private static void PrintTrade(Trade t)
   Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}/{2}", t.DateTime, t.Price, t.Size);
    static unsafe void Main(string[] args)
      Console.WriteLine("Create a class, copy it to an unamanaged class copy, print both:");
      var fooBar = new Trade { DateTime = DateTime.Now, Price = 1435.25, Size = 100 };
      var fooBarNative = BluePill<Trade>.CreateUnmanaged();
      fooBarNative.DateTime = fooBar.DateTime;
      fooBarNative.Price    = fooBar.Price;
      fooBarNative.Size     = fooBar.Size;


      Console.WriteLine("Roundtrip pointer:");
      Trade roundTrip = BluePill<Trade>.FromPointer(BluePill<Trade>.ToPointerUnstable(fooBar));

      Console.WriteLine("Same, but with automatic properties");
      var fooBar2 = new Trade2 { DateTime = DateTime.Now, Price = 1435.25, Size = 100 };
      var fooBarNative2 = BluePill<Trade2>.CreateUnmanaged();
      fooBarNative2.DateTime = fooBar2.DateTime;
      fooBarNative2.Price    = fooBar2.Price;
      fooBarNative2.Size     = fooBar2.Size;

      Console.WriteLine("Create and initialize an unmanaged array, convert it to a managed array:");
      var magic = BluePill<int[]>.CreateUnmanagedPrimitiveArray(30);
      for (var i = 0; i < 30; i++)
        magic[i] = i;

      Console.WriteLine("The array's .Length is: {0}", magic.Length);

      Console.WriteLine("The array's elements are:");
      foreach (var t in magic)
        Console.Write("{0},", t);

      Console.WriteLine("Create and initialize an unmanaged array of classes");
      var unamangeTradeArray = BluePill<Trade>.CreateUnmanagedClassArray(100);
      var rnd = new Random(666);
      foreach (var t in BluePill<Trade>.AsEnumerable(unamangeTradeArray, 100)) {
        t.Price = 1000 + rnd.Next() % 500 / 4.0;
        t.Size = rnd.Next() % 100;
        t.DateTime = DateTime.Now;

      Console.WriteLine("Treat the unmanaged memory as an IEnumerable<T>, print contents:");
      foreach (var t in BluePill<Trade>.AsEnumerable(unamangeTradeArray, 100))

      Console.WriteLine("Treat the unmanaged memory as an IList<T>, print contents:");
      var list = BluePill<Trade>.AsList(unamangeTradeArray, 100);
      for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)

      var mapExists = File.Exists("xxx.mmap");
      var a = new StupidMemMapAllocator("xxx.mmap", 1024*1024, 0, 1024*1024);
      var p = a.Allocate(1024 * 1024);

      if (!mapExists) {
        Console.WriteLine("Writing 1024 classes to xxx.mmap");
        foreach (var t in BluePill<Trade>.AsEnumerable((void*)p, 1024))
          t.Price = 1000 + rnd.Next() % 500 / 4.0;
          t.Size = rnd.Next() % 100;
          t.DateTime = DateTime.Now;
      } else {
        Console.WriteLine("Accessing previously stored 1024 classes from xxx.mmap");

        foreach (var t in BluePill<Trade>.AsEnumerable((void*)p, 1024))
 private static void TestBluePillWithGC(Trade t)
   Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}/{2}", t.DateTime, t.Price, t.Size);
   Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}/{2}", t.DateTime, t.Price, t.Size);
   Console.WriteLine("Survived GC");