Beispiel #1
        static void Decompress11LZS(string filein, string outflr)
            /*  Data header (32bit)
                  Bit 0-3   Reserved
                  Bit 4-7   Compressed type (must be 1 for LZ77)
                  Bit 8-31  Size of decompressed data. if 0, the next 4 bytes are decompressed length
                Repeat below. Each Flag Byte followed by eight Blocks.
                Flag data (8bit)
                  Bit 0-7   Type Flags for next 8 Blocks, MSB first
                Block Type 0 - Uncompressed - Copy 1 Byte from Source to Dest
                  Bit 0-7   One data byte to be copied to dest
                Block Type 1 - Compressed - Copy LEN Bytes from Dest-Disp-1 to Dest
                    If Reserved is 0: - Default
                      Bit 0-3   Disp MSBs
                      Bit 4-7   LEN - 3
                      Bit 8-15  Disp LSBs
                    If Reserved is 1: - Higher compression rates for files with (lots of) long repetitions
                      Bit 4-7   Indicator
                        If Indicator > 1:
                            Bit 0-3    Disp MSBs
                            Bit 4-7    LEN - 1 (same bits as Indicator)
                            Bit 8-15   Disp LSBs
                        If Indicator is 1: A(B CD E)(F GH)
                            Bit 0-3     (LEN - 0x111) MSBs
                            Bit 4-7     Indicator; unused
                            Bit 8-15    (LEN- 0x111) 'middle'-SBs
                            Bit 16-19   Disp MSBs
                            Bit 20-23   (LEN - 0x111) LSBs
                            Bit 24-31   Disp LSBs
                        If Indicator is 0:
                            Bit 0-3     (LEN - 0x11) MSBs
                            Bit 4-7     Indicator; unused
                            Bit 8-11    Disp MSBs
                            Bit 12-15   (LEN - 0x11) LSBs
                            Bit 16-23   Disp LSBs
            FileStream fstr = new FileStream(filein, FileMode.Open);
            if (fstr.Length > int.MaxValue)
                throw new Exception("Filer larger than 2GB cannot be LZ-0x11-compressed files.");
            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fstr);

            int decomp_size = 0, curr_size = 0;
            int i, j, disp, len;
            bool flag;
            byte b1, bt, b2, b3, flags;
            int cdest;

            int threshold = 1;

            if (br.ReadByte() != LZ11_TAG)
                throw new InvalidDataException(String.Format("File {0:s} is not a valid LZ-0x11 file", filein));
            for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                decomp_size += br.ReadByte() << (i * 8);
            if (decomp_size > MAX_OUTSIZE)
                throw new Exception(String.Format("{0:s} will be larger than 0x{1:x} (0x{2:x}) and will not be decompressed. (1)", filein, MAX_OUTSIZE, decomp_size));
            else if (decomp_size == 0)
                for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    decomp_size += br.ReadByte() << (i * 8);
            if (decomp_size > MAX_OUTSIZE << 8)
                throw new Exception(String.Format("{0:s} will be larger than 0x{1:x} (0x{2:x}) and will not be decompressed. (2)", filein, MAX_OUTSIZE, decomp_size));

            if (showAlways)
                Console.WriteLine("Decompressing {0:s}. (outsize: 0x{1:x})", filein, decomp_size);

            byte[] outdata = new byte[decomp_size];

            while (curr_size < decomp_size)
                try { flags = br.ReadByte(); }
                catch (EndOfStreamException) { break; }

                for (i = 0; i < 8 && curr_size < decomp_size; i++)
                    flag = (flags & (0x80 >> i)) > 0;
                    if (flag)
                        try { b1 = br.ReadByte(); }
                        catch (EndOfStreamException) { throw new Exception("Incomplete data"); }

                        switch (b1 >> 4)
                            #region case 0
                            case 0:
                                // ab cd ef
                                // =>
                                // len = abc + 0x11 = bc + 0x11
                                // disp = def

                                len = b1 << 4;
                                try { bt = br.ReadByte(); }
                                catch (EndOfStreamException) { throw new Exception("Incomplete data"); }
                                len |= bt >> 4;
                                len += 0x11;

                                disp = (bt & 0x0F) << 8;
                                try { b2 = br.ReadByte(); }
                                catch (EndOfStreamException) { throw new Exception("Incomplete data"); }
                                disp |= b2;

                            #region case 1
                            case 1:
                                // ab cd ef gh
                                // =>
                                // len = bcde + 0x111
                                // disp = fgh
                                // 10 04 92 3F => disp = 0x23F, len = 0x149 + 0x11 = 0x15A

                                try { bt = br.ReadByte(); b2 = br.ReadByte(); b3 = br.ReadByte(); }
                                catch (EndOfStreamException) { throw new Exception("Incomplete data"); }

                                len = (b1 & 0xF) << 12; // len = b000
                                len |= bt << 4; // len = bcd0
                                len |= (b2 >> 4); // len = bcde
                                len += 0x111; // len = bcde + 0x111
                                disp = (b2 & 0x0F) << 8; // disp = f
                                disp |= b3; // disp = fgh

                            #region other
                                // ab cd
                                // =>
                                // len = a + threshold = a + 1
                                // disp = bcd

                                len = (b1 >> 4) + threshold;

                                disp = (b1 & 0x0F) << 8;
                                try { b2 = br.ReadByte(); }
                                catch (EndOfStreamException) { throw new Exception("Incomplete data"); }
                                disp |= b2;

                        if (disp > curr_size)
                            throw new Exception("Cannot go back more than already written");

                        cdest = curr_size;

                        for (j = 0; j < len && curr_size < decomp_size; j++)
                            outdata[curr_size++] = outdata[cdest - disp - 1 + j];

                        if (curr_size > decomp_size)
                            //throw new Exception(String.Format("File {0:s} is not a valid LZ77 file; actual output size > output size in header", filein));
                            //Console.WriteLine(String.Format("File {0:s} is not a valid LZ77 file; actual output size > output size in header; {1:x} > {2:x}.", filein, curr_size, decomp_size));
                        try { outdata[curr_size++] = br.ReadByte(); }
                        catch (EndOfStreamException) { break; }// throw new Exception("Incomplete data"); }

                        if (curr_size > decomp_size)
                            //throw new Exception(String.Format("File {0:s} is not a valid LZ77 file; actual output size > output size in header", filein));
                            //Console.WriteLine(String.Format("File {0:s} is not a valid LZ77 file; actual output size > output size in header; {1:x} > {2:x}", filein, curr_size, decomp_size));


                while (br.ReadByte() == 0) { } // if we read a non-zero, print that there is still some data
                Console.WriteLine("Too much data in file; current INPOS = {0:x}", br.BaseStream.Position - 1);
            catch (EndOfStreamException) { }

            #region save
            string ext = "";
            for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                if (char.IsLetterOrDigit((char)outdata[i]))
                    ext += (char)outdata[i];
            if (ext.Length == 0)
                ext = "dat";
            ext = "." + ext;
            filein = filein.Replace("\\", "/");
            outflr = outflr.Replace("\\", "/");
            string outfname = filein.Substring(filein.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);
            if (outfname.Contains("."))
                outfname = outfname.Substring(0, outfname.LastIndexOf('.'));

            if (!outflr.EndsWith("/"))
                outflr += "/";
            while (File.Exists(outflr + outfname + ext))
                outfname += "_";/**/

            BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(new FileStream(outflr + outfname + ext, FileMode.Create));



            Console.WriteLine("LZ-0x11 Decompressed " + filein);

        private static void DecompressFolder(string inflr, string outflr)
            showAlways = false; // only print errors/failures

            if (!outflr.EndsWith("/") && !outflr.EndsWith("\\"))
                outflr += "/";
            StreamWriter sw = null;
            if (!Directory.Exists(inflr))
                Console.WriteLine("No such file or folder: " + inflr);
            string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(inflr);
            foreach (string fname in files)
                    Decompress(makeSlashes(fname), outflr);
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (sw == null)
                        sw = new StreamWriter(new FileStream(outflr + "lzsslog.txt", FileMode.Create));
                    string copied = fname.Replace(inflr, outflr);
                    if (!File.Exists(copied))
                        File.Copy(fname, copied);
            Console.WriteLine("Done decompressing files in folder " + inflr);
            if (sw != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Errors have been logged to " + outflr + "lzsslog.txt");

        static void DecompressHuffman(String filename, String outflr)
                   Data Header (32bit)
                       Bit0-3   Data size in bit units (normally 4 or 8)
                       Bit4-7   Compressed type (must be 2 for Huffman)
                       Bit8-31  24bit size of decompressed data in bytes
                   Tree Size (8bit)
                       Bit0-7   Size of Tree Table/2-1 (ie. Offset to Compressed Bitstream)
                   Tree Table (list of 8bit nodes, starting with the root node)
                     Root Node and Non-Data-Child Nodes are:
                       Bit0-5   Offset to next child node,
                                Next child node0 is at (CurrentAddr AND NOT 1)+Offset*2+2
                                Next child node1 is at (CurrentAddr AND NOT 1)+Offset*2+2+1
                       Bit6     Node1 End Flag (1=Next child node is data)
                       Bit7     Node0 End Flag (1=Next child node is data)
                     Data nodes are (when End Flag was set in parent node):
                       Bit0-7   Data (upper bits should be zero if Data Size is less than 8)
                   Compressed Bitstream (stored in units of 32bits)
                       Bit0-31  Node Bits (Bit31=First Bit)  (0=Node0, 1=Node1)

            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(filename));

            byte firstByte = br.ReadByte();

            int dataSize = firstByte & 0x0F;

            if ((firstByte & 0xF0) != HUFF_TAG)
                throw new InvalidDataException(String.Format("Invalid huffman comressed file; invalid tag {0:x}", firstByte));

            //Console.WriteLine("Data size: {0:x}", dataSize);
            if (dataSize != 8 && dataSize != 4)
                throw new InvalidDataException(String.Format("Unhandled dataSize {0:x}", dataSize));

            int decomp_size = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                decomp_size |= br.ReadByte() << (i * 8);
            //Console.WriteLine("Decompressed size: {0:x}", decomp_size);

            byte treeSize = br.ReadByte();
            HuffTreeNode.maxInpos = 4 + (treeSize + 1) * 2;

            //Console.WriteLine("Tree Size: {0:x}", treeSize);

            HuffTreeNode rootNode = new HuffTreeNode();

            //Console.WriteLine("Tree: {0:s}", rootNode.ToString());

            br.BaseStream.Position = 4 + (treeSize + 1) * 2; // go to start of coded bitstream.
            // read all data
            uint[] indata = new uint[(br.BaseStream.Length - br.BaseStream.Position) / 4];
            for (int i = 0; i < indata.Length; i++)
                indata[i] = br.ReadUInt32();


            long curr_size = 0;
            decomp_size *= dataSize == 8 ? 1 : 2;
            byte[] outdata = new byte[decomp_size];

            int idx = -1;
            string codestr = "";
            LinkedList<byte> code = new LinkedList<byte>();
            int value;
            while (curr_size < decomp_size)
                    codestr += uint_to_bits(indata[++idx]);
                catch (IndexOutOfRangeException e)
                    throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("not enough data.", e);
                while (codestr.Length > 0)
                    code.AddFirst(byte.Parse(codestr[0] + ""));
                    codestr = codestr.Remove(0, 1);
                    if (rootNode.getValue(code.Last, out value))
                            outdata[curr_size++] = (byte)value;
                        catch (IndexOutOfRangeException ex)
                            if (code.First.Value != 0)
                                throw ex;
            if (codestr.Length > 0 || idx < indata.Length-1)
                while (idx < indata.Length-1)
                    codestr += uint_to_bits(indata[++idx]);
                codestr = codestr.Replace("0", "");
                if (codestr.Length > 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("too much data; str={0:s}, idx={1:g}/{2:g}", codestr, idx, indata.Length);

            byte[] realout;
            if (dataSize == 4)
                realout = new byte[decomp_size / 2];
                for (int i = 0; i < decomp_size / 2; i++)
                    if ((outdata[i * 2] & 0xF0) > 0
                        || (outdata[i * 2 + 1] & 0xF0) > 0)
                        throw new Exception("first 4 bits of data should be 0 if dataSize = 4");
                    realout[i] = (byte)((outdata[i * 2] << 4) | outdata[i * 2 + 1]);
                realout = outdata;

            #region save
            string ext = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                if (char.IsLetterOrDigit((char)realout[i]))
                    ext += (char)realout[i];
            if (ext.Length == 0)
                ext = "dat";
            ext = "." + ext;
            filename = filename.Replace("\\", "/");
            outflr = outflr.Replace("\\", "/");
            string outfname = filename.Substring(filename.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);
            if (outfname.Contains("."))
                outfname = outfname.Substring(0, outfname.LastIndexOf('.'));

            if (!outflr.EndsWith("/"))
                outflr += "/";
            while (File.Exists(outflr + outfname + ext))
                outfname += "_";

            BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(new FileStream(outflr + outfname + ext, FileMode.CreateNew));


            Console.WriteLine("Huffman decompressed {0:s}", filename);

        static void DecompressLZ40(string filein, string outflr)
            // no NDSTEK-like specification for this one; I seem to not be able to get those right.
             * byte tag; // 0x40
             * byte[3] decompressedSize;
             * the rest is the data;
             * for each chunk:
             *      - first byte determines which blocks are compressed
             *          - block i is compressed iff:
             *              - the i'th MSB is the last 1-bit in the byte
             *              - OR the i'th MSB is a 0-bit, not directly followed by other 0-bits.
             *          - note that there will never be more than one 0-bit before any 1-bit in this byte
             *          (look at the corresponding code, it may clarify this a bit more)
             *      - then come 8 blocks:
             *          - a non-compressed block is simply one single byte
             *          - a compressed block can have 3 sizes:
             *              - A0 CD EF
             *                  -> Length = EF + 0x10, Disp = CDA
             *              - A1 CD EF GH
             *                  -> Length = GHEF + 0x110, Disp = CDA
             *              - AB CD  (B > 1)
             *                  -> Length = B, Disp = CDA
             *              Copy <Length> bytes from Dest-<Disp> to Dest (with <Dest> similar to the NDSTEK specs)

            FileStream fstr = new FileStream(filein, FileMode.Open);
            if (fstr.Length > int.MaxValue)
                throw new Exception("Filer larger than 2GB cannot be LZSS-compressed files.");
            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fstr);

            int decomp_size = 0, curr_size = 0;

            if (br.ReadByte() != LZ40_TAG)
                throw new InvalidDataException(String.Format("File {0:s} is not a valid LZSS-11 file", filein));
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                decomp_size += br.ReadByte() << (i * 8);
            if (decomp_size > MAX_OUTSIZE)
                throw new Exception(String.Format("{0:s} will be larger than 0x{1:x} (0x{2:x}) and will not be decompressed. (1)", filein, MAX_OUTSIZE, decomp_size));
            else if (decomp_size == 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    decomp_size += br.ReadByte() << (i * 8);
            if (decomp_size > MAX_OUTSIZE << 8)
                throw new Exception(String.Format("{0:s} will be larger than 0x{1:x} (0x{2:x}) and will not be decompressed. (2)", filein, MAX_OUTSIZE, decomp_size));

            if (showAlways)
                Console.WriteLine("Decompressing {0:s}. (outsize: 0x{1:x})", filein, decomp_size);

            byte[] outdata = new byte[decomp_size];

            while (curr_size < decomp_size)
                int flag;
                try { flag = br.ReadByte(); }
                catch (EndOfStreamException)
                    Console.WriteLine("Not enough data");
                int flagB = flag;
                bool[] compFlags = new bool[8];
                bool[] fbits = new bool[11];
                fbits[0] = true;
                fbits[9] = false;
                fbits[10] = false;

                // determine which blocks are compressed
                int b = 0;
                while (flag > 0)
                    bool bit = (flag & 0x80) > 0;
                    flag = (flag & 0x7F) << 1;
                    compFlags[b++] = (flag == 0) || !bit;

                Console.WriteLine("Flag: 0x{0:X2}", flagB);
                Console.Write("-> (  ");
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    Console.Write(compFlags[i] ? "1," : "0,");

                for (int i = 0; i < 8 && curr_size < decomp_size; i++)
                    if (compFlags[i])
                        ushort compressed = br.ReadUInt16();
                        // ABCD (or CD AB if read byte-by-byte)
                        // -> D is length
                        // -> ABC is disp
                        int len = compressed & 0x000F;
                        int disp = compressed >> 4;

                        // if D == 0, actual format is:
                        // CD AB EF
                        // -> DEF is length - 0x10
                        // -> ABC is disp

                        // if D == 1, actual format is:
                        // CD AB EF GH
                        // -> GHEF is length - 0x110
                        // -> ABC is disp
                        if (len == 0)
                            len = br.ReadByte() + 0x10;
                        else if (len == 1)
                            len = br.ReadUInt16() + 0x110;

                        if (disp > curr_size)
                            throw new Exception("Cannot go back more than already written "
                                + "(compressed block=0x" + compressed.ToString("X4") + ")\n"
                                + "INPOS = 0x" + (br.BaseStream.Position - 2).ToString("X4"));

                        for (int j = 0; j < len; j++)
                            outdata[curr_size + j] = outdata[curr_size - disp + j];
                        curr_size += len;
                        outdata[curr_size++] = br.ReadByte();

                byte b;
                while ((b = br.ReadByte()) == 0
                    || b == 0x80) { }
                // if we read a non-zero up to the end of the file, print that there is still some data
                // (0x40 compression seems to add 80 00 00 sometimes, so also ignore 0x80-bytes)
                Console.WriteLine("Too much data in file; current INPOS = {0:x}", br.BaseStream.Position - 1);
            catch (EndOfStreamException) { }

            #region save
            string ext = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                if (char.IsLetterOrDigit((char)outdata[i]))
                    ext += (char)outdata[i];
            if (ext.Length == 0)
                ext = "dat";
            ext = "." + ext;
            filein = filein.Replace("\\", "/");
            outflr = outflr.Replace("\\", "/");
            string outfname = filein.Substring(filein.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);
            if (outfname.Contains("."))
                outfname = outfname.Substring(0, outfname.LastIndexOf('.'));

            if (!outflr.EndsWith("/"))
                outflr += "/";
            while (File.Exists(outflr + outfname + ext))
                outfname += "_";/**/

            BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(new FileStream(outflr + outfname + ext, FileMode.Create));


            Console.WriteLine("LZ-0x40-decompressed " + filein);

        static void DecompressLZ77(string filein, string outflr)
            /*  Data header (32bit)
                  Bit 0-3   Reserved
                  Bit 4-7   Compressed type (must be 1 for LZ77)
                  Bit 8-31  Size of decompressed data
                Repeat below. Each Flag Byte followed by eight Blocks.
                Flag data (8bit)
                  Bit 0-7   Type Flags for next 8 Blocks, MSB first
                Block Type 0 - Uncompressed - Copy 1 Byte from Source to Dest
                  Bit 0-7   One data byte to be copied to dest
                Block Type 1 - Compressed - Copy N+3 Bytes from Dest-Disp-1 to Dest
                  Bit 0-3   Disp MSBs
                  Bit 4-7   Number of bytes to copy (minus 3)
                  Bit 8-15  Disp LSBs
            FileStream fstr = new FileStream(filein, FileMode.Open);
            if (fstr.Length > int.MaxValue)
                throw new Exception("Filer larger than 2GB cannot be LZ-0x10-compressed files.");
            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fstr);

            long decomp_size = 0, curr_size = 0;
            int flags, i, j, disp, n;
            bool flag;
            byte b;
            long cdest;

            if (br.ReadByte() != LZ10_TAG)
                throw new InvalidDataException(String.Format("File {0:s} is not a valid LZ-0x10 file", filein));
            for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                decomp_size += br.ReadByte() << (i * 8);
            if (decomp_size > MAX_OUTSIZE)
                throw new Exception(String.Format("{0:s} will be larger than 0x{1:x} (0x{2:x}) and will not be decompressed.", filein, MAX_OUTSIZE, decomp_size));
            else if (decomp_size == 0)
                for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    decomp_size += br.ReadByte() << (i * 8);
            if (decomp_size > MAX_OUTSIZE << 8)
                throw new Exception(String.Format("{0:s} will be larger than 0x{1:x} (0x{2:x}) and will not be decompressed.", filein, MAX_OUTSIZE, decomp_size));

            if (showAlways)
                Console.WriteLine("Decompressing {0:s}. (outsize: 0x{1:x})", filein, decomp_size);

            #region decompress

            byte[] outdata = new byte[decomp_size];

            while (curr_size < decomp_size)
                try { flags = br.ReadByte(); }
                catch (EndOfStreamException) { break; }
                for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    flag = (flags & (0x80 >> i)) > 0;
                    if (flag)
                        disp = 0;
                        try { b = br.ReadByte(); }
                        catch (EndOfStreamException) { throw new Exception("Incomplete data"); }
                        n = b >> 4;
                        disp = (b & 0x0F) << 8;
                        try { disp |= br.ReadByte(); }
                        catch (EndOfStreamException) { throw new Exception("Incomplete data"); }
                        n += 3;
                        cdest = curr_size;
                        //Console.WriteLine("disp: 0x{0:x}", disp);
                        if (disp > curr_size)
                            throw new Exception("Cannot go back more than already written");
                        for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
                            outdata[curr_size++] = outdata[cdest - disp - 1 + j];
                        //curr_size += len;
                        if (curr_size > decomp_size)
                            //throw new Exception(String.Format("File {0:s} is not a valid LZ77 file; actual output size > output size in header", filein));
                            //Console.WriteLine(String.Format("File {0:s} is not a valid LZ77 file; actual output size > output size in header; {1:x} > {2:x}.", filein, curr_size, decomp_size));
                        try { b = br.ReadByte(); }
                        catch (EndOfStreamException) { break;}// throw new Exception("Incomplete data"); }
                        try { outdata[curr_size++] = b; }
                        catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { if (b == 0) break; }
                        if (curr_size > decomp_size)
                            //throw new Exception(String.Format("File {0:s} is not a valid LZ77 file; actual output size > output size in header", filein));
                            //Console.WriteLine(String.Format("File {0:s} is not a valid LZ77 file; actual output size > output size in header; {1:x} > {2:x}", filein, curr_size, decomp_size));


                while (br.ReadByte() == 0) { } // if we read a non-zero, print that there is still some data
                Console.WriteLine("Too many data in file; current INPOS = {0:x}", br.BaseStream.Position - 1);
            catch (EndOfStreamException) { }


            #region save
            string ext = "";
            for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                if (char.IsLetterOrDigit((char)outdata[i]))
                    ext += (char)outdata[i];
            if (ext.Length == 0)
                ext = "dat";
            ext = "." + ext;
            filein = filein.Replace("\\", "/");
            outflr = outflr.Replace("\\", "/");
            string outfname = filein.Substring(filein.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);
            if (outfname.Contains("."))
                outfname = outfname.Substring(0, outfname.LastIndexOf('.'));

            if (!outflr.EndsWith("/"))
                outflr += "/";
            while (File.Exists(outflr + outfname + ext))
                outfname += "_";

            BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(new FileStream(outflr + outfname + ext, FileMode.CreateNew));


            Console.WriteLine("LZ-0x10 Decompressed " + filein);