " + ndgram.ToString(), 2, MessageEvent.MessageTypes.Debug, MessageEvent.MessageCategories.Networking));
                if (ndgram.DatagramCount != lastNGramID + 1)
                    staticLogMessage(new MessageEvent("Warning! Received network clock datagram #" + ndgram.DatagramCount + ", expected #" + (lastNGramID + 1) + ".", 0, MessageEvent.MessageTypes.Warning, MessageEvent.MessageCategories.Networking));
                lastNGramID = ndgram.DatagramCount;

                NetworkClockProvider pr = null;

                // Pull designated provider out of provider's dictionary (locked on staticLockObj since
                // we are accessing static providers dictionary)
                // Will leave pr as null if no such ClockID listener exists.
                // Will throw an exception if clockID does exist, but listener is null.
                lock (staticLockObj)
                    if (providers.ContainsKey(ndgram.ClockID))
                        pr = providers[ndgram.ClockID];
                        if (pr == null)
                            throw new SoftwareClockProviderException("Unexpected null network clock provider.");

                // If provider does exist, (is not null), relay to it the latest
                // clock message
                if (pr != null)
                    // Thread lock on pr object
                    lock (pr.instanceLockObj)
                        if (pr.isRunning)
                            if (!pr.receivedFirstClock)
                                staticLogMessage(new MessageEvent("Received first clock datagram for clockID " + Shared.clockIDToString(pr.clockID),
                                                                  0, MessageEvent.MessageTypes.Routine, MessageEvent.MessageCategories.SoftwareClock));
                                pr.receivedFirstClock = true;