Beispiel #1
        // this occurs when user selects a guild from the guild box
        private void lbGuilds_SelectedValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // check if the item is a guild, if not, don't do anything
            if (!(lbGuilds.SelectedItem is BotGuild bg))

            // set the UI state
            this.SelectedGuild   = bg;
            this.SelectedChannel = default(BotChannel);

            // clear the channel and message lists

            // populate the channel list
            var chns = bg.Guild.Channels.Values
                       .Where(xc => xc.Type == ChannelType.Text)
                       .OrderBy(xc => xc.Position)
                       .Select(xc => new BotChannel(xc));

            this.lbChannels.Items.AddRange(chns.Cast <object>().ToArray());
Beispiel #2
        // this occurs when user selects a channel from the channel box
        private void lbChannels_SelectedValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // check if the item is a channel, if not, don't do anything
            if (!(lbChannels.SelectedItem is BotChannel bc))

            // set the UI state
            this.SelectedChannel = bc;

            // clear the message list
Beispiel #3
        // this method will be ran on the bot's thread
        // it will take care of the initialization logic, as
        // well as actually handling the bot
        private async Task BotThreadCallback()
            // this will start the bot
            await this.Bot.StartAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            // once the bot is started, we can enable the UI
            // elements again
            this.btBotctl.SetProperty(x => x.Enabled, true);
            this.btMsgSend.SetProperty(x => x.Enabled, true);
            this.tbMsg.SetProperty(x => x.Enabled, true);

            // here we wait indefinitely, or until the wait is
            // cancelled
                // the token will cancel the way once it's
                // requested
                await Task.Delay(-1, this.TokenSource.Token).ConfigureAwait(false);
            catch { /* ignore the exception; it's expected */ }

            // this will stop the bot
            await this.Bot.StopAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            // once the bot is stopped, we can enable the UI
            // elements again
            this.btBotctl.SetProperty(x => x.Enabled, true);
            this.btMsgSend.SetProperty(x => x.Enabled, false);
            this.tbMsg.SetProperty(x => x.Enabled, false);
            this.SetProperty(x => x.Text, "Example WinForms Bot");

            // furthermore, we need to clear the listboxes
            this.lbGuilds.InvokeAction(new Action(this.lbGuilds.Items.Clear));
            this.lbChannels.InvokeAction(new Action(this.lbChannels.Items.Clear));
            this.lbBanter.InvokeAction(new Action(this.lbBanter.Items.Clear));

            // and reset the UI state
            this.SelectedGuild   = default(BotGuild);
            this.SelectedChannel = default(BotChannel);

            // and finally, dispose of our bot stuff
            this.Bot         = null;
            this.TokenSource = null;
            this.BotThread   = null;
Beispiel #4
 // this is used by the send message method, to
 // asynchronously send the message
 private Task BotSendMessageCallback(string text, BotChannel chn)
 => chn.Channel.SendMessageAsync(text);