/// <summary>
 /// Download programs and/or platforms
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="handler">An exception handler to allow processing additional items despite an exception.
 /// If the handler is null, processing will stop on first exception.
 /// The handler can throw it's own exception to halt further processing</param>
 /// <param name="pi">A project investigator.
 /// If provided, only the programs/platforms for that PI will be downloaded,
 /// otherwise all programs/platforms will be downloaded</param>
 /// <param name="daysToRetrieve">The number of days to download.  If it is null, then the database is consulted
 /// to get the number of days since the last successful download.  If the number is less than MinDays then nothing is
 /// downloaded (the server is not contacted at all).  If the number is truncated to MaxDays.
 /// MinDays and MaxDays are set in the config file of the calling application.</param>
 public static void DownloadAll(Action<Exception, ArgosProgram, ArgosPlatform> handler = null, ProjectInvestigator pi = null, int? daysToRetrieve = null)
     var db = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
     foreach (var program in db.ArgosPrograms.Where(p => (pi == null || pi == p.ProjectInvestigator) && p.Active.HasValue && p.Active.Value))
             DownloadArgosProgram(program, daysToRetrieve);
         catch (Exception ex)
             if (handler == null)
             handler(ex, program, null);
     foreach (var platform in db.ArgosPlatforms.Where(p => (pi == null || pi == p.ArgosProgram.ProjectInvestigator) && p.Active && !p.ArgosProgram.Active.HasValue))
             DownloadArgosPlatform(platform, daysToRetrieve);
         catch (Exception ex)
             if (handler == null)
             handler(ex, null, platform);
 /// <summary>
 /// Retrieves data for an Argos Platform from the Argos Web Server
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="platform">The Argos Platform to retrieve from the server</param>
 /// <param name="daysToRetrieve">The number of most recent days to retrieve from the server</param>
 public static void DownloadArgosPlatform(ArgosPlatform platform, int? daysToRetrieve = null)
     int daysSinceLastDownload;
     if (daysToRetrieve.HasValue)
         daysSinceLastDownload = daysToRetrieve.Value;
         var database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
         var dateOfLastDownload = (from log in database.ArgosDownloads
                                   where log.PlatformId == platform.PlatformId && log.FileId != null
                                   orderby log.TimeStamp descending
                                   select log.TimeStamp).FirstOrDefault();
         daysSinceLastDownload = (DateTime.Now - dateOfLastDownload).Days;
     var days = Math.Min(ArgosWebSite.MaxDays, daysSinceLastDownload);
     if (days < ArgosWebSite.MinDays)
     var program = platform.ArgosProgram;
     string errors;
     var results = ArgosWebSite.GetCollar(program.UserName, program.Password, platform.PlatformId, days,
                                          out errors);
     CollarFile file = FileLoader.LoadPlatfrom(platform, days, results, errors);
     if (file == null)
 private void EnableForm()
     Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
     Application.DoEvents(); // Make sure the wait cursor is shown;
     var db = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
         _investigator = db.ProjectInvestigators.FirstOrDefault(pi => pi.Login == _currentUser);
     catch (Exception ex)
         Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
         MyProfileButton.Text = "Connection Failed";
         MyProfileButton.Enabled = false;
         MessageBox.Show(Environment.NewLine + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine +
             "Connection String:" + Environment.NewLine + db.Connection.ConnectionString,
             "Unable to connect to the database", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
     Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
     MyProfileButton.Visible = _investigator != null;
     MyProfileButton.Text = "Project Investigator Details";
     ProjectsButton.Enabled = true;
     InvestigatorsButton.Enabled = true;
     UploadButton.Enabled = true;
     GenerateMapButton.Enabled = true;
     QuickStartWizardButton.Enabled = true;
Beispiel #4
 private static Project GetProject(string projectId)
     projectId = projectId.Normalize();
     if (projectId.StartsWith("/p:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
         projectId = projectId.Substring(3);
     if (projectId.StartsWith("/project:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
         projectId = projectId.Substring(9);
     var database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
     return database.Projects.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProjectId == projectId);
Beispiel #5
 private static ProjectInvestigator GetOwner(string owner)
     owner = owner.Normalize();
     if (owner.StartsWith("/m:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
         owner = owner.Substring(3);
     if (owner.StartsWith("/manager:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
         owner = owner.Substring(9);
     if (owner.StartsWith("/o:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
         owner = owner.Substring(3);
     if (owner.StartsWith("/owner:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
         owner = owner.Substring(7);
     var database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
     return database.ProjectInvestigators.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Login == owner);
Beispiel #6
 private static ArgosPlatform GetPlatform(string platformId)
     platformId = platformId.Normalize();
     if (platformId.StartsWith("/a:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
         platformId = platformId.Substring(3);
     if (platformId.StartsWith("/argos:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
         platformId = platformId.Substring(7);
     if (platformId.StartsWith("/p:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
         platformId = platformId.Substring(3);
     if (platformId.StartsWith("/platform:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
         platformId = platformId.Substring(10);
     var database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
     return database.ArgosPlatforms.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PlatformId == platformId);
Beispiel #7
 private static CollarFile GetCollarFile(string fileId)
     fileId = fileId.Normalize();
     if (fileId.StartsWith("/f:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
         fileId = fileId.Substring(3);
     if (fileId.StartsWith("/file:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
         fileId = fileId.Substring(6);
     int id;
     if (!Int32.TryParse(fileId, out id) || id < 1)
         return null;
     var database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
     return (from collar in database.CollarFiles
             where (collar.LookupCollarFileFormat.Code == 'H' || collar.LookupCollarFileFormat.ArgosData == 'Y') && collar.FileId == id
             select collar).FirstOrDefault();
Beispiel #8
 private static void HandleException(Exception ex, CollarFile file, ArgosPlatform platform)
     if (file == null)
         Console.WriteLine("Processor exception handler called without a file: {0}", ex.Message);
     if (file.LookupCollarFileFormat.ArgosData != 'Y')
         Console.WriteLine("Processor exception handler called with a Non-Argos Data file({1}): {0}", ex.Message, file.FileId);
     var db = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
     db.ArgosFileProcessingIssues_Insert(file.FileId, ex.Message, platform == null ? null : platform.PlatformId,
                                         null, null, null, null);
 /// <summary>
 /// Find and process all of the Argos or DataLog files that need full or partial processing
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="handler">Delegate to handle exceptions on each file, so that processing can continue.
 /// If the handler is null, processing will stop on first exception.
 /// The handler can throw it's own exception to halt further processing</param>
 /// <param name="pi">A project investigator.
 /// If provided, only files owned by or in projects managed by the given PI will be processed
 /// If null, then all files needing processing will be processed</param>
 public static void ProcessAll(Action<Exception, CollarFile, ArgosPlatform> handler = null,
                               ProjectInvestigator pi = null)
     var database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
     var views = new AnimalMovementViews();
     foreach (var fileId in
         views.NeverProcessedArgosFiles.Select(x => x.FileId)
              .Concat(views.NeverProcessedDataLogFiles.Select(x => x.FileId))
              .Concat(views.NeverProcessedIdfFiles.Select(x => x.FileId)))
         var file = database.CollarFiles.First(f => f.FileId == fileId);
         if (pi != null &&
             (file.ProjectInvestigator == null || file.ProjectInvestigator.Login != pi.Login) &&
             (file.Project == null || file.Project.ProjectInvestigator1.Login != pi.Login))
         catch (Exception ex)
             if (handler == null)
             handler(ex, file, null);
     foreach (var item in views.PartiallyProcessedArgosFiles)
         var file = database.CollarFiles.First(f => f.FileId == item.FileId);
         var platform = database.ArgosPlatforms.First(p => p.PlatformId == item.PlatformId);
         if (pi != null && file.ProjectInvestigator != pi && (file.Project == null ||
                                                              file.Project.ProjectInvestigator1 != pi))
             ProcessFile(file, platform);
         catch (Exception ex)
             if (handler == null)
             handler(ex, file, platform);
        private void LoadDataContext()
            Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
            //Database.Log = Console.Out;
            //Investigator is in a different DataContext, get one in this DataContext
            if (Investigator != null)
                Investigator = Database.ProjectInvestigators.FirstOrDefault(pi => pi.Login == Investigator.Login);

            //Validate Program and Editor on load, so we can show a messagebox.
        private void LoadDataContext()
            Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
            //Database.Log = Console.Out;
            //File is in a different DataContext, get one in this DataContext
            if (File != null)
                File = Database.CollarParameterFiles.FirstOrDefault(f => f.FileId == File.FileId);
            if (File == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Collar Parameter File Details Form not provided a valid Parameter File.");

            var functions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();
            IsEditor = functions.IsInvestigatorEditor(File.Owner, CurrentUser) ?? false;
            HasParameters = File.CollarParameters.Any();
            ParametersDataGridView.DataSource = null;
 private static void LogIssueForFile(int fileid, string message, string platform = null, string collarMfgr = null,
                                     string collarId = null, DateTime? firstTransmission = null,
                                     DateTime? lastTransmission = null)
     if (Properties.Settings.Default.LogErrorsToConsole)
     if (Properties.Settings.Default.LogErrorsToLogFile)
                                String.Format("{0}: {1}" + Environment.NewLine, DateTime.Now, message));
         catch (Exception ex)
             Debug.Print("Unable to log to file " + ex.Message);
     var issue = new ArgosFileProcessingIssue
             FileId = fileid,
             Issue = message,
             PlatformId = platform,
             CollarManufacturer = collarMfgr,
             CollarId = collarId,
             FirstTransmission = firstTransmission,
             LastTransmission = lastTransmission
     var database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
 private void LoadDataContext()
     Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
     //Database.Log = Console.Out;
     //Collar and Platform are in a different DataContext, get them in this DataContext
     if (Collar != null)
         Collar =
                 c => c.CollarManufacturer == Collar.CollarManufacturer && c.CollarId == Collar.CollarId);
     if (Platform != null)
         Platform =
             Database.ArgosPlatforms.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PlatformId == Platform.PlatformId);
 private void LoadDataContext()
     Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
     //Database.Log = Console.Out;
     //Investigator is in a different DataContext, get one in this DataContext
     if (Investigator != null)
         Investigator = Database.ProjectInvestigators.FirstOrDefault(pi => pi.Login == Investigator.Login);
        private void LoadDataContext()
            Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
            //Database.Log = Console.Out;
            //Get a CollarDeployment in this DataContext
            if (CollarDeployment != null)
            CollarDeployment =
                    Database.CollarDeployments.FirstOrDefault(d => d.DeploymentId == CollarDeployment.DeploymentId);
            if (CollarDeployment == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Collar Deployments Form not provided a valid Deployment.");

            var functions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();
            IsEditor = (functions.IsProjectEditor(CollarDeployment.Animal.ProjectId, CurrentUser) ?? false) ||
                       (functions.IsInvestigatorEditor(CollarDeployment.Collar.Manager, CurrentUser) ?? false);
        private void LoadDataContext()
            Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
            //Database.Log = Console.Out;
            //Project is in a different DataContext, get one in this DataContext
            if (Project != null)
                Project = Database.Projects.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProjectId == Project.ProjectId);

            //If Project is not provided, Current user must be a PI or an project editor
            if (Project == null)
                if (!Database.Projects.Any(p => p.ProjectInvestigator == CurrentUser) &&
                    !Database.ProjectEditors.Any(e => e.Editor == CurrentUser))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Add Animal Form not provided a valid Project or you are not a PI or editor on any projects.");

            Functions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();
            IsEditor = Project != null && (Functions.IsProjectEditor(Project.ProjectId, CurrentUser) ?? false);
        private void LoadDataContext()
            Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
            //Database.Log = Console.Out;
            //Platform is in a different DataContext, get one in this DataContext
            if (Platform != null)
                Platform = Database.ArgosPlatforms.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PlatformId == Platform.PlatformId);
            if (Platform == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Argos Platform Details Form not provided a valid Platform.");

            var functions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();
            IsEditor = functions.IsInvestigatorEditor(Platform.ArgosProgram.Manager, CurrentUser) ?? false;
 private void LoadDataContext()
     Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
     //Database.Log = Console.Out;
     IsEditor =
             pi =>
             pi.Login == CurrentUser || pi.ProjectInvestigatorAssistants.Any(a => a.Assistant == CurrentUser));
Beispiel #19
 private static ArgosProgram GetProgram(string programId)
     if (programId.StartsWith("/program:"))
         programId = programId.Substring(9);
     var database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
     return database.ArgosPrograms.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProgramId == programId);
Beispiel #20
 private static ArgosPlatform GetPlatform(string platformId)
     if (platformId.StartsWith("/platform:"))
         platformId = platformId.Substring(10);
     var database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
     return database.ArgosPlatforms.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PlatformId == platformId);
Beispiel #21
 private static ProjectInvestigator GetProjectInvestigator(string pi)
     var database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
     return database.ProjectInvestigators.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Login == pi);
 /// <summary>
 /// Retrieves data for an Argos Program from the Argos Web Server
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="program">The Argos Program (contains Platforms) to retrieve from the server</param>
 /// <param name="daysToRetrieve">The number of most recent days to retrieve from the server</param>
 public static void DownloadArgosProgram(ArgosProgram program, int? daysToRetrieve = null)
     int daysSinceLastDownload;
     if (daysToRetrieve.HasValue)
         daysSinceLastDownload = daysToRetrieve.Value;
         var database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
         var dateOfLastDownload = (from log in database.ArgosDownloads
                                   where log.ProgramId == program.ProgramId && log.FileId != null
                                   orderby log.TimeStamp descending
                                   select log.TimeStamp).FirstOrDefault();
         //Problem: using Days always truncates.
         // If I download at 1am on day 1, and then 11pm on day 2, (1.9 days -> 1day),
         //   I will miss any data created between 1am and 11pm on day 1.
         // However, rounding up may cause a lot of duplication,
         // (i.e. 6:01am on day1 and then 6:02am on day2, will need to download 2 days to get the extra minute)
         // by default we should round up to make sure that all data is obtained.  However, since this is
         // typically called on a scheduled task at the same time (+/- download/processing time) everyday.
         // I will check if we are close to an even day, and then round tword that day
         var timespan = DateTime.Now - dateOfLastDownload;
         int extraDay = timespan.Hours == 0 && timespan.Minutes < 5 ? 0 : 1;
         daysSinceLastDownload = timespan.Days + extraDay;
     var days = Math.Min(ArgosWebSite.MaxDays, daysSinceLastDownload);
     if (days < ArgosWebSite.MinDays)
     string errors;
     var results = ArgosWebSite.GetProgram(program.UserName, program.Password, program.ProgramId, days,
                                          out errors);
     CollarFile file = FileLoader.LoadProgram(program, days, results, errors);
     if (file == null)
        private void LoadDataContext()
            Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
            //Database.Log = Console.Out;
            //Get an ArgosDeployment in this data context
            ArgosDeployment =
                    Database.ArgosDeployments.FirstOrDefault(d => d.DeploymentId == DeploymentId);
            if (ArgosDeployment == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Argos Deployments Form not provided a valid Argos Deployment Id.");

            var functions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();
            IsEditor = (functions.IsInvestigatorEditor(ArgosDeployment.Collar.Manager, CurrentUser) ?? false) ||
                       (functions.IsInvestigatorEditor(ArgosDeployment.ArgosPlatform.ArgosProgram.Manager, CurrentUser) ?? false);
        private static void ProcessIdfFile(CollarFile file)
            LogGeneralMessage(String.Format("Start local processing of file {0}", file.FileId));

            var databaseViews = new AnimalMovementViews();
            var idfLink = databaseViews.CollarParametersForIridiumDownload(file.FileId).FirstOrDefault();
            if (idfLink == null)
                LogGeneralMessage("No parameters found.  Skipping file.");
            var database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
            var tpfFile = database.CollarParameterFiles.FirstOrDefault(f => f.FileId == idfLink.ParameterFileId);
            if (tpfFile == null)
                LogGeneralMessage("No collar parameter file found.  Skipping file.");
            var collar = database.Collars.FirstOrDefault(
                    c => c.CollarManufacturer == idfLink.CollarManufacturer &&
                        (c.CollarId == idfLink.CollarId || c.CollarId == idfLink.CollarId.Substring(0,6)));
            if (collar == null)
                LogGeneralMessage("No collar found.  Skipping file.");

            var databaseFunctions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();
            //FIXME: check that this is generic to all telonics processing and not just Argos files

            var processor = new Gen4Processor(tpfFile.Contents.ToArray());
            var lines = processor.ProcessIdf(file.Contents.ToArray());

            var data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(String.Join(Environment.NewLine, lines) + Environment.NewLine);
            var filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.FileName) + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + ".csv";
            var fileLoader = new FileLoader(filename, data)
                Project = null,
                Owner = tpfFile.ProjectInvestigator,  //Must match result from databaseFunctions.CollarFile_FixOwnerOfIdfFile
                Collar = collar,
                Status = file.Status,
                ParentFileId = file.FileId,
                AllowDuplicates = false
            LogGeneralMessage("Finished local processing of file");
Beispiel #25
 public static bool PiWantsEmails(string address)
     var database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
     var pi = database.ProjectInvestigators.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Email == address);
     if (pi == null)
         return false;
     var db = new SettingsDataContext();
     var setting = db.Settings.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Username == pi.Login && s.Key == WantsEmailKey);
     //default is to get email, unless explicitly and correctly denied
     return setting == null || setting.Value != false.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
 private void LoadDataContext()
     Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
     //Database.Log = Console.Out;
     Investigator = Database.ProjectInvestigators.FirstOrDefault(pi => pi.Login == CurrentUser);
        private void LoadDataContext()
            Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
            //Database.Log = Console.Out;
            //Collar is in a different DataContext, get one in this DataContext
            if (Collar != null)
                Collar = Database.Collars.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CollarManufacturer == Collar.CollarManufacturer && c.CollarId == Collar.CollarId);
            if (Collar == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Collar Details Form not provided a valid Collar.");

            DatabaseFunctions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();
            DatabaseViews = new AnimalMovementViews();
            IsEditor = DatabaseFunctions.IsInvestigatorEditor(Collar.Manager, CurrentUser) ?? false;
Beispiel #28
 private static ProjectInvestigator GetDefaultProjectInvestagator()
     var piLogin = Properties.Settings.Default.DefaultProjectInvestigator;
     var database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
     var projectInvestigator = database.ProjectInvestigators.First(p => p.Login == piLogin);
     return projectInvestigator;
        private void LoadDataContext()
            Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
            //Database.Log = Console.Out;
            //Project is in a different DataContext, get one in this DataContext
            if (Project != null)
                Project = Database.Projects.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProjectId == Project.ProjectId);
            if (Project == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Project Details Form not provided a valid project.");

            var functions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();
            IsInvestigator = Project.ProjectInvestigator.Normalize().Equals(CurrentUser.Normalize(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            IsEditor = functions.IsProjectEditor(Project.ProjectId, CurrentUser) ?? false;
 private void LoadDataContext()
     Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
     //Database.Log = Console.Out;