Beispiel #1
        public void ProcessClientThread(object o) //must pass namedpipeserverstream
            NamedPipeServerStream pipeStream   = (NamedPipeServerStream)o;
            XmlSerializer         deserializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(DR));

            if (debugMods == false) //if not in debugg mode then process the incoming data into Beans
                DR newbeans = new DR();
                using (TextReader reader = new StreamReader(pipeStream))
                        newbeans = (DR)deserializer.Deserialize(reader);
                    catch (Exception)
            else  //if in debugg mode send the data as text to the debugg box
                using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(pipeStream))  //works with StreamReader
                    beansToText = reader.ReadToEnd();

Beispiel #2
        //Primary public methods
        public void updateDataPacks(DR dIncoming)
            /*gets new data transmissions and based on the tramsmission version sends them
             * to the proper update method

            string tv = dIncoming.TV.ToString();

            if (tv == "1.00")
Beispiel #3
        public void loadSavedData(Transmission loadedTransmission)
            foreach (TElement t in loadedTransmission.TElementList)
                if (t.elementName != "trigger")
                    //something is wrong here, I think it
                    //needs to check to see that there isn't one already, if there is one already set the target equal to that one, the way it is
                    //right now is bugged out because if there are multiple references to the same thing it keeps overwriting the element with a new one instead of
                    //simply updating the values and changing the target of the transmission

                    /* new idea
                     * create entirely new active bean pack from all of the T elements in a broadcast
                     * cast that to the inbound add data class
                     * re link the telement's linked element

                    DR tempDR = new DR();
                    DP tempDP = new DP();
                    DE tempDE = new DE();

                    tempDE.N = t.linkedElement.N;
                    tempDE.T = t.linkedElement.T;
                    tempDE.V = t.linkedElement.V;

                    tempDP.LastHeardFrom = DateTime.Now;
                    tempDP.Src           = t.elementSourceName;
                    tempDP.v             = t.modversion;

                    tempDR.TV = "1.00";


            //this probably shouldn't be used because this is all ghost data anyways from previous saves
            //if (packsAreUpdated != null) // will be null if no subscribers
            //    packsAreUpdated();  //global trigger for packs are updated, may be depreciated now that im doing it by passing the objects rather than events
Beispiel #4
        public void AddXML_1(DR bNew)
            //var merged = new List<DP>(bActive.dataPacks);
            //merged.AddRange(bNew.dataPacks.Where(p2 =>
            //    bActive.dataPacks.All(p1=>p1.Src != p2.Src)));
            // need to make the bActive datapack equal to merged now.
            //private DR DRforThreading
            lock (((ICollection)bActive.dataPacks).SyncRoot)
                foreach (var newPack in bNew.dataPacks) //for each data pack in the new packlist
                    //query all of the existing packs that match by name and version
                    if (bActive.dataPacks.Count != 0)
                        var activePackQuery =
                            from a in bActive.dataPacks
                            where a.Src == newPack.Src && a.v == newPack.v
                            select a;
                        if (activePackQuery.Count() == 0)//if none of the existing packs matched the new pack then add it
                        else //if any of the existing packs matched the new pack then try to update their elements
                            foreach (var activePack in activePackQuery) //for each existing pack that was found to match the current new pack
                                foreach (var newElement in newPack.dataElement) //For each data element on the specific new pack
                                    //query the existing pack's dataElement list to see if there are duplicates with the new datapack's dataElement list
                                    var elementQuery =
                                        from b in activePack.dataElement
                                        where b.N == newElement.N
                                        select b;
                                    if (elementQuery.Count() == 0)//if the element didn't already exist add it to the active pack
                                    else //if the element did already exist update all of them
                                        foreach (var matchingElement in elementQuery) //for each element that existed already update the value
                                            matchingElement.V = newElement.V;

                                    activePack.LastHeardFrom = DateTime.Now; //refreshes the lastheard from variable for the updated active pack
                        bActive.dataPacks.Add(newPack); //if no packs exist just add the new one

                if (packsAreUpdated != null) // global event for data updated, will be null if no subscribers,
                    packsAreUpdated();       //global trigger for packs are updated, may be depreciated now that im doing it by passing the objects rather than events
Beispiel #5
        public void update1_00(DR bNew)//
            /*Adds the new data to the master active bean list
             * There is FOR SURE a better way to do this...

            for (int c = 0; c < bNew.dataPacks.Count; c++)      // for each pack in the new list
                bool wasItThere = false;
                if (bActive.dataPacks != null)      //so long as there is actually something there

                    for (int i = 0; i < bActive.dataPacks.Count; i++)          //does the specific new pack already exist (it's "by name")
                        if (bActive.dataPacks[i].Src == bNew.dataPacks[c].Src) //if it exists then update the values
                            // element stuff below here
                            for (int d = 0; d < bNew.dataPacks[c].dataElement.Count; d++)      // for each pack in the new list
                                bool wasItThere2 = false;
                                if (bActive.dataPacks[i].dataElement != null)                                            //so long as there is actually something there
                                    for (int e = 0; e < bActive.dataPacks[i].dataElement.Count; e++)                     //does the specific new pack already exist (it's "by name")
                                        if (bActive.dataPacks[i].dataElement[e].N == bNew.dataPacks[c].dataElement[d].N) //if it exists then update the values
                                            bActive.dataPacks[i].dataElement[e].V = bNew.dataPacks[c].dataElement[d].V;

                                            wasItThere2 = true;      //tag it as being there so it doesn't get added on at the end

                                if (wasItThere2 == false)      //if the specific new pack wasn't there then add it
                            //element stuff above here

                            bActive.dataPacks[i].LastHeardFrom = DateTime.Now; // set the time at which it was updated
                            wasItThere = true;                                 //tag it as being there so it doesn't get added on at the end

                if (wasItThere == false)      //if the specific new pack wasn't there then add it
                    bActive.dataPacks[c].LastHeardFrom = DateTime.Now;

            if (packsAreUpdated != null) // will be null if no subscribers
                packsAreUpdated();       //global trigger for packs are updated, may be depreciated now that im doing it by passing the objects rather than events