Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets up the data to be displayed in the table.
        /// </summary>
        private void setupData()
            int num  = 0;
            int size = _data.size();
            StateMod_Diversion dt = null;
            string             id = null;

            __data = new System.Collections.IList[__COLUMNS];
            for (int i = 0; i < __COLUMNS; i++)
                __data[i] = new List <object>();

            __rowMap = new List <object>();

            double total           = 0;
            int    rowCount        = 0;
            StateMod_ReturnFlow rf = null;

            System.Collections.IList returnFlows = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                total = 0;
                dt    = (StateMod_Diversion)_data.get(i);
                id    = dt.getID();

                num         = dt.getNrtn();
                returnFlows = dt.getReturnFlows();
                for (int j = 0; j < num; j++)
                    rf = (StateMod_ReturnFlow)returnFlows[j];
                    __data[__COL_PERCENT].Add(new double?(rf.getPcttot()));
                    __data[__COL_DELAY_ID].Add("" + rf.getIrtndl());
                    total += rf.getPcttot();
                    __rowMap.Add(new int?(rowCount));

                __data[__COL_PERCENT].Add(new double?(total));

            _rows = rowCount;
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform the query.  Currently only diversion stations are supported.
        /// </summary>
        private void doQuery()
            string             routine = "StateMod_QueryTool_JFrame.doQuery", message;
            InputFilter_JPanel ifp    = __input_filter_diversion_JPanel;
            InputFilter        filter = null;
            int size;  // Size of data Vector
            int i;     // Loop for data items.
            DataSetComponent comp = null;

            string where, @operator, input;
            int    where_length = 0; // Length of "where", to optimize code.
            bool   do_int, do_double, do_string;
            string input_string;     // Data parameters to check, as
            int    input_int;        // transferred from the data objects.
            double input_double;
            bool   do_ID, do_Name, do_RiverNodeID, do_OnOff, do_Capacity, do_ReplaceResOption, do_DailyID, do_UserName, do_DemandType, do_EffAnnual, do_Area, do_UseType, do_DemandSource;

            bool[] matches = null; // Indicates if a data item matches all
            // the filter criteria.
            bool item_matches;     // Indicates whether the itme matches a

            // single filter criteria.
            bool[] @checked = null;     // Indicates whether a data item has
            // already been checked for a criteria.
            // If checked and false, then a "true"
            // should not reset the false.
            int nfg = 0;       // Number of filter groups.

            do_int    = false; // Whether the data item is an integer.
            do_double = false; // Whether the data item is a double.
            do_string = false; // Whether the data item is a string.
            StateMod_Diversion dds = null;

            JGUIUtil.setWaitCursor(this, true);
            if (ifp is StateMod_Diversion_InputFilter_JPanel)
                input_int    = StateMod_Util.MISSING_INT;
                input_double = StateMod_Util.MISSING_DOUBLE;
                input_string = StateMod_Util.MISSING_STRING;
                comp         = __dataset.getComponentForComponentType(StateMod_DataSet.COMP_DIVERSION_STATIONS);
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") java.util.List<StateMod_Diversion> dds_Vector = (java.util.List<StateMod_Diversion>)comp.getData();
                IList <StateMod_Diversion> dds_Vector = (IList <StateMod_Diversion>)comp.getData();
                size = 0;
                if (dds_Vector != null)
                    size = dds_Vector.Count;
                // REVISIT SAM 2004-10-27 Remove when debugging is complete
                //Message.printStatus ( 2, routine,
                //"Searching " + size + " diversion stations." );
                // Initialize the arrays indicating if data objects have been
                // checked and whether they matched the filter(s)...
                if (size > 0)
                    matches  = new bool[size];
                    @checked = new bool[size];
                for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
                    matches[i]  = false;
                    @checked[i] = false;
                // Loop through the where clauses...
                nfg = ifp.getNumFilterGroups();
                for (int ifg = 0; ifg < nfg; ifg++)
                    // Get the filter information...
                    filter       = ifp.getInputFilter(ifg);
                    where        = filter.getWhereInternal();
                    where_length = where.Length;
                    @operator    = ifp.getOperator(ifg);
                    input        = filter.getInput(false);
                    // REVISIT SAM 2004-10-27 Remove when debugging is
                    // complete
                    //Message.printStatus ( 2, routine,
                    //"where=" + where + " operator=" + operator +
                    //" input=" + input );
                    // Initialize flags to indicate what data will be
                    // checked...
                    do_int              = false;
                    do_double           = false;
                    do_string           = false;
                    do_ID               = false;
                    do_Name             = false;
                    do_RiverNodeID      = false;
                    do_OnOff            = false;
                    do_Capacity         = false;
                    do_ReplaceResOption = false;
                    do_DailyID          = false;
                    do_UserName         = false;
                    do_DemandType       = false;
                    do_EffAnnual        = false;
                    do_Area             = false;
                    do_UseType          = false;
                    do_DemandSource     = false;
                    // The following checks on "where" need to match the
                    // input filter internal where labels assigned in
                    // StateMod_Diversion_InputFilter_JPanel.
                    // List in the order of the StateMod documentation...
                    if (where.Equals("ID", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        do_string = true;
                        do_ID     = true;
                    else if (where.Equals("Name", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        do_string = true;
                        do_Name   = true;
                    else if (where.Equals("RiverNodeID", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        do_string      = true;
                        do_RiverNodeID = true;
                    else if (where.Equals("OnOff", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && StringUtil.isInteger(input))
                        do_int   = true;
                        do_OnOff = true;
                    else if (where.Equals("Capacity", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && StringUtil.isDouble(input))
                        do_double   = true;
                        do_Capacity = true;
                    else if (where.Equals("ReplaceResOption", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && StringUtil.isInteger(input))
                        do_int = true;
                        do_ReplaceResOption = true;
                    else if (where.Equals("DailyID", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        do_string  = true;
                        do_DailyID = true;
                    else if (where.Equals("UserName", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        do_string   = true;
                        do_UserName = true;
                    else if (where.Equals("DemandType", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        do_int        = true;
                        do_DemandType = true;
                    else if (where.Equals("EffAnnual", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && StringUtil.isDouble(input))
                        do_double    = true;
                        do_EffAnnual = true;
                    else if (where.Equals("Area", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && StringUtil.isDouble(input))
                        do_double = true;
                        do_Area   = true;
                    else if (where.Equals("UseType", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && StringUtil.isInteger(input))
                        do_int     = true;
                        do_UseType = true;
                    else if (where.Equals("DemandSource", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && StringUtil.isInteger(input))
                        do_int          = true;
                        do_DemandSource = true;
                    else if (where_length == 0)
                        // WIll match anything.
                    {             // Unrecognized where...
                    // REVISIT SAM 2004-10-27 Remove when debugging is
                    // complete

                     * Message.printStatus ( 2, routine,
                     * "do_string=" + do_string + " do_int=" + do_int +
                     * "do_double=" + do_double +
                     * " " + do_ID +
                     * " " + do_Name +
                     * " " + do_RiverNodeID +
                     * " " + do_OnOff +
                     * " " + do_Capacity +
                     * " " + do_ReplaceResOption +
                     * " " + do_DailyID +
                     * " " + do_UserName +
                     * " " + do_DemandType +
                     * " " + do_EffAnnual +
                     * " " + do_Area +
                     * " " + do_UseType +
                     * " " + do_DemandSource );
                    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
                        dds = (StateMod_Diversion)dds_Vector[i];
                        // Get the specific data to compare...
                        if (do_ID)
                            input_string = dds.getID();
                        else if (do_Name)
                            input_string = dds.getName();
                        else if (do_RiverNodeID)
                            input_string = dds.getCgoto();
                        else if (do_OnOff)
                            input_int = dds.getSwitch();
                        else if (do_Capacity)
                            input_double = dds.getDivcap();
                        else if (do_ReplaceResOption)
                            input_int = dds.getIreptype();
                        else if (do_DailyID)
                            input_string = dds.getCdividy();
                        else if (do_UserName)
                            input_string = dds.getUsername();
                        else if (do_DemandType)
                            input_int = dds.getIdvcom();
                        else if (do_EffAnnual)
                            input_double = dds.getDivefc();
                        else if (do_Area)
                            input_double = dds.getArea();
                        else if (do_UseType)
                            input_int = dds.getIrturn();
                        else if (do_DemandSource)
                            input_int = dds.getDemsrc();
                        {                 // Unrecognized...
                        // Compare the data with the input filter...
                        item_matches = false;
                        if (do_string)
                            item_matches = filter.matches(input_string, @operator, true);
                        else if (do_int)
                            item_matches = filter.matches(input_int, @operator);
                        else if (do_double)
                            item_matches = filter.matches(input_double, @operator);
                        if (where_length == 0)
                            // Always consider a match...
                            item_matches = true;
                        if (item_matches && (!@checked[i] || (@checked[i] && matches[i])))
                            // So far the item matches all
                            // filters...
                            matches[i] = true;
                        else if (@checked[i] && !item_matches)
                            // Does not match this filter to reset
                            // result to false...
                            matches[i] = false;
                        // Indicate that we have checked the item
                        // against at least one filter...
                        @checked[i] = true;
                // Get a count so the Vector can be sized appropriately (this
                // should be fast)...
                int match_count = 0;
                for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
                    if (matches[i])
                // Loop through and set up the matches_Vector...
                __matches_Vector = null;
                if (match_count > 0)
                    __matches_Vector = new List <StateMod_Diversion> (match_count);
                    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
                        if (matches[i])
                            // The diversion station matches so add
                            // to the list...
                message = "Matched " + match_count +
                          " diversion stations (from original " + size + ").";
                Message.printStatus(2, routine, message);
                JGUIUtil.setWaitCursor(this, false);
            if (__matches_Vector == null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Read diversion information in and store in a java vector.
        /// The new diversions are added to the end of the previously stored diversions. </summary>
        /// <param name="filename"> filename containing diversion information </param>
        /// <exception cref="Exception"> if an error occurs </exception>
        //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
        //ORIGINAL LINE: public static java.util.List<StateMod_Diversion> readStateModFile(String filename) throws Exception
        public static IList <StateMod_Diversion> readStateModFile(string filename)
            string                     routine       = "StateMod_Diversion.readStateModFile";
            string                     iline         = null;
            IList <object>             v             = new List <object>(9);
            IList <StateMod_Diversion> theDiversions = new List <StateMod_Diversion>();
            int    i;
            int    linecount = 0;
            string s         = null;

            int[] format_0  = new int[] { StringUtil.TYPE_STRING, StringUtil.TYPE_STRING, StringUtil.TYPE_STRING, StringUtil.TYPE_INTEGER, StringUtil.TYPE_DOUBLE, StringUtil.TYPE_INTEGER, StringUtil.TYPE_INTEGER, StringUtil.TYPE_STRING, StringUtil.TYPE_STRING };
            int[] format_0w = new int[] { 12, 24, 12, 8, 8, 8, 8, 1, 12 };
            int[] format_1  = new int[] { StringUtil.TYPE_STRING, StringUtil.TYPE_STRING, StringUtil.TYPE_STRING, StringUtil.TYPE_INTEGER, StringUtil.TYPE_INTEGER, StringUtil.TYPE_DOUBLE, StringUtil.TYPE_DOUBLE, StringUtil.TYPE_INTEGER, StringUtil.TYPE_INTEGER };
            int[] format_1w = new int[] { 12, 24, 12, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 };
            int[] format_2  = new int[] { StringUtil.TYPE_STRING, StringUtil.TYPE_STRING, StringUtil.TYPE_DOUBLE, StringUtil.TYPE_INTEGER };
            int[] format_2w = new int[] { 36, 12, 8, 8 };

            StateMod_Diversion  aDiversion  = null;
            StateMod_ReturnFlow aReturnNode = null;
            StreamReader        @in         = null;

            Message.printStatus(1, routine, "Reading diversion file: " + filename);
                @in = new StreamReader(IOUtil.getPathUsingWorkingDir(filename));
                while (!string.ReferenceEquals((iline = @in.ReadLine()), null))
                    // check for comments
                    if (iline.StartsWith("#", StringComparison.Ordinal) || iline.Trim().Length == 0)

                    // allocate new diversion node
                    aDiversion = new StateMod_Diversion();

                    // line 1
                    if (Message.isDebugOn)
                        Message.printDebug(50, routine, "line 1: " + iline);
                    StringUtil.fixedRead(iline, format_0, format_0w, v);

                    // line 2
                    iline = @in.ReadLine();
                    if (Message.isDebugOn)
                        Message.printDebug(50, routine, "line 2: " + iline);
                    StringUtil.fixedRead(iline, format_1, format_1w, v);
                    int nrtn = ((int?)v[4]).Value;

                    // get the efficiency information
                    if (aDiversion.getDivefc() < 0)
                        // Negative value indicates monthly efficiencies will follow...
                        iline = @in.ReadLine();
                        // Free format...
                        char[]   seps  = { ' ', '\t', '\n', '\r', '\f' };
                        string[] split = iline.Split(seps);
                        if (split != null && split.Length == 12)
                            for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                                aDiversion.setDiveff(i, split[0]);
                        // Annual efficiency so set monthly efficiencies to the annual...
                        aDiversion.setDiveff(0, aDiversion.getDivefc());
                        aDiversion.setDiveff(1, aDiversion.getDivefc());
                        aDiversion.setDiveff(2, aDiversion.getDivefc());
                        aDiversion.setDiveff(3, aDiversion.getDivefc());
                        aDiversion.setDiveff(4, aDiversion.getDivefc());
                        aDiversion.setDiveff(5, aDiversion.getDivefc());
                        aDiversion.setDiveff(6, aDiversion.getDivefc());
                        aDiversion.setDiveff(7, aDiversion.getDivefc());
                        aDiversion.setDiveff(8, aDiversion.getDivefc());
                        aDiversion.setDiveff(9, aDiversion.getDivefc());
                        aDiversion.setDiveff(10, aDiversion.getDivefc());
                        aDiversion.setDiveff(11, aDiversion.getDivefc());

                    // get the return information
                    for (i = 0; i < nrtn; i++)
                        iline = @in.ReadLine();
                        StringUtil.fixedRead(iline, format_2, format_2w, v);
                        aReturnNode = new StateMod_ReturnFlow(StateMod_DataSet.COMP_DIVERSION_STATIONS);
                        s           = ((string)v[1]).Trim();
                        if (s.Length <= 0)
                            Message.printWarning(3, routine, "Return node for structure \"" + aDiversion.getID() + "\" is blank. ");


                    // Set the diversion to not dirty because it was just initialized...


                    // add the diversion to the vector of diversions
            catch (Exception e)
                Message.printWarning(3, routine, "Error reading line " + linecount + " \"" + iline + "\"");
                Message.printWarning(3, routine, e);
                throw e;
                if (@in != null)
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the data that should be placed in the JTable at the given row and
        /// column. </summary>
        /// <param name="row"> the row for which to return data. </param>
        /// <param name="col"> the column for which to return data. </param>
        /// <returns> the data that should be placed in the JTable at the given row and col. </returns>
        public virtual object getValueAt(int row, int col)
            if (_sortOrder != null)
                row = _sortOrder[row];

            StateMod_Diversion smd = (StateMod_Diversion)_data.get(row);

            switch (col)
            case COL_ID:

            case COL_NAME:

            case COL_RIVER_NODE_ID:

            case COL_ON_OFF:
                return(new int?(smd.getSwitch()));

            case COL_CAPACITY:
                return(new double?(smd.getDivcap()));

            case COL_REPLACE_RES_OPTION:
                return(new int?(smd.getIreptype()));

            case COL_DAILY_ID:

            case COL_USER_NAME:

            case COL_DEMAND_TYPE:
                return(new int?(smd.getIdvcom()));

            case COL_AREA:
                return(new double?(smd.getArea()));

            case COL_USE_TYPE:
                return(new int?(smd.getIrturn()));

            case COL_DEMAND_SOURCE:
                return(new int?(smd.getDemsrc()));

            case COL_EFF_ANNUAL:
                return(new double?(smd.getDivefc()));

            case COL_EFF_01:
                return(new double?(smd.getDiveff(0)));

            case COL_EFF_02:
                return(new double?(smd.getDiveff(1)));

            case COL_EFF_03:
                return(new double?(smd.getDiveff(2)));

            case COL_EFF_04:
                return(new double?(smd.getDiveff(3)));

            case COL_EFF_05:
                return(new double?(smd.getDiveff(4)));

            case COL_EFF_06:
                return(new double?(smd.getDiveff(5)));

            case COL_EFF_07:
                return(new double?(smd.getDiveff(6)));

            case COL_EFF_08:
                return(new double?(smd.getDiveff(7)));

            case COL_EFF_09:
                return(new double?(smd.getDiveff(8)));

            case COL_EFF_10:
                return(new double?(smd.getDiveff(9)));

            case COL_EFF_11:
                return(new double?(smd.getDiveff(10)));

            case COL_EFF_12:
                return(new double?(smd.getDiveff(11)));

        /// <summary>
        /// Sets up the data Vectors to display the diversion collection data in the
        /// GUI.
        /// </summary>
        private void setupData()
            int[] years = null;
            int len = 0;
            int size = _data.size();
            int size2 = 0;
            StateMod_Diversion l = null;
            string colType = null;
            string id = null;
            string partType = null;
            System.Collections.IList ids = null;
            __data = new System.Collections.IList[__COLUMNS];
            for (int i = 0; i < __COLUMNS; i++)
            __data[i] = new List<object>();

            int rows = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            l = (StateMod_Diversion)_data.get(i);
            id = l.getID();
            //		div = new Integer(l.getCollectionDiv());

            years = l.getCollectionYears();
            colType = l.getCollectionType();
            partType = l.getCollectionPartType();

            if (years == null)
                len = 0;
                len = years.Length;

            for (int j = 0; j < len; j++)
                ids = l.getCollectionPartIDs(years[j]);
                if (ids == null)
                    size2 = 0;
                    size2 = ids.Count;

                for (int k = 0; k < size2; k++)
            //				__data[__COL_DIV].add(div);
                    __data[__COL_YEAR].Add(new int?(years[j]));
            _rows = rows;
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets up the GUI.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void setupGUI()
            string routine = "setupGUI";


            __addReturnFlow    = new JButton(__BUTTON_ADD_RETURN_FLOW);
            __deleteReturnFlow = new JButton(__BUTTON_DEL_RETURN_FLOW);
            __helpJButton      = new JButton(__BUTTON_HELP);
            __closeJButton = new JButton(__BUTTON_CLOSE);
            JButton cancelJButton = new JButton(__BUTTON_CANCEL);
            JButton applyJButton  = new JButton(__BUTTON_APPLY);

            GridBagLayout gb       = new GridBagLayout();
            JPanel        bigPanel = new JPanel();


            JPanel p1 = new JPanel();

            p1.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT));

            GridLayout gl         = new GridLayout(2, 2, 1, 1);
            JPanel     info_panel = new JPanel();


            JPanel main_panel = new JPanel();

            main_panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());

            info_panel.add(new JLabel("Diversion:"));
            info_panel.add(new JLabel(__currentDiv.getID()));
            info_panel.add(new JLabel("Diversion name:"));
            info_panel.add(new JLabel(__currentDiv.getName()));
            if (__editable)
            //	p1.add(__helpJButton);

            PropList p = new PropList("StateMod_Diversion_ReturnFlow_JFrame" + ".JWorksheet");


            int[]            widths = null;
            JScrollWorksheet jsw    = null;

//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") java.util.List<StateMod_RiverNetworkNode> nodes = (java.util.List <StateMod_RiverNetworkNode>)(__dataset.getComponentForComponentType(StateMod_DataSet.COMP_RIVER_NETWORK).getData());
                IList <StateMod_RiverNetworkNode> nodes = (IList <StateMod_RiverNetworkNode>)(__dataset.getComponentForComponentType(StateMod_DataSet.COMP_RIVER_NETWORK).getData());

                IList <StateMod_ReturnFlow> v  = new List <StateMod_ReturnFlow>();
                IList <StateMod_ReturnFlow> v2 = __currentDiv.getReturnFlows();
                int size = v2.Count;
                StateMod_ReturnFlow rf;
                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                    rf = (StateMod_ReturnFlow)v2[i].clone();
                    rf.setCrtnid(rf.getCrtnid() + StateMod_Util.findNameInVector(rf.getCrtnid(), nodes, true));

                StateMod_ReturnFlow_TableModel   tmd = new StateMod_ReturnFlow_TableModel(__dataset, v, __editable, true);
                StateMod_ReturnFlow_CellRenderer crd = new StateMod_ReturnFlow_CellRenderer(tmd);

                jsw         = new JScrollWorksheet(crd, tmd, p);
                __worksheet = jsw.getJWorksheet();

                // TODO SAM 2017-03-15 something not right here - looks like original list variable was wrong
                //v = StateMod_Util.createIdentifierListFromStateModData(nodes, true, null);
                __worksheet.setColumnJComboBoxValues(StateMod_ReturnFlow_TableModel.COL_RIVER_NODE, v, false);

                // 10
                System.Collections.IList delayIDs = null;
                if (__dataset.getIday() == 1)
                    delayIDs = (System.Collections.IList)(__dataset.getComponentForComponentType(StateMod_DataSet.COMP_DELAY_TABLES_DAILY).getData());
                    delayIDs = (System.Collections.IList)(__dataset.getComponentForComponentType(StateMod_DataSet.COMP_DELAY_TABLES_MONTHLY).getData());
                v = StateMod_Util.createIdentifierListFromStateModData(delayIDs, true, null);
                __worksheet.setColumnJComboBoxValues(StateMod_ReturnFlow_TableModel.COL_RETURN_ID, v, false);
                widths = crd.getColumnWidths();
            catch (Exception e)
                Message.printWarning(2, routine, e);
                jsw         = new JScrollWorksheet(0, 0, p);
                __worksheet = jsw.getJWorksheet();


            main_panel.add(jsw, "Center");
            main_panel.add(p1, "South");

            JGUIUtil.addComponent(bigPanel, info_panel, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST);
            JGUIUtil.addComponent(bigPanel, main_panel, 0, 1, 10, 10, 1, 1, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, GridBagConstraints.SOUTH);



            JPanel bottomJPanel = new JPanel();

            __messageJTextField = new JTextField();
            JGUIUtil.addComponent(bottomJPanel, __messageJTextField, 0, 0, 7, 1, 1.0, 0.0, GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL, GridBagConstraints.WEST);
            __statusJTextField = new JTextField(5);
            JGUIUtil.addComponent(bottomJPanel, __statusJTextField, 7, 0, 1, 1, 0.0, 0.0, GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.WEST);
            getContentPane().add("South", bottomJPanel);

            setSize(530, 280);

            if (widths != null)
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Responds to action performed events. </summary>
        /// <param name="e"> the ActionEvent that happened. </param>
        public virtual void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            string routine = "StateMod_Diversion_Right_JFrame::actionPerformed";

            string action = e.getActionCommand();

            if (action.Equals(__BUTTON_ADD_RIGHT))
                StateMod_DiversionRight aRight = new StateMod_DiversionRight();
                aRight._isClone = true;
                StateMod_DiversionRight last = (StateMod_DiversionRight)__worksheet.getLastRowData();

                if (last == null)
            else if (action.Equals(__BUTTON_DEL_RIGHT))
                int row = __worksheet.getSelectedRow();
                if (row != -1)
                    int x = (new ResponseJDialog(this, "Delete Diversion Right", "Delete diversion right?", ResponseJDialog.YES | ResponseJDialog.NO)).response();
                    if (x == ResponseJDialog.NO)
                    Message.printWarning(1, routine, "Must select desired right to delete.");
            else if (action.Equals(__BUTTON_CLOSE))
                if (saveData())
            else if (action.Equals(__BUTTON_APPLY))
            else if (action.Equals(__BUTTON_CANCEL))
            else if (action.Equals(__BUTTON_HELP))
                // REVISIT (JTS - 2003-06-10)