//return count of numbers
 public int GetUserCount()
     using (var db = new StackoverflowContext())
 // get all users owning the post-id
 public List <Post> GetPostsUser(int id)
     using (var db = new StackoverflowContext())
         return(db.Post.Where(p => p.OwnerUserId == id).ToList());
 //return a full user, including all posts.
 public User GetUser(int id)
     using (var db = new StackoverflowContext())
         return(db.User.Include(c => c.Posts).FirstOrDefault(p => p.Userid == id));
 public History GetHistoryItem(int userId, int linkPostId)
     using (var db = new StackoverflowContext())
         return(db.History.FirstOrDefault(h => h.Userid == userId && h.LinkPostId == linkPostId));
 public void DeleteMarking(int uid, int pid)
     using (var db = new StackoverflowContext())
         db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("delete from marking where user_id = {0} and post_id = {1}", uid, pid);
 public List <History> GetHistory()
     using (var db = new StackoverflowContext())
 public int AddMarking(int uid, int pid, string mark)
     using (var db = new StackoverflowContext())
         return(db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("call add_marking({0},{1},{2})", uid, pid, mark));
 public int AddQuestion(int uid, string body, string title)
     using (var db = new StackoverflowContext())
         return(db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("call add_question({0},{1},{2})", uid, body, title));
 public List <Marking> UserBookmarks(int id)
     using (var db = new StackoverflowContext())
         return(db.Marking.Where(m => m.Postid == id).ToList());
        //private readonly StackoverflowContext _db;

        //public DataService() => _db = new StackoverflowContext();

        // ------------------------ USERS  ------------------------
        //public List<User> GetUsers() => _db.User.ToList();
        public List <User> GetUsers(int page, int pageSize)
            using (var db = new StackoverflowContext())
                return(db.User.OrderBy(x => x.Userid).Skip(page * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList());
 // ------------------------ HISTORY & BOOKMARKS ------------------------
 public List <History> UserHistory(int id)
     using (var db = new StackoverflowContext())
         return(db.History.Where(h => h.Userid == id).ToList());
 public List <LinkedPosts> LinkingToThisPost(int id)
     using (var db = new StackoverflowContext())
         return(db.LinkedPosts.Where(lp => lp.PostId == id).ToList());
 public int NumberOfQuestions()
     using (var db = new StackoverflowContext())
         return(db.Post.Count(x => x.TypeId == 1));
 public List <Question> SearchQuestionsByTag(string tag, int limit)
     using (var db = new StackoverflowContext())
         return(db.Question.FromSql("call search_questions_by_tag({0},{1})", tag, limit).ToList());
 //return a Post, including tags related to the post.
 public Post GetPosts_Tags(int id)
     using (var db = new StackoverflowContext())
         return(db.Post.Include(c => c.PostTags).FirstOrDefault(p => p.PostId == id));
 public void AddQuestionToHistory(int userId, int postId)
     using (var db = new StackoverflowContext())
         db.History.Add(new History(userId, postId));
 public void RemoveQuestionFromHistory(int userId, int linkPostId)
     using (var db = new StackoverflowContext())
         db.History.Remove(GetHistoryItem(userId, linkPostId));
 //return a full post, including all comments and tags.
 public Post GetPost(int id)
     using (var db = new StackoverflowContext())
         return(db.Post.Include(p1 => p1.Comments).Include(p1 => p1.PostTags)
                .FirstOrDefault(p => p.PostId == id));
 //return a full question
 public Question GetQuestion(int id)
     using (var db = new StackoverflowContext())
         var question = db.Question.FirstOrDefault(q => q.PostId1 == id);
 public List <Post> BestMatch(string text)
     using (var db = new StackoverflowContext())
             (db.Post.FromSql("call bestmatch({0})")
              .ToList());   // the words in the text needs to be coma seperated and the string needs to be max 5000 in length for this  to work
 //return a full answer
 public Answers GetAnswer(int id)
     using (var db = new StackoverflowContext())
         var answer = db.Answer.FirstOrDefault(q => q.PostId == id);
        // ------------------------ POSTS (QUESTIONS / ANSWERS) ------------------------

        public List <Post> GetPosts(int page, int pageSize)
            using (var db = new StackoverflowContext())
                       .Skip(page * pageSize)
 public List <Post> GetNewestQuestions(int page, int pageSize)
     using (var db = new StackoverflowContext())
         var posts = db.Post.Where(p => p.TypeId == 1 /*&& p.CreationDate>DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1027)*/).OrderByDescending(q => q.CreationDate)
                     .Skip(page * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList();
         //var posts = db.NewestQuestions.Skip(page * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList();
         return(posts);//.Select(post => GetQuestion(post.PostId)).ToList();
 //----- For the wordcloud -----//
 public List <WordIndex> GetTfOfWordsInAPost(int id)
     using (var db = new StackoverflowContext())
         return(db.WordIndex.Where(i => i.Id == id)
                .GroupBy(test => test.Word)
                .Select(grp => grp.First())
 public List <Answers> GetAnswers(int id)
     using (var db = new StackoverflowContext())
         var answers = db.Answer.Where(x => x.Parentid == id).ToList();
         foreach (var answer in answers)
             answer.SetPost(db.Post.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PostId == answer.PostId));
        public List <RankedWords> RankedWordsSearch(string terms /*, int page, int pageSize*/)
            using (var db = new StackoverflowContext())
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(terms))
                    terms = "Python Dictionary";                              //only for testing, parameter shpuld be used
                terms = terms.Replace(" ", ", ");
                var posts = db.RankedWords.FromSql("call ranked_words({0})", terms).OrderByDescending(q => q.Rank).ToList();
                //.Skip(page * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList();

                /*foreach (var p in posts)
                 * {
                 *  p.Question = GetQuestion(p.Id);
                 * }*/
                return(posts);//.Select(post => GetQuestion(post.Id)).ToList();