Beispiel #1
        public static async Task FlashPrepareAsync(this Samba nxt)
            // Put the clock in PLL/2 mode
            await nxt.WriteWordAsync(0xFFFFFC30, 0x7);

            // Unlock the flash chip
            await nxt.UnlockAllRegionsAsync();

            // Send the flash writing routine
            await nxt.SendFileAsync(0x202000, Nxt.Flash.Bin);
Beispiel #2
        static async Task FlashBlockAsync(this Samba nxt, uint blockNum, byte[] buf)
            // Set the target block number
            await nxt.WriteWordAsync(0x202300, blockNum);

            // Send the block to flash
            await nxt.SendFileAsync(0x202100, buf);

            // Jump into the flash writing routine
            await nxt.GoAsync(0x202000);