getCOMRefForAddress() public method

public getCOMRefForAddress ( AST addr ) : AST.COMRef
addr AST
return AST.COMRef
Beispiel #1
        public static Dictionary<AST.Address, string> StoreOutputs(AST.Address[] outputs, DAG dag)
            // output dict
            var d = new Dictionary<AST.Address, string>();

            // partition all of the output addresses by their worksheet
            var addr_groups = outputs.GroupBy(addr => dag.getCOMRefForAddress(addr).WorksheetName);

            // for each worksheet, do an array read of the formulas
            foreach (IEnumerable<AST.Address> ws_fns in addr_groups)
                // get worksheet used range
                var fstcr = dag.getCOMRefForAddress(ws_fns.First());
                var rng = fstcr.Worksheet.UsedRange;

                // get used range dimensions
                var left = rng.Column;
                var right = rng.Columns.Count + left - 1;
                var top = rng.Row;
                var bottom = rng.Rows.Count + top - 1;

                // get names
                var wsname = new FSharpOption<string>(fstcr.WorksheetName);
                var wbname = new FSharpOption<string>(fstcr.WorkbookName);
                var path = fstcr.Path;

                // sometimes the used range is a range
                if (left != right || top != bottom)
                    // y is the first index
                    // x is the second index
                    object[,] data = rng.Value2;    // fast array read

                    var x_del = left - 1;
                    var y_del = top - 1;

                    foreach (AST.Address addr in ws_fns)
                        // construct address in formulas array
                        var x = addr.X - x_del;
                        var y = addr.Y - y_del;

                        // get string
                        String s = System.Convert.ToString(data[y, x]);
                        if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s))
                            d.Add(addr, "");
                            d.Add(addr, s);
                // and other times it is a single cell
                    // construct the appropriate AST.Address
                    AST.Address addr = AST.Address.NewFromR1C1(top, left, wsname, wbname, path);

                    // make certain that it is actually a string
                    String s = System.Convert.ToString(rng.Value2);

                    // add to dictionary, as appropriate
                    if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s))
                        d.Add(addr, "");
                        d.Add(addr, s);

            return d;
Beispiel #2
        // save spreadsheet outputs to a CellDict
        public static CellDict SaveOutputs(AST.Address[] formula_nodes, DAG dag)
            var cd = new CellDict();
            foreach (AST.Address formula_addr in formula_nodes)
                // throw an exception in debug mode, because this should never happen
                #if DEBUG
                if (!(bool)(dag.getCOMRefForAddress(formula_addr).Range.HasFormula))
                    String fstring = dag.getFormulaAtAddress(formula_addr);
                    throw new Exception("Formula address is not a formula.");

                // save value
                if (cd.ContainsKey(formula_addr))
                    throw new Exception(String.Format("Failed in SaveOutputs."));
                    cd.Add(formula_addr, dag.readCOMValueAtAddress(formula_addr));
            return cd;
Beispiel #3
        public static Dictionary <AST.Address, string> StoreOutputs(AST.Address[] outputs, DAG dag)
            // output dict
            var d = new Dictionary <AST.Address, string>();

            // partition all of the output addresses by their worksheet
            var addr_groups = outputs.GroupBy(addr => dag.getCOMRefForAddress(addr).WorksheetName);

            // for each worksheet, do an array read of the formulas
            foreach (IEnumerable <AST.Address> ws_fns in addr_groups)
                // get worksheet used range
                var fstcr = dag.getCOMRefForAddress(ws_fns.First());
                var rng   = fstcr.Worksheet.UsedRange;

                // get used range dimensions
                var left   = rng.Column;
                var right  = rng.Columns.Count + left - 1;
                var top    = rng.Row;
                var bottom = rng.Rows.Count + top - 1;

                // get names
                var wsname = new FSharpOption <string>(fstcr.WorksheetName);
                var wbname = new FSharpOption <string>(fstcr.WorkbookName);
                var path   = fstcr.Path;

                // sometimes the used range is a range
                if (left != right || top != bottom)
                    // y is the first index
                    // x is the second index
                    object[,] data = rng.Value2;    // fast array read

                    var x_del = left - 1;
                    var y_del = top - 1;

                    foreach (AST.Address addr in ws_fns)
                        // construct address in formulas array
                        var x = addr.X - x_del;
                        var y = addr.Y - y_del;

                        // get string
                        String s = System.Convert.ToString(data[y, x]);
                        if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s))
                            d.Add(addr, "");
                            d.Add(addr, s);
                // and other times it is a single cell
                    // construct the appropriate AST.Address
                    AST.Address addr = AST.Address.NewFromR1C1(top, left, wsname, wbname, path);

                    // make certain that it is actually a string
                    String s = System.Convert.ToString(rng.Value2);

                    // add to dictionary, as appropriate
                    if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s))
                        d.Add(addr, "");
                        d.Add(addr, s);
